光伏发电项目安装运维服务合同(中英文对照)光伏发电项目安装运维服务合同(中英文对照)CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION, OPERATION MAINTENANCESERVICES FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PROJECTS目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS第一条项目概况Article 1 Project Overview第二条项目期限Article 2 Project Term第三条项目标准Article 3 Project Standard第四条项目价款Article 4 Project Price第五条付款方式Article 5 Payment Method第六条项目设计Article 6 Project Design第七条设备提供Article 7 Equipment provision第八条安装及验收Article 8 Installation and acceptance inspection第九条运维Article 9 Operation and maintenance第十条质量保障Article 10 Quality Guarantee第十一条双方权利义务Article 11 Rights and obligations of Parties第十二条违约责任Article 12 Liability for breach of contract第十三条知识产权Article 13 Intellectual property rights第十四条其他约定Article 14 Miscellaneous第十五条争议解决Article 15 Dispute settlement第十六条附则Article 16 Supplementary provisions部分章节示例如下:第八条安装及验收Installation and acceptance inspection8-1乙方应做好项目现场的人员配置、项目设备与原材料准备及安装质量、成本、进度、职业健康、安全与环境的管理。8-1 Party B shall effect the personnel staffing, preparation of the project7 s equipment and raw material and the management of installation quality, cost, schedule, occupational health, safety and environment on the project site.8-2在安装过程中,甲方提出变更设计、增减安装项目、保留或变更项 目设备和原材料的,须提前日与乙方协商,由原设计方出具项目变更 单后方可继续进行,由此影响竣工日期的,工期顺延。8-2 Provided that Party A shall, prior to days in the period of the installation process, proposes to change the design, increase or decrease the installation items, retain or change the project equipment and raw materials, make consultation thereof with Party Bz the continuing works thereof should be conducted upon issuance by the original designer of the Change Order for the project, and where the completion date is thus affected, the construction period may be postponed.8-3双方应在隐蔽工程完工后日内进行验收,甲方迟延验收的,工期 顺延。8-3 The parties shall, within days upon completion of the concealed works, effect the acceptance inspection. Where Party A delays the acceptance inspection, the construction period shall be postponed.8-4设备安装完成后日内甲方组织项目参与各方进行验收,并予以书 面确认。如果验收未通过,甲方有权拒收,乙方承担返工及延期交付的 责任。8-4 Party A will, within days upon completion of the installation of the equipment, organize all parties involved in the project to participate the acceptance and effect confirmation in writing. Party A has the right to reject which fail to pass the acceptance and Party B shall assume the responsibility for rework and delayed delivery.8-5乙方应在项目并网前进行运行调试,双方应对调试结果予以确认。8-5 Party B shall carry out operational commissioning before the project is connected to the grid, and the parties shall confirm the commissioning results.8-6双方应于项目并网验收通过后日内办理项目结算,并予以确认。8-6 The parties hereto shall, within days upon acceptance of the project on the grid, make full settlement thereof and confirmation the same.第九条运维Operation and maintenance9-1乙方向甲方提供光伏发电项目运行、监控和维护服务的,具体运行 维护范围和内容、价款和支付方式等详见服务清单(附件2)。9-1 Provided that Party B provides operation, monitoring and maintenance services to Party A for the PV power project, the specific scope and content of operation / maintenance, price and payment method are detailed in the List of Services (Annex 2).第十条质量保障Quality Guarantee10-1自项目并网发电之日起,乙方就项目安装质量提供年质保(不少 于2年),其中:太阳能组件提供一年功率有限质保,逆变器提供一年质 保,其他设备根据制造商的质保期限执行。10-1 Party B will, from the date upon connection of the project to the grid for power generation, provide years warranty (not less than 2 years) on the quality of the project installation, including: years for the power limited warranty to the solar modules, years for warranty for the inverter and other equipment subject to the manufacturers warranty period.