学科英语年级初三班级教师课题上课时间学习 目标名词学习 重点名词单复数学习 难点常考不可数名词教学流程国学:千古第一行书,“兰亭序”,王羲之。名词的数:可数名词有复数形式,不可数名词和专有名词无复数形式名词的复数形式:规则变化;不规则变化;复合名词复数变化;特殊情况1 ,规则变化2 .不规则变化的名词单复数同形Fish fish; sheep sheep; deer deer; bison bison (右为动物 肉 ,贝U为不可数,那么没复数)以“ese“,“sh"Jch”结尾表示民族,国籍的名词:C以nese, Japanese;若不是, 贝I不 同形: German Germans; American Americans;Canadian Canadians; Russian-Russians; Englishman Englishmen变内元音字母变内元音字母oo 变 ee: foot一feet; toothteeth; goosegeeseman 变 men: woman women; fireman firemen; postman postmen其他:mouse一mice词尾加en/renChildchildren; oxoxen3 ,复合名词复数(1)连字符相连名词,变主体词为复数:a passer-by passers-by; a looker-onlookers-ona sister-in-law一sisters-in-law; a son-in-law-sons-in-law; 若无主体词,词末力口 s: a grown-up一grown-ups; a(2)无连字符的复合名词,第二个词后加s: a boy student boy students注意:若第一个词为man或woman,复合词变为复数,词都变为复:A. Alice and Lily's B. Alice's and Lily's C. Alice*s and Lily21. (2010 中考)Something is wrong with my.1 can*t see anything around me.A. nose B. ears C. eyes D. mouth22. (2010 中考)The land in the southwest of China is in great need of.一Yes, it hasn't rained for a long time there.A. milk B. tea C. coffee D. water23. (2010 中考)一How far is your home from school?一It's about two walk.A. hour's B. hours C. hours*24. (2010 中考)一Pm not sure about the meaning of the word.You'd better look it up in a.A. letter B. dictionary C. postcard D. notice25. .(2010 中考)一Whose computer doesn*t work?, I think.A. John has B. John does C. John D. John*s26. (2012 中考预测题)一Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?一I'm afraid we have no but to take a taxi.A. choice B. decision C. reason D. idea27. (2012 中考预测题)一Good morning, madam.Can I help you?一Sure, Pd like, please.A. two cups of coffeesB. two cup of coffeesC. two cups of coffeeD. two cup of coffee28. (2012 中考预测题)一Do you know the young lady over there?一Yes.She's mother.A. Lily and LucyB. Lily's and Lucy'sC. Lily's and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy*s29. (2012 中考预测题)After walking for more than half an hour, we decided to takerest.A. a few minute'sB. a few minutes*C. a little minute's D. a little minutes*30. (2012 中测题)-Where are the?一They are playingbasketball on the playground.A. man teachers; the B. men teachers; theC. man teachers; / D. men teachers; /31. (2012 中考预测题)Betty has a silk.She can sing very well.A. voice B. look C. sound D. noise32. (2012 中考预测题)一Oh, there isn't enoughfor us on the bus.No hurry.Let's wait for the next one.A. floor B. ground C. room D. place33. (2012 中考预测题)1 saw manyeating grasson the hill.A. horse B. cow C. deers D. sheep答案B. 1-5 CDBDD 6-10 ACDCD 11-15 BDCCD 16-20 CCCBA 21-25 DBCAB26-30 DBDBA 31-35 ABBBB 36-37 CDC. 1-5 ADCBA 6-10 BCACC 11-15 CBBBC 16-20 DDCDB 21-30 ACDBD31-33 ACD总 结 归 纳课 后 回 顾小数除法教材简介:本单元的主要内容有:小数除以整数、一个数除以小数、商的近似值、循环小数、用计 算器探索规律、解决问题。教学目标、 使学生掌握小数除法的计算方法。2、使学生会用“四舍五入”法,结合实际情况用“进一”法和“去尾”法取商的近似数,初 步认识循环小数、有限小数和无限小数。3、使学生能借助计算器探索计算规律,能应用探索出的规律进行小数乘除法的计算。4、使学生体会解决有关小数除法的简单实际问题,体会小数除法的应用价值。教学建议:1 .抓住新旧知识的连接点,为小数除法的学习架设认知桥梁。1 .联系数的含义进行算理指导,帮助学生掌握小数除法的计算方法。课时安排:本 单 元 可 安 排 11 课 时 进 行 教 学。第一课时小数除以整数 (一)商大于1 教学内容:P16例1、做一做,P19练习三第1、 2题。 教学目的:1、掌握比较容易的除数是整数的小数除法的计算方法,会用这种方法计算相应的小数除法。 2、培养学生的类推能力、发散思维能力、分析能力和抽象概括能力。 3、体验所学知识与现实生活的联系,能应用所学知识解决生活中的简单问题,从中获得价值 体验。教学重点:理解并掌握小数除以整数的计算方法。 教学难点:理解商的小数点要与被除数的小数点对齐的道理。 教学过程:一、 复习准备:计算下面各题并说一说整数除法的计算方法.224 + 4=416 + 32=1380H-15=导入新课:情景图引入新课:同学们你们喜欢锻炼吗?经常锻炼对我们的身体有益,请看王鹏就坚持每 天晨跑,请你根据图上信息提出一个数学问题?出示例1:王鹏坚持晨练。他计划4周跑步22. 4千米,平均每周应跑多少千米?教师:求平均每周均每周应跑多少千米22.44-4 )观察这道算式和前面学习板 书 课 题: “小有什么不同?,教师:想一想,被除数是小数该怎么除呢?小组讨论。(1 )生:22.4 千米=22400 米22400 + 4=5600 米教师:想一想,被除数是小数该怎么除呢?小组讨论。(1 )生:22.4 千米=22400 米22400 + 4=5600 米分组交流讨论情况:5600米=56千米2) 还 可 以 列 竖 式 计 算教师:请同学们试着用竖式计算。计算完后,交流自己计算的方法。教师:请学生将自己计算的竖式在视频展示台上展示出来,具体说说你是怎样算的?追问:24表示什么?商的小数点位置与被除数小数点的位置有什么关系?引导学生理解后回答“因为在除法算式里,除到被除数的哪一位,商就写在哪一位上面,也就是说,被除数和商的相同数位是对齐了的,只有把小数点对齐了,相同数位才对齐了,所以商的小数点要对着被除数的小数点对齐”.问:和前面准备题中的224除以4相比,224除以4和它有哪些相同的地方?有哪些不同的地方?怎样计算小数除以整数?(按整数除法的方法除,计算时商的小数点要和被除数的小占八、教师:同学们赞同这种说法吗?教师:同学们赞同这种说法吗?(赞同)老师也赞同他的分析.教师:大家会用这种方法计算吗?(会)请同学们用这种方法算一算.四、巩完成“做一做 ”五、 课 堂 作 业: 练固25.2 6习 三 的 第习34. 5 + 152 题后反学生们在前一天学生们在前一天后共提出四个问题:1,被除数是小数除法怎样计算?(熊2,为什么在计算时先要扩大,2,为什么在计算时先要扩大,最后又要将结果缩小?(郑扬)3,小数除以整数怎4,为什么小数点特别是第4个问题很有深度,样确定小数点的位置?(梅家顺) 要 打在被 除数小 数点的 上面? 有研究的价值. 在这四个问题的带动下,学生们一直精神饱满地投入到学习的全过程,教学效果相当好.第 二 课 时小 数 除 以 整 数 (二)商小于 1 教学内容:P17例2、例3、做一做,P18例4、做一做,P1920练习三第311题。 教学目的:1、使学生学会除数是整数的小数除法的计算方法,进一步理解除数是整数的小数除法的意义。 2、使学生知道被除数比除数小时,不够商1,要先在商的个位上写0占位;理解被除数末位 有余数时,可以在余数后面添 0 继续除。 3、理解除数是整数的小数除法的计算法则跟整数除法之间的关系,促进学习的迁移。 教学重点:能正确计算除数是整数的小数除法。 教学难点:正确掌握小数除以整数商小于1时,计算中比较特殊的两种情况。 教学过程:一、复习:教 师 出 示 复 习 题:(1)22.4+4(2)21.454-15教师先提问:“除数是整数的小数除法,计算时应注意什么? ”然后让学生独立完成。 二、新课1教学例2上节课我们知道王鹏平均每周跑5.6千米,那他每天跑多少千米呢?这道题该如何列式?问:你为什么要除以 7, 题目里并没有出现7? 原来7这个条件隐藏在题目中,我们要仔细读题才能发现. 尝试用例1的方法进行计算,在计算的过程中遇到了什么问题?(被除数的整数部分比除数小)问:“被除数的整数部分比除数小,不够商1,那商几呢?为什么要商0?(在被除数个位的上 面,也就是商的个位上写 “0” ,用 0 来占位。) 强 调 : 点 上 小 数 点 后 接 着 算. 请同学们试着做一做。2. 4/37. 2/9学生做完后,教师问:在什么情况下,小数除法中商的最高位是0 ? 2、教学例3:先让学生根据题意列出算式,再让学生用竖式计算。当学生计算到12除6时,教师提问:接 下 来 怎 么 除? 请 同 学 们 想 一 想。 引导学生说出:12除6可以根据小数末尾添上0以后小数大小不变的性质,在6的右面添上 0 看 成 60 个 十 分 之 一 再 除。 请 同 学 们 自 己 动 笔 试 试 。 在计算中遇到被除数的末尾仍有余数时该怎么办?在余数后面添 0 继续除的依据是什么? 3、 做 教 科 书 第 17 页 的 做一做。4、教学例4:想一想,前面几例小数除以整数是怎样计算的?在计算过程中应注意什么?整 数部分不够商 1 怎么办?如果有余数怎么办? 引导学生总结小数除以整数的计算方法。(1)小数除以整数按照整数除法的方法去除,(2) 商的小数点要和被除数的小数点对齐,(3)整数部分不够除,商0,点上小数点再除;(4)如果有 余 数,要 添 0 再 除。师:怎样验算上面的小数除法呢?(用乘法验算)自己试一试。 5、P18做一做。二、 课堂小结:1 、 说说除数是整数的小数除法的计算法则。2 、 被除数比除数小时,计算要注意什么? 四、课堂作业:P19 第4 题,P20 第 8 、11 题。五、作业:P19 第3、 5、6 题,P20 第 7、 9、10 题。课后小记:本课新增知识点多,难度较大,特别是例3应引导学生去思考其计算依据。课堂中张子 钊同学问到“为什么以往除法有余数时都是写商几余几,可今天却要在小数点后面添0继续 除呢? ”这反映出新知与学生原有知识产生了认知冲突,在此应帮助学生了解到知识的学习 是分阶段的,逐步深入的。以往无法解决的问题在经过若干年后就可以通过新的方法、手段、 途径来解决,从而引导其构建正确的知识体系。学生归纳综合能力的培养在高年段显得尤为重要。虽然教材中并没有规范的计算法则, 但作为教师有必要让学生经历将计算方法归纳概括并通过语言表述出来的过程,所以引导学 生小结小数除法的计算法则,然后再由教师总结出规范简洁的法则是必不可少的教学环节。作 业 应 注 意 以 下 几 方 面 错 误:1、整数除以整数,商是小数的计算题,学生容易遗忘商的小数点。2、商中间有零的除法掌握情况不太好,需要及时弥补。对于极个别计算确有困难的同 学建议用低段带方格的作业本打草稿,这样便于他们检查是否除到哪一位就将商写在那一位 的上面。a man worker一men workers; a woman teacher一women teachers4 .特殊情况:(1) 有些名词只 有复数形式:clothes, shorts, pants, scissors,goods, glasses,trousers(2)有些词末有s,并非是复数:news, maths, physics, politics (学科名词)(3) 一词有多义,单复义不同:不可数可数不可数可数chickenchickensorangeorangespaperpapersworkworksroomroomstimetimes名词所有格:s所有格;of所有格形式;双重所有格形式's所有格1 .不以s结尾的单复数名词在词尾加The boy* book; the children teacher2 .以s结尾的单复数名词在词尾直接加,an actress* letter; my parents* hope用法:1 .表示有生命的人或物的所有格:Lucyfs book; the boyfs football.表示时间,距离,国家,城镇,价值等无生命的名词所有格an hour's ride; the school's history; Qingdao's Park; three miles' distance注意:an hour's ride = an-hour ride; three miles* distance = three-mile distance3 .特殊用法:(1)表示几个人共有的,只在最后一个名词后加k或,如果是表示分别拥有, 则分别加所有格形式Jim and Kate's room吉姆和凯特的房间(共有);Jane's and Tom's book简和汤姆的 书(不是共同拥有的)of所有格(无生命的东西):构成:定冠词或物主代词+名词+of+名词the name of the zoo双重所有格:of+'s或者of+名词性物主代词 a friend of mine; a book of my daughter's表示某人的家或者某人的店铺my uncle,s=my uncle's home名词量化不可数名词量的表达:结构:数量词+量词+of+不可数名词(量词随数量词的变化而变化)Two cups of tea; two bottles of water; a bowl of rice; a piece of paper; a piece of bread成双成对的含义的名词,比如glasses, shoes等,量的表达:数词+量词+of+可数名词复数 a pair of shoes; two pairs of glasses常考的不可数名词:advice, fun, information, work, news, progress, traffic, trouble, weather, homework, housework,furniture, fruit, value, wealth, harm, paper名词词义辨析1. family, home, housework, job2. question, problemvoice, noise, sound3. message, news, informationplace, roomA.河南中考题组You may go to Malan for a free trip.It's a very kind,but I really can't accept it.A.excuseB.offerC.promiseD.decisionHe was born in Italy,but he has made China his.A.familyB.addressC.houseD.homeJennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of.A.knowledge B .energy C.change D.couragehave some problems with my English writing.Can you give me some?A.advice B.decisions Conformation D.messages5. It was very hard for me to make a,but I decides to leave my job.A.suggestion B.decision C.plan D.speechB.2014中考题组1 .【2014 丽水】一Betty, pass me the.I'll cut the cake.一OK, Mom. Here you are.A. sugarB. scarfC. knifeD. note.【2014 绍兴】Our school uniforms are out of. We think young people look smart.A. luckB. sightC. reachD. fashion. 2014 台州】一The picnic is only in three days. Have you made any?Not yet. .So let's discuss what to prepare.A. wishesB. plansC. mistakesD. friends4.12014 泰安】一I hear you have to get up early every morning.一Right. It*s one of the of my family.A. plansB. jobsC. programs D. rules2014 德州Yesterday, my father bought me a new mobile phones as a present, but I don't know how to use it.一Why not read the first before usi ng it?A. expressions B. applications C. advertisements D. instructions2014 荷泽】My teacher gave me much on how to study English well when I had sometrouble.A. adviceB. questionC. suggestion D. problem2014 聊城】一Excuse me, is the museum far from here?-No, ifs about.A. 5 minutes walkB. 5 minute walkC. 5 minutes9 walkD. 5 minute's walk5. 2014 重庆市 A 一Lily, could you please pass me the? I want to cut the apple.一Sure, here you are.A. penB. pencilC. bookD. knife【2014黄冈】一What bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large?一A large bowl of beef noodles, please.A. colorB. priceC. sizeD. kind2014 连云港】一Nobody knows which team will win the2014 World Cup in Brazil.Yes. That is the of the beautiful game.A. questionB. luckC, hopeD, magic11.【2014 长沙】一Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?No, it's my. He left it there just now.A. brotherB. brother'sC. brothers9【2014 7可匕】I want a sweet milk. Put some in my cup, please.A. iceB. soupC. saltD. sugar12014 达州一After P.E., I often feel very thirsty.一Why not buy some to drink?A. breadB. noodlesC. apple juice D. teas2014 扬州一What a good you've given me! Thanks a lot.一My pleasure.A. information B. newsC. suggestion D. advice12014 鄂州It's convenient to travel from Ezhou to Wuhan by taking the newly-built green railway.一Yes. Ifs said that is enough.A. fifteen minutes driveB. fifteen-minutes driveC. fifteen minute's driveD. fifteen minutes' drive12. 12014 鄂州Do you come to South Korea for the _ of seeing your family or doing business?一I come here on business.A. interestB. benefitC. purposeD. thought2014 黔西南州】the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are teachers.A. A number of; women B. A number of; woman C. The number of; women D. The number of; woman【2014 黔西南州】Could you please get me some? Tm hungry.A. appleB. waterC. breadD. egg13. 【2014 河南】一You may go to Milan for a free trip.一It's a very kind, but I really can't accept it.A. excuse B. offerC. promiseD. decision2014 安徽】一More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan.一That's true. It has become the of Anhui.A. prideB. effortC. praiseD. courage14. 2014 重庆市 B Whafs your favorite, Bob?一Cats. They're so lovely.A. plantB. jobC. sportD. animal2014 杭州I am tried. This is not the right to ask me to go for a walk.A. momentB. chanceC. placeD. season【2014 宜宾】In this test, we9re asked to write a passage, of about.A. 80-wordsB. 80-wordC. 80 wordsD. 80 words'2014 呼和浩特】一How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha?一It is a flight from Tianjin to Changsha.A. 2-hour-long B. 2-hours-long C. 2 hours9 long D. 2 hour long12014 呼和浩特】When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a.A. notice B. message C. sentence D. information【2014 东营】一When is Day?-It's on. June 1st, Dave.A. Child B. Children C. Child's D. Children'sWhat . will global warming(全球变暖)bring us? Scientists have given us a clear list.A. newsB. dangersC. coursesD. advantages15. 12014 苏州The park is far away from here indeed ifs about walkA. Three hour B. a three hour's C. a three-hours D. a three-hour16. 2014 天津】If you work harder, you'll have another to play the violin at a concert.A. sleepB. chanceC. mistakeD. problem12014 广州Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and.A. some rice B. a few rice C. a little rices D. a rice2014 陕西】一Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncle's child?Yes, it's my .A. cousinB. sisterC. brother . D. daughter2014 甘肃白银】The boy didn't sleep well last night because of the from the factory.A. voiceB. noiseC. musicD. song【2014 宁波】一Mum, I want to buy an iPhone 5s for a change.一Well, I think there is no It's almost the same as an iPhone 4s.A. reasonB. needC. answerD. was2014 甘肃白银】Mr. Black is a teacher of. She and her classmates like him very much.A. my sister B. my sister's C. my sisters D. my sisters92014 湖州一Look at the clouds, so beautiful!Wow, so many different, horses, sheep, flowers.A. sizesB. shapesC. colorsD. styles2014 温州There are some in Dayton Art Museum. For example, no food or drink is allowedinside.A. jobsB. recordsC. rulesD. paintings2014 嘉兴】It is an English to have afternoon tea.C.全国中考题组(2011 il l 西)Read the carefully.They will help you know how to use the popper.A. InstructionsB. decisions C. results(2011 河北)Cici enjoys dancing.Its one of her.A. prize B. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies(2011 天津)For my homework I have to write a(n)about the wonders of the world.A. musicB. picture C. composition D. exam(2011 哈尔滨)Boys and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become in the exam.So please takea deep breath and calm down.A. runners B. winners C. players(2011 安徽)一I have great in learning math and Fm so worried.Could you help me?一Sure.Fd be glad to.A. troubleB. interest C. joyD. fun(2011 南京)Mrs Black, could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter?With pleasure.Remember that the letter should be written in the formal.A. value B. style C. effect D. mood(2011 重庆)Could you please get me some? Pm hungry.A. apple B. water C. bread D. egg(2011 武汉)Pm going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fruit.一OK.Thanks for your.A. offer B. information C. message D. order. (2011上海)These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the immediately.A. amusement B. development C. environment D. government(2011 黄冈)-Mrs.Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.She said she would never forget some pleasant while working there.A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. emotions(2011 宁波)一Excuse me, where can I exchange?一There*s a bank on the second floor.A. books B. food C. money D. stamps(2011 扬州)一I'm sorry I went out for a smoke.I was very tired.一There's no for this while you are at work.A. cause B. excuse C. matter D. choice(2011 陕西)John wants to be a, so he often helps sick people in the hospital.A. reporter B. doctor C. scientist D. cook.(2011 内江)一I have trouble learning math this