跨文化商务沟通(1)Learning ObjectivesDistinguish linear and nonlinear language,Distinguish linear and nonlinear language,deductive and inductive patternsdeductive and inductive patternsMake cross-cultural comparisons of Make cross-cultural comparisons of different pragmatic rules used in various different pragmatic rules used in various speech acts and verbal stylesspeech acts and verbal stylesMeans of Human Communicationn nVerbal communicationUsing words that have mutually Using words that have mutually understood meanings and a set of rulesunderstood meanings and a set of rulesn nNonverbal communicationEdward T.Hall refers to it as the“silent Edward T.Hall refers to it as the“silent language”language”The Relationship Between Language and Culture1.The influence of culture on language2.The influence of language on cultureThe Influence of Culture on Language1.Language as a reflection of the environmentLanguage reflects the environment in Language reflects the environment in which we live.We label things that are which we live.We label things that are around us.(examples)around us.(examples)The environment influences the The environment influences the development of technology,products,and development of technology,products,and the appropriate vocabulary.(examples)the appropriate vocabulary.(examples)The Influence of Culture on Language2.Language as reflection of valuesLanguage reflects cultural values.Language reflects cultural values.Language is a mirror of culture,because Language is a mirror of culture,because language reflects human relationships,language reflects human relationships,reflects the way the society operates.reflects the way the society operates.Example:Chinese kinship terms reflect Example:Chinese kinship terms reflect the importance of our family system.the importance of our family system.Linguistic DeterminismLinguistic RelativitySapir-Whorf Hypothesisn nLanguage not only serves as a mechanism for communication,but a guide to social reality.n nReality for a culture is discoverable in its languageLinguistic Determinismn nLanguage structure controls thought and cultural normsn nThe world as each of us knows it is to a large extent predetermined by the language of our culturen nThe differences between languages represent basic differences in the worldview of diverse cultures.Linguistic Relativityn nLinguistic characteristics and cultural norms influence each other.n nCulture is controlled by and controls language.n nLanguage provides the conceptual categories that influence how its speakers perception are encoded and stored.Cultural Impact onVerbal Communicationn nAt lexical leveln nAt discourse leveln nAt pragmatic level1.At lexical levelDenotational meaningConnotational meaningMeanings of Wordsn nDenotational meaningDenotational meaning It refers to a definitional meaning depending It refers to a definitional meaning depending upon our choice of word selection.upon our choice of word selection.Denotation means a dictionary definition.Denotation means a dictionary definition.n nConnotational meaningConnotational meaning It refers to extended meanings or associated It refers to extended meanings or associated meanings.meanings.Connotational meanings have developed over Connotational meanings have developed over time through use by people and especially by time through use by people and especially by poets and writers.poets and writers.Comparison between English and Chinese n nSome words have the same denotational Some words have the same denotational and conntational meanings.and conntational meanings.n nThere are also many words with the same There are also many words with the same denotational meanings but different denotational meanings but different connotational meanings.connotational meanings.n nBoth denotational and connotatinal Both denotational and connotatinal meanings are different in many other words.meanings are different in many other words.Examples n nDove:peaceDove:peacen nFox:cunningFox:cunningn nOwl:wisdomOwl:wisdomn nBat:an evil animalBat:an evil animaln nCricket:a happy insectCricket:a happy insectn nDragon:fiercenessDragon:fiercenessn n鸽子:和平鸽鸽子:和平鸽n n狐狸:像狐狸一样狡猾狐狸:像狐狸一样狡猾n n猫头鹰:坏运气猫头鹰:坏运气n n蝙蝠:福,幸福,洪福蝙蝠:福,幸福,洪福n n蟋蟀:哀愁蟋蟀:哀愁n n龙:龙袍,龙的传人龙:龙袍,龙的传人(Chinese Dragon)(Chinese Dragon)Culture Culture Red Red Yellow Yellow Green Green Blue Blue Europe and Europe and North North AmericaAmericaDanger Danger CautionCautionCowardiceCowardiceSafetySafetyGrowth and Growth and rebirthrebirthMasculinityMasculinitySweetnessSweetnesscalmcalmJapan Japan Anger Anger Danger Danger GraceGraceNobilityNobilityChildish Childish gaietygaietyFuture Future Youth Youth Energy Energy villainyvillainyChina China Joy Joy Celebration Celebration Power Power Honor Honor Royalty Royalty No special No special associationassociationNo special No special associationassociationArabic Arabic countriescountriesNo special No special associationassociationHappinessHappinessprosperityprosperityFertilityFertilityvirtuevirtueStrengthStrengthFaithFaithTruth Truth Business Implicationsn nInternational businesspersons may encounter problems with such connotational meanings of colors.n nInternational marketers need to know what associations certain culture has in terms of colors and how they might affect product design,packaging,and advertising messages.2.At discourse leveln nLinear and nonlinear languagen nDeductive an inductive patternsLinear VS.Nonlinear Languagen nLinearLinear has a beginning has a beginning and an endand an end Logical and Logical and objectiveobjectiven nNonlinear Nonlinear CircularCircular Tradition-orientatedTradition-orientated Subjective Subjective Styles of Paragraph Developmentn n直线型(英语)n n平行对仗型(闪族语)n n螺旋型(东方语言)n n迂回转折型(拉丁语系)n n更自由的迂回转折型(俄语)Deductive VS.Inductive thought patternsn nDeductiveDeductive From the general to From the general to the specificthe specific Western Western n nInductive Inductive From the specific to From the specific to the generalthe general Eastern Eastern Example 1 n nBecause of most of our production is done Because of most of our production is done in China now,and its not really certain how in China now,and its not really certain how the government will react in the run-up to the government will react in the run-up to 1999,and since I think a certain amount of 1999,and since I think a certain amount of caution in committing to TV advertisement caution in committing to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense.So,I is necessary because of the expense.So,I suggest that we delay making our decision suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.until after Legco makes its decision.Example 2n nI suggest that we delay making our decision I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.Thats until after Legco makes its decision.Thats because I think a certain amount of caution because I think a certain amount of caution in committing to TV advertisement is in committing to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense.In necessary because of the expense.In addition to that,most of our production is addition to that,most of our production is done in China now,and its not really certain done in China now,and its not really certain how the government will react in the run-up how the government will react in the run-up to 1999.to 1999.Deductive vs.Inductiven nX X Comment,main Comment,main point,or action point,or action suggestedsuggestedn nBecause ofBecause ofn nY Y Topic,background,Topic,background,or reasonor reasonn nBecause of Because of n nY Y topic,background,topic,background,or reason or reason n nX X comment,main comment,main point,or action point,or action suggested suggested 3.At pragmatic levelPragmatics definedn npragmatics is defined as“language in use”(Thomas)Pragmatic transfer definedn nThe use of rules of speaking from ones own native speech community when interacting with members of the host speech community or simply when speaking in a second language is known as sociolinguistic or pragmatic transfer.pragmalinguistic failuresociolinguistic failurePragmalinguistic Failure Definedn nPragmalinguistic failure occurs when the pragmatic force mapped by speaker onto a given utterance is systematically different from the force most frequently assigned to it by native speaker of the target language,or when speech act strategies are inappropriately transferred from the first language to the second language.Examples n n“岂有此理”as a compliment responsen n“sorry,sorry”for“I am very sorry”Sociolinguistic Failure Definen nSociolinguistic failure stems from cross-culturally different perceptions of what constitutes appropriate linguistic behavior.Examples n n白象牌电池白象牌电池n n芳芳牌唇膏芳芳牌唇膏n n大宝大宝SODSOD蜜蜜n n金鸡牌鞋油金鸡牌鞋油n n龙牌卷闸龙牌卷闸n nWhite ElephantWhite Elephantn nFang FangFang Fangn nDabao SODDabao SODn nGolden CockGolden Cockn nDragon Dragon Analysis of Speech Actn nAddressn nGreeting and leaving-takingn nOffer and thanksn nInvitation and responsen nApologiesn nCompliment and responsecountrycountryAppropriate Appropriate topicstopicsTopics to avoidTopics to avoidAustralia Australia Professions,cars,Professions,cars,skiing,musicskiing,musicMoney,religion,Money,religion,divorcedivorceGermany Germany Travel abroad,Travel abroad,international politics,international politics,hobbieshobbiesWorld War Two,World War Two,questions about questions about personal lifepersonal lifeGreat BritainGreat BritainHistory,architecture,History,architecture,gardeninggardeningPolitics,money/pricePolitics,money/priceFrance France Music,books,Music,books,sports,the theatresports,the theatrePrice of items,Price of items,persons work,persons work,income,ageincome,ageMexico Mexico Family,social Family,social concernsconcernsPolitics,debt,Politics,debt,inflation problems,inflation problems,border violationsborder violationsJapanJapanHistory,culture,artHistory,culture,artWorld War TwoWorld War TwoVerbal Stylen nAmerican verbal stylen nJapanese verbal stylen nChinese verbal styleAmerican Verbal Stylen nDirect n nHonestn nPing-pang or tennis game styleJapanese Verbal Stylen nTaking turnsn nWaiting politelyn nBowling styleChinese Verbal Stylen nImplicit communication(含蓄)n nListening centeredness(听话)n nPoliteness(客气)n nA focus on insiders(自己人)n nFace-directed communication strategies(面子)Chinese VS.North American Verbal Stylen nWhat is not said vs.what is saidWhat is not said vs.what is saidn nThe use of we vs.I The use of we vs.I n nPolite vs.impolite talkPolite vs.impolite talkn nIndirect vs.direct talkIndirect vs.direct talkn nHesitant vs.assertive speechHesitant vs.assertive speechn nself-effacing vs.self-enhancing talkself-effacing vs.self-enhancing talkn nPrivate vs.public personal questionsPrivate vs.public personal questionsn nReticent vs.expressive speechReticent vs.expressive speechHomework 1.Can you evaluate thought patterns and their relationship to intercultural communication?2.Whats a Chinese discourse pattern like and how does it differ from the English one?Thank You See You Next Time此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢