Icepak Icepak Basic TrainingBasic Training Training schedule Day 1Morning session8:309:0010:0010:1511:1512:00IntroductionInterface and Demonstration ExerciseBreakTutorial SessionModel Building:GeometryLunchAfternoon session1:001:302:152:303:154:155:30Tutorial SessionModel Building:Icepak Objects “No flow”objectsBreakModel Building:Icepak Objects “Flow”objectsTutorial SessionMeshingEnd Day 1 Training schedule Day 2Morning session8:309:3010:0010:1511:1512:00Model Building:Icepak Objects compound objects 1Non-conformal meshingBreakTutorial SessionModel Building:Icepak Objects Heat sinks,PackagesLunchAfternoon session1:001:302:152:303:454:455:30Tutorial SessionSolverBreakHeat Transfer PhysicsTutorial SessionPost ProcessingEnd Day 2 Training schedule Day 3Morning session8:309:3010:0010:1511:1512:00Profiles and Zoomin ModelingTutorial SessionBreakTutorial SessionMacrosLunchAfternoon session1:002:152:305:30CAD import featuresBreakTutorial SessionEnd Day 3Overview 1.Overview1.OverviewATESSFIAavid-TaiwanFluent IndiaCFD-RESFluent Europe-Sheffield,EnglandFluent GermanyFluent SwedenFluent FranceFluent Italy+network of11 distributorsFluent Inc.-Lebanon,NH-Evanston,IL-Ann Arbor,MI-Morgantown,WV-Santa Clara,CAFluent Asia-Pacific Fluent Inc.mission is to provide flow and thermal analysis software and services that give our customers a significant competitive advantage by dramatically improving their designs and design processesFluent Inc.WoldwideFLUENT 6General purpose finite volume based CFD package suitable for incompressible/compressible and laminar/turbulent flows,including reacting flows and multiphase flowsFIDAPGeneral purpose finite element based CFD package suitable for incompressible laminar/turbulent flows involving Newtonian/Non-Newtonian fluids,free surfaces and fluid-structure interactionPOLYFLOWFinite element based CFD package suitable for modeling highly viscous flows(as in rheology)and surface flowsMixSimSpecialized CFD software for modeling mixing processesIcepakSpecialized CFD software designed for thermal management of electronic packagesAirpakSpecialized CFD software designed for thermal management of electronic packagesCFD softwares from Fluent Inc.hIcepak is an object-based modeling softwarehIt allows you to build your model from:8primitive objects such as blocks,plates,fans,vents,resistances,etc.,or8Macros such as IC packages,PCBs,radial heat sinks,detailed fan trays,etc.Icepak:Object-based SoftwareSteady/transient problemsLaminar/turbulent flowsForced/natural/mixed convectionMulti-fluid problemsInternal/external flowsConjugate heat transferRadiation heat transferFixed/moving/symmetry B.C.sTemperature dependent propertiesIcepaks capabilitiesIcepaks capabilitiesPowerful grid generator capable ofUnstructured conformal meshStructured meshNon-conformal unstructured mesh Mixed units User defined library of assemblies File imports from MCAD and ECAD packages Direct ProE-Icepak interface Advanced post-processing and reportingSolution features such asParameterizationParallel processingGrid-to-grid interpolationZoom-in-modelingGETTING STARTED Topics How to start Icepak Icepak Graphic User Interface(GUI)Starting a new project Opening an existing project Icepak file structure job,model&problem files List of Icepak menusStarting IcepakWindows:Use the“Icepak4.0”desktop shortcut,or Click on Start/Programs/Fluent.Inc/Icepak4.0UNIX:Type icepak from system promptNew Icepak session Icepak starts Project selection window opens by defaultPrompts user to start:-Existing Icepak project or-New Icepak project or-Quit Icepak-Unpack an Icepak job from a compressed*.tzr fileOpening a new projectSelecting New in the New/Existing window opens the New project window1b.Select Cancel to go back to New/Existing window1a.Select directory2.Enter project name3.Create projectOpening an existing projectSelecting Existing in the New/Existing window opens the Open project window2.OpenIcepak projects carry Icepak logoTitle/notes specific to selected project1.Select projectEvery Icepak project is a Directory containing project filesProject name=Directory nameFiles are related to:Problem setup-JOB,MODEL&PROBLEM filesGridSolutionPost-processing/Reporting Job,Model and Problem files are needed to be able to fully reproduce the projectIcepak file structureUnpacking/Packing a projectSelecting Unpack in the New/Existing window opens the File selection windowLook for*.tzr fileIcepak project directory can be compressed to*.tzr formatOnly the job,model and problem files will get compressedTo compress go to FilePackTo uncompress the compressed project go to FileUnpackList of Icepak menusThe Icepak interface contains the following menus:File Open new/existing projects,delete files,CAD imports,pack/unpack projects,save/save asEdit Edit current object/group,alignment,undo/redoView Visibility of objects,geometric measurementsOrient Orientation,zoom-in,user defined viewsModel Grid generation,CAD import,Radiation,PrioritiesTree Control over a model treeMacros Add new macro to the model from the macro librarySolve Solve,solution monitor,define trials,define reportsPost Graphic results,unit definitions for post processingReport Textual resultsWindows List of windows that are openHelpIcepak Interface 2.Icepak Interface2.Icepak InterfaceTopics Icepak graphic user interface Introduction to Icepak objects Model toolbar Shortcuts toolbar Model tree Mouse functions Model orientationInteractive editing toolsIcepak GUI mapGRAPHIC DISPLAY AREAPROJECT LABELMODEL TREEMESSAGESOBJECT GEOMETRYMain MenuShortcuts ToolbarMODELTOOLBARIcepak GUIgraphic display areamodeltreemessagesobject geometrymain menushortcuts toolbarmodeltoolbarproject labelglobal coordinate axesIcepak GUI:Definitions8Project label:Name and solution version of the project loaded into Icepak8Main menu:All Icepak functions can be accessed with pull down menus8Model toolbar:Icons to-create objects,edit objects,alignment features8Shortcuts toolbar:Icons for commonly used functions8Graphic display area(GDA):Image of the model is displayed8Messages window:Icepak“talks”to the user here through text messages,examples-current state of Icepak,mesh quality,some post process reports8Current object geometry(COG):Geometric information of selected object8Model tree:List of all objects that constitute the project model,libraries,settings for problem,solver and general options8Global coordinate axes(Axes):Shows the orientation of the model in GDANOTE:Place the mouse on an icon for a bubble message description of the iconIntroduction to Icepak objectsIcepak Objects are entities used to build your modelExamples of objects in a model.The Object Types are shown in bold.Package Type:PBGAHeat Sink Type:Pin-fin heat sink Grill TypeFan Type:Intake fan with characteristic curveCabinet:CFD domainBlock Type:Solid Hexagonal blockPlate Type:Inclined polygonal plateModel toolbar:Create objects Icepak has two Object Types:Simple and Composite Every Type has a unique icon in the upper half of Model ToolbarIcepak object type iconsassembliesnetworksheat exch.wiresopeningsgrillesourcesPCBsenclosuresplateswallsblocksfansvol.res.heat sinkspackagesmaterials To create a new object,click the corresponding object type iconModel toolbar:Edit and align functions Bottom half of Model Toolbar contains editing and aligning iconsIcepak edit&align icons To create a new object,click the corresponding object type iconAlign facesAlign edgesAlign verticesAlign object centersAlign face centersMatch facesMatch edgesOpen Edit Form for selected object Delete selected objectMove/Scale/Rotate/MirrorMake copies of selected objectAlignment iconsEditing iconsShortcuts ToolbarNew projectOpen existing projectSavePrintCreate image fileFile icons.UndoRedoObject facePlane cutIsoSurfPointSurface probeVariation plotHistory plotTrials plotTransient settingsSolution IDSummary ReportPost processing iconsFlip viewOrientation icons Orient HomeZoominScale to fit1 port view4 port viewobject namespos X viewpos Y viewneg Z viewIsometricOpen mesh windowRadiation view factorsCheck modelSolver windowSolver icons.Model Tree:IntroductionThe top section of the model tree contains configuration parameters Problem definition Solver settings Options graphics,units,etc.The bottom section contains Trash bin The inactive bin The physical model branch containing all objects that make up the modelThe mid-section contains Default and user defined libraries Access to groups collection of objects put together as a unit Postprocessed graphic objects Solution monitor pointsThe bottom section is described in the following pages.The other sections are covered later in more detailModel Tree:Physical model branchIf the Model branch is closed,only the cabinet(CFD domain)is visibletoggle for opening or closing a branchIf the Model branch is open but no object is selected,all objects are visible in greyModel Tree:Physical model branch If any object is selected(blue highlight),all objects are visible in default(or specified)colors.The selected object is drawn in bold lines.An assembly type object,like the“Power-Supply”in this example,is a collection of objects combined into a single compound objectAssembly sub-branches are expandable like the Model branchWhen an assemblys component is selected,the assembly is visible in default object colors but the rest of the model is shown in grayCurrent object blue highlight in tree;bold in displayModel Tree:Inactive&trash branches From the tree,select one object with the mouse or multiple objects using Ctrl key+mouse Drag the objects to the Inactive branch or the Trash branch Objects put into the Inactive branch are removed from the model but shelved into the Inactive branch;drag back into the Model branch to make the object active again Empty Trash to permanently delete model objects;post objects are deleted when dragges into trashMouse FunctionsMODEL ORIENTATION FUNCTIONSDrag leftDrage middleDrag right up/downDrag right left/rightRotate display in 3D Translate model and global coordsZoom-in/zoom-outRotate model in 2D plane of the screenRESIZING AND POSITIONING FUNCTIONSShift+drag leftShift+drag middleShift+drag rightSelects objects click edge to select single object,drag a bounding box to select multiple objectsTranslate objectsResize objectMouse Functions:Mouse bindingsIn the Model Tree,expand the Options branch to access the Mouse BindingsDouble click to open the Mouse Bindings and make necessary changesModel Orientation:Menu and iconsOrient pull down menu with 14 optionsIcons for commonly used orientationsModel Orientation:Fixed axes viewsMeaning of orient positive x:Orient such that the positive X axis points normally into the screen;similarly,orient negative X and so on.Orient positive XIsometric ViewOrient negative YOrient positive ZModel Orientation:Using the mouseThe orientation shown in the figure above was obtained by mouse movements(left:rotation,middle:lateral,right:zoom-in)Model Orientation:Zoom/un-zoom Zoom in:drag a box around the region/objects that need to be zoomed into Scale to fit:resizes the view such that the cabinet completely fits in the graphics display area;current orientation is retained Home position:is equvalent to orient negative z and scale to fit;is the default view when a new model is startedScale to FitZoom InModel Orientation:Other optionsReverse orientation-horizontally flips the orientation(mirror image)Nearest axis-changes to the fixed orientation closest to current orientation;useful when orientation is changed using the mouseSave user view saves current orientation under the specified name in the query boxClear user views deletes all user viewsNearest AxisModel Orientation:Shortcut iconsHome positionZoom inScale to fitSingle displayPartitioned displayDisplay/hide object namesOrient-X+Y-ZIsometricReverse orientationInteractive tools:View menuView menu contains several useful tools for:4Geometric measurements4View optionsGeometric measurements:4Location display point*coords in messages window4Distance display dx,dy,dz and distance between selected points*in the messages window4Angle display angle between vectors defined by 3 points*in the messages window4Markers graphic version of Location function4Rubber bands graphic version of distance functionMouse aided geometric measurementsView/display options*Points should be selected with the mouse following screen instructions Rubber bandInteractive tools:View menuDefault background color is black;to change choose desired color from palateView optionsInteractive tools:View menuUnchecked=invisibleView options(continued)Tracks mouse“Snap to”grid(not mesh)Interactive tools:Interactive editing form Recap mouse functions for translating and resizing objects This form controls how these movements are applied Motion allowed movements only in checked directions Restrict to cabinet Objects cannot penetrate each other Move group with objects Default mouse translate/resize has continuous movement instead of“grid-digitized”Specify“snap to”grid size for X grid/Y grid/Z grid mouse movement will now be“grid-digitized”Can snap to grid if the grid is made visible through main menu “ViewDisplayVisible grid”New object size factor ratio of new object dimension to corresponding cabinet dimension,default is 0.2;new object will be centeredModel Building:Geometry 3.Model Building:GeometryTopicsObject Shapes in Icepak Editing functions Alignment functions UnitsShapes in Icepak:Shapes of simple objects3D shapes Prism Cylinder:uniform/non-uniform Polygon:uniform/non-uniform Blocks can be Ellipsoid/Elliptical Cylinder2D shapes Rectangular Circular Inclined rectangular PolygonPlatesOpeningsGrillesWallsFansSourcesBlocksResistancesHeat Exch.Shapes in Icepak:Altering geometries of objects The shape,position,size and orientation of an object may be modified:Using the Current Object Geometry(COG)window located at the bottom right hand corner of the GUI Using the current objects edit form/geometry sectionGeometry of an object includes:Shape,Position and Size Local Co-ordinates Orientation if 2-DShapes in Icepak:Object geometry window Current objects geometric details are displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the GUI Click on Apply or Enter the keyboard after making changesCurrent objectShapes in Icepak:Object geometry window Name,Group and Shape Coordinates may be entered by start/end or start/lengthOptions to:Apply changes,Reset to defaults,or Edit object formShapes in Icepak:Options for 2D shapesRectangularInclinedCan also be defined by start/angle Change angle directionPosition defined by co-ordinates of two points on the diagonalShapes in Icepak:Options for 2D shapes PolygonalCircularOptions to increase/decrease number of verticesSelect vertex location with mouseSelect options for mouseFans can also have an inner radius for the hubShapes in Icepak:Options for 3D shapes-PrismsRegular PrismPolygons-Uniform(high and low face identical)Polygons-Non-Uniform(high and low face not identical)Top and bottom faces can have di