管理学原理Ch2 management thoughts.ppt
Chapter 2 The Evolution of ManagementYou should learn to:Explain the value of studying management history Identify some major pre-twentieth-centurycontributions to management Summarize the contributions of the scientificmanagement advocates Describe the contributions of the generaladministrative theorists Describe the contributions of the earlyorganizational behavior advocates Explain the importance of the Hawthorne Studies to management Describe the effects of:globalization,workforcediversity,entrepreneurship,e-business,flexibilityand innovation,quality management,learningorganizations.Chapter 2 The Evolution of ManagementThe Early Years 早期的管理思想:19世纪末以前The Classical School 古典管理思想:19世纪末-1930 代表人物:Frederick W.Taylor;Henri FayolThe Behavior School 中期的管理思想:1930-1945 代表人物:Elton Mayo;Chester Barnard The Modern Theories 现代管理思想:1945年以后 2.1 The Early Years 2.1.1 亚当斯密 (Adam Smith)An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,Wealth of Nations division of labor-breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks increased productivityCraft-each worker did all steps.Factory-each worker specialized in one step.2.1.2 查尔斯巴贝奇(Charles Babbage)l (1)节省了学习所需要的时间。生产中包含的工序)节省了学习所需要的时间。生产中包含的工序l 愈多,则所需要的学习时间愈长。例如一个工人无愈多,则所需要的学习时间愈长。例如一个工人无l 需从事全部工序而只做其中少数工序或一道工需从事全部工序而只做其中少数工序或一道工 l 序,就只需要少量的学习时间。序,就只需要少量的学习时间。(2)节省了学习中所耗费的材料。因为在学习中都)节省了学习中所耗费的材料。因为在学习中都 要耗费一定的材料。实行劳动分工后,需要学习的要耗费一定的材料。实行劳动分工后,需要学习的 内容减少了,所耗费的材料也相应地减少。内容减少了,所耗费的材料也相应地减少。(3)节省了从一道工序转变到另一道工序的耗费)节省了从一道工序转变到另一道工序的耗费 的时间。而且,由于分工后经常作某一项作业,的时间。而且,由于分工后经常作某一项作业,肌肉得到了锻炼,就更不易疲劳。肌肉得到了锻炼,就更不易疲劳。(4)节省了改变工具所耗费的时间。在许多手艺中,工具常常是很精细的,需要)节省了改变工具所耗费的时间。在许多手艺中,工具常常是很精细的,需要作精密的调节。调节这些工具所占的时间相当多,分工后就可以大大节省这些时作精密的调节。调节这些工具所占的时间相当多,分工后就可以大大节省这些时间。间。(5)由于经常重复同一操作,技术熟练,工作速度可以加快。)由于经常重复同一操作,技术熟练,工作速度可以加快。(6)分工后注意力集中于比较单纯的作业,能改进工具和机器,设计出更精致合)分工后注意力集中于比较单纯的作业,能改进工具和机器,设计出更精致合用的工具和机器,从而提高劳动生产率。用的工具和机器,从而提高劳动生产率。2.1.3 罗伯特欧文(Robbert Owen)Returns from investments in human resources would far exceed those in machinery and equipment.2.2 The Classical School2.2.1 Scientific Management School by Frederick Taylor 泰罗(泰勒)的科学管理理论problem:(1)Misuse of labor (2)Payment (3)Organization and managementinnovation:(1)Find“one best way”for each job and scientifically select and train workers.A、improvement of operations:作业研究原理(Motion study)时间研究原理(Time Study)操作动作动素 “在这些实验中,我们并不想去探索一在这些实验中,我们并不想去探索一个人在一次短促突击或三两天中最多能个人在一次短促突击或三两天中最多能干多少活,我们所研究的是在一个整劳干多少活,我们所研究的是在一个整劳动日里,一个头等工人活计的实际构成动日里,一个头等工人活计的实际构成是什么;一个工人能年复一年地正常地是什么;一个工人能年复一年地正常地完成一个劳动日的最佳工作量,下班后完成一个劳动日的最佳工作量,下班后仍然精神旺盛。仍然精神旺盛。”“如果施密特为想挣高工资而被允许去冲击那如果施密特为想挣高工资而被允许去冲击那堆堆47吨生铁,但却未经懂得搬运生铁艺术或科吨生铁,但却未经懂得搬运生铁艺术或科学的人的指导,那么,兴许在一天中他只干到学的人的指导,那么,兴许在一天中他只干到十一二点钟,就累倒了。他不得不持续不断地十一二点钟,就累倒了。他不得不持续不断地干活,这使他的肌肉得不到适当的休息时间,干活,这使他的肌肉得不到适当的休息时间,而这明明是为复原所绝对必需的。这样,还没而这明明是为复原所绝对必需的。这样,还没干到这一天的早半晌,他就会完全精疲力尽了。干到这一天的早半晌,他就会完全精疲力尽了。但是如果有一个懂得这个规律的人每天监督和但是如果有一个懂得这个规律的人每天监督和指导他干活,直到使他养成一种习惯,能利用指导他干活,直到使他养成一种习惯,能利用适当的间隙休息,他就能在一整天中以平均的适当的间隙休息,他就能在一整天中以平均的速度干活,而不至于使他自己感到过度的劳累。速度干活,而不至于使他自己感到过度的劳累。”不是苦干,而是更聪明地干活。不是苦干,而是更聪明地干活。B、Standardization of Procedures and Work EnvironmentC、The selection and Training of Staff(2)、Incentive Wage Plansdifferential rate piece work(3)、The separation of management and workers The role of managers is to plan and control.The role of workers is to perform.TAYLORS FOUR PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTFrank and Lillian GilbrethHenry Ford:Assembly line“降低部分工人的思考的必要性和将工人的移动次数减降低部分工人的思考的必要性和将工人的移动次数减至最低,因为工人移动一次只可能做一件事。至最低,因为工人移动一次只可能做一件事。”“我我们希望工人只做那些要求必须做的事情。组织是高度们希望工人只做那些要求必须做的事情。组织是高度分工的,一部分与另一部分是相互依赖的,我们一刻分工的,一部分与另一部分是相互依赖的,我们一刻也不能允许让工人按他们自己的方式来工作,没有最也不能允许让工人按他们自己的方式来工作,没有最严格的纪律,我们就会陷入极大的混乱。严格的纪律,我们就会陷入极大的混乱。”1916年产福特年产福特T型车型车 1908年 6000辆T型车 850美元;1916年 6万辆 360美元;第1500万辆车 290美元。轿车价格每降低1美元,我就可以新增1000个购买者。Problems of Scientific Management:Economic manNow one of the first requirements for a man who is fit to handle pig iron ad a regular occupation is that he shall be so stupid and so phlegmatic that he more nearly resembles in his mental makeup the ox than any other type.Specialized jobs became very boring、dullIgnore the social context and workers needs,it led to increased conflict and sometimes violent clashes between managers and employees.Focus on the lowest organizational level2.2.2 General Administrative Theory 一般管理学派一般管理学派Henry Fayol 亨利 法约尔 -concerned with making the overall organizationmore effective -developed theories of what constituted goodmanagement practice(1)、Business Activities:Technical:Production,manufactureCommercial:Buying,Selling,ExchangeFinancial:Search for and optimal use of capitalAccounting:Stocktaking,Balance sheets,costs,statisticsSecurity:Protection of property and personsManagerial:Plan,Organize,Command,Coordination,Control(2)Management Functions:Planning,Organizing,Commanding,Coordinating,Controlling.(3)14 Principles of Management Division of LaborUnity of Direction Centralization and Decentralization Authority and ResponsibilityScalar Chain gang-plank principle Equity Discipline:Discipline is what leaders make it.Unity of Command:People cannot bear dual commandRemunerationSubordination of individual interest to the organizations interest OrderStability of staffInitiativeEsprit de corps2.2.3 Max Weber 马克斯马克斯韦伯(科层组织理论)韦伯(科层组织理论)Seeks to create an organization that leads to both efficiency and effectiveness.Max Weber developed the concept of bureaucracy.Bureaucracy-ideal type of organizationA formal system of organization and administration to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.Weber developed the Six principles:(P33)Division of Labor Authority Hierarchy Formal Selection Formal Rules and Regulations Impersonality Career Orientation2.3 The Hawthorne Studies and The Industrial Relation School by Mayo 霍桑实验和梅奥的人际关系学说Organizational Behavior study of the actions of people at work believed that people were the most important asset of the organization ideas provided the basis for a variety of human resource management programsemployee selectionemployee motivation2.3.1 The Hawthorne StudiesStudy of worker efficiency at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Co.during 1924-1932.Illumination studies:Worker productivity was measured at various levels of light illumination.Researchers found that regardless of whether the light levels were raised or lowered,productivity rose.intensity of illumination not related to productivity继电器装配小组实验继电器装配小组实验Actually,it appears that the workers enjoyed the attention they received as part of the study and were more productive.Hawthorne Effect:When special attention is given to workers by management,productivity is likely to increase,regardless of actual changes in the working conditions.Interviewing Studies访谈实验访谈实验Observational Studies2.3.2 Mayos Theory1、Economic rewards(incentive pay)by themselves have little effect in production levels.Many workers fear loss of attention and respect from co-workers than they desire increased pay.2、Informal work groups and the social environment have great influence on productivity.3、Leadership is a crucial element in the work situation and there is a difference in formal and informal leadership.Contribution of Mayor:-revealed the importance of social norms asdeterminants of individual work behavior changed the dominant view that employees wereno different from any other machines Theory X and YDouglas McGregor proposed the two different sets of worker assumptions.Theory X:Assumes the average worker is lazy,dislikes work and will do as little as possible.Managers must closely supervise and control through reward and punishment.Theory Y:Assumes workers are not lazy,want to do a good job and the job itself will determine if the worker likes the work.Managers should allow the worker great latitude,and create an organization to stimulate the worker.Theory ZWilliam Ouchi researched the cultural differences between Japan and USA.USA culture emphasizes the individual,and managers tend to feel workers follow the Theory X model.Japan culture expects worker committed to the organization first and thus behave differently than USA workers.Theory Z combines parts of both the USA and Japan structure.Managers stress long-term employment,work-group,and organizational focus.2.4 Modern TheoriesSystem Approach This approach looks at the organization as a series of inter-dependent systems and sub-systems.All sub-units have to work together for the benefit of the organization as a whole.The system approach helps managers to realize the importance of cooperation and coordination between departments.Quantitative Approach To ManagementOperations Research(Management Science)use of quantitative techniques to improve decision making applications of statistics optimization models computer simulations of management activities Linear programming-improves resourceallocation decisions Critical-path scheduling analysis-improves work schedulingContingency Approach This approach stresses the importance of circumstances or environmental factors which surround the firm.Many variables affect the profitability and productivity of the firm.Assumes there is no one best way to manage.Managers are made to realize that internal and external factors must be considered in decision making.In the contingency approach,all ideas are examined and analyzed to see how each fits into the aims,structure,capacity,resources and leadership of the organization.Current Trends And IssuesGlobalization all organizations are faced with the opportunities and challenges of operating in a global market no longer constrained by national borders安东尼吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)Workforce Diversity heterogeneous workforce in terms of gender,race,ethnicity,and age workforce is getting older Asians and Hispanics are an increasingly largepercentage of workforce“melting pot”approach versus celebration ofdifferencesEntrepreneurship three important themes pursuit of opportunities-capitalizing onenvironmental change to create value innovation-introducing new approaches tosatisfy unfulfilled market needs growth-not content to remain small will continue to be important in all societies will influence profit and not-for-profitorganizations比空气重的飞行器是不可能的。比空气重的飞行器是不可能的。开尔文爵士开尔文爵士,英国数学家、物理学家英国数学家、物理学家,英国英国皇家学会会长皇家学会会长,1895年年人绝对登不上月球人绝对登不上月球,不管将来的科学多么先进。不管将来的科学多么先进。李李德福雷斯特德福雷斯特,三极管发明者三极管发明者,1957年年2月月25日日没有理由要每个人家里有一台电脑。没有理由要每个人家里有一台电脑。肯肯奥尔森奥尔森,数字设备公司总裁数字设备公司总裁,在国际未来在国际未来社会大会上的发言社会大会上的发言,1977年年640K对任何人来说都足够了。对任何人来说都足够了。比尔比尔盖茨盖茨,1981年年Managing in an E-Business World E-commerce-any form of business exchange or transaction in which parties interact electronically E-business-comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using electronic(Internet-based)linkages with key constituencies intranet-an internal organizational communication system that uses Internet technology and is accessible only by organizational employeesDifferent kinds of E-CommerceBusiness-to-Consumer(B2C):Electronic retailingGovernment-to-Business(G2B):All transactions between companies and government agenciesBusiness-to-Business(B2B):All transactions between a company and its suppliersConsumer-to-Consumer(C2C):Electronic markets formed by Web-based auctionsNeed for Innovation and Flexibility without a constant flow of new ideas,an organization isdoomed to obsolescence or even worse must be flexible to accommodate changing customersneeds,appearance of new competitors,and shiftingemployees from project to projectQuality Management Total Quality Management(TQM)-philosophy ofmanagement based on continual improvement andresponding to customer needs and expectationsLearning Organizations and Knowledge Management learning organization-one that has developed thecapacity to continuously learn,adapt,and change create learning capabilities throughout the organization understanding that knowledge is an important resource knowledge management-involves cultivating a learningculture where organizational members systematicallygather knowledge and share it with others in theorganization so as to achieve better performance managers must transform themselves from bosses to team leaders learn to listen,motivate,coach,and nurture影响世界进程的影响世界进程的100位管理大师位管理大师出自出自 MBA智库百科智库百科(http:/ Smith,1723-1790):主要贡献主要贡献:劳动分工、“共同利益”的观点,提出分工理论,著有国富论 2罗伯特罗伯特欧文欧文(Robert Owen,17711858)主要贡献主要贡献:提出空想社会主义的思想、最早注意到人的因素对提高劳动生产率的重要性。人本管理的先驱 3查尔斯查尔斯巴贝奇巴贝奇(Charles Babbage,17921871)主要贡献主要贡献:进一步发展了亚当斯密的劳动分工思想;体力和脑力劳动分工主张;劳资关系协调;发明计数机器。著有论机械和制造业的经济 4弗雷德里克弗雷德里克W泰勒泰勒(Frederick W.Taylor)(1856-1915)主要贡献主要贡献:理论集中在科学管理方面,制订工作定额;选择第一流工人;标准化管理;差别计件工资;精神革命。著有科学管理原理等。5卡尔卡尔巴思巴思(Carl G.Barth,1860-1939)主要贡献主要贡献:执行泰勒制的正统的忠实信徒。著有作为泰罗管理制度一部分的机械厂计算尺 6亨利亨利甘特甘特(Henry L.Gantt,1861-1919)主要贡献主要贡献:发明了甘特图,著有甘特图表:管理的一个行之有效的工具、工业领导 7弗兰克弗兰克吉尔布雷斯吉尔布雷斯(Frank B.Gilbreth,1868-1924)主要贡献主要贡献:主要贡献是时间和动作研究、计时轨迹摄影技术。8莉莲莉莲吉尔布雷斯吉尔布雷斯(Lillian Moller Gilbreth,1878-1972)主要贡献主要贡献:吉尔布雷斯的妻子。时间研究和动作研究 9哈林顿哈林顿埃默森埃默森(Harrington Emerson,1853-1931)主要贡献主要贡献:效率的大祭司,提出效率的十二个原则,著有十二个效率原则 10莫里斯莫里斯库克库克(Morris Cooke,1872-1960)主要贡献主要贡献:主要贡献是在大学和市政管理方面 11亨利亨利法约尔法约尔(Henry Fayol,1841-1925)主要贡献主要贡献:古典组织理论,提出了职能原则和管理原则,著有工业管理与一般管理等。12马克斯马克斯韦伯韦伯(Max Weber,1864-1920)主要贡献主要贡献:古典组织理论,权力论;研究组织的官僚模式,著有社会与经济组织理论。