科技英文写作课程 (2).ppt
科技英文寫作課程科技英文寫作課程:非同步遠距教學非同步遠距教學 柯泰德網路英文論文編修教柯泰德網路英文論文編修教育訓練服務育訓練服務(1)Course objectives(general)nTo develop copy editing skills in a technical manuscript in terms of(a)translation errors made from Chinese to English and(b)general writing style errors.nTo organize and write the research paper in a time-efficient manner.nTo prepare for publication by meeting the expectations of one of three audiences:journal editor or reviewer,academic committee,or industrial manager.(2)Course objectives(specific)nHow can I revise my own paper by eliminating general writing style and Chinese-English colloquial errors?nWhat is the relation between technical writing and project time?nHow can I identify my readers interests to make the paper more user friendly?(3)Course textsnAn English Style Approach for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy Revised edition nUnit 1 summary nUnit 2 summary nUnit 3 summary nUnit 4 summary nUnit 5 summary nUnit 6 summary nUnit 7 summary nUnit 8 summary nUnit 9 summary nUnit 10 summary nOvercoming Chinese-English Habits in Writing by Ted Knoy,The Internet TESL Journal(Japan),February 2000 nA Correspondence Manual for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy nTechnical Correspondence:What Professionals Need to Learn by Ted Knoy,The Internet TESL Journal(Japan),May 2000nAn Editing Workbook for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy nEditing for Conciseness and Clarity in an ESL Writing Class by Ted Knoy,The Chinese On-line Writing Lab,April 2000 nIncreasing the Vocabulary Power of Chinese Writers Through Contrastive Rhetoric by Ted Knoy,The Chinese On-line Writing Lab,May 2000.nAdvanced Copyediting Practice for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy(4)Suggested readingsntechnical editinguSubstance&Style:Instruction and Practice in Copyediting by Mary Stoughton uStyle:Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace by Joseph Williams uTechnical Editing by Lola Zook ncurriculum textuHow to Write and Publish Engineering Papers and Reports by Herbert B.Michaelson Second Edition uTechnical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English by Thomas N.Huckin and Leslie A.Olsen International edition uHow to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper by Robert A.Day Fourth edition uThe Scientists Handbook for Writing Papers and Dissertations by Antoinette M.Wilkinson uHandbook of Technical Writing by Charles T.Brusaw Fourth edition uTechnical Writing by John M.Lannon Sixth edition uEffective Technical Communication by Anne Eisenberg ngrammatical or style referenceuThe Mc-Graw Hill Style Manual:A Concise Guide for Writers and Editors Edited by Marie M.Longyear uA Manual for Writers of Term Papers,Theses,and Dissertations by Kate L.Turabin Fifth editionnfor non-native speakers of EnglishuWriting Up Research:Experimental Research Report Writing for Students of English by Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker uA Handbook for Technical Communication by Jacqueline K.Neufeld uEnglish Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted KnoyuPrinciples and Techniques of English Oral Presentations:A Guidebook for Chinese Managerial and Technical Professionals by Chia-Jung Tsai uTechnical Contacts:Materials for developing listening and speaking skills for the student of technical English by Nick Brieger and Jeremy Comfort uLearn to Listen;Listen to Learn:Advanced ESL/EFL Lecture Comprehension to Develop Note-taking Skills by Roni S.Lebauer(5)Course homeworknWritten assignments will be sent for editing to the instructor via e-mail()as an attached file in Microsoft Word format.The instructor will edit the files using the editing tool inside of the Tools box of Microsoft Word and,then,return the edited files to the student.During the final week of the course,the student will submit the final assignments on a 3.5 size diskette(Word format).n01 Paper organization(research title,engineering/scientific objective,engineering/scientific motivation,personal motivation,outline for research,problem statement,and hypothesis statement)5%n02 Outline for technical argument(five questions)5%n03 Technical argument(300-450 words)10%n04 Engineering/Scientific need(five criteria)and Problem/Hypothesis statements 10%n05 Abstract 10%n06 Introduction 10%n07 Conclusion 10%n08 Twenty seven editing exercises for conciseness 10%n09 Twenty nine editing exercises for clarity 10%n10 Technical correspondence(NOTE:using the software package,write twelve letters by choosing from the thirty eight options in A Correspondence Manual for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy 20%Course grade 100%(6)Norms for class assignmentsnThe instructor assesses the above assignments on the basis of the following norms:nStructure Each class assignment must adhere to the structure outlined in Details of class assignments.nStyle Each class assignment must be written in clear and concise English,omitting any grammatical,general writing style,or Chinese colloquial errors.nUsability Each class assignment must not only have a particular audience in mind,but attempt to link the technical information with the particular readers interest(s).詳細資訊請參考 網址:http:/mx.nthu.edu.tw/tedknoy