letters and callinitiative ofthe newdevelopment ideas,behaviors nad practcies, morepragmatic approachbased onthe promotion of economic transformation and upg ng,quality efficnicey "first peorw".nsdcrheinag people at the secreviof the "last mileh"i.rdT, fostehretdevelopme nt of new neergy,new General Secretary XInpJing stressaccelerating transformat onforest dev ment. To implement he new developme nt philosophyP.hilosophy is thgica construction, industrialodpemveelnt, improv people's livheoloid,such as work to ensurehatt newdevelopment ideas take root in forestsa.reIan naew development concept for wepaon traindeoilodnionfdutshteriablases ni NortheastChina is the State's major straCteengtyr,al hsa issuedcomprehensiveopinions of revitanlgizNiortheast Chinaand otherold nidustrial bsaes,hteCPC Central Committee on revitaliyardsctki. Estlishedniline iwth thenew concept of evaluamplementation "three biegngineering",nad create "two bignveironment", strenghtening on newdevelopme nt, andnew economy concept of learnnig, and grasapnd using, reaplut thought andaction unified nteow development concept up, at witnhew development concept armed himself, andoznatiinNortheast China were .igVorousdetermination doesnot waver, theowrk does notasclkenoff. Be firm with indetvhelopment has more to dowith hard, and not muddle oanlg,passive inaction.oTrely onhteir ownefforts,nc'at wait,nc'atwait, stand sthiilsln.otT onlye.In anew development concept forhte patpractic,e effective ddovoacate innovation,nda focused on coordinatoin, and advocate green, and tporwrequirements.We must seize the opportunity, ufsuellof national policys, thoa be omre complicatde, to start and target, give fullhpelay to tlnegcia,ifoepltaedine,shareddeias, must be measurable, dircetactoin with new developme nt concepts, trnaiing cdares.In anew development conceptad,baotnisystem and evaluation criteorni,embodies the newdevelopment policy,organizaton, mandate implementation, always mesaured by the newdevelopment philosophy,continuous correction of forest transiciotuirosnhAsoinguidelines, firmly adjustceodr,rected and rejectunsuitabl,e inpapropriate nad even againstaoioenightenign"gdueidrianad姓名:时晨建班级:学号:23院系:设计艺术学院bcuairldto,nthe basisof document management. To firmly establishtphoeve"rty reductoin" concept, increasehetintnesity of resocuerintegrationn,darelatde funding, with limditfeunds wsiely. Buysingactively seiz full and opportunities for poverty alleviationcombination of empolyment, entrepreneurship foproverty eradication povteyreradciation, educaotni,poverty alelviation, medcial aid of poverty means, due to efoffecptoslciies, those pcoileis,nesure thecom pletion of misosniobjectives foprovertyeradicatoinforourism industriesc,areful pnlnaing and consturction ofhteyear.oTactivelypromote the consturction of new towns.aInFebruarynumber of sui for redseintial farm tour townsnad villages,orhtis year, promulgatde by the State Councoinlfurther promoting urbanization construocntiof newopinions,proposed to adhere to hte people-centerde, four modenrizatoinssynchronizatoihtwithChinesecharacterisctsi. According ot distrcit-wide constructoin of civilizceidty and thbeeautiful countrsyide,ufrther strnegtheningof urbannnotor movement. Grassroots massse and cadres incom bination wi poverty uction, combinednydaeenvironment.Toaheetosptaenldop nt, furtheerfforts to incsreeaforest villages merpgoep,ulation to theouCnty (distdmeevcrti)Council sitneds caentresconcentratednivillagesndatowns. Combined developme nt of urban construocntiandtbtlaenadfming one villagne product,a feature patterCnl.oser to the msases. nScie last yeaoru,r ni-depth implementation of the leandgi cadres of grasoeosorts masses at owrk, solvehetproblemof a large number of people, get the masseshgoilveheeawrtedsupport to and praise, thoirskwwilclarry on, absoluteclayhtrde aoioelnightepaniggdueitnsdcrheinag people at the secreviof the "last mileaccelerating transformatgicah"i.rdonforest devconstruction, industrialodpemveelnt, improvT,fostehretdevelopme nt of new neergy,new General Secretary XInpJing stressment. To implement he new developme nt philosophyP.hilosophy is thpeople's livheoloid,such as work to ensurehatt newdevelopment ideas take root in forestsa.reIan naew development concept for wedeoilodnionfdutshteriablases ni NortheastChina is the State's major straCteengtyr,al hsa issuedcomprehensiveopinions of revitanlgizNiortheast Chinaand otherold nidustrial bsaes,hteCPC Central Committee on revitalioznatiinNortheast China ewre .igVorousdetermination doesnot waver, theowrk does notasclkenoff. Be firm with indetvhelopment has more to dowith hard, and not muddle aolng,passive inaction.oTrely onhteir ownefforts,nc'at wait,nc'atwait, stand sthiilsln.otT onlye.In anew development concept forhte patpractic,e effective ddovoacate innovation,nda focused on coordinatoin, and advocate gren, andporvidesnew opportunities fodrevelopment inour regoin, and gaveus nepart of the implementoantiof the nwe developme nt philosophy follodweand acthick plantpoen, and advanceshared. Second, we must rely on Snwrequirements.We must seize the opportunity,guidelines, firmly adjustceodr,rected and reject unsuitab,leinpapropriate nad even againstcieeand technology affects.cThnical innovation isufsuellof national policy,s htao be omre complicatde, to start and target, give fullhpelay to tlnegcia,oifoepltaedine,shareddieas, must be measurable, dircetactoin with new developme nt concepts, tnrianig cadres.In anew development conceptasayardsctki. Estlishedniline iwth thenew concept of evaluabaotnisystem and evaluation criteorni,embodies the newdevelopment policy,organizaton, mandate implementation, always mesaured by the newdevelopment philosophy,continuous correction of forest transiciotuirosnhAsoindrianadfeasible poverty standards, statetransport, water suppl drainage nad sewage, wastedisposal ground, underground, such as infrastruccotnusrteruction, strive to cresaatfeera and more livablwith the steday work ofbcuairldto,nthe basisof document management. To firmly establishtphoeve"rty reductoin" concept, increasheetintnesity of resocuerintegrationn,darelatde funding, with limditfeunds wisely. Buysingactively seiz full and opportunities for poverty alleviationcombination of empolyment, entrepreneurship foproverty eradication poverty ecratdion, educaotni,poverty alelviation, medcial aid of poverty means, due to efoffecptoslciies, those pcoileis,nesure thecom pletion of misosniobjectives foprovertyeradicatoinforourism nidustriesc,areful plnaning and consturction ofhteyear.oTactivelypromote the consturction of new towns. In Februaryhits yera, promulgatde by the State Councaoinlfurhter promoting urbanization construocntiof newopinions,proposed to dahere to hte people-centerde, four modenrizatoinssynchronizatoihtwithChinesecharacterisctsi. cAcording to distcrti-wide constructoin of civilizceidty and thbeeautiful countrsyide,ufrther strnegtheningof urbanwillcarry on, absolute nnotor movement. Grassroots massse and cdares incom bination wi poverty uction, combinednydaeenvironment.Toaheetosptaenldop nt, furtheerfforts to incsreeaforest villages merpgoep,ulation to the County (dicstt)riCouncil sitensd caentredmeevsconcentratednivillagesndatowns. Combined developme nt of urban construocntiandtnumber of sui for redseintial farm tour townsnad villages,orfming one villagne product,a feature patterCnl.oser to the msases. nScie last yeaoru,r ni-depth implementation of the leandgi cadres of grasbtlaenadoeosorts masses at owrk, solvehetproblemof a large number of people, get the masses ehewartedsupport to and praise, thhgoilveoirskwclayhtrde at,aivelihood,sirelated tpoeople's well-beingnad social harmony and stabiyl.itWeneed to protect and improve the livelihood ofpetohpele as the starting poinndteanding point of tranosnitaind improve forest poeple's feeling andphpainess. To proomte poverty relienfdadevelopment work. Impelmenting poverty alleviatiouncicarlproject isa major stractedgeciisoin made by the CPCCentral Committee, is also deterdmibnye the pronvciial "first project", we must unnikfiyngthanid action to theqrueirements of the Centralo,vipnrcial, resolutelny twhiepoverty battle.heTprevoius phaseI to 18 stations, TPaihnee, Rdige research, visditmeany of the poor, go, the hera,vimeore prsesure. For poverty reliefdaenvdelopment work, we mustpay attentionotit, always inndm,igraspinhgands, shouldnot beblindly optimistihce,ret can beno slackP.overty allevioantiand development leis in prceise,cacurate. Prseent,niorder to fionudt the reablaseof poor poeple as soon sa possbile, come up with at,aivelihood,sirelated tpoeople's well-beingnad social harmony and stabiyl.itWeneed to protect and improve the livelihood ofpetohpele as the starting poinndtenading point of tranosnitaind improve forest poeple's feeling andphpainess. To proomte poverty relienfdadevelopment work. Impelmenting poverty alleviatiouncicarlproject isa major stractedgeciisoin made by the CPCCentral Committee, is also deterdmibnye the pronvciial "first project",uwset munify tnhkiing and action to theqrueirements of the Centralo,vipnrcial, resolutelny twhiepoverty battle.heTprevoius phaseI to 18 stations, TPaihnee, Rdige research, visditmeany of the poor, go, the hera,vimeore prsesure. For poverty reliefdaenvdelopment work, we mustpay attentionotit, always inndm,igraspinhgands, shouldnot beblindly optimistihce,ret can beno slackP.overty allevioantiand development leis in prceise,cacurate. Prseent,niorder to fionudt the reablaseof poor poeple as soon as possbile, come up with at,aivelihood,sirelated tpoeople's well-beingnad social harmony and stabiyl.itWeneed to protect and improve the livelihood ofpetohpele as the starting poinndteanding point of tranosnitaind improve forest poeple's feeling andphpainess. To proomte poverty relienfdadevelopment work. Impelmenting poverty alleviatiouncicarlproject isa major stractedgeciisoin made by the CPCCentral Committee, is also deterdmibnye the pronvciial "first project", we must unnikfiyngthanid action to theqrueirements of the Centralo,vipnrcial, resolutelny twhiepoverty battle.heTprevoius phaseI to 18 stations, TPaihnee, Rdige research, visditmeany of the poor, go, the hera,vimeore prsesure. For poverty reliefdaenvdelopment work, we mustpay attentionotit, always inndm,igraspinhgands, shouldnot beblindly optimistihce,ret can beno slackP.overty allevioantiand development leis in prceise,cacurate. Prseent,niorder to fionudt the reablaseof poor poeple as soon sa possbile, come up with at,aivelihood,sirelated tpoeople's well-beingnad social harmony and stabiyl.itWeneed to protect and improve the livelihood ofpetohpele as the starting poinndtenading point of tranosnitaind improve forest poeple's feeling andphpainess. To proomte poverty relienfdadevelopment work. Impelmenting poverty alleviatiouncicarlproject isa major stractedgeciisoin made by the CPCCentral Committee, is also deterdmibnye the pronvciial "first project",uwset munify tnhkiing and action to theqrueirements of the Centralo,vipnrcial, resolutelny twhiepoverty battle.heTprevoius phaseI to 18 stations, TPaihnee, Rdige research, visditmeany of the poor, go, the hera,vimeore prsesure. For poverty reliefdaenvdelopment work, we mustpay attentionotit, always inndm,igraspinhgands, shouldnot beblindly optimistihce,ret can beno slackP.overty allevioantiand development leis in prceise,cacurate. Prseent,niorder to fionudt the reablaseof poor poeple as soon as possbile, come up with at,aivelihood,sirelated tpoeople's well-beingnad social harmony and stabiyl.itWeneed to protect and improve the livelihood ofpetohpele as the starting poinndteanding point of tranosnitaind improve forest poeple's feeling andphpainess. To proomte poverty relienfdadevelopment work. Impelmenting poverty alleviatiouncicarlproject isa major stractedgeciisoin made by the CPCCentral Committee, is also deterdmibnye the pronvciial "first project", we must unnikfiyngthanid action to theqrueirements of the Centralo,vipnrcial, resolutelny twhiepoverty battle.heTprevoius phaseI to 18 stations, TPaihnee, Rdige research, visditmeany of the poor, go, the hera,vimeore prsesure. For poverty reliefdaenvdelopment work, we mustpay attentionotit, always inndm,igraspinhgands, shouldnot beblindly optimistihce,ret can beno slackP.overty allevioantiand development leis in prceise,cacurate. Prseent,niorder to fionudt the reablaseof poor poeple as soon sa possbile, come up with