高级英语写作高级英语写作 2Advanced English WritingFor Selective Course学时与学分学时与学分:30学时1.5学分李侠李侠外外语语系系1产品广告产品广告-Air-PilleInsoles2产品说明产品说明-SkittlesBiteSizeCandies3护照申请护照申请 Visa Application Interviews45工作面试工作面试6银行服务银行服务7个人简历个人简历8入学申请书入学申请书9求职信求职信110求职信求职信211介绍信介绍信12推荐信推荐信13自荐信自荐信114请柬请柬15自荐信自荐信216自荐信自荐信317聘用合同聘用合同18租赁协议租赁协议19合资合同合资合同20买卖(购销)合同买卖(购销)合同21英语合同与协议写作研究英语合同与协议写作研究学业课程学业课程Academic Programs产品广告产品广告 年龄愈大,愈要注意保护双脚年龄愈大,愈要注意保护双脚每个人出生时,都有一双肥厚的脚,脚底比成人多一层具有每个人出生时,都有一双肥厚的脚,脚底比成人多一层具有 缓冲作用的脂肪软垫,因此每走一步,都得到缓冲减震。但当缓冲作用的脂肪软垫,因此每走一步,都得到缓冲减震。但当我们渐渐长大,这层组织就渐渐消失,直到吸收震颠的功能几我们渐渐长大,这层组织就渐渐消失,直到吸收震颠的功能几乎完乎完 全丧失。全丧失。这就是您的脚容易感到疲劳酸痛的原因。这就是您的脚容易感到疲劳酸痛的原因。司各尔博士气式鞋垫可以替代脚底的脂肪层。鞋垫质地柔司各尔博士气式鞋垫可以替代脚底的脂肪层。鞋垫质地柔 软,软,厚度很薄,您不但毫不感到绷紧压迫,而且步履舒适自如。厚度很薄,您不但毫不感到绷紧压迫,而且步履舒适自如。此外,还能保持脚底凉爽干燥。此外,还能保持脚底凉爽干燥。所以说,您的年龄愈大,愈要注意保护您的脚。所以说,您的年龄愈大,愈要注意保护您的脚。The older your feet get,the more you have to baby The older your feet get,the more you have to baby them.them.Everyone is born with fat feet;and extra padding of Everyone is born with fat feet;and extra padding of fatty tissue that cushions footstep.But as we grow fatty tissue that cushions footstep.But as we grow older,we lose that tissue.Until theres little left older,we lose that tissue.Until theres little left to absorb the bumps and jolts.to absorb the bumps and jolts.Thats why your feet get tired and sore.Thats why your feet get tired and sore.Dr.Scholls Air-Dr.Scholls Air-PillePille Insoles help take the place of Insoles help take the place of that fatty tissue.Theyre soft,so youthat fatty tissue.Theyre soft,so youllll feel the feel the comfortable difference with every step.Theyre thin,comfortable difference with every step.Theyre thin,so slip into your shoes without bunching and binding.so slip into your shoes without bunching and binding.And they help keep feet cooler and drier.And they help keep feet cooler and drier.Becausetheolderyourfeetget,themoreyouhavetobabythem.产品广告产品广告2 2 关于野火鸡的传说关于野火鸡的传说 野火鸡是巧于伪装,敏于逃遁的大师。当你穿过丛林,一大野火鸡是巧于伪装,敏于逃遁的大师。当你穿过丛林,一大 群火鸡会悄悄地匍匐在你的脚旁,近在咫尺,而你不会觉察。群火鸡会悄悄地匍匐在你的脚旁,近在咫尺,而你不会觉察。野火鸡确是美国土生土长的一种独特鸟类。它也是美国最佳野火鸡确是美国土生土长的一种独特鸟类。它也是美国最佳 土产威士忌酒的独特标志。土产威士忌酒的独特标志。Wild Turkey LoreWild Turkey LoreWild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion.A Wild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion.A large flock of birds will lie quietly within yards of large flock of birds will lie quietly within yards of a man passing through the forest,and never be seen.a man passing through the forest,and never be seen.The Wild Turkey is truly a native bird,unique to The Wild Turkey is truly a native bird,unique to America.And it is the unique symbol of the finest America.And it is the unique symbol of the finest native whiskey in America Wild Turkey.native whiskey in America Wild Turkey.产品说明产品说明 绮果、果汁脆糖绮果、果汁脆糖 成分:蔗糖,玉米浆,氢化植物油,豆油,浓缩果汁成分:蔗糖,玉米浆,氢化植物油,豆油,浓缩果汁(草莓、(草莓、柳橙、葡萄、柠檬、莱姆)、柠檬酸,糊柳橙、葡萄、柠檬、莱姆)、柠檬酸,糊精,天然和人精,天然和人 工香料,牛肉胶脂,食用淀粉,色素工香料,牛肉胶脂,食用淀粉,色素(含食用黄色(含食用黄色4 4号),号),维他命维他命C C。进口商:东亚公司(新加坡)进口商:东亚公司(新加坡)保存日期:保存日期:1212个月个月 Skittles Bite Size Candies Skittles Bite Size Candies Ingredients:Sucrose,corn syrup,partially Ingredients:Sucrose,corn syrup,partially hydrogenated oil,soybean oil,fruit juice from hydrogenated oil,soybean oil,fruit juice from concentrating(strawberry,orange,grape,lemon,concentrating(strawberry,orange,grape,lemon,lime),citric acid,dextrin,natural and lime),citric acid,dextrin,natural and artificial artificial flavoursflavours,beef gelatin,food starch,beef gelatin,food starch,colouringcolouring(including (including tartrazinetartrazine-yellow 4),-yellow 4),ascorbic acid.ascorbic acid.Importer:The East Asian Co.(Singapore)Importer:The East Asian Co.(Singapore)Expirydate:12monthsVisa Application Interviews1.Whats your purpose in applying for a visa?2.Why do you want to go the U.S?/Why do you choose to study in the United States?3.Why do you choose computer science as your major?4.Why do you choose to study at University?5.How will you pay all your expenses during your stay in the States?/Whos responsible for your expenses during during your stay in the States?Whos your sponsor?4.6.Do you think your English is good enough to carry out course?.for you to understand lectures in graduate school?7.How long will you stay in the States?8.What will you do after finishing your studies in the States?earn your degree?9.Thats all.You may leave now.Good,you may go now.Answers from Visa Applicants1.My purpose is to study at.2.I want to study computer science,but there are not many good programs in this field in china.The U.S is very advanced in this field.3.Ive always been interested in computer.Also,there are many opportunities in this field in China.4.My professor recommended this university./offers the best course The curriculum of this university is quite suitable for me.5.Ive got full scholarship from the school.It can cover all my expenses./My father will support me .He owns his own business.6.Yes,I think so.Ive got a high score on the TOEFL and GRE.I am also supposed to take ESL course to improve my language skills./Ive studied English very hard.I minored in English Language and Literature at college.7.I want to get a masters degree so I plan to be there for about two years./I want to take five years to earn my M A and Ph.D.I hope it wont take any longer.8.I plan to return to the company where Im working now.Ill be probably working as the manager of a department.9.Thank you.Goodbye.At the AirportDeparture Gate Waiting loungeCheck-in Counter Security Check Luggage Claim Customs&immigrationDuty-free ShopInternational Flight Domestic FlightDelayed Flight Cancelled FlightAt the Customs1.May I see your passport and your Immigration Form?/Your passport,please.2.Whats the purpose of your trip?3.Is this your first visit to the United States?4.How long will you be staying in the States?5.Where do you intend to visit during your stay?6.Do you have anything to declare?7.Welcome to the United states!/Have a nice stay here.1.Here you are.2.2.Ive come to the States for further studies at the University.3.3.Right,this is my first visit to.4.4.Ill be there for about /stay here for 5.5.Ill visit New York,Boston,Ill stay in my uncles6.6.I dont have anything to declare.These are all my personal effects.7.7.Thank you.AcademicProgramsAnthropology Civil EngineeringArchitecture Computer ScienceArchaeology Earth scienceAstronomy EconomicsBiochemistry FinanceBiological Science GeneticsBusiness JournalismBiotechnology LawMedicine NeurologyNursing PharmacologyPhilosophy Physical EducationPhysics Political SciencePsychiatry PsychologyReligion SociologyStatistics Urban StudiesVocabulary for Job InterviewApplication for a postPersonal informationDate of birthPresent addressPermanent addressZip codeReference 推荐人推荐人educationDegreeCertificateDiploma毕业证书毕业证书Bachelor of artBachelor of scienceMasterPh.DMajorMinor辅修辅修Required courseSelective courseCredit course 学分课学分课Non-credit courseExperiencePart-time jobVolunteerExchange programClub membership社团活动社团活动Lab experienceStudent unionUniversity orchestra乐队乐队Drama society剧社剧社Speech contestFirm/companyFull timeDepartmentHuman resourcesTechnology developmentSalesFinanceCustomer servicePublic relationsAdvertisingConsultancyHome officeBankServicesdeposit withdraw transfer exchangechecking account savings account deposit account term account bank book check book bank card debit cardcredit card open a bank account存款存款取款取款转帐转帐兑换兑换支票户头支票户头储蓄储蓄活期活期定期定期银行本银行本支票簿支票簿银行卡银行卡提款卡提款卡信用卡信用卡开户开户1.Idliketodepositinmyaccount.2.CanIusemybankcardinshopsandsupermarkets?3.Canyoucashthesetravelerschecks?4.Pleasechangethisbillintosmallerbills.5.Howwouldyoulikeyourmoney?Intobills/Itdoesntmatter.实用英语写作实用英语写作_简历简历1简历表简历表1993年年11月月6日日史密斯拉利史密斯拉利密苏里圣路易派为路密苏里圣路易派为路6710号号电话:电话:351-78228学历:学历:1981-85贝蒙中学贝蒙中学一九八五年六月毕业一九八五年六月毕业1985-87中央商业学院中央商业学院商业行政课程商业行政课程一九八七年六月毕业一九八七年六月毕业经历:经历:1989年年1月至今月至今受雇于密苏里圣路易美国食品公司担任主任工程受雇于密苏里圣路易美国食品公司担任主任工程师。职责包括编列报告给各部门生产主任工程师。师。职责包括编列报告给各部门生产主任工程师。1987年年6月至月至1989年年1月月1日日受雇于宾州匹兹堡铁道公司担任票务受雇于宾州匹兹堡铁道公司担任票务员。最初在运务部门当助理,后来负责超收票款退款事宜。员。最初在运务部门当助理,后来负责超收票款退款事宜。个人资料:个人资料:年龄:二十四岁。年龄:二十四岁。身高:五尺六寸。身高:五尺六寸。体重:一六五磅。体重:一六五磅。健康:优良。已婚,无孩。美国公民。健康:优良。已婚,无孩。美国公民。嗜好:照相,集邮。嗜好:照相,集邮。运动:打网球、保龄球和游泳。运动:打网球、保龄球和游泳。推荐人:推荐人:Mr.ErnestC.BlankenburgCentralBusinessInstituteSt.Louis,Missouri63108RESUMELarryC.SmithNov.6,19936710ParkwoodPlaceSt.Louis,Missouri63141Tel:351-78228EDUCATION1981-85BeaumontHighSchool;graduatedJune,19851985-87CentralBusinessInstituteBusinessAdministrationCourse;graduatedJune,1987EXPERIENCEJanuary,1989,EmployedasanassistanttothechiefengineeroftheAmericanFoodCorporation,St.Louis,Missouri.Mydutiesincludedcompilingreportsforthechiefengineeronproductioninthevariousdepartments.June,1987,toJanuary1,1989,WorkedasatrafficrateclerkfortheContinentalEngineeringCompanyofPittsburgh,Pennsylvania.InthispositionIstartedasanassistantinthetrafficdepartmentandlaterpreparedandfiledclaimsforovercharges.PERSONAL DETAILSAge,24;height,5 feet,6 inches;weight,165 pounds;health:excellent;married,no children;American;hobbies:photography,stamp collecting;sports:tennis,bowling,and swimming.REFERENCESMr.Ernest C.BlankenburgCentral Business InstituteSt.Louis,Missouri 63108实用英语写作实用英语写作_简历简历2简简历历姓姓名:名:王强王强性性别:别:男男出生日期:出生日期:1962年年7月月8日,上海日,上海婚姻状况:已婚婚姻状况:已婚教教育:育:1976年年3月月1980年年9月,学习并毕业于上海第二十月,学习并毕业于上海第二十一中学;一中学;1980年年9月月1983年年9月,学习并毕业于上海外国语学院英语系;月,学习并毕业于上海外国语学院英语系;1983年年9月月1986年年9月,学习并毕业于上海外国语学院国际新月,学习并毕业于上海外国语学院国际新闻专业,闻专业,并获得英语文学学士及国际新闻学士双学位;并获得英语文学学士及国际新闻学士双学位;1988年年2月月1989年年6月,在澳大利亚堪培拉大学传播系修毕研月,在澳大利亚堪培拉大学传播系修毕研究生课程。究生课程。工作经历:工作经历:1986年年7月月至今,上海外国语学院国际新闻专业教师。至今,上海外国语学院国际新闻专业教师。1985年年9月月1986年年1月,北京英文报纸中国日报见习记者。月,北京英文报纸中国日报见习记者。1984年年10月月1985年年1月,上海电视台见习记者;月,上海电视台见习记者;1984年年6月月1984年年8月,上海解放日报见习记者;月,上海解放日报见习记者;现住地址:上海卢湾区临潼路现住地址:上海卢湾区临潼路133号,邮政编码:号,邮政编码:200020推推荐荐人:人:方桦,上海外国语学院人事处处长;方桦,上海外国语学院人事处处长;格雷姆格雷姆奥斯博恩,堪培拉大学传播系副主任。奥斯博恩,堪培拉大学传播系副主任。CURRICULUMVITAENAME:WangQiangSEX:MaleDATEOFBIRTH:July8,1962inShanghaiMARITALSTATUS:MarriedEDUCATION:Graduate,ShanghaiNo.21MiddleSchool,March1976Sept.1980;Undergraduate,EnglishDepartment,ShanghaiInternationalStudiesUniversity(SISU),Sept.1980Sept.1983;Undergraduate,InternationalJournalismProgramme,SISU,Sept.1983June1986;(ObtaineddualB.A.degreeinEnglish&InternationalJournalism,June1986);Graduate,DepartmentofCommunication,UniversityofCanberra,Australia,Feb.1988June1989WORKINGEXPERIENCES:Teacher,InternationalJournalismProgramme,SISU,July1986topresent;Practisingasreporter,English-languageChinaDaily,Beijing,Sept.1985Jan.1986;Practising as reporter,Television Station,Shanghai,Oct.1984Jan.1985;Practising as reporter,Liberation Daily,Shanghai,June 1984Aug.1984 PRESENT ADDRESS:133 Lintong Street,Luwan District,Shanghai 200020REFERENCES:Fang Hua,personnel manager,SISU;Grame Osborne,vice-chairman,Department of Communication,University of Canberra 实用英语写作实用英语写作_入学申请书入学申请书Department of Electrical EngineeringHenan Polytechnical UniversityZhengzhou City,Henan ProvincePeoples Republic of ChinaApril 2,1997Admissions OfficerGraduate School of EngineeringMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge,Massachusetts 02139United States of America Dear Sir,I left University as a graduate in electrical engineering in Aug.1991.Now I am an assistant and experimenter,working in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Henan Polytechnical University.To pursue further studies I wish to enter the Graduate School of Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to read for the degree of Master of Science.Your institute has a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship.It is well staffed and equipped,enjoying world-wide fame.To find a place in such an ideal school of higher learning is indeed a matter of the greatest honour.It is my long-cherished hope that I will be fortunate enough to be admitted into it.I should be grateful to know the conditions under which the applicants are accepted.Would you please send me an application form and some related information?I am looking forward to your early reply.Respectfully yours,Zhao Zhigang实用英语写作实用英语写作_入学申请书入学申请书2Dear Mr.Green:Thank you very much for your courtesy in sending me an application form and some related materials.I am very happy to tell you that at the request of the Henan Polytechnical University where I am working as an assistant the Government of the Peoples Republic of China is willing to support my graduate studies in the U.S.It will undertake to pay all my expenses,travelling expenses included.Enclosed is the financial statement to that effect.My university diploma,my transcript of records of all the subjects I completed at the university and my resume together with a 25-dollar money order for the application fee will be mailed to you directly by my sponsor,the Henan Polytechnical University.Three of my professors under whose guidance I either studied or worked will send you separate letters of recommendation.Enclosed please find all the forms completed in accordance with your directions.I sincerely hope a letter of admission will be sent to me so that I will be able to get to Cambridge in time for any aptitude tests that might be expected.Respectfully yours,Zhao Zhigang 实用英语写作实用英语写作_求职信求职信1 1 October 5,1997Mr.Edward SwiftPrincipalMadison,N.C.Dear Sir:I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy in the Willow Street Grammar School,and I wish to apply for the position.I am a graduate of the Lincoln High School and of the State Normal College,class of 1991.For the last three yearsI have been teaching chemistry at Watton High School,in this city.Inclosed you will find testimonials from Principal R.B.West of Watton High School,and from Dr.C.K.Lyons of the State Normal College.I am also permitted to refer to Professor Raymond Powell,of the Education Department at the Normal College.I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience.Yours sincerely Harvod 实用英语写作实用英语写作_求职信求职信2 2 Dear Sirs,Having seen your advertisement in todays Oriental Post for a stenographer,I hasten to write this letter of application for the post.I was born in 1964 and graduated from the National University in 1986.I took one years special training in shorthand and typewriting at Oriental Training school for Clerical Work and served at Datong Corporation from 1987 to 1990 as private secretary to the manager.I gotmarried in 1989.And I resigned from Datong Corporation in 1990 in expectancy of the first child.My husband teaches at the Huaxin College of Arts and Sciences,and we have a son of four years of age.As he is now old enough to be nursed by my mother-in-law while I am out,I have been feeling very much like to work again in an office.My speeds were:shorthand 100 words per minute and typewriting 60.I was often entrusted to compose the managers letters and in most cases they were approved.Of course,I am out of practice now,but confidently I can regain my abilities in a short time.I shall he much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for interview.Very truly yours,(signature)Wang Jian 实用英语写作实用英语写作_介绍信介绍信Dear Jim:I take pleasure in introducing the bearer of this letter,Mr.Fred Barker.