MESO SCALE.River corridor:Kissimmee River wetlands,channeling,and floodplain restoration(Florida,U.S.A)中观尺度:河流廊道:西米河湿地、运河、河漫滩的修复(佛罗里达州.美国)阴晓旭李婷婷吕英烁After a period of twenty years,the negative ecological effects of channeling the Kissimmee River have become increasingly clear.二十年来,西米河河流渠道化的生态负效应变得越来越明显。The original beneficial objectives of channelization(i.e.,flood contral,improved navigation,and more land area for cattle grazing)have been outweighed by the costs of the project:西米河渠道化的初始有利之处(:如控制洪涝、提高航行能力、增加更多的放牧区)已经远远大于该项目的投入:1)change from a meandering river to a deep canal with little biological use;2)lowering of the surrounding water table,with a drying up of most of the floodplain wetlands;3)degradation of remaining wetlands due to maintenance of constant water levels;and 4)alteration of the seasonal pattern of water flow critical to fish,resident wildlife,and migratory waterfowl.1)从曲折的河流变成了几乎没有生态利处的深深的运河;2)大部分的河漫滩湿地变成干涸地,从而造成周边的地下水位的降低;3)由于维护常水位而导致现存的湿地退化;4)水流季节性的流动模式的变更,将很大程度的影响此处鱼类、野生动植物的栖息与水禽的迁徙。This restoration project has just begun and includes a series of recommendations designed to help regain the ecological structure and functioning of a pre-existing riparian mosaic and system in Central Florida.这个生态修复项目已经开始实施,(其中包含了一系列的帮助重建生态构架的提议、和帮助改善先已存在中弗罗里达地区河边湿地的马赛克功能和水滨的理论系统。)(以便帮助恢复先已存在在中弗罗里达地区河边湿地的马赛克和水滨系统在生态上的结构和功能。)If completed,the project will be the largest restoration of a riparian corridor and associated wetlands and floodplain ever undertaken.如果项目完成,这将成有史以来最大的从事关于河岸廊道、组团湿地和河漫滩的生态修复项目。The feasibility of restoring most of the critical hydrological functioning of the system has been tested in a demonstration area.多数关键水文系统运行复原的可行性,在试点区基本经受住了考验。The three primary goals of the overall project are to restore:1)water quality;2)water level fluctuations;and 3)natural resource values.总体上,项目修复的三个主要的目标如下:(1)水质(2)水位波动(3)修复所带来的自然价值。By focusing on the functioning of the system,i.e.,flows of water and movements of animals,it is hoped that the structure or pattern of the landscape will rapidly reform.通过聚焦该系统的功能,即水的流动和动物的迁徙,以期景观肌理或景观结构能尽快重建。