我们的一米阳光 (2).ppt
我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光我们的我们的一米阳光一米阳光 T helper T helper Drift Drift 主讲人:单晶莉主讲人:单晶莉 一米阳光一米阳光(5425542554255425、3325332533253325)我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Case studyObjective 我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Case studyMethods 我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Case studyResults我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Case studyResults On the other hand,TH1/TH2 ratio was 5.On the other hand,TH1/TH2 ratio was 5.41 2.77 in healthy children,normal in 41 2.77 in healthy children,normal in the remission patients with PNS(4.25 2.the remission patients with PNS(4.25 2.12),low in the patients with PNS in onset 12),low in the patients with PNS in onset(2.43 2.65)and lower in relapse cases(2.43 2.65)and lower in relapse cases than in onset(0.77 1.07).than in onset(0.77 1.07).我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Case studyConclusion我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光The balance of Th1 Th2我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Topic Normally,Th1/Th2 is a balance system.1 1 The balance shift to Th1 or Th2 is called T helper drift.2 2It is associated with many diseases.3 3我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光The balance of Th1 Th2我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光The balance of Th1 Th2Introduction of Th cells我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光What is Th cell look like?我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Introduction of Th Cells Classification of Th1/Th2 cells1 1 Differentiation of T helper cells2 2Biological functions of Th1/Th2 3 3我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光1、Classification of Th1/Th2 cellsAccording to the present/absent of CD4+/CD8+According to the present/absent of CD4+/CD8+CD8+CD8+CytotoxicCytotoxic T lymphocytes(CTL)T lymphocytes(CTL)CD4+CD4+T helper cells (T helper cells (ThTh)Th1Th1Th2Th2Cytokines they secretCytokines they secret1986 1986 MosmannMosmann mousemouse1991 1991 RomagnaniRomagnani humanhuman我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光2、Differentiation of T helper cellsClone conversionClone conversion克隆转化克隆转化克隆转化克隆转化:when CD4+cell is in the premise when CD4+cell is in the premise appearance(Th0),it only expresses IL-2.appearance(Th0),it only expresses IL-2.Under the function of different antigensUnder the function of different antigens、cytokines and APC,Th0 cell is converting cytokines and APC,Th0 cell is converting to Th1 or Th2.to Th1 or Th2.我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Differentiation and functionDifferentiation and function of Th1 and Th2of Th1 and Th2我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Biological Functions of Th1 cellsUsually,Th1 cells do not act on Usually,Th1 cells do not act on target cells target cells directly,butdirectly,but kill kill intracelullarintracelullar pathogens or pathogens or alloallo-target cells through target cells through recuitingrecuiting and activating Macrophages and activating Macrophages indirectly.So,macrophageindirectly.So,macrophage is the is the principle principle effectoreffector cell of Th1 cells.cell of Th1 cells.我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Biological Functions of Th1(1)Th1 IL-8,other(1)Th1 IL-8,other chemokineschemokines recruitrecruit more more macrophages macrophages(2)Th1 IL-3,GM-CSF (2)Th1 IL-3,GM-CSF induceinduce HSC to HSC to differentiate differentiate more macrophages more macrophages(3)Th1 IFN-(3)Th1 IFN-,CD40L ,CD40L activateactivate macrophage macrophage(4)Ag presentation more(4)Ag presentation more phagocytosisphagocytosis 我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Biological Functions of Th1 cells Active Active macrophagemacrophageAnti-intracellular pathogenAnti-intracellular pathogen infection(virusinfection(virus、bacteria and parasite)bacteria and parasite)Promote Promote cytotoxiccytotoxicDelayed type Delayed type hypersensitivity;DTHhypersensitivity;DTH 我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Biological Functions of Th1我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Th1 CellHelp our body clear Help our body clear the source of infectionthe source of infectionAdvantagesAdvantagesDisadvantagesDisadvantagesCause the harm of ourCause the harm of our body easily body easily我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Biological Functions of Th1/th2 Th2 cellTh2 cells can stimulate the Th2 cells can stimulate the immunoreponseimmunoreponse of of B cells to protein Ag by direct contact with B B cells to protein Ag by direct contact with B cells or secreting cells or secreting CKsCKs IL-4 stimulate B cells proliferation andIL-4 stimulate B cells proliferation and production of antibodies production of antibodiesIL-4IL-4、IL-5 stimulate mast cells and IL-5 stimulate mast cells and eosinophileosinophil Mast cell involves in hypersensitivity 1 Mast cell involves in hypersensitivity 1 EosinophilEosinophil involves in anti-parasites involves in anti-parasitesinduce induce humoralhumoral immunity immunity我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Th2 CellProtection our bodyProtection our body via via restrict therestrict the destructiveness of Th1destructiveness of Th1A AdvantagesdvantagesDisadvantagesDisadvantagesOften causeOften cause chronic diseases chronic diseases我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光S u m m a r y我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Infectious diseasesHypersensitivity diseaseAutoimmune responseGraft rejective reactionT helper drift and diseases我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光For exampleThe correlation of TH1/TH2 shift and gastric cancerThe correlation of TH1/TH2 shift and gastric cancer我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光For exampleThe correlation of TH1/TH2 shift The correlation of TH1/TH2 shift and gastric cancer and gastric cancerPathogenyPathogeny:Quantity of Th1 cells and cytokines secreted by Quantity of Th1 cells and cytokines secreted by them them ,Quantity of Th2 cells and cytokines,Quantity of Th2 cells and cytokines secreted by them secreted by them .Th1/Th2 Th1/Th2 ,All this lead to the inhibition of anti-,All this lead to the inhibition of anti-tumor immunity.tumor immunity.我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光For exampleThe correlation of TH1/TH2 shift The correlation of TH1/TH2 shift and gastric cancer and gastric cancerTherapy:Therapy:In patients of gastric cancer Th1 cell is inhibited,In patients of gastric cancer Th1 cell is inhibited,while on the contrary,Th2 cell is activated.In while on the contrary,Th2 cell is activated.In this conditions,IL-12 can be used to stimulate the this conditions,IL-12 can be used to stimulate the proliferation of Th1 cells,so as to recover the proliferation of Th1 cells,so as to recover the balance of Th1/Th2balance of Th1/Th2我我我我 们们们们 的的的的 一一一一 米米米米 阳阳阳阳 光光光光Thanks for listening主讲人:主讲人:单晶莉单晶莉ppt制作:胡制作:胡 杰杰 赵赵 婷婷资料搜集:韩海峰资料搜集:韩海峰 赵赵 凯凯 贺贺 毅毅技术支持:张月雷技术支持:张月雷 戚庆庆戚庆庆