南开大学本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设 计)中文题目:当代法庭口译的职业化以及口译员训练启示外文题目:The Professionalization of Court Interpreting and Key Points about Court Interpreter Training学 号: 1511729 姓 名: 冯 浩 年 级: 20115级 专 业: 翻译 系 别: 翻译系 学 院: 外国语学院 指导教师: 王传英 完成日期: 2019年5 月 关于南开大学本科生毕业论文(设计)的声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导教师指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含任何他人创作的、已公开发表或没有公开发表的作品内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本学位论文原创性声明的法律责任由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 2019年5月 本人声明:该学位论文是本人指导学生完成的研究成果,已经审阅过论文的全部内容,并能够保证题目、关键词、摘要部分中英文内容的一致性和准确性。 学位论文指导教师签名: 2019年5月 摘 要当代法庭口译最早起源于17世纪的欧洲,在第一次世界大战之后迅速发展,并逐渐成为一种新兴职业。然而,不论是在法庭口译起源的欧洲还是在后来才发展起来的中国,法庭口译这一职业尚未得到社会机构或研究者的重视。法庭口译的职业体系,包括其监管及译员培训,都还有很多不足之处。本论文通过搜集、整理法庭口译的相关研究文献,总结出法庭口译作为职业的发展历程、现状、目前存在的主要问题。另外,论文以法庭口译的职业化为基础,探讨了合格的法庭口译员应具备的职业素质,以期为法庭口译员的训练及职业发展提供启示。关键词:法庭口译;职业化;职业素养iiAbstractThe modern court interpreting took shape in the 17th century in Europe. After the World War I, the court interpreting experienced rapid development and gradually evolved into a profession. However, no matter in the western countries where the court interpreting emerged or in China, this profession has not yet attracted enough attention of both social institutions or researchers. It is widely admitted that the system of court interpreting, including its regulation and training, still has many problems.By collecting and analyzing the researches about the court interpreting, this paper deals with its professionalization and the working competence of the court interpreter, on which basis, it sheds light on the principles and key points in training court interpreters.Key Words: court interpreting; professionalization; interpreter training摘 要iAbstractiiIntroduction1Chapter One The Professionalization of Court Interpreting in the Western Countries31.1 The Development of Court Interpreting in the West in Modern Times31.2 The Current Status of Court Interpreting in the West5Chapter Two The Professionalization of Court Interpreting in China72.1 The Development of Court Interpreting in China in Modern Times72.2 Limitations of Court Interpreting in China9Chapter Three The Competence of the Court Interpreter113.1 The Professional Skills of Interpreting in The Court113.2 Well Understanding about The Culture of The Court Trial143.3 The Role Orientation of The Interpreter in Court Interpreting and Principles16Chapter Four Key Points about Court Interpreter Training19Conclusion21Works Cited22Acknowledgement24附:本科毕业论文(设计)题目审批表本科毕业论文(设计)中期检查表本科毕业论文(设计)指导教师评语及打分表 本科毕业论文(设计)答辩记录及打分表南开大学本科毕业论文评分标准IntroductionThe court interpreting is started in the early Egypt times. When people from two cultures have conflicts and go to the court, there exists the court interpreting. In the modern times, the court interpreting gradually became a profession after the World War . In China, the court interpreting started in the 1950s. However, till nowadays, the profession has not attracted enough attention from the society. As to make the society learn about the court interpreting and its professionalization, researches have been made. The results of the research will be showed in this paper.The essay will be roughly divided into four parts. In the first part, by analyzing the professionalization of the court interpreting in the west, the author summarizes the problems of the current development of the court interpreting. Three areas including Europe, America and Australia are taken as examples to introduce the professionalization of the court interpreting.In the second part, the same method are used to analyzing the professionalization of the court interpreting in China. By considering the researches about the current status of court interpreting in China, the essay also concludes the problems.The third part mainly talks about the competence of the court interpreter. As the court interpreting is gaining more attention, principles and codes should be made for the job. The first is to possess professional skills about law language and translating skills. Two principles are concluded by analyzing the researches. One is called the Accuracy and Ambiguity Principles, the other one is called Language adaptation Theory. The second is to well understand the trial culture. The third ability is to know the roles that one court interpreter should play in the trial. The fairness and justice should be concerned when the interpreting starts.The last part mainly talks about the key points about the training court interpreters. Due to the competence of a good court interpreter, the key points of the training should also be focused on this. Firstly, the training should start from the basic language skills. Then the interpreter needs to learn about different translation theories to improve the interpreting skills. Then, considering the cultural barriers which the interpreter will confront with, the academic courses about criticism and cross-cultural perspectives will be included in the training.2Chapter One The Professionalization of Court Interpreting in the Western CountriesAccording to Lanyang, court interpreting exists since there is a cultural communication. When two different culture meet, there is a cultural conflict. Sometimes there is an argument or an accident. The two different parties need to solve problems together by negotiation. In this case, they need an interpreter to translate the conversation. Therefore, the court interpreting exists earlier in the ancient Egypt times(Lan 100).1.1 The Development of Court Interpreting in the West in Modern TimesIn modern times, the first recorded case with court interpreting as a kind of work happened in 1682 in the UK called “the Borosky and others”(100). People involved in that case spoke different languages. Court interpreting was used to help those high noble class to understand the case by translating the other languages into the native one. For other parties in that case, they could not ask for the interpreting service because their social class is not high enough. During that time, “it is the social status that decided whether the parties in the case can use a court interpreter instead of the real language needs”(100).In the 19th century, because of the colonization, more people coming from all over the world made contact with British people and made business. The arguments and conflicts were inevitable during the trades. As a result, there was a rapid growth for the need of the court interpreting.In 1918, the Peace Treaty of Paris marked the end of World War . The English and French speaking countries from the both parties required interpreting service during the discussion about the treaty(qtd. In Deng 10). This made the court interpreting officially become a new profession. Furthermore, after the World War , “the trial toward Nazi by the Charter of the International Military Tribunal for all the parties pushed the court interpreting further on its way to becoming a profession, especially in European countries”(10).In other parts of the world, like Australia, “community interpreter” was born because of the post-war immigration in 1950s(qtd. In Hale 15). After the severe destroy caused by World War , thousands of people left their homeland to Australia to build a new life. Most of them were from non-English speaking countries. In order to solve the problem of the communication, a group of people who can speak several languages became the first interpreters in Australia. “The first de facto interpreters were immigrants who spoke varying degrees of English and one or more other languages, or the children of immigrants who were learning the language at school”(Hale 15). The first government interpreter service in Australia was the Chief Government Interpreter and Translator who was appointed in 1954 as a public servant under the NSW Attorney Generals Department(Hale 16). However, these first generation of translators were not professional enough. They had not received any formal education or basic knowledge about translation before work(16). Such interpreters can handle everyday talk or informal conversation. However, they can not satisfy the need of court interpreting. Because of lack of legal language skills, “there were commonly complaints about the poor quality of interpreting and unethical behavior”(qtd. In Hale 16). Since then, the government decided to make effort to provide sufficient interpreting service to the nation. “Migrant Information Centers was established to hire professional interpreters as full time workers”(Hale 17). Legal and financial resources were given to the construction of the interpreting system in Australia, especially court interpreting system.Later in 1973, the government did a nation-wide survey about Interpreting and Translation services(17). The result was still not satisfying. Although the court was equipped with interpreters, the quality of the translation is not capable for the legal cases. Under most of the conditions, “parties in the court needed to take their friends or families to assist the interpreting process. The people who were called the professional interpreters were actually the shopkeepers, unskilled workers and housewives”(17). However, there was some good measure that would be taken after the survey. “An Interpreting facility called the Emergency Telephone Interpreter Service (ETIS) was founded by the Immigration Department. It provided a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week interpreting services to all the people who had the language problems”(17).The renovation of the court interpreting development never stopped. In October 1994, the NSW Womens Legal Resource Centre announced the report named “Quarter Way to Equal: A Report on Barriers to Access to Legal Services for Migrant Women”, asking for equal rights for the women to ask for the court interpreting service(qtd. in Hale 25).According to Alicia Betsy Edwards, “as a country of immigration”(Zhao et Chen 19), “America federal government has passed the Court Interpreters Act in 1978 and the Amendments of the Court Interpreters Act in 1988. The Act mainly required that the official department about court interpreting is the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts”(Edwards 6). Its mission was to set up certification procedures for the court interpreting. Early in 1980s, the office has created exams for the Spanish court interpreting. Now it can give certification for Cantonese, Chinese, Korean, Haitian Creole, Navajo languages and others(6). All the information about the certification is released by the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Project, which is charged by the University of Arizona(qtd. in Edwards 6).When people plan to apply for the certification, they need to pass the exam which is designed by the University of Arizona. According to Edwards, the exam is similar to the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), English Aptitude part(7). For example, if one asks for Spanish interpreting certification, he needs to prepare for the GRE of Spanish edition. “The exam is divided into two parts. The first part is written exam. If he passes the first one, he can continue to attend the second exam which is oral exam. Once he gets the certification, the interpreter can seek work in any federal court in the US”(7).1.2 The Current Status of Court Interpreting in the WestConsidering the current status of American court interpreting, there are some drawbacks.Firstly, because of the federal government political system, the American court system is special. In one state, there are both federal courts and state courts. As is mentioned in the previous text, interpreters who get the certification can apply for a job in any federal court(7). As for the state court, such certification may not be useful. Therefore, interpreters need to prepare for the other exam in order to get the state court certification.Second, as for the federal certification administration, there is only one office which is at the University of Arizona. For interpreters who are preparing for the certification, they can only go to the University of Arizona to attend the exam. The financial cost will add pressure for the interpreters and it is not convenient as well. As for the state certification office, they set their own exams to select the court interpreters. However, considering the insufficient financial support and help from politics, the office may not guarantee the quality of the interpreters. As a result, offices with the high quality of interpreting service by high standard selection have the right to handle good cases(Edwards 8). The office with low standard exams get the “shoddy work”(8). The differences in the offices make the quality of interpreters different as well.Third, the Court Interpreters Act requires the office takes charge of the selecting process without paying attention to the training of court interpreting. There are few universities in America which have the court interpreting courses(Lan 100). The training about court interpreting are still not fully developed. The interpreting education system is not complete(Lan 101). Interpreters who want to get the certification need to prepare for the exam by themselves, which can not assure the quality of the interpreting even they get the certification.The last point of the drawbacks is that not enough attention are given to the court interpreting as a profession. For the judges and lawyers, court interpreters play a role as a translator or translating machine. Translating may slow down the process of the trial or causing trouble to the trial when interpreters making mistakes(Zhao et Chen 21). Court interpreters have not gained equal respect as a profession from both the court and the society(21). Therefore, most of the court interpreters are doing part-time jobs in the court. In other time, they need to find other jobs because of the financial pressure(Edwards 6).Chapter Two The Professionalization of Court Interpreting in ChinaThe situation in China is different from that in the west. Since the ancient time, China has been a country with many ethnic groups. Languages has always been a problem for the communication between different groups(qtd. in Zhao et Chen 21). Therefore, people who can speak two languages are considered as diplomatic groups by translating and interpreting meetings and conversations on politics and business. Though the interpreting service made the conversation easier than before, contact of individuals were still at the beginning stage.2.1 The Development of Court Interpreting in China in Modern TimesSince 1949, the establishment of Peoples Republic of China, more and more people from