英文翻译 (3).doc
Catia,UG,Pro/e 的比较与前景今天你正用的软件,如果一两年后就消失了,无法升级,功能又觉得不够,怎么办?再重新选或学习新软件?所以一个软件的持久发展很重要。 我开始用AutoCAD做平面图,后来用Solidwork画立体图,自觉功能不够,就自修了Pro/E,从Pro/EV18-V19-V2000i -V2000i2-V2001-Wildfire,可以说爱不释手,但近来作图尤其是逆向与造型部分,大伤脑筋,况且对于对于零件繁多的图形, Pro/E对硬件的要求还是很高。对于诸如相切拔模,补破面等等老大难,Pro/E拿不出快捷的解决办法,上一次我转一打印机底壳的igs图,破面补了4 天,才分模。好惨哪! 看看Catia的介绍: CATIA是英文ComputerAidedTri-DimensionalInterfaceApplication的缩写。是世界上一种主流的 CAD/CAE/CAM一体化软件。在70年代DassaultAviation成为了第一个用户,CATIA也应运而生。从1982年到1988年, CATIA相继发布了1版本、2版本、3版本,并于1993年发布了功能强大的4版本,现在的CATIA软件分为V4版本和V5版本两个系列。V4版本应用于UNIX平台,V5版本应用于UNIX和Windows两种平台。V5版本的开发开始于1994年。为了使软件能够易学易用, DassaultSystem于94年开始重新开发全新的CATIAV5版本,新的V5版本界面更加友好,功能也日趋强大,并且开创了 CAD/CAE/CAM软件的一种全新风格。 法国DassaultAviation是世界著名的航空航天企业。其产品以幻影2000和阵风战斗机最为著名。CATIA的产品开发商 DassaultSystem成立于1981年。而如今其在CAD/CAE/CAM以及PDM领域内的领导地位,已得到世界范围内的承认。其销售利润从最开始的一百万美圆增长到现在的近二十亿美圆。雇员人数由20人发展到2,000多人。 CATIA是法国DassaultSystem公司的CAD/CAE/CAM一体化软件,居世界CAD/CAE/CAM领域的领导地位,广泛应用于航空航天、汽车制造、造船、机械制造、电子电器、消费品行业,它的集成解决方案覆盖所有的产品设计与制造领域,其特有的DMU电子样机模块功能及混合建模技术更是推动着企业竞争力和生产力的提高。CATIA提供方便的解决方案,迎合所有工业领域的大、中、小型企业需要。包括:从大型的波音747飞机、火箭发动机到化妆品的包装盒,几乎涵盖了所有的制造业产品。在世界上有超过13,000的用户选择了CATIA。CATIA源于航空航天业,但其强大的功能以得到各行业的认可,在欧洲汽车业,已成为事实上的标准。CATIA的著名用户包括波音、克莱斯勒、宝马、奔驰等一大批知名企业。其用户群体在世界制造业中具有举足轻重的地位。波音飞机公司使用CATIA完成了整个波音777的电子装配,创造了业界的一个奇迹,从而也确定了CATIA在CAD/CAE/CAM行业内的领先地位。 CATIAV5版本是IBM和达索系统公司长期以来在为数字化企业服务过程中不断探索的结晶。围绕数字化产品和电子商务集成概念进行系统结构设计的 CATIAV5版本,可为数字化企业建立一个针对产品整个开发过程的工作环境。在这个环境中,可以对产品开发过程的各个方面进行仿真,并能够实现工程人员和非工程人员之间的电子通信。产品整个开发过程包括概念设计、详细设计、工程分析、成品定义和制造乃至成品在整个生命周期中的使用和维护。CATIAV5 版本具有: 1.重新构造的新一代体系结构 为确保CATIA产品系列的发展,CATIAV5新的体系结构突破传统的设计技术,采用了新一代的技术和标准,可快速地适应企业的业务发展需求,使客户具有更大的竞争优势。 2.支持不同应用层次的可扩充性 CATIAV5对于开发过程、功能和硬件平台可以进行灵活的搭配组合,可为产品开发链中的每个专业成员配置最合理的解决方案。允许任意配置的解决方案可满足从最小的供货商到最大的跨国公司的需要。 3.与NT和UNIX硬件平台的独立性 CATIAV5是在WindowsNT平台和UNIX平台上开发完成的,并在所有所支持的硬件平台上具有统一的数据、功能、版本发放日期、操作环境和应用支持。CATIAV5在Windows平台的应用可使设计师更加简便地同办公应用系统共享数据;而UNIX平台上NT风格的用户界面,可使用户在UNIX平台上高效地处理复杂的工作。 4.专用知识的捕捉和重复使用 CATIAV5结合了显式知识规则的优点,可在设计过程中交互式捕捉设计意图,定义产品的性能和变化。隐式的经验知识变成了显式的专用知识,提高了设计的自动化程度,降低了设计错误的风险。 5.给现存客户平稳升级 CATIAV4和V5具有兼容性,两个系统可并行使用。对于现有的CATIAV4用户,V5年引领他们迈向NT世界。对于新的CATIAV5客户,可充分利用CATIAV4成熟的后续应用产品,组成一个完整的产品开发环境。 航空航天: CATIA源于航空航天工业,是业界无可争辩的领袖。以其精确安全,可靠性满足商业、防御和航空航天领域各种应用的需要。在航空航天业的多个项目中, CATIA被应用于开发虚拟的原型机,其中包括Boeing飞机公司(美国)的Boeing777和Boeing737,Dassault飞机公司(法国)的阵风(Rafale)战斗机、Bombardier飞机公司(加拿大)的GlobalExpress公务机、以及LockheedMartin飞机公司(美国)的Darkstar无人驾驶侦察机。Boeing飞机公司在Boeing777项目中,应用CATIA设计了除发动机以外的100%的机械零件。并将包括发动机在内的100%的零件进行了预装配。Boeing777也是迄今为止,唯一进行100%数字化设计和装配的大型喷气客机。参与 Boeing777项目的工程师、工装设计师、技师以及项目管理人员超过1700人,分布于美国、日本、英国的不同地区。他们通过1,400套CATIA 工作站联系在一起,进行并行工作。Boeing的设计人员对777的全部零件进行了三维实体造型,并在计算机上对整个777进行了全尺寸的预装配。预装配使工程师不必再制造一个物理样机,工程师在预装配的数字样机上即可检查和修改设计中的干涉和不协调。Boeing飞机公司宣布在777项目中,与传统设计和装配流程相比较,由于应用CATIA节省了50%的重复工作和错误修改时间。尽管首架777的研发时间与应用传统设计流程的其他机型相比,其节省的时间并不是非常的显著,但Boeing飞机公司预计,777后继机型的开发至少可节省50%的时间。CATIA的后参数化处理功能在777的设计中也显示出了其优越性和强大功能。为迎合特殊用户的需求,利用CATIA的参数化设计,Boeing公司不必重新设计和建立物理样机,只需进行参数更改,就可以得到满足用户需要的电子样机,用户可以在计算机上进行预览。 汽车工业: CATIA是汽车工业的事实标准,是欧洲、北美和亚洲顶尖汽车制造商所用的核心系统。CATIA在造型风格、车身及引擎设计等方面具有独特的长处,为各种车辆的设计和制造提供了端对端(endtoend)的解决方案。CATIA涉及产品、加工和人三个关键领域。CATIA的可伸缩性和并行工程能力可显著缩短产品上市时间。 一级方程式赛车、跑车、轿车、卡车、商用车、有轨电车、地铁列车、高速列车,各种车辆在CATIA上都可以作为数字化产品,在数字化工厂内,通过数字化流程,进行数字化工程实施。CATIA的技术在汽车工业领域内是无人可及的,并且被各国的汽车零部件供应商所认可。从近来一些著名汽车制造商所做的采购决定,如Renault、Toyota、Karman、Volvo、Chrysler等,足以证明数字化车辆的发展动态。Scania是居于世界领先地位的卡车制造商,总部位于瑞典。其卡车年产量超过50,000辆。当其他竞争对手的卡车零部件还在25,000个左右时,Scania公司借助于CATIA系统,已经将卡车零部件减少了一半。现在,Scania公司在整个卡车研制开发过程中,使用更多的分析仿真,以缩短开发周期,提高卡车的性能和维护性。 CATIA系统是Scania公司的主要CAD/CAM系统,全部用于卡车系统和零部件的设计。通过应用这些新的设计工具,如发动机和车身底盘部门 CATIA系统创成式零部件应力分析的应用,支持开发过程中的重复使用等应用,公司已取得了良好的投资回报。现在,为了进一步提高产品的性能, Scania公司在整个开发过程中,正在推广设计师、分析师和检验部门更加紧密地协同工作方式。这种协调工作方式可使Scania公司更具市场应变能力,同时又能从物理样机和虚拟数字化样机中不断积累产品知识。 造船工业: CATIA为造船工业提供了优秀的解决方案,包括专门的船体产品和船载设备、机械解决方案。船体设计解决方案已被应用于众多船舶制造企业,类似 GeneralDynamics,MeyerWeft和DeltaMarin,涉及所有类型船舶的零件设计、制造、装配。船体的结构设计与定义是基于三维参数化模型的。参数化管理零件之间的相关性,相关零件的更改,可以影响船体的外型。船体设计解决方案与其他CATIA产品是完全集成的。传统的CATIA 实体和曲面造型功能用于基本设计和船体光顺。BathIronWorks应用GSM(创成式外型设计)作为参数化引擎,进行驱逐舰的概念设计和与其他船舶结构设计解决方案进行数据交换。 4.2版本的CATIA提供了与Deneb加工的直接集成,并在与Fincantieri的协作中得到发展,机器人可进行直线和弧线焊缝的加工并克服了机器人自动线编程的瓶颈。 GeneralDynamicElectricBoat和NewportNewsShipbuilding使用CATIA设计和建造美国海军的新型弗吉尼亚级攻击潜艇。大量的系统从核反应堆、相关的安全设备到全部的生命支持设备需要一个综合的,有效的产品数据管理系统(PDM)进行整个潜艇产品定义的管理,不仅仅是一个材料单,而是所有三维数字化产品和焊接设备。ENOVIA提供了强大的数据管理能力。 MeyerWerft关于CAD技术的应用在业内一直处于领先地位,从设计、零件、船载设备到试车,涉及造船业的所有方面。在切下第一块钢板前,已经完成了全部产品的三维设计和演示。 DeltaMarin在船舶的设计与制造过程中,依照船体设计舰桥、甲板和推进系统。船主利用4D漫游器进行浏览和检查。 中国广州的文冲船厂也对CATIA进行了成功地应用。使用CATIA进行三维设计,取代了传统的二维设计。 厂房设计: 在丰富经验的基础上,IBM和Dassault-Systems为造船业、发电厂、加工厂和工程建筑公司开发了新一代的解决方案。包括管道、装备、结构和自动化文档。CCPlant是这些行业中的第一个面向对象的知识工程技术的系统。 CCPlant已被成功应用于Chrysler及其扩展企业。使用CCPlant和Deneb仿真对正在建设中的Toledo吉普工厂设计进行了修改。费用的节省已经很明显地体现出来。并且对将来企业的运作有着深远的影响。 HadenInternational的涂装生产线主要应用于汽车和宇航工业。HadenInternational应用CATIA设计其先进的涂装生产线,CCPlant明显缩短了设计与安装的时间。Shell使用CCPlant在鹿特丹工厂开发新的生产流程,鹿特丹工厂拥有二千万吨原油的年处理能力,可生产塑料、树脂、橡胶等多种复杂化工产品。 加工和装配: 一个产品仅有设计是不够的,还必须制造出来。CATIA擅长为棱柱和工具零件作2D/3D关联,分析和NC;CATIA规程驱动的混合建模方案保证高速生产和组装精密产品,如机床,医疗器械、胶印机钟表及工厂设备等均能作到一次成功。 在机床工业中,用户要求产品能够迅速地进行精确制造和装配。DassaultSystem产品的强大功能使其应用于产品设计与制造的广泛领域。大的制造商像Staubli从DassaultSystem的产品中受益非浅。Staubli使用CATIA设计和制造纺织机械和机器人。Gidding& Lewis使用CATIA设计和制造大型机床。 DassaultSystem产品也同样应用于众多小型企业。象Klipan使用CATIA设计和生产电站的电子终端和控制设备。Polynorm使用CATIA设计和制造压力设备。Tweko使用CADAM设计焊接和切割工具。 消费品: 全球有各种规模的消费品公司信赖CATIA,其中部分原因是CATIA设计的产品的风格新颖,而且具有建模工具和高质量的渲染工具。CATIA已用于设计和制造如下多种产品:餐具、计算机、厨房设备、电视和收音机以及庭院设备。 另外,为了验证一种新的概念在美观和风格选择上达到一致,CATIA可以从数字化定义的产品,生成具有真实效果的渲染照片。在真实产品生成之前,即可促进产品的销售。 CATIA 也显示出了在非高科技行业的应用价值。例如:L'Oreal使用CATIA设计洗发水的包装瓶,这使得不光是包装设计人员,其他非技术人员,象销售人员、采购人员、管理人员都可以快速地浏览大量产品照片。这一点在卫生用品制造业是非常重要的,因为在这个行业中包装是唯一不同的产品。 是不是有些心动,catia-20多年历史的高端软件,自推出v5之后,它的revenue增长速度是这3个软件中最快的,比如2001年, catia增长27,UG增长11,而proE则是下降。当然catia本来的revenue就是同类软件中最大的。 在大型企业和公司这方面,catia有着绝对的优势。现在catia主要是在发展中小型企业,当然它的中小型企业的用户数量也在不断地增长。Catia, UG, Pro/e,the comparison and the foregroundCatia, UG, Pro/e comparison with the prospect of today you are using the software, if after 12 disappeared. not upgrading, functional feel not enough, how do? Re-election or learn new software? Therefore, a software development is very important and lasting. I began to do with AutoCAD plan, and later with a three-dimensional map Solidwork painting, consciously functional enough, Pro/E on a self-study, From Pro/EV18-V19-V2000i -V2000i2-V2001- Wildfire can be said to appeal to, but in particular the recent mapping and reverse modeling part, the biggest headache Moreover, for many components for the graphics, Pro/E right hardware requirements remain high. Tangent for pulling such as mold, and so on-broken-lasting, efficient Pro/E failed solutions The last one I turn the printer of the Bottom Shell of the igs map, surface-breaking four days, the talent scale. Wreck! Catia look at the presentations : CATIA is English ComputerAidedTri-DimensionalInte rfaceApplication the initials. A world of mainstream CAM integration software. DassaultAviation in the 1970s became the first user, CATIA appeared. From 1982 to 1988, CATIA have issued a version, version 2, version 3. and in 1993 released a powerful version 4, The software is divided into CATIA V4 and V5 Version Version 2 series. V4 version for UNIX platform, V5 version for UNIX platforms. Windows and V5 version of the development started in 1994. To enable the software to be easy to learn and use. DassaultSystem in 94 re-start the development of a new version of CATIAV5. The new version of V5 interface more friendly, functions are becoming increasingly powerful, and the CAM software to create a new style. DassaultAviation France is the world's leading aerospace enterprise. Their products to the Mirage 2000 fighters and gusts up to the most famous. CATIA product developers DassaultSystem was founded in 1981. Today its CAM and PDM in the area of leadership, has been recognized worldwide. Its sales profit from the very beginning, the growth of one million to 150,000 now nearly two billion dollers. The number of employees from 20 to more than 2,000. CATIA is a French company DassaultSystem CAM integration software pieces, the world's leading CAM field position, which are widely used in aerospace, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, machinery manufacturing, electronics electrical appliances, consumer goods industries, Its integrated solutions cover all the product design and manufacturing fields, DMU its unique electronic module functional prototype hybrid modeling technology and is promoting the competitiveness of enterprises and the improvement in productivity. CATIA provide convenient solutions to meet all the industrial areas of large, medium and small enterprises need. Include : from the large Boeing 747 aircraft, rocket engine to the cosmetics packaging boxes, cover almost all manufactured products. In the world, more than 13,000 users a choice of CATIA. CATIA from aerospace industry, but its powerful capacity to be the industry's recognition in the European automotive industry, has become the de facto standard. CATIA user, including the famous Boeing, Chrysler, BMW, Mercedes a large number of well-known businesses. Its user groups in the world's manufacturing sector has a vital role. Boeing Aircraft Company using CATIA completed a Boeing 777 electronic assembly, the industry created a miracle thus identified CATIA CAM industry in the leading position. CATIAV5 version of IBM and Dassault Systems for a long time in the number of enterprises in the process of continuous exploration The crystallization. Focus on digital products and e-business integration concept system architecture design CATIAV5 version for the digital enterprise against the establishment of a product development process throughout the work environment. In this environment, the product development process of all aspects of simulation, and to achieve engineering and non-engineering staff between electronic communications. The entire product development process, including conceptual design, detailed design, engineering analysis, product definition and manufacturing as well as finished products throughout the life cycle of use and maintenance. CATIAV5 version is : 1. Construction of a new generation of re-architecture to ensure CATIA product lines, CATIAV5 new architecture break with traditional design techniques, using a new generation of technology and standards, can be rapidly adapted to the enterprise's business development needs, so that customers will have a greater competitive edge. 2. Application support different levels of expandability CATIAV5 for the development process, function and the hardware platform for flexible combinations. product development for the chain of distribution of members of each professional most reasonable solution. Allow Arbitrary Configuration solutions to meet from the smallest to the largest suppliers of multinational corporations. 3. And the NT and UNIX hardware platform independence CATIAV5 in the Windows NT platform and U NIX complete development platform, and supported by all the hardware platform with a unified data, functions, Version release date, the operating environment and application support. CATIAV5 in the Windows platform application designers can more easily with Office applications share a few According to; UNIX and NT platforms style of the user interface, allows users on the UNIX platform to efficiently handle complex work. 4. Specialized knowledge capture and reuse CATIAV5 combination of explicit knowledge of the merits of the rules, in the process of designing interactive capture design intent, the definition of product performance and changes. Implicit knowledge into the experience of the dedicated Explicit knowledge, improve the design of the degree of automation and reduce the risk of design errors. 5. For a smooth upgrade of existing customers and V5 CATIAV4 compatibility, the two systems can be used in parallel. CATIAV4 for existing users, V5, to guide them into the NT world. CATIAV5 for new customers and fully utilize CATIAV4 mature follow-up application products, form a complete product development environment. Aerospace : CATIA from aerospace industry, the industry is indisputable leader. Its precise security, reliability meet the commercial, defense and aerospace fields various application needs. In the aerospace industry in a number of projects, has been used in the development of CATIA virtual prototype. including Boeing Aircraft Corporation (United States) Boeing777 and Boeing737. Dassault Aircraft Corporation (France) gust (Rafale) fighters, Bombardier Aircraft Company (Canada) GlobalExpress executive jets, and LockheedMartin Aircraft Corporation (United States) Darkstar unmanned aircraft . Boeing Aircraft Company in Boeing777 projects, CATIA design of the application engine in addition to the 100% outside of mechanical parts. Engines will include 100% of the components of the assembly. Boeing777 is also so far, the only 100% digital design and assembly of a large jet airliner. Boeing777 participation in the project engineers, designers Equipment, technicians and project managers more than 1,700 people, distributed in the United States, Japan, Britain's various regions. Through their CATIA 1,400 workstations linked to the parallel work. Boeing designed the 777 staff on all parts of 3D solid modeling, on the computer and the entire 777 for the entire size of the assembly. Pre-fabricated so that engineers no longer create a physical prototype. engineers in the assembly of prototypes will be on the inspection and modification of the design of interference and disharmony. Boeing Aircraft Company announced that 777 projects, with the traditional design and assembly process, compared to CATIA savings due to the application of a 50% duplication and errors modified. Although the 777 first-time research and development and application of traditional design flow than other models. their savings time is not very significant, but the Boeing aircraft company expects that the 777 follow-on models of development can save at least 50% of the time. CATIA after the parameters of functional design in 1777 also showed its superiority and strong capabilities. To meet the special needs of the users, the use of CATIA parametric design, Boeing Company is no need to re-design and build physical prototypes, the only parameter changes. can satisfy the needs of users of electronic prototype, the user can preview on the computer. Automobile : CATIA is the de facto standard for the auto industry, Europe, North America and Asia's top automobile manufacturers are using the core system. CATIA in modeling style, body and engine design has unique strengths, for various vehicle design and manufacture of end-to-end (endtoend) solutions. CATIA product, processing and people in three key areas. CATIA scalability and concurrent engineering capabi