Translation of Cover Letters and Resumes求职信的翻译求职信的翻译Useful Sentences(I)Useful Sentences(I)(1)Im interested in the position you advertised in the Washington Post of June 3.(2)Im writing in reply to your advertisement in the Career Weekly for a part-time translator.(3)Please find enclosed a copy of my resume which is for the position of personal assistant that you advertised in todays New York Times.(4)本人特此来信并随附履历表应聘贵公司今天在中国日报所刊登的职位。(1)本人对贵公司6月3日刊登在华盛顿邮报上的招聘岗位很感兴趣。(2)本人特此来函应聘贵公司在前程周刊刊登的兼职译员一职。(3)本人随函附寄个人履历表一份,以应聘贵公司今天在纽约时报所刊登的私人秘书职位。(4)This letter and attached resume are sent in response to your advertisement in todays China Daily.12/25/20222Business English TranslationCover Letters StudiedUseful Sentences(II)Useful Sentences(II)(5)大学期间,本人一直在一家贸易公司担任翻译一职。(6)本人具有责任感,热情及才能,喜爱挑战,学习能力强。(7)I have graduated from Zhejiang Financial Professional College with outstanding academic record.(8)I have served as the editor-in-chief Arts and Leisure Magazine for the past two years,and during that time I have also contributed articles for a publishing company.(5)I worked in a trading company as a translator during my college years.(6)I am a person of responsibility,enthusiasm,and ability.I like challenges and I can quickly catch on to new procedures.(7)本人以优异的学习成绩从浙江金融职业学院毕业。(8)本人在过去两年里担任艺术与休闲杂志的总编辑,同时为一家出版社撰写文章。12/25/20223Business English TranslationCover Letters StudiedUseful Sentences(III)Useful Sentences(III)(9)I would be very grateful if you gave me a chance to interview for the position.(10)Im sure that an interview will help you realize that Im the right person for the position.(11)If you need more information about me,Im ready for an interview.(12)If you feel I could be a suitable candidate for your vacancy,I would be happy to provide you with samples of my work or attend an interview.(9)如果您能给我一个该职位的面试机会,我将感激不尽。(10)我相信,面试之后您会发现我是该职位的合适人选。(11)如果您需要了解更多信息,我可以接受您的面试。(12)若您认为我是该空缺之合适人选,我将十分乐意为您提供我的作品样本,或与您面谈。12/25/20224Business English TranslationCover Letters StudiedUseful Sentences(IV)Useful Sentences(IV)(13)Ive enclosed a brief resume.However,I will be very happy to provide you with further information about my abilities and experience in an interview with you.(14)I hope I soon have a chance to meet you and learn more about the position.I can be reached at my office number which is 84885532.(15)I would appreciate it very much if you would give me an interview at your convenience.I am available during the mornings,and you can reach me at 13611041749.(16)I eagerly await the opportunity to interview for the position.Please contact me at your earliest convenience.(13)随函附上本人简历一份。我也非常原意与您面谈,以提供给您更多有关我工作能力和工作经验方面的材料。(14)希望很快能有机会与您见面,以便进一步了解此职位。您可以打我的办公室电话:84885532。(15)若您能抽空与我面谈,我将不胜感激。我上午都有空,您可致电13611041749联系我。(16)我殷切盼您安排一次面试,请您尽早抽空与本人联系。12/25/20225Business English TranslationCover Letters StudiedChinese SampleChinese Sample谋求秘书之职谋求秘书之职敬启者:3月9日贵公司在羊城晚报上刊登了广告,招聘人才。我愿应聘,请予考虑。我现在是一名女大学生,还有4个月就要毕业了。我主修国际贸易,所有课程,成绩皆优。除了专业课程,我兼修英语和秘书业务等课程,并于2005年通过了国家英语六级考试。我在英文文字处理方面,有着丰富的经验,中文打字速度为每分钟XX字,英文为每分钟XX个单词。随函附上毕业证书两份及简历一份,谨供参考。本人恳请贵方在方便的时候尽早安排我面试。如有试用机会,我当尽力而为,以满足贵公司的要求。此致敬礼 XXX 敬呈 12/25/20226Business English TranslationCover Letters StudiedEnglish SampleEnglish SampleApplication for a Position of SecretaryApplication for a Position of Secretary Dear Sirs,Please consider me an applicant for the position of secretary which you advertised in Yangcheng Evening News of March 9.Im currently a female student in college.I have nearly four months to complete before I graduate.My major is International Trade and I have excellent grades in all my subjects.Apart from courses in my major,I learned English and Secretarial Practice at school and passed the College English Test Band 6 in 2005.I have rich experience in word processing of both Chinese and English and can type at the rate of XX Chinese words or XX English words per minute.Enclosed herewith are two copies of my diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference.I hope that you will schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience.Should you give me a trial,I will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction.Yours respectfully,XXX12/25/20227Business English TranslationResume Made OutKey Terms(I)(1)姓名(2)性别(3)生日(4)婚姻状况(5)地址(6)邮编(1)Name(2)Gender(3)Date of birth(4)Marital Status(5)Address(6)Zip code/Postcode 12/25/20228Business English TranslationResume Made OutKey Terms(II)(7)电话(8)应聘职位(9)教育背景(10)资历证书(11)奖励及荣誉(12)工作经验(7)Telephone(Tel)(8)Position Desired(9)Education(10)Qualifications(11)Honors&Awards(12)Work Experience12/25/20229Business English TranslationResume Made OutKey Terms(III)(13)出生地(14)工作目标(15)个人成就(15)专长(16)特殊技能(17)课外活动情况(18)推荐人(13)Place of Birth(14)Job Objective(15)Achievements(15)Specialties(16)Special Skills(17)Extracurricular Activities(18)References12/25/202210Business English Translation