大连二十中2015-2016年高一英语上学期期末试卷及答案大连二十中2015-2016年高一英语上学期期末试卷及答案:未经允许 请勿转载 21-216学年度上学期期末考试高一英语试卷考试时间:20分钟 试卷分数15分 命题人:于波 第卷第一部分:听力共两节,满分30分第一节共5小题;每题1.5分,满分7.5分 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给出的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。未经许可 请勿转载1. t wattme i h xt rin toLndon?. 11:35. . :45.C. 1:0.2.Whre is tNaurl istoyMuseum? A. ext to a prk. B.nt 42nd tree.C.eside thCentrl ank.未经许可 请勿转载3. owoes th womns nwant s stek rved?未经许可 请勿转载 . edum. . Wel dne.C. Sligtlynedone.未经许可 请勿转载. Wt wilh ano this ween? . elp Ni move hose. B. o shoppinC. Hlda hoswargparty未经许可 请勿转载5. Wt os the womamean? . he a bough a presen foTommy. . She nt to b soethngosa.未经许可 请勿转载 C. he hasnt decied wha buy.第二节共15小题;每题.分,满分22分 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。未经许可 请勿转载听第段材料,回答第至8题。6. Wat are te speakers talin out in general?未经许可 请勿转载 A. Hw ae vacaton. B. H to cut dow xpenses. C.Howto get o acnferc未经许可 请勿转载7. H isthe on ging? A. By ir B.By train. C. By txi.未经许可 请勿转载.hy arntthe speae gong tether? . The trae n dfftays. B. he man ha o work oertime. 未经许可 请勿转载C. The woan will go o acation fit.听第段材料,回答第9至1题。9. Whatdes theman want he woman to ? A. Send th e-mais. B. Mailsmethng for hm. C. Pick up som akges.未经许可 请勿转载1. Wy des the mask the m for help? A. He oesnt hav ay tme. BH dont haveth address ist. 未经许可 请勿转载C. e desknow how to id amessen. Wht wl the womnrobbly do next?A. Cll te esnger svic. .Attnd ameing . Have coffee未经许可 请勿转载听第8段材料,回答第1至1题。1 here h the ma been o? A. Swtean. B.Austria. C.Thaiad.未经许可 请勿转载1. Whamressed hma mot? A. digknaroos B.Wakig thoghrainfress. C Visiig te Ge Barrier Ref未经许可 请勿转载1. Hw dihe mnget he ha ai tickt? A.From is da. B. From i ads end. Fro hs cousin.未经许可 请勿转载听第段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What isteroable eationp beteenhe spaers?未经许可 请勿转载 A.tervewer adineriwe B. agr ansecretay. . lk anut.未经许可 请勿转载6 Wat stog poit doe h woman think she h?未经许可 请勿转载 . Sheravls a lt. B.She has ood recods a shl C.es ood a writig newreort.未经许可 请勿转载17 Howdos themanmot praly fee bot the woan rly?未经许可 请勿转载. Calm. . rprised C. Dssasfied.未经许可 请勿转载听第10段材料,回答第至20题。1Wheisthe peer tudyng now? . I ongolia . In Bazil. C In t United tts未经许可 请勿转载19. Hwd t speakerspenhe ildhod? AShe moved ro on lace to nother. .e joined i he aoriteschool actvites.未经许可 请勿转载C. Se jutade friend witpeoplefromAeica.未经许可 请勿转载2What y makehe speakr hoo t major? A. Herlov forsharig hr wideineress. B.Her love orbeing itoch wthohrs. 未经许可 请勿转载.Her love for aveing aound the orld第二部分:阅读理解共两节,满分4分第一节 共15小题;每题2分,满分30分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AAre yousmeims altle ired ad leepy n the alaternoon? Manypeople eel tis wa terlunTey maythnktat ating un is the auseofteslepinss.,in sur,thy my ink it isthe eat.Hwevr,te real eason lesinsie tboist tha timeabout eigt our feryou wak upyourboy tprture oesdnThiss wa mkes you slow don an elslepycientists hae testedsleep habits in experimts wher there was no niht or dy.Theeple in thse expeiments alost lwys flod a similrseeping patten.Th slept fo on long eriodandthen for one shor period bt eg hourlar.未经许可 请勿转载nman pars f he word,peopletake nap inthe mieof the dayTs especally tu i war cimae,re t at akes wor dificu i te y atenoonReschers re now sying taps are good fo everon in any climateA daily a gies n a mor sted body an mi ndtherefor is goo for eat in enera.In counies wherenr tdition,pol ftn suffeles froblemssuh s hear isee. Maworkigpele,unfortuaely,have no timeto ake .To doctrsmay dvse taking naps,emploersd nt allow it! If you dohae th chance,hwee,heeare afew ip bou making hemst yournapememberthat the bstime ttaea nap s bou t hors aftr yu ge upA orsleep too late i the da my onlymakyou feel more iredndslepy aferad Thisan ao hapefy eep for tlng.If youdo not av enou time,r a shrtnapeven en mintesof leep cn b elpful未经许可 请勿转载21.Whyo yu somiesfl sepyin th ear fteroon?未经许可 请勿转载A.Becauseoa too mufr lnch.Becauseits ho n suer.eaue your bodteperatreoes don hat time.未经许可 请勿转载DBecase yu didnt ha a good eep lat nigt未经许可 请勿转载22.Wat can weln ao “naps acrin to lst paragraph?未经许可 请勿转载.All thepople n warmr limatee a in e midle fth day未经许可 请勿转载B.Doctosned o take naswhile empyers ont.未经许可 请勿转载Cf yuakns veyy,o11neersuffr fm hrt isase.未经许可 请勿转载D.Taking npsreguarly is neficialtopeols health未经许可 请勿转载23Whaca we infer fromhe pssage?A.Iyu gt pat 6:30,youdbettr tae a apa about 1:pm未经许可 请勿转载B.Tingnwheever u want will ogood toyouea未经许可 请勿转载.Yo il fless le if you sleep for along ime.未经许可 请勿转载.Yo11fel slepat reglar inervl间隔4.hat woldbthe best ie for he txt?Aust foa Ret BA1l fo NaCA Seia Slep Pttern DTakingNap in ame Ciate未经许可 请勿转载BTh 7th Acady Aad奥斯卡金像奖 nomiatins提名 wee annone o Ja 1, ad The and Bdapest Hoel too out a avori wth nine nominatins,includig BestPicte. Check t some thr est Pictue none to see if yu msse any st ears op Hollywood flms. 未经许可 请勿转载Te Imitatio Game Thistorcal thrile is about Brts comtr scentist, ln Tung Benedic Cumerbch, e fate ofatifical intelligence t he start o orld WrI, Trng as asked tojina select eam of mathematical eiusestodecoe he syem the Nazis sed o send milarmessages. Besies ctua breakig o the code,Cumbebtcs prtrayl扮演 urings persnly,a mixtuof dcey正派and ynes, is also higigh of te movie 未经许可 请勿转载irdmn Tis dar coed imi bout how Rggan Thoson,aaded str once famus oris urherrols, struggestoregin fae. Amrican acto Mchel ato, 6, whosa simila exerie to Thomson,lash leadnro.未经许可 请勿转载Selma sellr ast主要演员 ludig tlk sw queen Oprh Winfr may b one rason to seeSema Buthat te film focuson art Luher Kg Jr.s stuglefo il gt民权 also mesit orhiewing Basd on the 1965 elm o Montgomer otin ights rches, heflm isa honicle编年史 K Dav Oy caan foroltical rights forAfrcan-Ameican peopl.未经许可 请勿转载TheTheoof eryhing We know Englh thereticl pysicst SephenHwing o his sigiiantscietific dscoeies, especilly his black holehrs Thibiorphialfleveas the centts plaedby Eddie Rdmyne secet rmantic etionhip ith Jae HwkigFlcityJne, whom he meets adal n oe wth at Cambrig and w ltr becoeshi fst wife. 未经许可 请勿转载hood Amria Dretor RirLklt didn eriet iths fl,using th same cast fr 12 year to eod a boysgrowth.In twnd a half ours, weeMason, a Texasboy m iorced famiy,grow 6-year-old o o frehanin colg 未经许可 请勿转载25. How many BestPiturnones arementied in thetext?未经许可 请勿转载A. Five. SC EightD ine6.Which thefolowng sttmetsis TRE according to e tt?未经许可 请勿转载A.Mihael Keaton beae amous overnight aftrstaigin th oie Brda未经许可 请勿转载B AlanTri is talentd adging maninemiation e未经许可 请勿转载 elma is te str of MartnLutherng J.s fght for votig riht frAfric-Amerian.未经许可 请勿转载D The Teory of Eetig is aout ho Sehn Hang iscoveedi black hole theries 未经许可 请勿转载. WhatisBoyhod mainly ou?A How Ricrd Linlater did his cade-lxerien.未经许可 请勿转载B. Twodefu lfe Mson.CThe grwth of young bo.D w Mason senthiscllegeyears 28. Wat is te ain uosef tetxt?. To anlze分析 hyse lms wre nomnated f th 7th cademy wads.未经许可 请勿转载B. To giveabref ductiontot th Academ ward omines.未经许可 请勿转载C.To ist some o h et noinees ithe Academy Aards hstory未经许可 请勿转载D. Toroe that the Acadmy Awadnominees covera roadrageofopics.未经许可 请勿转载C ou gowrapidly throuh yoreenage yes, yoil exrence a ot o caehe change may semdifficlt and they y semt happe uikl. Dnt panic恐慌!You wil dea succssfuy witm!u areyo dult now! With more reposbilty,yo wlln ore fredomto mak yu on ices This is a tmo be wellinformed知晓 abot your cices o tat ou can mak healty blanceddcinsthat wil hl shapeoufuture.You ayaleady know our career pth or you may hae no ideaatll whatyo wan to o. thsttion arfin!Work ard andthe rigtopportunity wi prent展现 itself to yo. oungaduho means grea freedm an ore cois uwill probabl want o b未经许可 请勿转载idepedent But ty notto huyu famil out ofour lieosould earn to thnk others vn thoh you ae oenog to lookafteyourself Your familaveee with u sce yo came in his ord. Is alsorcyntualinti tieor you to send oe time h ur fiendstayouramily. Cseyur fiend isely. true rindwilln yyo no mattr what happens.Thspeiod i part of the lifecyce. Tere aresomeeplewhowill e with you oughout lie's joreyand thereil besoe popl with whom you part分离 an go separate ways eavi chool c beha.Te ely i thou may not evr se alf ourclasmate agai. ore a oungadut. It isyou fe. oone canlive t fo yu. The choicsthat yo make frow onwi be youroices. So making rght choices wlbempotat yo. Life s fr livi. Ejoy your life wisel!.Thebest titefor his passge oldb _. A. Choices inLife . Th Keto Succes C.ay bye t the Pas .Beomg a You ult0.Who do he undined wod “some people Paragraph 4probablean? .yur arets B your clamate C.tre fends Dyr elive3As far as the aho isconcened=in te authors oinion, eenage ears ar_未经许可 请勿转载 A. a rioof ompltefreedom B. t ha for popleto get throgh .an imprantme f he yung tomake th rigt choces未经许可 请勿转载 avery iptant prio f yung sudets toleave teir parents未经许可 请勿转载3. Wh is te pssg main intended for? A. Tenagr. B. Teaches C ougpaent D. dults. 未经许可 请勿转载 I g my first drvers lcense执照in 93 baking river educton in my frst yer a Centa Hig School n Charloe,NorthCarolna. For year ater when it was timo reew更新 myicensI wa amarred oan. Hny and I wer livngnBltimor,ryand Tw weksbefe my 20tbhdy, Henrdrveme to thmtr vee ofi na hot Jul afterooWhen gtote offc d showed o tha bid thecontr m Nort Coa drvrs licee, ray t renew, the man toldmethat I was under a b Marlandlaw since Iwas not t . “r.Hey Smith, yr sband, wl have to sg or ou, he sid未经许可 请勿转载Iagued, pointing to a very agebely肚子ofmn, I am marr. I a aingabab Wyhoul hve toave smene sign for metdive?H aswered codl,“Itsthe lw,adam?未经许可 请勿转载Heny ecouaged me o calmdo, just oaad ad g the license ad be don with it “o. I sd. I rfused to hav him ig frme.So Ilft tut a Maryandices未经许可 请勿转载I caledtheorth Crin tor ehicle Officed reewe my NC iense by mail-uin y nam Susan Brown. And thus i wa for he ext twele yr Sine Hnry wa i he a I ul dri une myhome stt icens By th tie Henry left the armwwre once aainvngin arylan, ad I d to tetheMarn drierexam.Sne th I jst o ad rene eeryur yeas-sig theame Susan ro, hve mw pictur taken,n akout wih a iens o dive.未经许可 请勿转载. Susagot her irst drive'slicense 未经许可 请勿转载A.befoeshe ot maredto Henr B. hen she wa tweners old未经许可 请勿转载. afer efinhd hgh school .whnsh jut mov to Mayland未经许可 请勿转载34 Susa fail to rnewhr icesethirst time n Maryladbeaus .未经许可 请勿转载A sewasfobidde todrieby Maryla a B. se laked riing expiencn Maryland未经许可 请勿转载C.he was to gvebirth to baby so se insited signingfor hersl未经许可 请勿转载5. Wecn ifer m the xt thatin he .S. 未经许可 请勿转载A. Americaale hould srve i harm B.diferent stats ma ve ifferenlaws C. eohav tnew theilcese nteir hme ate未经许可 请勿转载D. womn shuld adpt hrhusbandfmilynams ftr marriage未经许可 请勿转载第二节 共5小题;每题2分,满分10分 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In many cntris, iismporat tohave m chlden.In the US, a few religiousgrups phasize强调 he iportaceof lrge amilie, but ost peleink one or two cidr areeg, ad manycouples have