The Psychological Approach:FreudComments of the psychological approachThe most controversial,most abused,and least appreciated by many readers.It can be fascinating and rewarding.Purpose To account briefly for the misunderstanding of psychological criticismTo outline the psychological theory most commonly used as an interpretive tool by modern criticsTo show by examples how readers may apply this mode of interpretation to enhance their understanding and appreciation of literatureLimitations Aesthetic inadequacyIt can afford many profound clues toward solving a works thematic and symbolic mysteries,but it can seldom account for the beautiful symmetry of a well-wrought poem or of a fictional masterpiece.Abuses and misunderstandings of the Psychological ApproachThere are 3 abuses of the approach during the twentieth century.These abuses have given rise to a widespread mistrust of the psychological approach as a tool for critical analysis.Freuds theoryIceberg theoryHe demonstrated that,like the iceberg,the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface(below the level of consciousness)Three premisesThat the most of the individuals mental processes are unconsciousAll human behavior is motivated ultimately by what we could call sexuality Because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses,many of our desires and memories are repressed.Several corollaries of Freudian theoryThree psychic zones:the id,the ego and the superegoSeveral corollaries of Freudian theoryPerhaps the most controversial(and,to many persons,the most offensive)facet of psychoanalytic criticism is its tendency to interpret imagery in terms of sexualitySeveral corollaries of Freudian theoryChild psychologyDifferent stages:Oral stageAnal stagePhallic stage Latency stageGenital stage Oedipus complex derives from the bodys unconscious rivalry with his father for the love of his mother libido and literature这里的性不是指生殖意义上的性,它被称为:“力比多”(libido),泛指一切身体器官的快感,力比多是一种本能,是一种力量,是人的心理现象发生的驱动力。弗洛伊德认为,文学艺术的发生既非源于人类模仿的天性,也不是出自人们表现情感的愿望,而是源于人“欲望”的升华。他把对性的渴望的内驱力称为力比多,用于解释一切精神活动的能量来源人的愿望除了权力,财富,名誉,野心等等之外,主要是要求得到发泄和释放的对性的愿望。而艺术家不同,他可以以他特有的禀赋,把压抑的感情升华为艺术作品。不仅使压抑得以控制,使不道德得以掩饰,而且以其审美品格给人们带来愉悦和享受,因此在弗洛伊德看来“艺术家基本上是性格内向者,与精神病患者相去不远,他承受着本能欲望异乎寻常的逼迫”,艺术家和白日梦者的不同在于艺术家能够赋予其本能欲望一种社会可以接受的形式,以所谓艺术美之形式掩饰其不合道德伦理之内容,于是力比多作为人的终极动力,也被弗洛伊德看作是文学发生的原初动力。Freuds psychological method on Chinese poem 山居秋暝 王维 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。明月松间照,清泉石上流。竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟。随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。