Chapter 13 The Integumentary SystemThe Integumentary SystemConstitute:The skin system including skin and skin derivatives.Skin derivatives:The skin derivatives including hoof,occiput,horns,fur,and glandula integumentaria(sweat gland,glandulasebacea,and breast).Skin:The skin including cuticle,dermis,and subcutaneous tissue.The Integumentary SystemHairless Thick SkinSweat glandAdipose cellCuticleDermisSubcutaneous tissueHairy Thin SkinCuticleDermisSubcutaneous tissueFurFur1.Hair cuticle;2.Hair cortex;3.Hair medullaFurHairy Thin SkinFurFurFurFurFurCattle HoofHoofCapsula ungulae:The capsula ungulae is a cuticle formed by keratinization of the epidermis.Cuticle of hoof wallCuticle of hoof bottomCuticle of hoof ball HoofCapsula ungulae:The capsula ungulae is a cuticle formed by keratinization of the epidermis.It consists of the cuticle of hoof wall,the cuticle of hoof bottom,and the cuticle of hoof ball.Pododerm:Also known as corium ungulae.It consists of the dermis of hoof wall,the dermis of hoof bottom,and the dermis of hoof ball.HoofHoofPododerm:Also known as corium ungulae.Dermis of hoof wallDermis of hoof bottomDermis of hoof ball HoofCapsula ungulae:The capsula ungulae is a cuticle formed by keratinization of the epidermis.It consists of the cuticle of hoof wall,the cuticle of hoof bottom,and the cuticle of hoof ball.Pododerm:Also known as corium ungulae.It consists of the dermis of hoof wall,the dermis of hoof bottom,and the dermis of hoof ball.HoofHoofHoofHoofHoofHoofCanineHorsethe Cats PawHornHornthe Shape of Animal BreastCattlePigHorseSheepCaninethe Cattles Breastthe Structure of the BreastSmall lactiferous ducts Big lactiferous ducts Mammary tract Cistern milk Papillary ductsBasilar partSomatic partPapilla partSkinAnadesmaParenchymaSecretory portion Catheter portionthe Structure of the BreastCatheter portion:Small lactiferous ducts Big lactiferous ducts Mammary tract Cistern milk Papillary ductsthe Structure of the BreastMilk mirrorMilk mirror:The linear skin fold between the cattles breast and the pudendal fissure is called milk mirror.the Structure of the Mammary GlandBreast Blood Supply Lymph Nodes of the BreastCharacteristics of the Breasts of Various AnimalsThe breasts of cattle,horses and sheep are located in the lower abdominal wall of pubis.Cattle:The cattles breast is divided into two halves,right and left,each with two nipples,andeach nipple has one nipple tube.Horses:The horses breast is divided into two halves,right and left,each with one nipple,andeach nipple has 2 or 3 nipple tubes.Characteristics of the Breasts of Various AnimalsThe breasts of cattle,horses and sheep are located in the lower abdominal wall of pubis.Sheep:The sheeps breast is divided into two halves,right and left,each with one nipple,and each nipple has one nipple tube.Characteristics of the Breasts of Various AnimalsCanine:The breasts of canine are arranged in pairs on both sides of the abdominal white line,each breast has one nipple.The characteristics of the breasts of pig and canine:Pig:The breasts of pig are arranged in pairs on both sides of the abdominal white line,each breast has one nipple,and each nipple has 2 or 3 nipple tubes.