国际营销(英文)国际营销 (2).pdf
Defining Marketing for the New RealitiesChapter 1The New Marketing Realities TechnologyGlobalizationSocial responsibilityA dramatically changed marketplaceNew consumer capabilitiesCan use the internet as a powerful information and purchasing aid Can search,communicate,and purchase on the moveCan tap into social media to share opinions and express loyaltyA dramatically changed marketplaceNew consumer capabilitiesCan actively interact with companiesCan reject marketing they find inappropriateA dramatically changed marketplaceNew company capabilities Can use the internet as a powerful information and sales channel,including for individually differentiated goods Can collect fuller and richer information about markets,customers,prospects,and competitors Can reach customers quickly and efficiently via social media and mobile marketing,sending targeted ads,coupons,and informationA dramatically changed marketplaceNew company capabilities Can improve purchasing,recruiting,training,and internal and external communications Can improve cost efficiencyA dramatically changed marketplaceChanging channelsRetail transformationDisintermediationA dramatically changed marketplaceHeightened competitionPrivate brandsMega-brandsDeregulationPrivatizationMarketing in practiceMarketing balanceMarketing accountabilityMarketing in the organizationCompany Orientation towardthe MarketplacePRODUCTIONPRODUCTSELLINGMARKETINGFig.1.4 Holistic Marketing DimensionsRelationship marketingCUSTOMERSEMPLOYEESMARKETING PARTNERSFINANCIAL COMMUNITYIntegrated marketingDevise marketing activities and programs that create,communicate,and deliver value such that“the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”Integrated marketingThe task of hiring,training,and motivating able employees who want to serve customers wellPerformance marketingFINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTSOCIAL IMPACTFig.1.5 Marketing Mix Components(4 Ps)MODERN MARKETING MANAGEMENTPROCESSESPEOPLEPROGRAMSPERFORMANCEMARKETINGMANAGEMENT TASKSDeveloping market strategies and plansCapturing marketing insightsConnecting with customersBuilding strong brandsMARKETINGMANAGEMENT TASKSCreating valueDelivering valueCommunicating valueCreating successful long-term growth