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. oo*.郑*oo* n|p 爬 dJ.然o忠o* 期* o料o*氐Eoo* 题号四五六七总分得分绝密启用前2022年新高一英语暑假刷讲专项讲义8考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校:姓名:班级:考号:注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上, 写在试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(本大题共56小题,共56.0分)1. Water is very for those buried in the mine.()A. clearB. controversial C. commonD. critical2. Our chemistry teacher the experiment in the lab before we did the experiment byourselves.()A. stimulatedB. sponsoredC. demonstratedD. attached3. The topic is well worth talking about.We shall, return to it in the next lesson.()A. howeverB. otherwiseC. besidesD. therefore4. He an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.()A. protectedB. producedC. joinedD. received5. Students are advised to keep the list of books near the desk for easy.()A. referenceB. preferenceC. purposeD. function6. I did well in the English exam last week.I did.1 got a full mark.()A. no betterB. no worseC. even worseD. not better7. The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to the point.()A. illustrateB. suggestC. expressD. recognizeIf you wan-orake good care of your eyes and vlsloHI encourage youoadop 二 he hab: of blinking (HMR/)sofUy as ofren as possible Frequen- and genre b-mkmg is importan二o mam-am healthy eyes and good vision because ir helps 5 keep your eyes coated with three beneficia二ayers 谕)of Kars-The firs 二 ayer of rears lies right up agamsrthQ whiles of your eyesyand provides an even coat of prosmrich moisture (7|<4)fo二he second -ayer to stick to- The middle watery layer helpsowash away foreign dusr, Ir also provides your eyes with mineralsya variety of prorems. and moisture The third ousr layer ofears is somewhat: o二y It serves_0 preven二he middle warery layer from drying quicklyand smooths your eyes- If your eyes are norregu-arly coated with 一 he -hree layers of tears described abov9 rhey w三 be short of moisture and cleaningaand they w三 be unnecessarily Hred One of rhe reasons why many of us don - r blink as often as we shousis we don - t see frequent blinking in mainstream media, Asors and news presdrs are typically trained to bHnk as infrequently as possible" so when we fake in most forms of meds-our minds -cam rhar it isn- - normals blink frequently-To fu=y support: your eyes and visiopir- s bes- to blink softly every fwoofour seconds which trans-a-esoabout: fifreenos-irtyzmks per minure- By making an effor 二。sosy zmk ar-his ra_9 over rim9 your body w 三em your efforts m_0 a habrIf you - r。thinking thar such 才 equent banking w 二一 make reading a book or viewing a movie Imcomfortabpgive if a try and you-二 see righ- away -hat i- doesn- - take away from these experiences at a= 1。7, wha- does the author sugges- in rhe -ext?A Tak-ng good care of our eyes by eye exercises.B. Closing and opening our eyes frequently and gently c- Mam-ainmg healthy eyes -o prevent nearsighredness D Crying as of-en as possible to gain -hrec -ayers of -ears. 108 - Whafis 一 he second paragraph mam-y about?A- The classified二on of tears。B. The causes ofs-ree layers of rears-c, The functions of three layers of rears.D The importance of the first layer of tears109 How does the autho 二 hink ofzmkmg frequently when reading)A Annoying B. Disagreeable- c. Stupid D. Harm-ess期一同注54同请不要在装订线内答题 - 级 - o M o 校学O二 0, Whaf is -he best tiUe forrhe text?A Keep Eyes Coared with as Many Layers of Tears as PossibleB Try Frequent: Blinking for Healthier Eyes and Better Vision c Actors and News preservers saUs a Bad Example in Lifestyle D B-mkmg Lowers the Experiences When Reading or Seeing a Fi-mBWhen Jane Gooda二 was 6during World WarFshe was often woken by alarms (喉米), The sound warned that enemy p-anes were flying over herowpHer -if 二 e sis-er would nmorhe bomb sheten Bur Gooda二 refused _0 move.二I did nor wanf _0 -eave my bed,- she sa-d二They hadotake me down with all my bedcorhes from my bed二 Thar same stubbornness (国势)led he 二。become the worE- s besTknown bioogisc In 196Pshe s-ayed for months in rhe forests of Tanzania in Afric 尸 waring for chimpanzees (B 漪滴)oaccept: her- When they dip Goodall was able -o observes-em up close and discover -ha二hey could use too-s, In 19623 university professors criticized (曲蹦)Goodall for using human names and emotions to describe chimps二I was no- agains二hem;- she says-二I jus- quietly wen- on doing whar I knew was righr.二 She believes that chimps are smart social anima - s,which is now wide<acceDted-In 一 986Goodall wen-oa meeting on habita-oss -ha- changed her ideas about naHle She not on-y just did researchbut also began a schedE-e of -rave- and charity work- Afsr 35 years she- s s三 ons-ejob Goodall shares her life S3ryogspeople aware of environmenral prorectiomBefores-e COVID19Goodal二 raveled 300 days a yean She spoke at Schoo- gatherings and ta-k shows Since March 20203 Goodall- has suspended her -ravens. Howevera she has Taken ho-els and lecture ha二s as her bedroom for the past year and a ha-f* Her de-ermma二on 3 spread her message keeps herrhere for hours each day- Goodall does on averag9rhree virca 二 eccres or interviews between breakfast and bedrimp Her sroriesoave audiences feeling hopeful abour our planer,二 1 - Whaf does rhe author wanrore= us in paragraph 1 7A, Goodall- s beaurifu- childhood was ruinedB Gooda 三 s family were no- poased wi-h herc Gooda二 Hved a poor 二fe when she was =tue.D Good岂 has been defermined since her childhood- 112 wha- did Goodall dooget aong with chimpanzees*?A She trained them to become smarLB She Taught rhem ro use tools.c She treated -hem a-mosr as humansD, She observed rhem in rhe disBncpWhy did Gooda二 start hertrave - and chari-y work?A To make people protec- the environment-B To have a meeting on habitat: -oss.c To further her research abou- narure.D To share her =fe sror-es in Tanzania-wha- does the underlined word -suspended- in rhe last paragraph mean 7 A Remembered。 B planned- c Increased, D StoppedcA bunch of strangers showed up ars-e gym in rhe early morning Ofs-e last Sunday of April. A few as-crKS were already stretching their arm? but most: of us cos-d barely focus As I was burning off last night - s wrong decision a big mealI spoiled a power abour a gym - s 21 day workout cha二eng9 and I immedias-y signed up- I always warded -o train for a marathoHso I considered this as my warmup BesidesI needed_0 stop being lazy ands-is was my chanceo make a change-If was easyopromise on paper" bu 二 hree weeks of recommended exercise routines (乖港) and diarestricHons wou-dn- t be easy-1 stuckoworking Ou- 30 minutes a dayand I didn- disturb my norma-routme, InsreadaI had 8 be faced with the 一ough work of being more creative in my spare Um9 rhus breaking some bad habits- Overcoming weaknesses wirh w三power (郦舒什)was my goa- for the nex- part of rhe journey, Bu二he difficult: parr abour making a challenge is realizing that 二wanrmg- and -doing- are two very differen 二 hmgs Jus-Hke a career" you have_0 physically work for i- rathe 二 han jus- wait for i- To happen. But that- s hard Throughout rhe 21 daysI often told myse-f tha- The challenge was meaningless and triedosabotage myself from exercising- However"na二y I overcames-ar negative thought: and kepr working out, Ars-e end ofs-e challenge二 earned somes-mg even more important: Feelings-e resu-rs is期一同注54同请不要在装订线内答题better -han see-ng rhem. I had fewer headaches and more energy" and was simply happ-er. I even felr a lit二e smarter as I researched which foods were better for my body and -earned how omake healthier meals,I felt a sense of accomp-ishmenL topbecause even though I warded -o give up dozens of timesaI didn- r I fe-t my waist go sma-er and my arms go- stronger and I noonger fe - t gui-ry af-er having a piece of cake or a drmr 二5- What was 一he author- s wrong decisionsA Going to rhe gym early.B Training for a mararhopc Ealing a lot -he previous nightD Slopping being -azy for a change,116 Wha二s paragraph 2 mam-y abou-7A. Some of rhe aurhor- s bad habrs.B. Some ways ofs-e author- s killing his spare time c The importance of sticking to the norma- daily routine. D The difficu'y of -he author- s keeping on with the workou- plap 117。Whaf does the underlined word -sabotage二 in paragraph 3 probably mean? A, prevent, B, Hear, c Improve, D, Distinguish, 118, Whar did rhe author learn from rhe workout cha一一eng% A Eating healthy food is more impoHanr than exercising.B Overcoming a cha=enge cou-d bring good fee-mgs to him c It- s more impor-anr to see whar he =kes -han just fee- it D There was no need 5 fee- gu二-y about: things he disliked to do.Insecfs have diBcu 一-y handling rhe rising _emperarue brought: on by2-imas changes- The abi 三 y 3 reproduce is a-so strong - y affec-ed by rising temperacrey even in nor-hem areas of rh。worldaccording_0 a new study from Lund University in Sweden- Inscc-S cannot change rheir own body rcmpcraturpwhich is strong-y influenced bys-c femperature inheir immediafe environment, In -he curren- srudylhe researchers sfudied -wo cosely relafed species of dragonflies (蕊泽)in swedep The goal was to undersrand -heir abilityoadaptochanges in remperacrpTo study fhisthe researchers used a combination of field work 5 soufhem Sweden and thermography (遂缨密辩法)a technology that makes i- possible To measure body temperature in natural conditions,The informa 二 on washen connesed 5 rhe survival rates and reproductive success ofs-e dragonflies in -heir natural popu - auons- The study shows that rhe survivorship of rhe dragonflies is high arre-ativc-y -ow temperacres (】5d20d) The reproductive ability is higher a 二 emperaturQS between Moon and 3rc* There is rherefore a remperacredependenr problem baween survival ons-e one hand and the abi 三 y_0 reproduce ons-e other hand" says Erik svcnssopprofessor a 二he Department: of Bioogy ar Limd universitywhood the study- The study a-so shows that the dragonflies" abilityohand-e heaTrelared stress is Hmired. seers are coldbooded animaFsos-ey rely on oss 一 de sources such ass-e sun or ho- srones 0 raise -heir body temperature,*our resBrs shows-ar coldbooded animals can suffer from overhearing even ifs-ey Hve far up in the nor-hem areasand -ha二heir ability to change 一heir body temperature against rising outside temperature is Hmited The results also cha二enge a popu一ar theory that animals ” plasticity (由MH?) can he-p -hem survive under harsher environment such as during hear waves"二 says Erik Svensson-119- What is rhe purpose of the Sudy7A To find -he re-aHonship between survival! ra_e and 一emperature.B To ngue Ou- the difficu一二es of nollhes insec-sy adaption.c To show dragonflies ab=i_y to dea- w二h changes in remperarure.D To prove animalsplasticity in the hor environmenL 120 Whafis paragraph 3 main - y about?A The way of -he study. B The result of -he study. c The importance of the study. D. The object of rhe study. 12 L wha- can be leamed from Erik Svensson s S_udy7 A Insecrs ysurvival has nothing_0 do with temperatures. B. Insecfs showow survival rates arower temperacres, c Insects change body temperatures _0 improve survival rates. D Insec-S have higher reproductive abiHTy between 20 oc and 30OC. 122 Whal does the underlined word 大harsherqin the -ast paragraph probably mean7期一同注54同请不要在装订线内答题 - 级 - o M oA. More comfortabpB. More difficun c. More Sui_ab5 D. More p-easanL 由,函wHr宙H牌一。06) Travesng is supposed to be relaxingbut if you are not carefu19 if can become sTressfuL Here are several things you need 3 check before traveling-Pack your suitcase carefully(1) You can do this a few days before leaving so that you won" r forget anything impor-anL like an umbr2-a or sunglasses in case if rains or an extra pair of shoes in case -he ones you“ re wearing break,You can also pack an extra bag in case you" = need it for shopping-(2)If youyre planningos&y a a hoteL the first-hmg you needOdo is make your reservauop When making a reservationpay attention 3 whaT s mccded in your vacation package? such as breakfast: 0 rtranspor_ation, The earner you book F the better since ho_2s Endobecome fu=y booked during peak seasons-Check the weafher forecastKnowing abou 二 he weas-er is impom for a happy travel. Checking wea-her forecasts can help you decide wha二Gems -o bring Hke sung一assesyumbre=as or raincoat;, (3) . Especial-" when you are Era veiling somewhere far from hom9 W s possible thar extreme weather conditions may occur any rimeMake a list of impoilant phone numbersMake sure you have some important: phone numbers- (4), You can also srore them on your mobile phone so thar you can casi-y access -hem if needed. Make some extra copies in case something happens withs-e firs- copy-Remember to charge your smartphoneBefore travellingamake sure tha- your smartphone is a 二 charged up IU s imporranro keep ir fully powered if you need 5 use i二。search for directions and addressesor upload pictures. (5).A Search for an hote-m advanceB Make a reservation for your dinner0. Wme -hem down on a sheer of paper123. A. AEB. BC. CD. DE.F. FG.G124. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G125. A. AB. BC. CD. DE.EF. FG.G126. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G127. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G128.第H卷(非选择题) * oo 寂 * *骑 * o