期中素养综合测试O满分100分而时60分钟I .完形填空(每小8H5分.共15分)bMy family took a trip to New York last summer. We were very excited because it was our眼find triphere. We took the plaiK on Suixiay morning and Ithere in the aftenux>n. We0stayed (here for about one 2 .We didn't have much 3 lime duringour vkic. We were busy. On Moiuhy. we visited a第%c»encc muMTuni. ,rhe next day, we went (i> IxHig Bech. Il4_, and we had a gcxxl lime.*1 lowrvcr, one day was really ckmgcrxniN fbf 5 . On Friday, we went <o Cenlnil Park. Hnil.Owe took 口 subway into (he city. Then, we went to Central Park by bus. There were many peopleon (be bus. After ten minutes, we got off the bus. 6 we found Manu wasn't with us. She was_7_! She didn't get off. My father 8 the bus. At last. (he 9.Mopped the bus and Maria gotO*off. We came back (o Los Angeles on Saturday evening. We were tired but happy. However.Maria would never 10 her scary bus trip. Whai a poor girl!*B.arrivcd alC.arrivcd inD.gotB.wcekC.momhD.ycaraK-3.A.fn?eB.busyC.intetvstingD.good4.A.in(ereslingB.boringC.dmyD.expeitxive中0B. MariaC.my viMXherD.my father腓B.SoC.OD.lf7.A.in the streetB.<m the trainC.at the parkD.(m the buv身 狼o8AHm iiftcrB.looked after9. A.driverB. workerClocked toeC.ieacbcrD.waitcd for,visitor播»B.rcmcmtxrrII,阿读理解(得小跻2分.共46分)C.lislcn toD.worryo(2022山东广饶期中)AK&o普物It wax a Saturxlay in M;iy. When Mrs. Black opened (he <kx* and kniked out, she Mnilcd anil said, "It's going to be a beautitill day,"' She woke her little son up at eight thirty and said to him. “Get up. Tod. Wc'rc going to the zoo today Wash your hands and face, brush yxnir teeth and have brcnkfasi quickly. We arc going to New York by train.*Tod was six yean old. He wus very happy now because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train. He said. "I dreamed (做号) about the zoo last night. Mummy."His mother was in a hurry, but she stopped and smiled at her little son. "And wlwt did you do in the zoo in your dream?* Tod laughed and answered. MYou know. Mummy! You were there in my dream. too.nI I.Mrx. Black decided to go to the zoo mainly (主要地)because.A.il would be Sunday the next dayB.il was going U> be u sunny dayC.TckI hadn,t been (u (he /w 内D.shc had noihing (o do o<i Saturday12 .At half paM eight that morning .A .Tod was dreaming about (he zooB.Tod was woken up(被叫歌)C.Tod was washing his faceD.Tod was on the (rain13 .Vhy was Tod happy that day?A.He liked New York very much.B.It was his sixth birthday.C.He was going (o lake a (ruin.l>.He didn'l have lo go Co School.14 .Vhat did Tod do in the zoo in his dream?A.He saw a lot of animals.B.Hc played with a monkey.C.He saw some beautiful birds.D/Phc story doesn'l lei I u$.15 . the slor>' wc know (hat .A Ted dreamed about the zoo every nightB.Tod was Mrs. Black's little daughterC.Mrs. Bluck didn't know what Tod did in the dreamD.Mrs. Black forgot that she and Tod had been in the zoo the night beforeB(2022山东肥城期中)No. 12 Middle School k a very good school. Here arc the students' five favorite (cachets inU把 sc!kx>1. Let uke u look al what dwy look like.Sarah is a niaih teacher. She has sliori curly hair. She wears gl&sxe%. Her eyes are big. her nose is small l»er nuxilh is snull, (oo.Paul teaches history. He has long curly hair and a round lace. He doesn't wear glares. Paul is good to his students. His eyes arc always full of(满足的) love for his students.Bill is a thin mun. He has short straight huir and he doesn't wear glasses. He doesn't look like a music teacher, bin he is the studcnis' favorite music teacher in the school.Tim is an art teacher. He has a small nose, big eyes and a big mouth. His hair used to,曾经) be long and curly, but now his hair is short and straight. Thal makes him look good.Cindy b a very beautiful English teacher. She is call and she has long curly blonde hair. She always talks io her studenis with a -微笑)on her ivaind face.16 .Wiui subject does Sarah (each?A.Hiscon*. B.English. C.Art. D.Math.17 .Wtuil does the sluilerKs' favcwile mus»c tocher look like?®Hc is Uli 必cis thin. He wean; gkw«:$ He tws mniight huir.a3>b.c.(Dd. Who has a new look now?A.Sarah. B.Bill. C.Cindy. D.Tim.18 .What can we know from the passage?A/Hm lias a big no*.B.Cindy has long bkick hair.C.Thc five tciichcn; work in No. 12 Middle School.D.Sanih always talks with her sludcnts with a smile on her face.C(2021湖北鄂州中考)Last summer holiday. Aunt Emily look us to a safari park (野生动物园).noi far from Liverpool.1 was very happy to go as I had never been to a safari paik befoiv. It's a very interesting paik. full of wild aninuls lunning finely.When we there, we bought our tickets and drove ink) die park. We were very excited al (he llx>ughl of going Io .cc the lions. But ki gel l<> I Ik 加 hi、' place ue had (o gn ihmugh ibe monkeys' kind firM. And (ha( was an unhappy experience bccatwc they climbed all over (he car. ale apple* and banmis. and threw all kinds of things «i( us. They wmed very unfriendly.Anyway, we went on our way to the lions' place where we tu)d co lock ourselves in the car as we knew lions could be dangerous. A lion cumc up very close to us. The next thing we knew, it was on the bonnet ). k looked calm but we feh (crriflcd. Aunt Eniily. who isn't very brave, started to call for help. The kids varied crying. Only my brother. George, stayed cool. I sounded the horn (喇叭 ibm nobody heard us.In the end a guard arrived in his car. and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard's luixi as if nothing was dw matter.2().Whtch animal did (he wtner wani【。心 Ilie n)osi?A.The lions.B.The elq)hanls.C.Thc monkey*.D.AII of (hem.21 .Why did they lock themselves in the car?A.Because the monkeys might Meal things.B.Because they were afraid of being robbed.C.Because the lions might be dangerous in the park.I).Because sunwlhing wrong with (he car.22 .Whal docs the underlined word crhfwd" in Parugraph 4 probably niciin? z,Excited.B. Bored.C.lntcrcMcd. D.Scarcd.23 .Who siaycd calm among the visitors when they met the lion?A.Aunt Emily.B.George.C.Thc guard. D.Thc writer.D(2021辽丁抚顺、本溪、辽阳中考)Axked uboui the foods that *11 l>esi in【be w hole wot id. do you often hear 4boui Coca-Cola and McfXMiald's Big Macs frnm Amenca? But think again, because die iimjsI successful worldwide (ckm! is insUint nnodlcM 方便面).A new book calkd Noodle Slones that was written 55 旧rx after the birth of the inslant noodles in J叩an. mentioned that there were more than 100 billion cups of instant ixxxilcs worWwidc in 2012- that,s about 14 cups for every person on Earth. As for noodles ihcnwckc they were invented more (han 2.000 years ago to become a worldwide Maple (壬 食). The oldest historical mention of noodles appeared in the third century AD in China. The earliest Chinese noodles were little pieces of dough1而tfl )thrown into boiling water. This kind of noodles, called mianpuin. arc still eaten in China today. Arx>thcr early mention of noodles appeared in the fifth century AD in Jcmsalcm.Monx)fuku Ando invenied instant ixxxiles in Japan in 1958. Few people know liui iiutant noodles play an importani role in hunger and 宛;0rdiM. well-known Ihal they are ivgrded as junk food, but I hey arc a rea! "hunger killer0. According to an Ofilirw news rvpc»rl, llx fal in insUinl noodles lh«it is mixed with I be delicious soup keeps one feeling full fur kmger. And tlwt helps explain why "mmcn”. as they arc called in Japunuc. have become a simple on the world's food aid(援助Mists.24Among the worldwide foods, (he best seller is.A.soup B.Big MacsC.insUnl mxxiles D.mbnpian25. Accwling (o (he passage, mxxlle h;ive «i hixtor)1 of more Chan ygrxA.55B.KX) C.I958D.200026. Which of the following enn be put m " " in the third paragraph?A .What do people cat except noodles?B.Whcrc were the curliest noodles from?C.How did people cook noodles in Japan?D.Why arc noodles a kind of staple today?27. Ftuni ik passage, we can know liut iiutant noodles were invented in .AJapan B.ChiiuC.America DJemsalem28. Which uf the fcMIowing is TRUE?A.Every penton cals ;it leaM 14 cups uf inxlanl noodles every year.B.As 口 hcuihhy Maple. insUnl mxxiles arc popular around the world.C.Ramcn was anoibcr name of mianpian in Jupanesc 2.000 yeans ago.D.Pcoplc in disaster areas may get instant noodles from food aid groups.E(2021山东龙口期中)根掂短文内容.从力框内所给的选项中选出能城入空白处的殴仕选项.选项中有项为 多余项.Every country has its own way of cooking.Most people in ibe Uniud Skiles like fast food, bin if you think ihai 29 . you are wroeg. Il's (me Iluil nwx4 Americans M f即4 food for lheir breakfaM 4nd lurxrh. hut 30 . Parenlx see <he importance of leaching (heir children how (u c<M)k, arxi moM Americans say that boine-cmiked meals iirc the best.31_ . For example, baking (iftfii)is (be most popular way of cooking in America. Most American families have ovens and 32 In planning u big meal, they try to cook meat, a few vegetables, some bread and often some sweet food.33 . There are many kinds of (ihmIs in dil(ferenl cohm, so llw meal 1、healthy and l(K»k% beautiful, loo./.Ainerican cooks pay attention 10 (fifi) the balance (平衡 ) of Mx!B.AnKrican people don't like cookingC.dwy also think cooking is. interestingD.they are good at cooking vety muchE. Americans have llwir ow n way of cookingF.They alu> like lo make the meal look boiutiful30.31.32. 33.HI.词汇通小题I分,共10分)A.根据句意及音标、汉语或首字母提示.写出所缺的整词.34 .2022 山东龙口 南片月考)1上11 go to the c on Sunday. A new mo, ie is to be on ilietv.35 .2O22 山东莱曲期中jZkmg Guimei is an (优秀的"eacber.36 .2022 山东或有“,呆期中/' Ia kl li/. I.i Ming found his wWrh yesterday.37 .(2021 ill 东乳山期中)1 allied you thnx limes Iasi night, but nobody/' o: nsod'.38 .(2021 山东新春期中)The bike was a little g, so I kid (o b<iy a chc叩 one.B川括号内所给词的适当形式址空.39 .(2022 山东威海环泯朝中 jThcaEt is good at (paint);many pcopk like his piciurcs very much.40 .(2022 山东东邛实验中学月号改编Would you like(play>fooiball with us?一Yes. 1 like<play) football very much.SI.2022 山东沂源期中)Her fmher <teach) in thu school ten years ago.42.2022 山东洲博经开M 期J中)Jim *as not (interesiing) in il)e rolxxs.43.(2022 山东广饶期中改ife)How many people are (here in ihe film?-The number of them (be) over four huixired.N.根据汉语意思,及提示)完成句子或翻评句子(越小区2分,共10分)44.(2022山东烟台芝常明中)刘小妞中等身材的在蕊发.Miss Liu k ofand she has curly hair.45.(2022山东曲计期中)如果你吃到/带硬币的纥子,它将给你带来好运.If ywi cut Ihe dumpling with a coin, il will bring Io you.46.(2022独宝家创用t有点索.因为我昨晚熬役f. (kind. May)47.(2022山东乳山期中改编滋:辆小汽车太出了我买不起.(so.ihm)48.(2022山东肥地期中)导游怵着他们参观了白然历史博物泊.V.选询填空每小题1分,共10分)一读下面面文,根楙据文内容从方框中选送适当的词并用耳适当形式填空 interest India around differently visit each language popular build cheapSingapore is a city of differeni cultures. Walking through the streets of Singaptre. you can licar diflercnl ,9 poken, such as English. Chinese and Malay. People from SO cuhurc% live and work peacefully with e4»ch exher and haru (heir (nuhlicxis.In Singapore, cuhund diflcrvnccN are shenvn in 51 stvkxt shops ;ind many (Kber ways. Take tb(xl us an example, 52 culture tus iu own place to sell its traditional food. b<it (here arc also famous huwker markets. Different foods an: sold in these busy marlcts. And these arc very 一 53_with Singapore citizens and54 from around the world. The food is good and very_55 .Singapore is also an 56 cityjargc numbers of people, ideas, etc. arc mixed together under the same sky. English is used for business. Now. however, there is a strong Chinese busiiMss community and alu) a growing 57 business community. Singapore welcomes talented people from S8 ihe world 31kl hopes they will live ibere all their lives.49.50.51. 52.S3.54.55.56. 57.58.VI.阅读表达前小JH 2分.共10分)(2020湖南长沙中考)阅读下血的斑文,然后根据短文内容问答问也,Jiaozi, also known as Chingc dumplings, is a must-have during holidays in Northern Chin4i. It dates kick to uncioil times.Jiaozi is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year. Since jiaozi is in (be shape of ancient Chinese goW or silver ingots it symbolizes wealth (私征野财富 ).Tradi60MHy. the members of a family gee together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who finds the coin will be likely to have good luck. As (be Spring Festival marks the suit of a new year, people eboewe to eat jiaozi in (be hope of having a good future in (he coming new year.Based on x*our taste, you can nuke differem kinds of Chinexe dumplings UMng differem fillings. 'Iliere ix no %c( rule as k> wlul make、dumpling fillings. Tlwy can be anything from vegdaWeSv meat or scalbod. Whiitcvcr the fillings arc, the wrupping (ti) skill need% to be exquisiteto make jiaozi good-looking.As China is a country with vaM territory (解员辽阔).there arc differences in different arcus in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it. Fbr example, dumpling wrappeni arc made with a rolling stick in Beijing and Hebei province, while in some parts of Inner Mongolia, wrappers arc hand-pressed.59 .1icn did Chinese people probably begin to have jiaozi?60 . WhM does jiaozi symbolize?61 .Why dc» people chcKwe IO eat jiaozi <in New Year's Eve?62 .Do people need to follow mH rules to make dumpling fillings?63 .How arc dumpling wrappers made in some parts of Inner Mongolia?W.书画襄达(共19分)(2022山东莱州期中)假如你是Da、。用极抠表格伯思介用口己,可适当发挥壑求:时态正确、语句遹顿、I,写认克.70词左右,开头已给出.NameDaveAge13AppcuraiKC(外加)中等个子.偏狡、黑色地发Hobbies(爱好)听音乐,打篮球上周末的活动忙母高兴周六上午做作业;下午和父母开车去奶奶室的农 场,在农场骑马、展两、拍照片;晚上吃了一大碗 西红柿鸡烧面周日上午和朋友放风筝;下午特在家LHC备数学考试My mime is Dave.答案全解全析I.语篇解读本义主要讥述了作白家去年只天去细约旅行的经历.l.D there是硝词.故其前不用介词.因此本题选D.1.8 由卜文梃到的时间叫推知本收送B.句点:我们在那里待了大约 网.3人 由下文中的“Ve weebuiy.“可知此处衣示“我们没有太多的空闱时间”,故本膻选A.1.9 由“and we had a good time”可推知长源很仃理我选A.1.10 卜文的叙述可知.玛丽花没仃卜公共汽张她与家人上依匚故选B.6 .A联系上文中的“我们下了公共汽车和设空处后的我们发现玛丽亚没行和我们在一心“ 可推知本题选But.7 .D 111 卜文中的"She didn't get off”可如本IS选 D,.A结合语境可知.由于玛图亚没有下午,父亲就遭希公共汽干电,故选A”8 .A能鲂停下公共汽车的人是司机,故本因选A.9 .A弟三段叙述了玛曲亚在公共汽车上惊险的经历.因此Ml将永远不会忘记它.他本题选语篇解读本文主找讲述了托镌的妈妈在带托的去动物园就发生的事情.ILB由第 段中的句子“Is jjoing to be a beauHM day."可如,天气很好.所以布莱克夫人决 定去动物网.故选B.10 .B 由第一段中的"She woke her little son up at cijfht thirty”可知,托的花八点半被叫腥,故 选B,.C ill 第二段中的“He was very happy now because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train "可知.他通常高兴是因为他非常中设去动物园并且春秋坐火车.故 选C.13 .D文章第三段只讲述了她的妈好在他的梦里.井汉有讲述托被自己在梦里做了什么.故 选D.14 .C 由第二段中的句what did you do in the zoo in your dream?"oj知.布策克夫人前 何托博在梦里做了什么.所以布莱克夫人不知道托他在梦里做r什么故选c.语篇解读)本文主要描述了第十.中学学生fJAl北爱的五位老加的情况,根蜓第二段中的0rah is a math teacher.”可加萨他敦数学做选D.1 7.B 根抠第四段中的“Bill is a thin man. He has short straight hair and he doesn't wear glosses." 可知符合题曲.故选B.1H.I)根据?ft 五段中的“His hair u