外研版高中英语选必B4U3-Using language教案.docx
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外研版高中英语选必B4U3-Using language教案.docx
Book 7 Unit 3 Period 3Using language(40分钟)课型:语法-状语从句复习主题:人与社会一社会发展与人类文明内容分析:本单元大观念:着眼中外文化交流,立足于中国本土文化,从不同的视角理解中 国文化和中国文明,从更广阔的角度探讨中国如何更好地走向世界。本课为单元 第三课时语法。该部分的主要内容为状语从句的复习。这部分要求学生在分析典 型例句的基础上,补全一个关于大提琴演奏家马友友的小语段,之后再运用状语 从句讲述中国高铁的发展,并完成相应的开放性练习。学情分析:高二学生已具备在阅读中获取细节信息的能力,部分学生能用英语自信地表达观 点。学生之前也学习过状语从句,对状语从句有一定的了解,但此前与之相关的 知识结构并不系统。学生可能了解了如今中国发明的国际影响力,但缺乏相关信 息的英文输入。教学目标:在本节课结束后,学生应该能够:1 .理解并总结状语从句的类型和意义,区分不同种类的状语从句;.在真实语境中使用状语从句,创造性地完成开放性问题;2 .为中国文化和科技为世界做出的贡献感到自豪,激发努力学习建设祖国的爱 国热情和民族自豪感。教学重点:1 .引导学生复习状语从句的特点,在真实语境中使用状语从句。2 .引导学生理解中国在文化和技术方面对世界做出的贡献,锻炼语言表达能力。 教学难点:引导学生在真实语境中使用状语从句Teaching proceduresTeaching contentsProceduresPurposesTeacher's activityStudents9 activityActivity 1-Identifying adverbialclauses1. Lead the Ss to review understanding ideas- Welcome to Dunhuang.2. Ask Ss to read and observe the sentences in the box, and tell which type of adverbial clause each one is.3. Ask Ss to identify other types of adverbial clauses.4. Ask Ss to find more adverbial clauses when reading the text.5. Ask Ss to read the story of Li Hua and summarize the two grammar phenomena: Non predicative verbs and inversion with adverbial clauses.1. Follow T's guidance and stay focused on this period: focus on the language.2. Observe the four sentences in the box and tell which type of adverbial clause each one is.3. Read the sentences and figure out the type of the adverbial clause.4. Find more adverbial clauses when reading the text.5. Read the story and understand in the real context that adverbial clauses can be replaced by non-predicative verbs and inversion can be used where necessary in adverbial clause.1. To go over and summarize adverbial clauses.2. To help Ss learn from real text.Activity 2-Using adverbialclauses1. Show the Ss the pictures of Yoyo Ma and ask Ss to watch the video and answer the questions.2. Ask Ss to read the text independently and choose proper expressions for the blanks.3. Ask Ss to read the text including their choices.4. Check the answers with the class.5. Help Ss to tell the types1. Brainstorm the pictures and answer the questions after watching the video clip.2. Read the text independently and choose proper expressions for the blanks.3. Read the text including the choices.4. Check the answers.5. Tell the types of the adverbial clauses.To apply the adverbial clauses in a context.eof the adverbial clauses.Activity 3 -Applying adverbialclauses1. Show Ss the video clip about HSR.2. Help Ss to build connection between info points and pics about the development of HSR.3. Ask Ss to describe the development of China's HSR.1. Activate the knowledge about HSR by watching the video.2. Observe the info and pics. Build connection between info points and pics about the development of HSR.3. Describe the development of China's HSR using adverbial clauses.To consolidate the application of the adverbial clauses in a real context.Activity 4-Creating and reviewing1. Ask Ss to brainstorm other Chinese innovations and show them the video.2. Present the task of filling in the blanks about foreigners9 opinion about the Chinese innovations.1. Watch the video and think about the other Chinese innovations.2. Finish the task.To understand the technical innovation China made to the worldHomeworkl.Surf the Internet to learn more about modern Chinese influence, read at least 3 articles and recite 5 adverbial clauses that you like most.2. Preview P30-31 on your textbook.