2018届 江苏高二上期末试卷分类汇编一写作(无锡)请阅读下面短文,然后按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。According to China Radio International, Chinese people had more than 30 billion goods sent through delivery services per year as online service is developing at a fast rate. Such a big market has led to a large demand for delivery workers, with some companies offering high salaries to attract new workers. It is not uncommon to see delivery workers riding electric bikes, motorcycles and trucks through big cities in China. Most of them seem to be in a hurry, as they run red lights to deliver their goods in time. Such behavior often causes serious problems.In the first half of this year, food delivery drivers alone had 76 accidents in Shanghai, according to the Shanghai Public Security Bureau. This means that on average, there is a food delivery worker that gets hurt on the road in Shanghai every 2.5 days. On Nov. 21st, a truck loaded with goods caught fire and was burnt to ashes, destroying over one thousand commodities(货品).写作内容:1 .用约30个词概述上述短文的主要内容;2 .结合上述信息,用约120个词发表你的观点,内容包括:快递小哥"一路狂奔”的原因和危害;(2)就如何解决这一问题提出你的建议(至少两点)写作要求:1 .写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2 .作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。评分标准:内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。一-导入新课:情景图引入新课:同学们你们喜欢锻炼吗?经常锻炼对我们的身体有益,请看王 鹏就坚持每天晨跑,请你根据图上信息提出一个数学问题?出示例1:王鹏坚持晨练。他计划4周跑步22. 4千米,平均每周应跑多少千米?教师:求平均每周应跑多少千米,怎样列式? (22.4 + 4)观察这道算式和前面学习的除法相比有什么不同?板书课题:“小数除以整数”。三.教学新课:教师:想一想,被除数是小数该怎么除呢?小组讨论。分组交流讨论情况: (1)生:22. 4 千米=22400 米22400 + 4=5600 米5600 米=5. 6 千米(2)还可以列竖式计算。教师:请同学们试着用竖式计算。计算完后,交流自己计算的方法。教师:请学生将自己计算的竖式在视频展示台上展示出来,具体说说你是怎样算 的?追问:24表示什么?商的小数点位置与被除数小数点的位置有什么关系?引导学生理解后回答“因为在除法算式里,除到被除数的哪一位,商就写在哪一 位上面,也就是说,被除数和商的相同数位是对齐了的,只有把小数点对齐了, 相同数位才对齐了,所以商的小数点要对着被除数的小数点对齐”.问:和前面准备题中的224除以4相比,224除以4和它有哪些相同的地方?有哪 些不同的地方?怎样计算小数除以整数?(按整数除法的方法除,计算时商的小数点要和 被除数的小数点对齐)教师:同学们赞同这种说法吗?(赞同)老师也赞同他的分析.教师:大家会用这种方法计算吗?(会)请同学们用这种方法算一算.四、巩固练习完成“做一做”:25.2 + 634.54-15五、课堂作业:练习三的第1、2题课后反思:学生们在前一天的预习后共提出四个问题:1,被除数是小数的除法怎样计算?(熊佳豪)2,为什么在计算时先要扩大,最后又要将结果缩小?(郑扬)3,小数除以整数怎样确定小数点的位置?(梅家顺)4,为什么小数点要打在被除数小数点的上面?特别是第4个问题很有深度,有研究的价值.在这四个问题的带动下,学生们一直精神饱满地投入到学习的全过程,教学效果相当好.第二课时小数除以整数(二)商小于1教学内容:P17例2、例3、做一做,P18例4、做一做,P1920练习三第3一11 题。教学目的:1、使学生学会除数是整数的小数除法的计算方法,进一步理解除数是整数的小 数除法的意义。2、使学生知道被除数比除数小时,不够商1,要先在商的个位上写0占位;理 解被除数末位有余数时,可以在余数后面添0继续除。3、理解除数是整数的小数除法的计算法则跟整数除法之间的关系,促进学习的 迁移。教学重点:能正确计算除数是整数的小数除法。教学难点:正确掌握小数除以整数商小于1时,计算中比较特殊的两种情况。教学过程:一、复习:教师出示复习题:(1) 22.44-4(2) 21.454-15教师先提问:“除数是整数的小数除法,计算时应注意什么? ”然后让学生独立 完成。二、新课1、教学例2:上节课我们知道王鹏平均每周跑5.6千米,那他每天跑多少千米呢?这道题该如何列式?问:你为什么要除以7,题目里并没有出现7?原来这个条件隐藏在题目中,我们要仔细读题才能发现.尝试用例1的方法进行计算,在计算的过程中遇到了什么问题?(被除数的整数部分比除数小)问:“被除数的整数部分比除数小,不够商1,那商几呢?为什么要商0?(在被除 数个位的上面,也就是商的个位上写“0”,用0来占位。)强调:点上小数点后接着算.请同学们试着做一做。2. 4/37. 2/9学生做完后,教师问:在什么情况下,小数除法中商的最高位是0?2、教学例3:先让学生根据题意列出算式,再让学生用竖式计算。当学生计算到12除6时, 教师提问:接下来怎么除?请同学们想一想。引导学生说出:12除6可以根据小数末尾添上0以后小数大小不变的性质,在6 的右面添上0看成60个十分之一再除。请同学们自己动笔试试。在计算中遇到被除数的末尾仍有余数时该怎么办?在余数后面添0继续除的依据是什么?3、做教科书第17页的做一做。4、教学例4:想一想,前面几例小数除以整数是怎样计算的?在计算过程中应 注意什么?整数部分不够商1怎么办?如果有余数怎么办?引导学生总结小数除以整数的计算方法。(1)小数除以整数按照整数除法的方法 去除,(2)商的小数点要和被除数的小数点对齐,(3)整数部分不够除,商0,点上 小数点再除;(4)如果有余数,要添0再除。师:怎样验算上面的小数除法呢?(用乘法验算)自己试一试。5、P18 做一做。三、课堂小结:1、说说除数是整数的小数除法的计算法则。2、被除数比除数小时,计算要注意什么?四、课堂作业:P19第4题,P20第8、11题。五、作业:P19第3、5、6题,P20第7、9、10题。课后小记:本课新增知识点多,难度较大,特别是例3应引导学生去思考其计算依据。 课堂中张子钊同学问到“为什么以往除法有余数时都是写商几余几,可今天却要 在小数点后面添0继续除呢? ”这反映出新知与学生原有知识产生了认知冲突, 在此应帮助学生了解到知识的学习是分阶段的,逐步深入的。以往无法解决的问 题在经过若干年后就可以通过新的方法、手段、途径来解决,从而引导其构建正 确的知识体系。学生归纳综合能力的培养在高年段显得尤为重要。虽然教材中并没有规范 的计算法则,但作为教师有必要让学生经历将计算方法归纳概括并通过语言表述 出来的过程,所以引导学生小结小数除法的计算法则,然后再由教师总结出规范 简洁的法则是必不可少的教学环节。作业应注意以下几方面错误:1、整数除以整数,商是小数的计算题,学生容易遗忘商的小数点。2、商中间有零的除法掌握情况不太好,需要及时弥补。对于极个别计算 确有困难的同学建议用低段带方格的作业本打草稿,这样便于他们检查是否除到 哪一位就将商写在那一位的上面。(镇江)临近年底,很多人因为忙不完工作而被迫进入循环加班模式,请根据你对下面这幅图的理解, 以“Should people get paid for their overtime work? ”为题,用英语写一篇作文.你的作文应包括以下内容:1、简要描述这幅漫画的内容;2、你觉得老板和员工会各自持怎样的观点;3、阐述你对 nShould people get paid for their overtime work?"这个问题的看法.注意:1、可参照图片适当发挥;2、作文词数150左右.3、作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等.(苏州)下列三幅图分别是德国青年和中国青年在地铁上的情景,以及中国青年的手机使用内 容,请按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。The main use the Chinese youth like to make of their cell phones on the subway.【写作内容】【写作要求】用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;论述阅读的重要性;(不少于两点)就推广全民阅读,提出你的建议(不少于两点)。写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;不必写标题。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。写在答题卡Jr定(扬州)Scientists have observed that humans experience happiness from a wide range of stimuli(刺 激),from traveling to an ideal destination to redecorating one's home or from winning a game of soccer to eating a delicious meal. Simply watching a favorite television show or laughing at a funny joke can lift a depressed mood. While the happiness produced by such experiences tends to be short lived, a wide social network does promote a more long-lasting state of happiness as a lifestyle.Surprisingly, income is not a primary factor in determining a person's level of happiness once the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter have been met. More important is one's social network. Being socially active may be more effective in increasing one's immunity (免疫力)to illness than a vaccine. Misery may love company, but so does happiness, and having close friends and family is vital to one's overall level of happiness. Even sharing one's home with an animal companion can make a person happier.【写作内容】.用约30个单词概括以上材料的主要内容;1 .用约120个词就“幸福”这一话题谈谈你的理解,内容包括:(1)幸福对你来说意味着什么?(2)描写一次给你带来幸福感的经历。(3)面对学习压力,如何提升自己的幸福感?(至少两点) 【写作要求】.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;1 .不必写标题;【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。(启东)请你根据下面这幅漫画,用英语写一篇短文。短文内容应该包括以下三个方面:1 .简述漫画的内容;.分析漫画反映的社会问题,并阐述其产生的原因;2 .发表自己的感受,并给出解决此问题的措施。【注意事项】.对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。1 .词数150字左右。2 .作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。参考词汇:nutritive products营养品答案 无锡:One possible version:With the rapid development of online services, delivery workers are often seen sending goods in a rush, ignoring the traffic lights, thus leading to the increase of the traffic accidents. (30words)Various factors give rise to those growing road accidents related to delivery service. Firstly, for fear of receiving complaints and fines for being late, delivery workers run red lights at the expense of their lives. Worse still, with more commission to earn, they check mobile phones for new orders while riding. Consequently, it is high rewards that drive them to ignore traffic rules and cause accidents, posing a threat to the lives of pedestrians as well as themselves.In conclusion, urgent measures should be taken. Authorities concerned and companies should educated delivery workers on the importance of road safety and strengthen supervision. Besides, delivery workers are supposed to obey traffic rules, or they will be banned from driving delivery vehicles.(120words)(镇江)Should people get paid for their oveitime work?As is shown in the picture, the man is overworking without payment.It is generally known that overtime is a common phenomenon. Everyone has different views about working overtime. The employeis may think it necessary to overwork, while the employees would rathe】 not overwork.In my opinion, I agiee with oveitime in the necessary case, but the employeis should pay more for he employees. On the one hand, overtime is common in he leal life, but extra work takes up the employees' free time. On the other hand, as the labour law niles, employers should pay three times as much as what they pay normally.In a word, if it is a must to work ove】time, employees should be compensate for their losses.(苏州)From the pictures we can see young Germans burying themselves in reading on the subway while young Chinese are addicted to their phones, mostly playing games, chatting or watching videos.The phenomenon sets us thinking. If the young generation have no preference for reading, how could a nation be promising? As we know, reading makes a full man. Not only does it enrich our life but also it helps us develop the ability of critical thinking.It's high time something was done to change the situation. As for individuals, I strongly suggest that we youth put down phones and pick up books. Saving an hour every day for reading should be a habit, which will benefit our whole life. Our government should create an atmosphere of nationwide reading. With more libraries and books available to the public, I'm sure more and more young people will fall in love with reading.(150)(扬州)Scientists have found that although various factors contribute to humans' happiness, it is one's social network, rather than one's income, that plays an important role in promoting the long-lasting state of happiness.Personally, happiness means achieving success after constant efforts. Take my participation in an English speech competition for example. Initially, 1 was lacking in confidence in my oral English. However, I held the belief that practice makes perfect. So, I kept practicing speaking English as long as two hours every day and consulted my English teacher about my pronunciation. Finally, my efforts paid off. When I was awarded the first prize, I felt a strong sense of happiness.Faced with huge pressure from our study, we should do something to promote our sense of happiness. First, we should set a clear goal and keep it in mind. In addition, we can build friendships with optimistic people and move forward with their support.(启东)As is vividly shown in the picture, the department store which sells children's nutritive products is being surrounded by crowds of parents, making the saleswoman very busy. In contrast, the neighboring department selling similar products of the old seems unpopular. The saleswoman can not help falling asleep.The picture reflects a common social phenomenon people tend to care more for their children than their parents. There are several reasons accounting for it. For one thing, young couples are eager to prepare their kids for a bright future by raising them healthily. For another thing, young couples fail to spend time with their old parents because they are too busy with their work.From where I stand, showing respecting for the old is a traditional virtue of china. Busy as people are, the duty should not be ignored and every one should go back home to accompany their parents as often as possible.小数除法教材简介:本单元的主要内容有:小数除以整数、一个数除以小数、商的近似值、循环 小数、用计算器探索规律、解决问题。教学目标1、使学生掌握小数除法的计算方法。2、使学生会用“四舍五入”法,结合实际情况用“进一”法和“去尾”法取商 的近似数,初步认识循环小数、有限小数和无限小数。3、使学生能借助计算器探索计算规律,能应用探索出的规律进行小数乘除法的 计算。4、使学生体会解决有关小数除法的简单实际问题,体会小数除法的应用价值。教学建议:1 .抓住新旧知识的连接点,为小数除法的学习架设认知桥梁。2 .联系数的含义进行算理指导,帮助学生掌握小数除法的计算方法。课时安排:本单元可安排11课时进行教学。第一课时小数除以整数(一)商大于1教学内容:P16例1、做一做,P19练习三第1、2题。教学目的:1、掌握比较容易的除数是整数的小数除法的计算方法,会用这种方法计算相应 的小数除法。2、培养学生的类推能力、发散思维能力、分析能力和抽象概括能力。3、体验所学知识与现实生活的联系,能应用所学知识解决生活中的简单问题, 从中获得价值体验。教学重点:理解并掌握小数除以整数的计算方法。教学难点:理解商的小数点要与被除数的小数点对齐的道理。教学过程:一、复习准备:计算下面各题并说一说整数除法的计算方法.224 + 4=4164-32=13804-15 =