第三季第二集不甘心再三尝试但到底还是要承认You try and try, but at some point you finally have to admit 不管我们多么在乎彼此as much as you care about each other但咱们的关系还是触礁了your relationship isn't working而且已经不是一天两天的事儿了and hasn't been for some time.但既然你们今天坐在这儿了But you two wouldn't be sitting here with me就说明你们还是想要挽回补救的if you didn*t want to save this relationship.不是吗Isn't that true?我愿意尝试但我不能替别人I'm be willing to try. I can't speak for不用你替我说NilesYou don't have to speak for me, Niles.我完全可以自己发言-是我知道I'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself. - Yes, I know.鲁契亚诺都没你那么爱自己的声音Caruso wasn't so in love with the sound of his own voice.鲁契亚诺是帕瓦罗蒂的名字帕瓦罗蒂是他的姓你什么意思What does that mean?你说呢帕瓦罗蒂你觉得我什么意思Well, you tell me, Enrico. What do you think it means?我想我明白你什么意思I guess I can tell you先生们Gentlemen!现在我们是不是达成了共识Now, are we agreed that那就是你们想去解决这个问题we want to do something to fix this problem?你们还是从头说起吧Why doesn't one of you tell me how this started?咳这事儿因我而起上周Well, it began with me. Last week,我在电台做我的节目不这是你的绿植No, no, it is your plant.这是我该死的后背我就把它放这儿了And it's my bleedin1 back, so I'm putting it right here!真是的我都不知道你是怎么忍♥受他的Honestly, I don't know how you put up with him.骗子骗子Daphne从没那样说Liar! Liar! Daphne never said that!她用肢体语言说的Well; she said it with body language.我碰巧精通那门语言I happen to be fluent in that language她没说过那种话and she said nothing of the kind!一盆绿植而已值得这么小题大做吗Will someone tell me what's so important about this plant?你马上就知道了接下来的事情还是由我来讲吧You'll know soon enough. Tm telling the rest of the story.我就放在这儿了I'm putting it right here!知道变老的好处吗You know the best thing about getting old?你的头发可能会变白Your hair may turn grey你的关节可能僵硬了your joints may stiffen,你甚至还可能要拄拐走路you may even have to walk with a cane.但别人仍然会叫你帮忙搬家But people still ask you to help them move!老爸抱歉让您受累了Forgive me for overburdening you, Dad.请把那些放到我的办公室好吗Could you just put those in my office, please?哦看看门上你们俩的名字Oh, look at your two names together on the door.呃Crane医生你哥哥的名字是不是比你的小点Er, Dr. Crane, is your brother's name smaller than yours?是啊只有这样才放的下Yes, that was the only way it would fit.我觉得你不会在意吧毕竟我们的目的I assumed you wouldn't mind, after all, we're concerned here是为了解除人们的苦痛不是吗with healing people, arenrt we?当然了 NilesOf course, Niles.要是我只是对自我宣传感兴趣If I were interested in self-promotion那我的电台节目远可以满足我了I guess Ed be content with my radio show每天都有超过五十万的听众收听heard every day by over half a million listeners在太平洋西北部和加拿大部分地区the Pacific Northwest and parts of Canada!你干什么-我挪一挪这个植物What are you doing? " I'm moving the Chepalire.我就喜欢放那儿I like it where it was.但它不喜欢它想要阳光Yes, but it didn*t like it there. It wants light.你们摆弄那个植物吧我去搬文件柜You two tend to your plant, I'll go fetch the file cabinet!我养这个植物两年了I have had this plant for two years它从没被阳光直晒过and it has never been in direct sunlight.很显然是这样看看叶子都干瘪了Well, obviously, look at it, the leaves are puckering!哪有啊它们只不过皱了一点They are not, they've wilted a little那都是放在车厢里搬运的结果啊from the ride over in the trunk of the car.胡说八道Oh, nonsense被抓了扔进后备箱的黑♥手♥党♥叛徒看起来都比它精神Mafia snitches emerge from car trunks looking more robust!把它放这边这么快就开始了This plant is going right over - And so it begins!当然植物事件才刚刚是开始Of course, the incident with the plant was only the beginning.随之而来的是在前台的口角That was followed by a run-in at the receptionist's desk咖啡机那儿的争执A row at the coffee machine,还有Frasier丢失男厕钥匙事件and a contretemps when Frasier lost the men room's key.那是个意外一对很像个意外That was an accident. - Yes, it very nearly was.我受够了你的夸大其词I am so tired of your exaggeration.你总是把事情说的You always make things比实际情况糟一万倍fifteen thousand times worse than they are!从现在起我来讲I'm going to tell the story from now on!重点是到我们第一次诊疗小组的时候The point is, our nerves were, well, pretty much shot我们的积怨已经到了 一定程度by the time we conducted our first therapy group together首先我要介绍一名同事First off, I have a colleague to introduce.他不仅仅是一名受人尊敬的心理医生He is not only an esteemed psychiatrist他碰巧也是我的哥哥Frasier Crane医生he happens to be my brother, Dr. Frasier Crane.下午好Afternoon.哇你就是广播里的那个Crane医生罪名成立Wow, you're Dr. Crane from the radio. - Guilty as charged.但我们需要提醒Crane医生Yes, but we all have to remind Dr. Crane that这可是真刀真枪了不是电台节目this is real psychiatry now, not the radio.面对困难的病人不能一挂了事No hanging up on the hard ones here!请大家放心But rest assured I am我资质深厚能解决各种问题trained to deal with a full range of issues.从嫉妒到猜忌无一不精Everything from envy to jealousy.但是But今天我只是观察Fil just be observing today.我还不够了解你们的情况I don't know you well不能随便给建议所以enough to render any opinions yet, so just就当我不在这儿吧能做到才有鬼了呢pretend I'm not here. - And good luck with that.Kalish太太要不您先说说近期Mrs. Kalish, perhaps you could bring us up to date 您应对离婚的情况on how you're dealing with your divorce.第二周了对吗-对This is week two, isn't it? - Yes.其实我昨晚上Well; I actually had my第一次出去约会了 那太好了first date last night. - That's wonderful.您说话了吗我没觉得啊Did you say something? -1 don*t think so.听起来像“哼“好像你不认同It sounded like "Hmmm" Like you disapproved.既然您问了Well, since you've asked.我认为离婚中我们有些痛苦的感觉I think in divorce we have painful feelings那是再正常不过的了which are nevertheless healthy feelings.我们之所以很快就去约会是因为我们想确定We start to date too quickly and we want to be sure that 面对痛苦其实没有解药that's not panacea for the pain.哦你们发现了吧我哥哥对这些Ooh, yes, you1! all find my brother's quite adept陈词滥调多么在行啊“痛的解药”with those peppy little bromides;"Panacea for the pain" 马上就该说下面这段了You can almost hear the phrase:品客广&hearts浩♥后咱们再见We*ll be right back after these words from "Pringles"!你也不会想等太久再去约会You don't want to wait too long before you date though, either. 我等了五年I waited five years.实在太饥渴了But then I was so desperate直接被第一个约会的女人给套牢了I stayed with the first woman who came along.结果她变得像She ended up being the same我那控制狂冰雪女王前妻一样controlling ice princess as my first wife.这个Carr先生-等下Crane医生Well, Mr. Carr - Wait, Dr. Crane.听起来好像你哥哥又说了什么It sounded like your brother said something again.既然您问了Well, since you've asked.在我看来通过五年的等待It occurred to me that by waiting for five years你变的如你所说饥渴难耐and becoming, as you said, desperate也许实际上你是给了自己that perhaps you were really giving yourself许可去追寻一个license to pursue the跟你前妻很像的女人woman who reminded you of your first wife.你注定会重复那模式You had to repeat the pattern.所以你是说这不是意外So, you're saying that it wasn't an accident?心理学上有一个说法”意外都是人为的”We have an expression in psychiatry: "There are no accidents." 现在来看看新闻和交通情况吧Now let's check in with news and traffic.Crane医生你是在否认Dr. Crane, are you denying大部分的意外都事出有因吗that most accidents happen for a reason?不Crane医生我相信正是如此No, Dr. Crane, I believe they do.我想起了最近的一个意外I'm reminded of a recent主角是一块四英寸的木块"Accident" Involving a four-inch wooden block上面有一把男厕的钥匙attached to a menrs room key不知从谁的口袋里跑掉了which walked off in somebody's pocket!显然是场恶意事件对不对Clearly an act of hostility, wouldn't you say?!考虑到某人一整天都是个难以忍♥受的自大狂Certainly a well-deserved one considering what an insufferable prig 这根本是苍天有眼someone has been today!你怎么敢说我自以为是我把你从You dare call me a prig after I rescued you那个你声称是电台节目的杂耍节目中解救出来from that sideshow you call a radio program?再黑我的节目我就把那块木块One more crack about my show and fll put that little wooden block 塞到一个你再不会弄丢的地方in a place yoiTH always be able to find it!组员们自我反省五分钟Group, take five minutes of quiet introspection!Frasier看见我攥起的拳头没我可打算用它了Frasier, I have made a fist and I'm thinking of using it.Niles你吓不到我Niles, you are not scaring me大拇指放外面Niles放外面啊The thumb goes on the outside, Niles! On the outside!你怎么能偷我的小组呢How dare you try to steal my group!我根本不需要你的小组我有自己的小组I don't need your group! Tve got a group of my own,有五十万人呢哦可不是你的军团啊half a million strong! - Oh yes, your legions!你怎么不去租个农场Why don't you rent a farm刮掉上面的油漆叫它Frasier谷仓得了pass out the body paint and call it "Frasier-stock"!知道吗我就是有点受不了你这高高在上的态度了You know, Tm just a little tired of your condescending attitude.你从不放弃任何一个机会You have not missed one single opportunity来诋毁我的节目或是从架子上拿本书to run down my show or grab a book off the shelf让我”跟上节奏”to help me "Get up to speed!"天啊你真是个完美的医家My God, you're such a brilliant healer你甚至踢掉我自己去照顾我的鹅掌柴you've even taken over the care of my Schefflera!你剥夺了它接受光照的权利-好吧Well, you were starving it of sunlight! - All right, fine.让我们给这小宝贝足够的阳光吧Let's just give this little dear all the sunlight it needs!你疯了吗Are you insane?!就算是医生你也永远都不会知道If I were, "Doctor/' You'd never know it!那是我的小组吗组员们组员们回来啊Is that my group? Group, group, come back, group!我对你们独♥立♥的表现非常自豪I'm very proud of this show of independence!这下你满意了I hope you're happy!就算是医生你也永远都不会知道If I were, "Doctor/1 You'd never know it!住嘴Stop saying that!Crane医生-Schachter医生你好Dr. Crane! - Hello, Dr. Schachter.怎么了What's going on?我正跟我哥哥讨论问题呢I'm having a discussion with my brother.我从大厅对面的办公室里就听到你们讨论了I could hear your discussion across the hall in my office.你看看他就像是Well, you see, he waltzed舞会佳丽似的在这儿跳华尔兹呢in here like the belle of the ball and yet听着很显然你俩现在处于困境Now, look, you two are obviously in some distress.你们也清楚我是夫妻疗法方面的专家As you know, I am a specialist in couples therapy.尽管我从没诊治过兄弟但是Now Fve never treated brothers before, but still如果你们来我的办公室我一定能帮助你们if you step into my office, Tm sure I can help you.等下等下我从没说过我一定能帮助你们Hold it! Hold it! I never said, "I'm sure I can help you."我说的是我也许能帮你们I said, "I may be able to help you."看到他是怎么曲解你的话的了吧See how he twists your words?在这儿呢兄弟Right here, buddy boy.够了你们是医生啊Enough! You are doctors!我从没见过这样的事情I've never seen anything like this in my life.你觉得他想偷你的病人You think he's trying to steal your patients你认为他诋毁你的行医能力and you think he's trying to undermine you as a psychiatrist.但你们一定要明白这个问题的根源But you must know what is at the root of this problem.是他He is!不No.你们缺乏最基本的信任You have a fundamental lack of trust.现在问题已根深蒂固Now it may be so deeply已不可能改变rooted by now that it's impossible to change但我们仍能尝试一些练习but there are certain exercises that we could try当然前提是你们愿意做出改变provided that you two are willing.咱们从最基础的信任练习开始吧Let's start with the most basic trust exercise there is.现在来站到这个凳子上Now, why don't you simply stand on this foot stool 向后倒进你兄弟伸开的臂膀中and fall backwards into your brother's waiting arms 以此证明我们能相信彼此thus demonstrating that we can trust each other.Crane医生由你开始吧好的Dr. Crane, why don't you go first? - Well, all right.就站上去放松倒下来吧-好的Just get up there, and let yourself go. - All right.他站在我正后方吗Is he standing directly behind me?是的相信你哥哥Yes, now trust your brother.他要是穿了橡胶底鞋我就能相信他了fd feel better if he were wearing rubber soles.橡胶底的鞋比较耐滑哦老天啊NilesOh, for God's sake, Niles,你下来我先来行了吧just get down, 1*11 go first. All right?他就位了吗对相信他Is he in position? - Yes! Trust him!你得知道他接起来弱得像个娘们You should know he catches like a girl!难以置信下来吧你I don't believe this. Get down, will you?这再简单不过了我站上来This couldn*t be easier! I get up here数到三然后你们接住我一二三I count to three, and you catch me. One, two, three.你怎么不接住他你站的更近啊Why didn't you catch him?! - Well, you were closer!轮到你了啊一轮到我It was your turn! - "It was my turn"!够了够了That is it! That is it!做了二十年的夫妻心理医生In thirty years as a couples therapist我从没说过这句话但对你们我也没辙了I've never said what I'm about to say:放弃吧Give up!没希望了It*s hopeless!你们病态地不信任彼此You are pathologically mistrustful of each another!为了竞争而竞争的疯狂Competitive to the point of madness!所以相信我就在婚礼啊So, trust me, just meet each other at weddings葬礼啊的时候见见面剩下的时间and funerals, and the rest of the time有多远你们离多远吧stay the hell away from each other!现在我会踉跄到最近的酒馆Now, I am going to limp to the nearest pub喝到全身都像我的屁♥股&hearts哪样麻and drink until the rest of me is as numb as my ass!好一个诊断啊That's quite a diagnosis.可不是啊Yes.但不可否认我们But there is no denying it. We are有报复心又爱竞争卑鄙又缺乏信任vindictive and competitive - Petty, mistrustful通常在这种情况下As so often in these cases确实是旁观者清it took someone outside our situation to point it out to us.老爸倒是经常这么数落我们但他没职业资质Well, Dad always said it, but he has no credentials.这个Schachter医生的职业资质是毋庸置疑的了Well, there's no arguing with Dr. Schachter's credentials.天啊他在这领域是专家啊My God, the man is an expert in his field.他毕业于He graduated from the University of格林纳达大学I was at work doing my radio show.来电的是一位烦恼的年轻女士I was on the air with a troubled young woman.她开始向我倾诉She had just started telling me她自幼年时期就开始不断重复的梦境about a recurring dream she had since childhood.Okay我在卧室里Okay, I'm in my bedroom.刚从浴缸出来准备穿衣服Fd just gotten out of the bath tub to get dressed.这时我打开衣柜发现所有的衣服都不见了When I opened the closet, all my clothes are gone.突然我听到外面车道上有脚步声Suddenly, I hear the sound of footsteps on the drive outside.我转过头发现有个小女孩I turn and there is a little girl脸压在玻璃窗上往里看引人入胜啊with her nose pressed up against the window. - Fascinating! 但她呼出的气模糊了玻璃But her breath is clogging up the glass所以我看不清她的脸so that I can't make out her face.只是我确定她要告诉我些重要的信息Only, Tm sure she's come to tell me something important.所以说一个女孩儿So; a girl在玻璃窗的另一边带着紧急的信息on the other side of a glass with an urgent message.出于某些原因你不能或是不愿接受它And for some reason you*re unable or willing to receive it.抱歉Crane医生打断你太抱歉了I'm sorry, Dr. Crane, I hate to interrupt但今天的节目时间到了but you're all out of time for today.哦天啊Oh, dear.呃你看川1我太抱歉了但是Um, listen, Jill, Tm terribly sorry, but listen一会儿咱们线下继续交流好吧fd like to continue talking with you when we're off the airGrenada!加勒比海地区小岛国英联邦成员经济支柱是农业和旅游业 那肯定只是他的本科毕业院校Well, surely that was just his undergraduate schooling.对的当然了他研究生就读于Oh yes, of course, his graduate work was done in阿鲁巴大学Aruba!加勒比海地区的小岛荷兰王国下的自治国全程接受加勒比海岸教育啊我勒个去An all-Caribbean schooling well, tally me banana!他一开口我就知道他是个冒牌货I knew the man was a fraud the minute he opened his mouth. 哼这周末我就跟他解除租约Oh, I'll have him out of his lease at the end of the week.Niles我们还有时间吃个午饭呢Niles, we still have time to catch a late lunch!哦哦珀里斯饭店就在街角呢走吧Oh, oh, oh, "Peris'* Is just around the corner. - Away we go.哦谢伊家也很近啊Oh, "Chez Shea" Is just as close.但珀里斯饭店更好吃些Yes but the food at "Perisn Is much better.哦Niles那跟谢伊家根本没法比Oh, Niles. thatrs "Chez Shea" not prepared.你疯了吗闭嘴吧Have you lost your mind? Shut up.所以请不要挂机同时听众们so please don't hang up. In the meantime, listeners我十分享受今天的时光I've enjoyed our time today.请明天继续收听我们将与Tune in again tomorrow when we'll be talking with哇啦哇啦Frasier Crane秀 保重拜拜了您呐Blah, blah, Frasier Crane Show, happy health, goodbye!嘿川1是球迷么不是Yo, Jill. You a football fan? - Not really.那还不快滚then Beat it!好了再试一次小妞走啦All right, this time, women's gone有时候我真讨厌这份工作Sometimes I hate this job.不仅是因为要忍♥受那个狂热体育分子Not only do I have to put up with that annoying little sweat-sock 而且好不容易有个听众有真正吸引人的问题了but when a caller comes in who has a truly fascinating problem这点时间都不够隔靴搔痒的I'm barely even able to scratch the surface.这真让我有尖叫着跑回私人诊所的冲动啊It makes me want to run screaming back to private practice!我能想象你有多沮丧I can imagine how frustrated you must be.这个节目This show's gotta be对于您这样智力超群的人实在太屈才了constraining for a man of your staggering intellect.等下等等Hold it, stop, wait a minute!你真以为我们会相信Roz能You expect us to believe that Roz actually说出“智力超群”这种话吗used a phrase like HStaggering intellect"?反正就是这个意思It