雅思考试a类和g类该怎么进行区分众所周知,雅思索试有a类和g类两种。可是,雅思索试a类和g 类怎么区分?今日我给大家带来了雅思索试a类和g类,盼望能够关心 到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。雅思索试a类和g类 该怎么进行区分雅思索试a类和g类的区分如何区分雅思索试A类还是G类,这在报名时候就能看出类型不同。 另外阅读和写作部分也不一样。先说说阅读,雅思的阅读假如从形式 上讲,不管是A类还是G类都是在一个小时之内完成三篇文章,这三 篇文章的字数应当在800-1000字左右,都是38-42个问题,对于同 学来说,唯一的区分就是G类的考生他的文章更偏重于应用。比如说 生活当中可能要面临一个租房子的问题,比如说将来到了一个生疏的 地方,就要面临在环境适应的过程当中遇到的一些麻烦。那么对于A 类的考生范围更广一些,但是这个也是来源于对于学术类文章的探讨。A类也好,G类也好,都要考谈论文,我们常常发觉A类和G类的 同学谈论文相比较来说,可以说特别的相像。所以有一个特点,就是 我们常常把G类和A类的同学放在一起学阅读,当然我们对G类同学 的阅读会做一些另外的诠释。经过这种分析发觉,在我们的课堂上, G类的同学最低的分数在7分。考G类的同学人员很简单,有许多同 学都是十年没有学英语了,其实如此的回答都是给自己一种没信念的 示意。所以大家不要担忧这些东西,还是走进课堂来,A类的文章对 同学们的要求可能有相应的词汇量作为基础。所以你在怎样学好A类和G类阅读的时候,你不应当把单词作为一 个重大的障碍,应当当成一个重大的大事来处理。即便是一个土生土 长的讲英文的人,他也不行能取得这么一个成果,假如不附着于一个 对句子的理解。现在就遇到了一个最最有区分的项目,就是写作,两篇文章,第一 篇文章是一些图表作文,不外乎就是我们讲的饼型图,柱状图,表格 乃至于曲线图的这种作文。其次类就是我们说的一篇叙议文,然后是 说明文,谈论文等。这就是我们讲的A类同学的写作,谈到G类同学 的写作,也是两部分,第一部分一般都是应用性的文字,比如说一些 求职信,投诉信,还有感谢信类似这样的应用型的文体。其次个作文 跟A类可以说是一样的,但是从出题的深度和广度来讲,要远远简单 于A类同学的其次部分。雅思阅读技巧:Identify writers viewsTask descriptionIn this task type you will be given a number of statements. You will have to decide if these statements agree with the writers views.To complete this task well you will often need to be able to recognise the writers views not only from what is said directly, but also from what is implied. For example, we do not need the writer to state directly that he/she disapproves of zoos. We can infer this disapproval if the writer states his/her disapproval of the following: animals being taken from the wild, animals being caged, people paying money to see animals, animals not having any privacy. However, if the writer simply describes the problems with zoos this does not necessarily imply disapproval.Also, we should not try to guess the writers views. In statement 5 of the sample task on the following page, we should not assume that because we think that the lifeboats should have rescued more people, or because everybody thinks that the lifeboats should have returned to rescue more people, that this is the writers view. In this case the writer does not express any view on this issue; she simply states the fact that the lifeboats were not full and so the answer must be Not Given.What is being tested is your ability to:identify opinion and attitudeskim for detailed informationmake inferencesHow to approach questions requiring you to identify the writers viewsStep 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that you are asked to identify the writers opinion, which may not necessarily be the same as the facts. Note also the difference between the three categories you have to use, particularly:No The statement contradicts the writer.Not Given The writer does not give an opinion on this point.Step 2: Skim through all of the statements to get an idea of the topics you will be searching for in your reading of the text.Step 3: Read the first statement again more carefully. Note the main point or opinion given in the statement.Step 4: Skim the text for the section which refers to that idea. If you come across information relating to other statements, put a mark beside the section so that you can find it quickly again later.Step 5: Once you have found the appropriate section of the text, read more carefully. Decide if the statement agrees with the view of the author (select Yes) or disagrees with the author (select No). If the author doesnt give an opinion which agrees or disagrees with the statement then select Not Given.雅思阅读技巧:Multiple choiceTask descriptionIn this question type you will be given a stem which may be an incomplete sentence or a question. The stem will be followed by three or four options - one will be correct (the answer) and three may seem possible but are in fact incorrect in some way (the distracters).In tackling this type of question, it is very important to read the stem carefully. Candidates often make careless mistakes when they misread the stem and so choose the wrong option.What is being testedMultiple choice questions can be designed to test a wide variety of reading skills. The questions may require you to have an overall understanding of the main points of the text as in Question 1 of the sample task, in which case you will need to be able to read for gist. Or they may require you to have a detailed understanding of particular points as in questions 2 and 3 of the Sample Task, in which case you will need to be able to read for specific details. Multiple choice questions may also ask you to identify facts or opinions in the text.How to approach summary completion questionsStep 1: Read the instructions carefullyStep 2: Skim all the questions briefly to get an idea of the topics for which you will be searching when reading the text.Step 3: Read the first question again more carefully. Decide what you will need to read to answer the question. Is thequestion asking you for a particular detail that you need to find in the text? Or is the question asking you for an answer which requires a global understanding of the whole text?Step 4: Once you have decided the best strategy for dealing with the question (as above), you will need to proceed to read the text in the appropriate manner, for example reading for gist, reading for detail etc.雅思阅读技巧:Selecting factorsTask descriptionYou will be provided with a number of statements some of which paraphrase or summarise what the writer said. In this task type you need to show that you know what information the writer did (and did not) mention on a particular topic.What is being tested is your ability to:skim and scan the text for detailsunderstand paraphraseunderstand inferenceHow to approach questions where you have to select factorsStep 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that only three of the factors are correct. Note also that the instructions in this sample task tell you what topic to focus on. In this case the instructions tell you to focus on poor communication as a contributing factor in the disaster. Although other factors may have contributed to the disaster (such as A and C) only the three correct answers focus on poor communication as a contributing factor.Step 2: Read through the list of factors.Step 3: Scan the text and find the sections or paragraphs which discuss poor communication.Step 4: Read those sections carefully and select the appropriate three factors.