The White Lotus《白莲花度假村(2021)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
早安我要一杯咖啡谢谢Grazie.(意语)你好Ciao.我叫萨佛,你呢?我常在这里看到你我在提麦欧工作那又怎样,我没兴趣每天早上都一样总会有男人问我名字盯着我的胸部看我只想安安静静喝咖啡-可以吗?一你喝吧一谢谢一不客气Grazie. -Prego.(意语)谢谢你,华特Grazie, Walter. Buona giornata.(意语)再见Ciao.借过慢跑怎么样?Hey. -Hey. How was it?很棒,我跑了两万步Yeah, good. I got like20,000 steps.是吗,真不错Yeah? Nice.你竟然醒了I'm surprised you're awake.我知道你跑完步会欲♥火♥焚身Well, I know you always get horny after your run so I-Uh.我今天会拿出友善的一面I'm gonna be so good today. And friendly.怎么说?Why?因为你说我很难搞Because you've been accusing me of being a bitch.我没说过这种话I never once said bitch. -Okay.这里是麦可科里昂的藏身处This is where Michael Corleone was hiding out.当时另一个黑帮成员想杀他Another mafia family was trying to kill him.他老婆就是在那里被炸死的And his wife blew up over there.车上有炸♥弹♥,麦可才是目标The car was rigged with a bomb meant for Michael.但那天不知为何是他老婆开车But his wife is gonna drive for some reason.(意语)麦可走了Michele? Michele, andiamo!走啦,你答应过的帕西诺惊觉,于是大叫一 -不要Pacino realizes, he screams.No!"艾波洛妮亚"Apononia!"但太迟汽车爆♥炸♥,她被炸成碎片It's too late. Car explodes, she blows up.很棒的一幕It's a great scene.她被炸死?She blows up? -Uh-huh.真的爆♥炸♥ ?Like, blows up? -Mm-hmm.那是不是有点没品味?It's a little tasteless maybe.他们也只是想赚钱Well, look, they're trying to make a buck.最伟大美国电影的场景正好是他们的房♥子They own a house where they shot the best American movie ever made. 才不是最伟大的电影No, it's not.为什么不是?No? Why not?我觉得是啊I think so.你当然这么觉得Well, yeah, I mean, you would.这话是什么意思?All right, what's that supposed to mean?你怀念父权盛行的日子It's because you're nostalgic for the solid days of the patriarchy."教父M的确是好电影啊They're undeniably great movies.男人喜欢教父”是因为他们觉得被现代社会阉&hcarts;割&hcarts;了Men love The Godfather because they feel emasculated by modern society.他们幻想回到过去It's a fantasy about a time when they could go out可以用暴♥力♥解决问题的年代and solve all their problems with violence."(意语)炙热的爱啊"J Un focu d'amuri. J跟所有女人上♥床♥.and sleep with every woman.回家后老婆也不会过问只会乖乖为他们煮意大利面.and then come home to their wife who doesn't ask them any questions and makes them pasta.这是很正常的男性幻想It's a normal male fantasy.是看了这样的电影男性才会产生这种幻想No, movies like that socialize men into having that fantasy.会拍出这样的电影是因为男性天生就有这种幻想Movies like that exist because men already do have that fantasy.这是我们的天性一都是睾固酮造成的We're hard-wired. -Mm. Comes with the testosterone.不对,性别只是人造的概念No. Gender is a construct. It's created.你花了那么多钱让他上史丹佛结果只是让他被洗&hcarts;脑♥You spent all that money on Stanford, he comes back brainwashed.两天而已Two days.去机场Airport, go. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.(意语)我说不行我不想回去(意语)我说不行就是不行早安,有什公需要帮忙的吗?Buongiorno. How can I help you?我I-Uh.这个镇上有灵媒吗?are there any psychics in this town?灵媒?对不起,我听不懂Psychics? Sorry, I don't-I don't understand.就是那种传统的吉普赛灵媒Like, you know, old-school, you know, Gypsy,会算命的那种?like, psychic fortune teller type of person?我懂了,有的一Oh. Oh, you mean-Oh. We have a tarocchi.陶尔米纳这里有个塔罗牌占卜家Oh, yes, Um, a tarot card reader here in Taormina. Yes.他们愿意到府服务吗?Do you think they could make a house call?这算是紧急状况Because, like, I-You know, it really is-It's kind of an emergency.你还好吗?一我会待在房♥间Mm. Is everything all right? I'm gonna be in my room.罗可Rocco.我算命师的号♥码给那个疯婆子是我老板,我接一下Uh. Uh, this is my boss, so, I have to. get it.我马上回来Go on. -I'll be back.你在哪里?Hi. Where are you?我在吃午餐UmI'm at lunch.你回房♥间来,因为葛瑞格走了Well, you need to come back to the room 'cause Greg is gone.v走了 "是什么意思?Gone? What do you mean, he's gone?我需要你I need you.好Okay.但我现在不在饭店Um. Well, I'm-I'm not at the hotel currently, so-我要你待在附近,快回来I told you to stay close by. Come back here!我老板要我回去所以我得回饭店了Uh, my boss needs me to go back, so, I have to go back to the hotel.一对不起一这样啊Sorry. -Okay. -Oh.我们送你回去No. We'll take you back.没关系,我自己叫计程车或想办法一No, it's, uh, fine. I'll just get a taxi or figure it out- 司机可以载她回去再回来载我们Well, the driver can take her, and come back and get us. 对坐我们的车吧Yeah. Yeah. Take the car. And, um, 我们晚点再见面let's-let's meet up later.好,你们人真好,谢谢Okay. That's very kind of you. Thank you.谢谢你们,今天很开心And thanks again for an entertaining day.祝你们玩得开心Yeah. Okay, have fun.我再把钱一不用啦Um. I can Venmo you for just the- -No!一真是抱歉,再见一再见Come on. -Sorry, again. Bye. -Bye.真是谢了,爸Great. Thanks, Dad.怎么了?是她老板要她回去What? Her boss needed her.你觉得她是找借口离开?You think she just wanted to get away from us?有可能啊Maybe.毕竟你常让女人退避三舍You do have a knack for repelling women.你觉得我们很丢脸吗,阿尔比?Do we embarrass you, Albie?没这回事No, it's just.你不知道你说的话别人听了会作何感想I don't realize how you sound sometimes. 以前的人很尊重长者They used to respect the old.现在我们只让大家想起他们想遗忘的丑恶过去Now, we're just reminders of an offensive past everybody wants to forget. 你好,真是谢谢你Hi! Thank you so much. 这里有一个美丽的露台Yeah, you have an amazing terrace, 可以在那里喝我们葡萄园产的红酒 where you can have a glass ofwine from our familiar vineyards. 这里是饭厅And here is our dining room, 可以在这里吃早餐当然,请把这里当自己家 where you'll have your breakfast, and obviously please feel at home. 好好放松,有任何需要我们都在Oh. -And, uh, feel comfortable. And anything you need, we are here for you. 感谢佩哥Thank you so much, Peppe. -Okay. 一再见,达芙妮一再见Ciao, Daphne. -Ciao.现在是什么情况?Are you gonna tell me what's going on?我在建筑文摘读到有关诺托的文章So, I was reading about Noto in Architectural Digest, right? 里面有这栋宫殿的照片我想说或许能来参观And there were pictures of this palazzo. So, I was like, "Maybe we can get a tour." 于是我打电♥话♥过来,他们说So, I called them, and they told me.我们今晚可以整个租卜.来所以我就租了"You can rent the whole place out for the night." So, 1 did. 一在这里过夜? 一不是很难得吗?We're staying the night? Don't you think we should?本来想说到f再看看值不值得I mean, I was gonna wait and see if it was worth it, 但我们人都来了非过夜不可,对吧? but now that we're here it's like we kinda have to, right? 我什么都没带I don't have any stuff.别担心,盥洗用具那些我都多带了一份Oh, don't worry about it. I packed extra everything. Toothpaste. Whatever you need. 天啊,这里超乎我的想像Oh, God, this is just beyond. 我真是不敢相信I can't believe it.快过来Come out here!那应该是游泳池你猜谁带了多的泳衣?I think that's a pool. And guess who brought an extra bathing suit?丢下老公不会有点奇怪吗?Don't you feel a little weird being here without the guys?不会啊,他们又不想来No. They didn't want to come.你不觉得做自己想做的事更重要吗?And don't you think it's better to just do what you want, even if it's by yourselP 卡麦隆随时都在做他想做的事I mean, Cameron does what he wants all the time.凭什么只有他们能找乐子?Why let them have all the fun?去看看卧房♥吧Let's check out the bedrooms!一干杯一干杯,兄弟Cheers! -Cheers, buddy.我得说,我好以你为荣I gotta say it, man. I'm so proud of you.你这次真的是轰出全垒打了I mean, you-you fucking knocked it out of the park, man.谢谢You did it. -Thank you.但我不意外我一直都知道你会成就大事I'm not surprised. I always knew you were gonna do something great.但我多花了一点时间一拜托Took a little while, but- Come on.你才36岁,少装老了You're 36. Give me a break.像你赚大钱已经好几年了Well, you've been raking it in for years now.希望你当初先跟我说一声Just wish you'd given me a heads-up, you know?一什么?一听盖瑞皮兹纳说了What? -I have to hear from Gary Pizzinat我才知道你卖♥♥公♥司♥赚大钱当时就没有操作空间That you sold your company for a shitload? And by then, you know, it was too late for me to do anything with it.我懂了 ,但我当时什么都不能说Oh, you mean, like-Dude, I couldn't say anything.你可以给个暗示You could have hinted.暗示也是违法的It's also illegal.派一只小鸟来跟我传话A little birdie in the ear.就这么简单,资讯很重要的That's it. Information, dude.我这行都是靠资讯过活I mean, come on, guys like me, thafs-that's all we got.一对不起,我不知道一没关系I'm sorry. I wasn't-It's okay.你懂的一别在意,下次记得就好You know, I justDon't worry about it. Next time.但你得在我们这里做一点投资But you need to invest some of that with us. Okay?不知道你有没有听说但我能帮人赚钱I don't know if you've heard, but I make people money, bro.我知道I know you do.那就让我为你效力Well, then let me do what I do for you.我很乐意帮助你和哈珀拜托你给我机会I-I would-I would love that, E. I would love to help you and Harper. Please, let me. 来我的办公室一趟就好Look, just come in to the office. All right?等我们回国你来见见我们的团队When we get back, you meet the guys,我们轻松聊个天就好and then you just hang out. That's it No pressure.好,听起来不错All right. Sounds good.一不错吧?一是啊Sounds good? -Yeah.我真是为你感到高兴,伊森I am so stoked for you, E.我很高兴I'm so happy.谢了,小卡Thanks, Cam. Thank you. 1 appreciate it.干杯Cheers, baby. Mm.朋友,再来两杯Hey, buddy, two more.她不是冒牌货Oh, she's the real deal.货真价实的旧世界吉普赛人A real, authentic, old-world gypsy.跟我要求的一模一样That's what I asked for.现在不能用那个词称呼人家了I don't think you're supposed to use that word.什么?What?那她很老派正统All right. She's, uh.She's a real old-school. Gypsy.女士?Ma'am?你要来点水或汽水吗?Yes, would you like some water or some soda?我可以调两杯调酒I could make you and I a highball.好All right.意大利男人的裤子都穿得好紧Guys in Italy wear their pants so tight.他们想炫耀自己的老二Yeah, 'cause they want to show off their dicks.你怎么不直接告诉我要过夜?Why didn't you just tell me we were really gonna spend the night?我希望让小卡觉得我们玩得太开心,决定留卜来I really want Cam to think that we just had so much fun that we just wanted to stay. 他有很严重的错失恐惧和分离焦虑He has really intense FOMO and also abandonment issues.他知道我们在豪华宫殿享受一定会很有趣So, it's just gonna be really funny to tell him we're living it up at some sick palazzo. 你喜欢跟他玩这种游戏?So, you're like playing games with him?我们都会这样玩We both do it.跟捉迷藏一样让生活多点乐趣It's like hide and seek. Keeps things interesting.我和伊森不会这样Yeah, well Ethan and I, we-we don't really do that.我可能要打电♥话♥告诉他我们会在这里过夜So, I'm-I'm probably gonna have to call him and tell him we're gonna stay here. 可以先让我打给小卡吗?Can I call Cam first, please?一当然可以一好Okay. Sure. -Okay.老婆,诺托好玩吗?Hey, babe! How's Noto?太棒了Amazing.我们可能会在这里过夜I think that we're probably gonna spend the night.一什么?一对What? -Yeah.我发现一栋很棒的宫殿就把它租了下来This incredible palazzo I found, so, I booked it.我们明天就会回去一等一Wha-But we'll be back tomorrow.明天才回来?W-You're coming back tomorrow?一对,你们要玩得开心喔一什么?Yeah, but have fun, okay? -What?我得挂了,哈珀还在泳池里等我Listen, I think I have to go 'cause Harper's waiting for me in the pool.老婆,什么泳池?No, uh, honey, vv-what pool?一什么? 一宫殿的泳池啊What are you talk- -The pool in our palazzo.你看到一定会爱死我再传照片给你Oh, you would die. I'll send you pics.爱你,老公,再见Love you, honey. Bye! -Uh-她们要在诺托过夜她租了一栋宫殿They're staying the night in Noto. She booked a palazzo.一是吗?一对啊She did? -Yeah.一有点奇怪一她老是这样That's kind of weird. She always pulls this shit, man.故意惩罚我Fucking punishing me.但你知道这代表什久吗?我们两个But you know what that means? You and me, 今晚可以狂欢了We're gonna fucking party!去骑水上摩托车吧Let's go jet skiing.好,我来了All right. Okay. I'm coming.好然后呢?Okay. Well. now what?你问问题,牌会解答You ask a question and then the cards will answer.好Oh. Okay.我想知道,我的丈夫Um. I wanna know, uh, my husband, you know, 葛瑞格他有件事一Greg- Something is just.你Uh, do-你可以暂时离开吗?C-could you just leave the room for a second?去浴室待一下You know, hang out in the bathroom for a little while. 没问题No problem. Yeah.对,我想一Oh. Yeah. I want, um-Is-我想知道我们会不会成功I want to know if we're gonna make it.我想知道我们的婚姻能不能维持下去I mean, I just want to know if our marriage is gonna last.牌说你老公爱上其他人了The cards say your husband is in love with someone else. 这张牌代表的是欺骗所以他在欺骗你This card means deceit. He is being deceitful.这张牌代表美貌他的人生中有个美人And this card is beauty. There's someone beautiful in his life. 那不是指我吗?Uh, couldn't that be me?不管怎么样,我不会找麻烦Well, whatever, I'm not gonna be that.他是你在大学的死党He's your bestie from college,你想得到他的认可一我才不想and you want his approval for some reason. I do not want his approval.这很正常,人都是这样.which is totally normal and fine and human,我会很好相处but I'm gonna be so fun.从现在起,我会成为派对的灵魂人物I'm gonna be the life of the party from now on.别做得太超过否则他们会知道你在假装Well, don't overdo it. They'll know it's fake.我很喜欢他们,他们是好朋友I love them. What? They're our good friends.放过我吧Oh, my God.一怎么了?一你吓到我了What?我不能甜美一点吗?You don't think I can be lovely?等着瞧吧Just watch.这些钱给你们,谢谢一Okay, that's for you guys. Thank you. Thank you.很抱歉这么无礼,但你们得走了I'm sorry to be so pushy. I just really need you guys to leave.好Oh. Yeah. -Uh. See you.一再见了 一再见Bye. -Bye.一晚点见了 一好See you later. -Yeah.三千真的吗?早安Good morning.早安Morning.他们在那里不是你Not you.一不是我? 一绝对不是你Not me? For sure, not you.(意语)美女愚者,无意识美女,魔鬼这也太多负能量了This is very negative.(意语)星星无意识与潜意识我花钱请你来的耶I can't believe 1 paid for this. 'Cause this is just really-(意语)你会发疯然后自杀你太负面了You are so negative!(意语)这就是真♥相♥ 不该是这样的,你应该鼓励我It's not supposed to be like this. You're supposed to-This is supposed to build me up. 收起你的破烂东西这些可怕的牌和你的烂烟灰缸Take your crappy things and your horrible cards.and your shitty little ashtray.一(意语)我抽到断头人 一不要了,太可怕No, I didn't want this. This is creepy.你得走了No. You gotta go.一离开一(意语)我抽到愚者,很危险Get out!一随便你说,你只是个骗子一(意语)我抽到愚者Yeah, well, whatever-You're a con artist is what you are.根本没用,太负面了That wasn't good. Negative.我们七点半在楼下碰面?Okay, guys, we'll meet up around 7:30 downstairs?可以,但我想睡个觉你们要打电♥话♥叫我起床Yeah, that sounds good. But somebody give me a wakeup call. I'm gonna take a nap.好,我会叫你的,爷爷Okay. I'll come grab you, Nono.阿尔比Hey, Albie.什么事?Yeah?我觉得你对我的看法受到扭曲,是错误的Hey, um.I feel like you have this wrong, distorted impression of me.我一直都支持女性I have always supported women.我经常提拔女性我是女性主义者I have always promoted women. I'm a feminist.我并没有娶小女人当老婆I mean, I didn't marry some subservient wife.你母亲是个聪明干练的女人Your mother is a brilliant, amazing woman.你跟她谈过了吗?一我们没有聊到你,爸Did you talk to her? -We didn't talk about you, Dad.我不希望你被夹在中间No, I don't want to get you in the middle. Um.你不必跟她说什么但如果你要跟她说话You don't have to say anything to her. But if you did say something.我希望你能告诉她我很想念她和卡拉.I'm hoping you'd tell her that I'm really, really, really missing her and Cara, and- 我觉得and that I feel.我觉得很傀疚I feel really awful.她会听你的话She listens to you.这件事是你无法弥补的Nothing is gonna fix this.是这样吗?No?你必须改变,爸You have to change, Dad.你不能再做你一直沉溺的事You have to stop doing what you're doing做出实质的改变and actually change.我知道,我也改变了I know that. And I have changed.我正在改变And I am changing.我有能力改变I can change.一是吗?一没错Oh, yeah? -Yes.我能再次成为她心目中的男人I can be the man she wants me to be, again.晚餐见了I'll see you at dinner.再见See you.她离开了吗?Did she leave?谭雅?Tanya?发生了什么事?我还以为一What happened? I thought I was-她也要帮我算命I thought I was gonna get a reading.你不会想算的No. You don't want her.她太负面了She was very negative.我很遗憾I'm sorry to hear that.我想睡个午觉I think I'm gonna take a nap.好Okay.再见Bye.你不能离开一No, you can't go. You can't go. You just.拜托你坐在沙发上Please just sit on the couch. I just.我买♥♥ 了新一♥期♥的浮华世界杂♥志♥I did get the new Vanity Fair.你可以看杂♥志♥You can read it.天明,嫁给我吧Vey! Marry me!不了,谢谢Oh! No, grazie!那里有提款机我去领钱,等我一下Um. oh, there's a machine. I'm gonna get cash out, I'll be right back.走吧,我还有几家店想逛Come on, there's a couple more stores I wanna hit.诺托还真多饥渴的男子Lots of horny dudes in Noto.这是什么?What are these?那桌的先生请你的The man, this table, bought these for you.真好心Oh! That's sweet.我要来一点大♥麻♥食品,你要吗?I'm go