体育专业英语参考IMB standardization office IMB 5-汉 译 英 (20 个)1、人 口老龄化与体育锻炼:Aging and Physical Activity2、水上运动与锻炼:Water Exercise and Fitness3、篮球教练与裁判:Basketball Coaching and Officiating4、体育舞蹈:sports dance5、运动处方及其操作与评估:exercise prescription , instruction and assessment6、体育锻炼与运动医学:medicine in exercise and sport7、运动理念:philosophy of sport8、营养与健康饮食:nutrition and healthy eating9、极限运动:skating sports10、体育与健康教育:physical and health education11、休闲娱乐体育 recreational sport12、体育运动市场管理学:sport management and marketing13、体能训I练:strength (力量)and conditioning (体能)或conditioning (raining14、大运动量训练超量恢复原则(P95) : overload principle15、乳酸供能系统(P97) : anaerobic lactic energy system16、科学研究的有效性(P22) : effectiveness and accountability17、测定运动强度的最简单的方法是心率法,根据心率的变化与具体运动负荷之间的关系:(Pioi) The easiest way to determine the intensity of the training program is the heart rate method , which measures intensity of an exercise load in terms of heart rate response.18、3x(l:00) (P105) : 3 sets of 6 repetitions, covering a 100-meter training distance inseconds, interspersed with 1:00-minute relief intervals.(考试可能还要加组间间歇 10 分 钟)19、一些国家的科学家已经把肌纤维类型当作一个有用的工具来筛选和指导最适合的年轻运动员(P86): Fiber typing has been used by scientists in some countries as a useful tool to screen and guide young athletes into sports for which they are best suited.20、导致运动中、运动后肌肉酸痛现象出现的原因是由于体内不断积累的代谢产物所致(Px6): Muscle pain or soreness during and after exercise results from accumulated waste products.二、短文(结合课文内容并举例作答)1、(P24)The National Standards for Athletic Coaches include the following :2、(P35)This process includes :3、(P()7)The practice Plan :三、英译汉1、(P79)Coaching at the Game :2、(Pi54)Overtraining :