2022年大学英语考试模拟卷(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为!80分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位:姓名:考号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1 .听原文M: The mom is filled with smoke. I can hardly breathe. W: I agree. Smoking should not be permitted in this mom at all.What can we learn from this dialogue ()A. The room is on fire.B. The man is bothered by the smoke.C. There is little air.D. The man is not permitted in the room.2. What will the woman probably do? ()A. Go to the beach with her friends.B. Postpone her meeting with professor Johns.C. See Professor Johns after class.D. Give a speech in Professor John’s class.3. Where is the woman now? 0A. In the hospital.B. At home.C. At work.D. In the off ice.4. Conversation 2What' s the probable relationship between the two speakers? ()A.Teacher and student.B. Classmates.C.Father and daughter.D. Mother and son.5. Conversation 1For whom is the woman buying the gift? ()A. Her son.B. Her sister.C. Her brother.D. Her husband.6. When did the woman see Bob? ()A. 2: 00.B. 4: 00.C. 5: 00.D. 6: 00.7. Conversation 2Why do they not go to the park? ()A. Because it is too far.B. Because they have been there before.C. Because it is not interesting.D. Because it is near.8. Conversation 1What does the woman buy at last? ()A. A pen and a pencil.B. A chess set.C. A car model.D. Nothing is bought.9. What does the man mean?()A. The woman should ask the person by the door.B. The woman shouId get off i mmed i ate Iy.G. He will tel I the woman when to get off.D. The woman shouId check the map.10. What did the man think of the film?()A. He enjoyed it.B. He wished he hadn’t seen it.C. He thought the film is long.D. He thought the film is costly.11. Conversation 2Which of the following is not mentioned by the two speakers? ()A. Going to the zoo.B. Going to the park.C. Going to the mountains.D. Going by ship.12. The girl who Was on her way home from the night shift kept Iooking back because she was afraid of ().A.having been fo11 owedB.fol lowingC.being fol I owedD.having fol I owed13. Interesting as dolphins (海豚)are to scientists, it is their intelligence and sociability that have caught the popular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A dolphin family is like a human family, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most sociable of all living creatures. They enjoy playing with each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch. It is this characteristic that makes them so easy to train as star performers. Besides, they seem able to remember humans that they have met even when there is a long period of time between meeting. A sense of family and a spirit of cooperation appear to be very strong among all these marine animals. There are many recorded cases of dolphins supporting a sick animal on the surface of the water so that it will be able to breathe. Language has always been considered unique to human beings. It now seems that the cetaceans (鲸 目动物)may be able to communicate with each other through sounds similar to a real language. Scientists are studying the behavior of the cetaceans, the sounds they send out and the physical characteristics of their brains in an effort to determine whether they really have the ability to communicate through language. It may prove that we’11 be able to establish real communication with another species for the first time.Why have dolphins become popular with the public ()A. They are very interesting.B. They are very intelligent.C. They are sociable.D. All of the above.14. Dear professor, It is my pleasure to invite you to be incIuded in our highly successful title, Dictionary of International Biography (传, the Twenty-Th i rd Edition of which is schedu I ed for pub I i cat ion in wi nt er 1993/94. Further detaiIs are enclosed for your information and I invite you to comp I ete and return the Biographical Questionnaire ( 问卷)by the date shown. Entries chosen for inclusion wi 11 be compi led by our editors and biographees (传记者)wi 11 be sent typescripts (原稿)for approval before pub Iicat ion. Here at the IBC we have been producing biographical works for thirty years. The Twenty-Third Edition of Dictionary of International Biography wi11 join our many other titles on the she Ives of pub I ic I ibrar ies and I ibrar ies of col leges, I ead i ng universities and compan i es worldwide. As we approach the twenty-first century, the young men and women who wi 11 shape the world since after the year 2000 are now already at work or taking further education. Their destiny is to guide the world. To give them even greater international coverage, " Who wi 11 be Who in the 21st Century" wi11 be issued as a separate but distinet part of this edition. I very much hope that you wi 11 provide us with your biographical and career detaiIs for this new edition. Please comp I ete the questionnaire and return it to us by the date shown. I look forward to hearing from you.The receiver of the letter is invited to ()A. be incIuded in the Dictionary of International BiographyB. comp Iete and return the questionnai reC. work for the DictionaryD. both A and B15. Dear professor, It is my pleasure to invite you to be included in our highly successful title, Dictionary of International Biography (传记), the Twenty-Third Edition of which is scheduled for publication in winter 1993/94. Further details are enclosed for your information and I invite you to complete and return the Biographical Questionnaire ( 问卷)by the date shown. Entries chosen for inclusion will be compiled by our editors and biographees (传记者)will be sent typescripts (原稿)for approval before publication. Here at the IBC we have been producing biographical works for thirty years. The Fwenty-Third Edition of Dictionary of International Biography will join our many other titles on the shelves of public libraries and libraries of colleges, leading universities and companies worldwide.As we approach the twenty-first century, the young men and women who will shape the world since after the year 2000 are now already at work or taking further education. Their destiny is to guide the world. To give them even greater international coverage,"; Who will be Who in the 21st Century"; will be issued as a separate but distinct part of this edition.I very much hope that you will provide us with your biographical and career details for this new edition. Please complete the questionnaire and return it to us by the date shown. I look forward to hearing from you.The 23rd Edition of the Dictionary will be published () on schedule. A. in the winter of 1993B. in the date shownC. thirty years later D. in several months16. Interesting as dolphins (海豚)are to scientists, it is their inte11igence and sociabiIity that have caught the popular imagination. Like whales, do I ph i ns have a strong sense of family. A dolphin fam iIy is I ike a human family, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most soc i ab I e of a 11 living creatures. They enjoy p I ay i ng w i th each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch. It is this characteristic that makes them so easy to train as star performers. Besides, they seem able to remember humans that they have met even when there i s a long period of time between meet i ng. A sense of fam iIy and a spirit of cooperation appear to be very strong among al I these marine animals. There are many recorded cases of dolphins supporting a sick animal on the surface of the water so that it wi 11 be able to breathe. Language has always been considered unique to human beings. It now seems that the cetaceans (鲸目动物)may be able to communicate with each other through sounds similar to a real Ianguage.Scientists are studying the behavior of the cetaceans, the sounds they send out and the physicaI characteristics of their brains in an effort to determine whether they really have the ability to communicate through Ianguage. It may prove that we’11 be able to estab Iish real communicat ion with another species for the first time.What characteristics make dolphins easy to train as star performers ()A. High inte11igence.B. Soc i ab i I i ty.C. Enjoying playing with each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch.D. Being able to remember humans that they have met.17. Interesting as dolphins (海豚)are to scientists, it is their intelligence and sociability that have caught the popular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A dolphin family is like a human family, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most sociable of all living creatures. They enjoy playing with each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch. It is this characteristic that makes them so easy to train as star performers. Besides, they seem able to remember humans that they have met even when there is a long period of time between meeting. A sense of family and a spirit of cooperation appear to be very strong among all these marine animals. There are many recorded cases of dolphins supporting a sick animal on the surface of the water so that it will be able to breathe. Language has always been considered unique to human beings. It now seems that the cetaceans (鲸目动物)may be able to communicate with each other through sounds similar to a real language. Scientists are studying the behavior of the cetaceans, the sounds they send out and the physical characteristics of their brains in an effort to determine whether they really have the ability to communicate through language. It may prove that we’11 be able to establish real communication with another species for the first time.What characteristics seem to be very strong among the cetaceans () A. Being able to live both on land and in the sea.B. A sense of family and a spirit of cooperation, C. Enjoying playing in the sea.D. Being fond of traveling in large groups.18. Dear professor, It is my pleasure to invite you to be incIuded in our highly successful title, Dictionary of International Biography (传记), the Twenty-Th i rd Ed i t i on of wh i ch is schedu I ed for pub I i cat ion in wi nt er 1993/94. Further detaiIs are enclosed for your information and I invite you to comp I ete and return the Biographical Questionnaire ( 问卷)by the date shown. Entries chosen for inclusion wi 11 be compi Ied by our editors and biographees (传记者)wi 11 be sent typescripts (原稿)for approval before pub Iicat ion. Here at the IBC we have been producing biographical works for thirty years. The Twenty-Third Edition of Dictionary of International Biography wi11 join our many other titles on the she Ives of pub I ic I ibrar ies and I ibrar ies of col leges, I ead i ng universities and compan i es worldwide. As we approach the twenty-first century, the young men and women who wi 11 shape the world since after the year 2000 are now already at work or taking further education. Their destiny is to guide the world. To give them even greater international coverage, " Who wi11 be Who in the 21st Century" wi11 be issued as a separate but distinet part of this edition. I very much hope that you wi11 provide us with your biographical and career detaiIs for this new edition. Please comp I ete the questionnaire and return it to us by the date shown. I look forward to hearing from you.According to the third paragraph, the Dictionary is reserved in (). A. pub Iic Iibrar ies onlyB. Iibraries of co 11eges and compan i es only0. every Iibrary worldwideD. a number of Iibraries in the world19. Dear professor, It is my pleasure to invite you to be included in our highly successful title, Dictionary of International Biography (传记), the Twenty-Third Edition of which is scheduled for publication in winter 1993/94. Further details are enclosed for your information and I invite you to complete and return the Biographical Questionnaire ( 问卷)by the date shown. Entries chosen for inclusion will be compiled by our editors and biographees (传记者)will be sent typescripts (原稿)for approval before publication. Here at the IBC we have been producing biographical works for thirty years. The Twenty-Third Edition of Dictionary of International Biography will join our many other titles on the shelves of public libraries and libraries of colleges, leading universities and companies worldwide. As we approach the twenty-first century, the young men and women who will shape the world since after the year 2000 are now already at work or taking further education. Their destiny is to guide the world. To give them even greater international coverage,"; Who will be Who in the 21st Century"; will be issued as a separate but distinct part of this edition. I very much hope that you will provide us with your biographical and career details for this new edition. Please complete the questionnaire and return it to us by the date shown. I look forward to hearing from you.The word "them" in paragraph 4 refers to (). A.the world peopleB.the young men and womenC.the Dictionaries D.the libraries20. Interesting as dolphins (海豚)are to scientists, it is their inte11igence and sociabiIity that have caught the popular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A dolphin family is I ike a human famiIy, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most soc i ab I e of a 11 living creatures. They en joy p I ay i ng w i th each other and also with the humans, with whom they come in touch. It is this characteristic that makes them so easy to train as star performers.Besides, they seem able to remember humans that they have met even when there is a long period of time between meeting. A sense of fami Iy and a spirit of cooperation appear to be very strong among al I these marine animals. There are many recorded cases of dolphins supporting a sick animal on the surface of the water so that it wi 11 be able to breathe. Language has always been considered unique to human beings. It now seems that the cetaceans (鲸目动物)may be able to communicate with each other through sounds similar to a real Ianguage. Scientists are studying the behavior of the cetaceans, the sounds they send out and the physicaI characteristics of their brains in an effort to determine whether they really have the ability to communicate through Ianguage. It may prove that we’11 be able to estab Iish real commun i cat i on with another species for the first time.Dolphins can communicate with each other through ().A. a Ianguage unknownB. sounds that are a real IanguageC. sounds that approach a real IanguageD. their brains21. Dear professor, It is my pleasure to invite you to be included in our highly successful title, Dictionary of International Biography (传记), the Twenty-Third Edition of which is s