Cui Jianbin: A Course Design of English Li怨uistics S由cs(20042005), Department of Foreign Studies, Weinan Teachers University英语语言学教案崔建斌北京外国语大学外国语言文学系英语语言学课程设计目录英语语言学课程设计目录2英语语言学课程描述 COURSE DESCRIPTION5英语语言学学生需求分析STUDENTS' NEEDS ANALYSIS5英语语言学课程介绍COURSE INTRODUCTION5英语语言学课程目标 COURSE OBJECTIVES6英语语言学课程规划COURSE PLAN6英语语言学课程大纲SYLLABUS DESIGN8英语语言学教学模式TEACHING MODEL11英语语言学课程要求COURSE REQUIREMENTS11英语语言学课程资源READING RESOURCES11英语语言学课程评价 COURSE EVALUATION12英语语言学进度安排TIME TABLE(2004-2005-I)13CHAPTER 1 CLEARING THE GROUND14Objectives (students)14Focus: Understanding of English Language and English linguistics14Aims: I will be working on improving the learners understand language and linguistics14A1D: ON-LINE COURSEWARE14Topic:14Section 1 e Language15Section 2 o Linguistics (I)28Section 3 ree Linguistics (II)33CHAPTER 2 SPEECH SOUNDS36Objectives (students)36Focus: English sound perception36Aims: I will be working on improving the learners to know more about phonetics and phonology36Aid: on-line courseware36Topic:36Section 1 e Phonetics37Section 2 o Phonology (I)41Section 3 ree Phonology (II)43CHAPTER THREE LEXICON45Objectives (students)45FOCUSl LEXICAL CHANGE45Aims: I will be working on improving the learners understand word formation.45AlD: ON-LINE COURSEWARE45Section 1 e Word46Section 2 o The Formation of Word48Section 3 ree Lexical Change50CHAPTER FOUR SYNTAXObjectives (students)53Focus: English Language and English syntax53Aims: I will be working on improving learners understand language & syntax53Aid: ON-LINE COURSEWARE53Section 1 e The Structural Approach54Section 2 o The Generative Approach57Section 3 ree The Functional Approach66CHAPTER FIVE MEANING72Objectives (students)72Focus: English language and English semantics72Aims: I will be working on improving the students understand language and semantics72Aid: on-line courseware72Topic:72Section 1 e the Referential Theory73Section 2 o Componential Analysis75Section 3 ree Sentence Meaning77CHAPTER SIX LANGUAGE PROCESSING IN MIND79Objectives (students)79Focus: English language and human mind79Aims: I will be working on improving the students understand language and mind. 79AlD: ON-LINE COURSEWARE79Topic:79Section 1 e Language Comprehension80Section 2 o Discourse Interpretation83Section 3 ree Language Production84ACHIEVEMENT TEST OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS FOR ENGLISH MAJORS'02 (A)(TERM V), WTU86ACHIEVEMENT TEST OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS FOR ENGLISH MAJORS'02 (B)(TERM V), WTU90Keys to Test B, 200592英语语言学课程描述Course Description课程名称CourseEnglish Linguistic Studies系班Dept.Dept.' ForeignStudies学生人数Ss Num.98任课教师 InstructorJianbin Cui教材名称BookLINGUISTICS. A COURSEBOOK * edition)编辑者 AuthorHu Zhuanglin出版处所Copy rightPekingUniversityPublishing House英语语言学学生需求分析Students' Needs AnalysisHaving finished two years learning of English as major in college, learners achieved more in reading, listening, speaking and writing and they could use English to communicate their ideas better. As a major, they need to know more about the subject as linguistic studies, literature studies, culture studies, translation studies and academic writing. Learners on an advanced level need to focus on one aspect or another as their academic area or interest, and need to further their education as well. English linguistic studies is a well-planned course for advanced-level learners. It will meet learner's need either in widening their knowledge or further their education.英语语言学课程介绍Course IntroductionEnglish Linguistic Studies is a required subject course for university undergraduates who are majoring in English, as a systematic whole, English Linguistic Studies has as its main components theory and principles of the subject.English Linguistic Studies is a kind of descriptive linguistics. It deals withy a particular language - English, for the purpose of constructing a model to represent unconscious knowledge possessed by a fluent English speaker. This course has a double purpose. The first is to make clear to learners some fundamental linguistic principles, concepts and methods, which might be a preliminary study of general linguistics. The second purpose is to enable learners to have a better understanding of the structure of English, which might be an advanced study of English.1. To help learners" understand what English linguistics is about, to help learners to know fundamental linguistic principles, theories, concepts and methods.2. To develop students linguistic competence in applying linguistic theories in English language learning and teaching in their future position.3. To help learners" understand General Linguistics, which deals with Language, it aims at developing a theory that describes the rules of human Language in general. And descriptive linguistics attempts to establish a model that describes the rules of this particular Language, such as Chinese, English.英语语言学课程规划Course Plan、英语语言学课程理念、定位与目标1、坚持现代理念,坚持创新观念,树立精品意识,建设品牌课程,体现师范特2、英语语言学是英语专业的核心课程,建设目标是省级精品课程。具体教 学目标定位是提升学术水平,培养专业综合能力和素质。3、英语语言学课程应体现创新精神、现代教育理念、成为具有一流教师队 伍、优化的教学内容、先进的教学方法,现代的教学手段,科学的测试评价 体系的示范性精品课程。二、英语语言学课程教学内容与方法改革与建设1、教学内容设计的原则:培养专业综合素质为主线,以提升学术水平为标 志,理论与实践相结合,突出师范特色,注重素质和能力的同步提高。2、教学内容的特色:注重培养具有先进的教育理念,掌握系统的学科基本 理论基本知识,高超的教学水平,现代化的教学手段,具有创新精神的合格 教师。3、教学方法:改革教学方法的原则:调动学深的学习积极性,提高学生专 业综合素质。以参与式、互动式、体验式教学模式为基本形式。建立多媒体、 纸质等构成形式的立体教学载体。三、英语语言学课程基本建设1、教材建设2、评价体系建设3、评教机制建设四、英语语言学课程建设阶段与预期成果第一阶段:论证设计1、形成课程建设规划2、制订课程教学大纲3、设计教学方案第二阶段:组织实施1、制作多媒体教学课件2、建立课程试题库3、课题研究的理论论文第三阶段完善总结课题总结、完善、交流。成果申报。课程名称:英语语言学/ English Linguistics Studies学时:72学分:4开课年级:三年级课程类别:学科方向课适用专业:英语专业本科开课院系:外国语言文学系、教学目的英语语言学是门为英语专业高年级学生开设的专业课。旨在使学生了 解人类语言研究的丰硕成果,提高其对语言的本质、功能的认识,并初步了解语 言与人类之间的关系,培养学生的语言意识,发展理性思维。该课程要求学生掌 握语言学学科的基本概念;了解语言与心理,社会,文化,文学等跨学科研究的 关系及其发展现状和趋势。有助于拓宽学生的思路与视野,培养并激发其对语言 研究的兴趣,为其在该领域的进步学习及研究打好基础。二、教学方式课堂讲授与讨论结合。三、教学资源教材:胡壮麟,语言学教程,北京大学出版社,2001年。主要参考书目1、布龙菲尔德美,1985«语言论M.北京:商务印书馆2、费尔迪南德索绪尔瑞士, 1985,普通语言学教程国.商务印书馆3、刘润清,1995,西方语言学流派M.外语教学与研究出版社戴炜栋,1999,简明语言学教程M.上海外语教育出版社15. Widdowson, H. G, 2000. Linguistics M.上海外语教育出版社16. Lyones, John, 1981. Language and Linguistics: an Introduction M, CUP.17. Crystal, David, 1986. What is Linguistics MJ. London: Edward Arnold Ltd.四、评价方式:学期考试:70%; 课程论文:15%:课堂表现:15%五、教学内容:课题名称内容摘要Chapter One:Language and LinguisticsSecHon 1 LANGUAGELanguage; Design features, Origin, FunctionsSecHon 2 LINGUISTICS (I)What is Linguistics? Main branches of linguisticsSecHon 3 LINGUISTICS (I)Macro linguistics; Distinctions in linguisticsChapter Two:Speech SoundsSecHon 1 PHONETICSSpeech production & phonetic transcriptionSecHon 2 PHONOLOGY (I)Phonological analysis; phonemes & allophonesSecHon 3 PHONOLOGY (II)Distinctive features; Syllables; StressChapter Three:LexiconSecHon 1 WORDWord senses/ identification/ classificationSection 2 WORD FORMATIONTypes of morphemes; Inflection & formationSecHon 3 LEXICAL CHANGEPhonological change; semantic changeChapter Four:SyntaxSection 1 THE STRUCTURAL APPROACHThe traditional/ structural approachSection 2 THE GENERATIVE APPROACHDeep/surface structure; The standard theorySection 3 THE FUNCTIONAL APPROACHFunctional sentence perspectiveChapter Five:MeaningSection 1 THE REFERENTIAL THEORYSense relationsSection 2 COMPONETIAL ANALYSISSecHon 3 SENTENCE MEANINGAn integrated theory; logical semanticsChapter Six:Language processing inMindSecHon 1 LANGUAGE COMPREHENSIONWord recognition; Basic process in readingSecHon 2 DISCOURSE INTERPRETATIONSchemata and inference drawingSecHon 3 LAGUAGE PRODUCTIONSpeech/ written production课题名称内容摘要Chapter Seven:Language, Culture and SocietySection 1 Language and culture (I)Current issues, Culturejnterculture communicationSection 2 Language and culture (II)Sapir-Whorf hypotheses, culture elements in FLTSection 3 Language and SocietySociolinguistics, ImplicationsChapter Eight:Language in UseSection 1 Speech Act TheoryPragmatics theory, speech act theorySection 2 Theory of Conversational ImplicatureCooperative principle, violation of the maximsSection 3 Post-Gricean DevelopmentRelevance theory, the Q-and R-principleChapter Nine:Language and LiteratureSection 1 Features of Literary LanguageForegrounding, analysis of Literal, figurative languageSection 2 The language in PoetrySound patterning, stress, conventional forms of metre sound, How to analyses poetry?Section 3 The language in Fiction and DramaFictional prose, speech and thought presentation, Analyzing dramatic language.Chapter Ten:Linguistics and ForeignLanguage TeachingSection 1 Linguistic Views in LanguageTraditional grammar, structuralist linguistics, transformational-Generative linguistics, functional linguistics, the theory of communicative competenceSection 2 Syllabus DesignFactors in syllabus design, types of syllabusSection 3 Language Learning and Error LearningInput / interlanguage and language learning, attitudes to errors, non/contrastive analysisSection 4 Testing (I)Approaches to testing, Types of testSection 5 Testing (II)Test requirements, test content/form, markingChapter Eleven Theories and Schools of Modem LinguisticsSection 1 The Prague School/ The London SchoolFSP, Malinowski's theory, Firth's theoriesSection 2 American StructuralismBoas and Sapir. Bloomfield's theory, Post-BIoomfieldian linguisticsSection 3 Transformational-Generative GrammarThe classical Theory, the standard theory, the Extended Standard Theory. Later theories. Main features of TG GrammarThis course is a theory-based course and the goal of it is to be realized by teacher's class presentation on-line and students' group discussion as well as the assignments designed for each unit. Activities both in and outside classroom will benefit learners a lot in their learning.英语语言学课程要求Course RequirementsEnglish Linguistics is a kind of descriptive linguistics. It deals with English, for the purpose of constructing a model to represent unconscious linguistic knowledge possessed by a fluent speaker. (Course Hours: 72hs)In order to learn this course well, The following are some requirements of and tips for those who acquire the course. Firstly, you need to do possible amount of authentic theoretical readings, and secondly, you need to keep necessary notes in class.英语语言学课程资源Reading Resources4、布龙菲尔德美,1985,语言论M.北京:商务印书馆5、费尔迪南德索绪尔瑞士, 1985«普通语言学教程M.商务印书馆6、刘泗清,1995,西方语言学流派M.外语教学与研究出版社7、戴炜栋,1999,简明语言学教程M.上海外语教育出版社8、文秋芳,1998,英语语言学导论M.南京:江苏教育出版社9、胡壮麟,1996,系统功能语法概论M.长沙:湖南教育出版社10、 秦秀白,1996,文体学概论M.长沙:湖南教育出版社11、 桂诗春,1996,应用语言学M.长沙:湖南教育出版社12、 祝曉慢,1996,社会语言学概论M.长沙:湖南教育出版社10.黄国文,1996,语篇分析概要M.长沙:湖南教育出版社11、何自然,1996,语用学概论M.长沙:湖南教育出版社12、王初明,1996,应用心理语言学M.长沙:湖南教育出版社13、王钢,1996,普通语言学基础M.长沙:湖南教育出版社14、伍谦光,1996,语义学导论M.长沙:湖南教育出版社15. Widdowson, H.G, 2000. Linguistics M.上海外语教育出版社16. Lyones, John, 1981. Language and Linguistics: an Introduction M, CUP.17. Crystal, David, 1986. What is Linguistics M. London: Edward Arnold Ltd.英语语言学课程评价Course EvaluationEvaluation of the English Linguistic Studies consists of formative assessment and summative assessment.Formative assessment includes learners' self-assessment, peer assessment, and assessment conducted by teacher and department administrators. By keeping a record of learners in and outside of classroom activities and online self learning data, keeping files on learners study results, conducting interviews and holding meetings, learners learning process is under observation, evaluation and supervision, thus contributing to the enhancement of their learning efficiency.Summative assessment refers to final tests and the paper they are expected to finish at each midterm. Learners will have to finish two necessary courses papers by the mid and the end of the first term. By the time students will have finished this course in 2005, they will have a final examination to evaluate how much progress have been made during the course learning.Sept.9th, 2004周次日期教学内容 Teaching Topics教学模式备注1Aug.30tf,-Sept.5thChapterOne:Language andLinguisticsSection 1 LANGUAGELanguage; Design features, Origin, FunctionsTeacher presentation on-lineandclass discussioncourseware2Sept.6,h-12thSecHon 2 LINGUISTICS (I)What is Linguistics? Main branches of linguistics3Sept. 13th-19thSection 3 LINGUISTICS (I)Macro linguistics; Distinctions in linguistics4Sept.20,h-26,hChapterTwo: SpeechSoundsSection 1 PHONETICSSpeech production & phonetic transcriptionTeacher presentation on-line and class discussioncourseware5Sept.27” - Oct.3rdSection 2 PHONOLOGY (I)Phonological analysis; phonemes & allophones6Oct.4,h-10thSection 3 PHONOLOGY (II)Distinctive features; Syllables; Stress7Oct. 11"'- 17thChapterThree:LexiconSection 1 WORDWord senses/ identification/ classificationTeacher presentation on-line and class discussioncourseware8Oct. 18,h-24thSection 2 WORD FORMATIONTypes of morphemes; Inflection & formation9Oct.25,h-31stSection 3 LEXICAL CHANGEPhonological change; semantic change10Nov. 7thChapterFour:SyntaxSection 1 THE STRUCTURAL APPROACHThe traditional/ structural approachTeacher presentation on-lineandclass discussioncourseware11Nov.8,h- 14thSection 2 THE GENERATIVE APPROACHDeep/surface structure; The standard theory12Nov.l5lh-21stSection 3 THE FUNCTIONAL APPROACHFunctional sentence perspective13Nov.22"d-28thChapterFive:MeaningSection 1 THE REFERENTIAL THEORYSense relationsTeacher presentation on-lineandclass discussioncourseware14Nov的 “Dec.5thSection 2 COMPONETIAL ANALYSIS15Dec.6th - 12thSection 3 SENTENCE MEANINGAn integrated theory; logical semantics16Dec. 13th-19thChapter Six: language processing in MindSection 1 LANGUAGE COMPREHENSIONWord recognition; Basic process in readingTeacher presentation on-lineandclass discussioncourseware17Dec.20由一.26thSection 2 DISCOURSE INTERPRETATIONSchemata and inference drawing18Dec.27*h-Jan.2ndSecHon 3 LAGUAGE PRODUCTIONSpeech/ written production19Jan.3nl-.9水、05REVISION AND EXAMIn classChapter 1 Clearing the GroundInstructorDateDaySs No.Ss LevelClass lengthJianbin CuiAug.3O- Sept. 19thFriday98Advanced50 minsObjectives (students)By the end of the chapter, learners will be better able to know what language is, what general linguistics is, and what English Linguistics is about, h