-第 1 页音乐之声英文影评-第 2 页This is a story about love and music.22-year-old Maria is a sister in Salzburg convent,Dean motherthought she was not fit to be a sister,so she decided to send Maria toCaptain Von Trapps home and made her find the real goal oflife.When Maria arrived at captains home,found captan was strictwith his seven children.However,captain demanded Maria like him to treat his children.But Maria didnt do as that.Her gentle and kind-hearted wonchildrens friendly.Maria played with children and taught them to sing.Children alsobecame happy than before.Captainfound music came back hishome again and was infected by Maria.They expressed their love to the other.And they got marriedquickly.Unfortunately,when they finished their honeymoon to comeback home,captain received a letter that said captain must register toNazis navy.Captain hated Nazis behaviour,so he decided to leaveAustria with his family.At the Salzburg Festival,they playedEdelweiss and infected all people.After the show,they escaped Nazi.In the end,they left Austria.Interesting story,sweet song,warm feelings,innocent joke,arethe sound of music the most attractive place.It shows the power ofmusic.-第 3 页throughout the movie the beautiful songs,after nearly half a century,is still sung unabated,for example the theme song the sound ofmusic expressed the love to the nature,active songs the lonelygoatherd and Do-Re-Mi,and the song edelweiss full of the love tothe county and so on.These music let people fully experience the artand the beauty of nature.At last,it is the music that turns the captaininto a kind of father.It was music that makes all the thingharmonious and leads it to a happy ending.It seems the power ofmusic is great.This also accords with the sound of music theme.The music from the movie brings us the happiness,and whatreally touched Everyones heart is the pure love hidden behind themusic.The love to children,the love to the sweetheart,love to themotherland from the captan and the love to the nature musichometown from Maria is all belong to a loving heart.Love ispure.,love is patient,love is kind.It does not envy,it does not boast,itis not proud;it is not rude,it is not self-seeking,it is not easilyangered,it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evilbut rejoices with the truth.It always protects always perseveres.The sound of music is the true voice of love!