Unit a 3 abandonv. go away from (a person or thing orplace) not intending to return; forsake; desertabide sentences or endure; bearabolishv.(esp with can/could, in negative questions can/could) tolerate (sb/sth);v. end the existence of6566676869or in films actress actual actually acute adaptn. woman actoradj. existing in fact; realadv. really; in fact adj. very great; severe v. z sth (for sth) make sth suitable fornew use, situation, etc; modify sthabrupt absence absentplace (than.) absolute absolutely absorb absorption abstractbut not having a absurd abundanceplenty abundant abuse academic academyaccelerateearlier; increase the speed ofadj. sudden and unexpected n.being awayadj.not present (at sth); at anotheradj. complete; totaladv. completelyv. take (sth) in; suck upn.absorbing or being absorbedadj. existing in thought or as an idea physical or practical existenceadj. unreasonable; not sensible n. quantity that is more than enough;adj. more than enough; plentifulv. make bad or wrong use of adj. of schools, colleges, etc n. school for special trainingv. make move faster or happenacceleration n. making or being made quicker; increase in speedaccentn. emphasis given to a syllable orword by means of stress or pitch acceptv. take (sth offered) willinglyacceptableadj. worth acceptingacceptancen. accepting or being acceptedaccessn.means of approaching orentering (a place); way in accidental adj. happening unexpectedly or bychanceaccommodate v. provide lodging or room foraccommodation(s) accompanyv. walk or travel with (sb) as acompanion or helper; escortaccomplish v. succeed in doing (sth); complete successfully; achieveaccordancen. in accordance with sth inagreement or harmony with sthaccordingly adv. in a manner that is suggested by what is known or has been saidaccountn. statement of money paid or owedfor goods or servicesaccumulate v. gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of get (sth) in this wayaccuracy n. precision or exactness, esp resulting from careful effortaccurate accuse(of) accustom(to) accustomed ache achieveskill, courage, etcadj. free from erroradj. usual; habitualn. continuous dull painv. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort,achievement n. action of achievingacidn. substance that contains hydrogen,which can be replaced by a metal to form a saltacknowledgev. accept the truth of admit (sth)acquaintv.sb/oneself with sth makesb/oneself familiar with or aware of sthacquaintance n.with sth/sb knowledge of sth/sbacquirev. gain (sth) by one's own ability,efforts or behaviouracren. measure of land,4840 square yardsor about 4050 square metres 48404050actively adv: actively involved in the project * Your proposal is being actively consideredactivity n. being active or livelyactorn. person who acts on the stage, on TV71 addition n. adding, esp calculating the total of two or more numbers72 additionaladj. added; extra; supplementary73 addressn. details of where a person lives,works or can be found, and where letters, etc may be delivered74 adequateadj.satisfactory in quantity orquality; sufficient75 adherev.(to sth) remain attached (to sth);stick (as if) by means of glue or suction76 adjacent having a common endpoint or border also immediately preceding or following77 adjective n. word that indicates a quality of the person or thing referred to by a noun78 adjoinv. be next or nearest to and joined with7980818283848586adjustposition; arrange adjustable adjustment administrationadmirationor pleasurev. put (sth) into the correct order oradj. that can be adjustedn. adjustingn.administering; givingn. feeling of respect, warm approvaladmirev.sb/sth (for sth) regard sb/sthwith respect, pleasure, satisfaction, etc,admission n.entering or being allowed to enter a building, society, school, etcadmitv.sb/sth (into/to sth) allow sb/sthto enter87 adoptv.sb take sb into one's family, espas one's child or heir8889909192939495adoptionn. adopting or being adoptedadultadj. grown to full size or strengthadvancen. forward movementadvancedbeing ahead in development,knowledge, progress, etc.advantagen.(over sb) condition orcircumstance that gives one superiority or success (esp when competing with others)advantageous adj.profitable; beneficial;adventuren. unusual, exciting or dangerousexperience or undertakingadverbn. word that adds more informationabout place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb96 advertise v. make generally or publicly known97 advertisement n. action of advertising98 advicen. opinion given about what to do orhow to behave99 advisable adj. worth recommending as a course of action; sensible100 advisev.against sth/doing sth;sb (onsth) give advice to sb; recommend101 advocatev. speak publicly in favour of (sth);recommend; support102 aerialn. one or more wires or rods for sendingor receiving radio waves .103 aeroplane n. aircraft that is heavier than air, with wings and one or more engines104 affairn. thing done; concern; matter105 affectv. have an influence on (sb/sth);produce an effect on106 affectionn. feeling of fondness; love107 affirmv.sth state sth as the truth; assertsth108 affordhave enough money, time, space, etcfor (a specified purpose)109 afraidadj.(of sb/sth);(of doing sth/to dosth) frightened1314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556626364110African113afterward116agelived or a thing 117 agency118 agent119 aggressiveadv. gone by; in the past n. extreme mental or physical1. say ' yes' say that one is willing;adj. pleasing; giving pleasure n. arrangement, promise oradj. agricultural land, workers,machinery126 agriculture127aheadadv. z further forward in space or time128 aidn. help129 aimv.(sth) (at sth/sb) point or direct(a weapon, blow, missile, etc) towards an object131 aircraftn. any machine or structure that can flyin the air and is regarded as a vehicle or carrier132 airlinen. company or service providing regularflights for public use136 alarmn. warning sound or signal138 alertadj. attentive and quick to think or act139 alienn. person who is not a naturalizedcitizen of the country in which he is living140 alikeadj. like one another; similar141 aliveadj. living; not dead143allied=> ally144 allowv. permit (sb/sth) to do sth145 allowancen. amount of sth, esp money,allowed or given regularly146 alloyn. metal formed of a mixture of metalsn. science or practice of cultivating theland and rearing animals; farming ;or of metal and another substance147 almost150 alongside etc151 aloud152 alphabet153 already154 also155 alter159although160altitude161altogether162aluminum156 alteration157 alternate the other158 alternative other163 always169 ambulancen. vehicle equipped to carry sick or )hospital, etcn. unit for measuring electric current.injured people t<173 ampere174 ampleadj. enough175 amplifiern. device for amplifying176 amplifyv. increase (sth) in size or strength177 amusev. make laugh or smile178 amusementthing that makes time passpleasantly179 analoguen. thing that is similar to anotherthing180 analysev. separate into its parts in order tostudy its natureor structure181 analyticanalytical adjs of or using analysis ;182 ancestorn. any of the people from whom sb isdescended, esp those more remote than his grandparents; forefathermeaning167 ambition n. strong desire to achieve sth168 ambitious adj.(for sth) full of ambition, esp for success or money183 anchorn. heavy metal device attached to arope, chain, etc and used to moor a ship or boat to the sea-bottom or a balloon to the ground184 ancientadj. belonging to times long past185 andconj also; in addition to186 angeln. messenger or attendant of God187 angern. strong feeling of displeasure andhostility188 anglen. space between two lines orsurfaces that meet189 angryadj.(with sb) (at/about sth) filledwith anger190 animaln. living thing that can feel and movevoluntarily191 anklen. joint connecting the foot with theleg192 anniversaryn. yearly return of the date of anevent; celebration of this193 announcev. make known publicly194 announcern. person who announces speakers,singers, programmes, etc, esp on radio or TV ,195 annoyv. cause slight anger to (sb); irritate196 annualadj. happening every year197 annuallyadv: The exhibition is held annually198 anotherindef det an additional199 answern.thing said, written or done as aresponse or reaction; reply200 antn. any of several types of very smallinsect that live in highly organized groups and work very hard201202antarctic Pole .I antenna203 anticipate204 anxiety205206adj. feeling anxiety; worried;indef det (used with ns ) anindef pron any person indef advcarelessly;209210211212213214215anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartmentapologize216 apologyadj. of Africa or its people or languagesafterwards: afterwardn. length of time that a person has has existedn. business or place of businessproviding a (usu specified) servicen. person who acts for, or managesthe affairs of, other people in business, politics, etcadj.(of people or animals) apt orready to attack; offensive; quarrelsome 120 ago121 agony suffering122 agree consent (to sth)123 agreeable124 agreementcontract made with sb 125 agriculturaladv. nearly; not quiteadv. close to the side of a ship, pier,adv. in a voice loud enough to beheard, not silently or in a whispern. set of letters or symbols in a fixedorder, used when writing a languageadv. before now or before a stated orsuggested time in the pastadv. in addition; besides; too v. become different; changecharacter, position, size, shape, etcn. changing; making a change adj. happening or following one afteradj. available in place of sth else;conj in spite of the fact that; even ifn. height above sea-level adv. entirely, completelyaluminium: n. a light malleable ductile silvery-white metallic element that resistscorrosion; the third most abundant element in the earth's crust (8.1 per cent), occurring only as a compound, principally in bauxite, etc. Symbol: Al; atomic no.:13adv. at all times; without exception164 amateurn. person who practises a sport orartistic skill without receiving money for it165 amazev. fill with great surprise or wonder166 ambiguous adj. having more than one possibleadj. of the regions around the Southn. either of a pair of flexible sensitiveorgans on the heads of insects, crustaceans, etc; feelerv. expectn. troubled feeling in the mind causedby fear and uncertainty about the future; anxious uneasy i any unspecified amount of 207 anybody208 anyhow unsystematicallyindef pron = anybodyindef pron any thingindef adv = anyhow 2indef adv in, at or to any placeadv. to or at a distancen.(US)= flatl to express or make an apology;acknowledge failings or faultsn. z (for sth) statement to say one issorry for having done wrong or hurt sb's feelings217 apparatusn. set of instruments, etc used esp in258arrangev. put in order; make tidy, neat orscientific experimentsattractive218 apparentadj. clearly seen or understood;259arrangementn. putting in order; arrangingobvious260arrestv. seize with the authority of the law219 apparentlyadv. according to appearances; as itseems261arrivev.reach (a place), esp at the end of220 appealv. to sb (for sth); for sth make ana journeyearnest request262arrown. thin pointed stick designed to be221 appearv. come into view; become visibleshot from a bowl222 appearancen. coming into view; arrival263artn. creation or expression of sthbeautiful, esp in a visual form, eg painting, sculpture, etc223 appendixn. section that gives extra informationat the end of a book or document224 appetitepleasure225 applaud hands226 applause the hands227 applen. physical desire, esp for food orv. show approval of by clapping then. approval expressed by clappingn.green, red or yellow skin when riperound fruit with firm juicy flesh and264 article of a set265 artificialn. particular or separate thing, esp oneimitation of sth natural; not realadj. made or produced by man in228 appliancepurpose229 applicablen. instrument or device for a specificappropriate or suitableadj.that can be applied (apply 7);230 applicationn.(to sb)(for sth) formal request231 apply request232 appointv.(to sb)(for sth) make a formaljob or position of responsibility sb sb (as sth) choose sb for a266 artist arts, esp painting267 artistic fine arts268269270as ascend ashn. person who practises any of the fineadj. having natural skill in any of theprep so as to appear to be v. go or come up (sth)n. tree commonly found in forests, withsilver-grey bark and hard close-grained wood.271 ashamedadj. z (that.) feeling shame,embarrassment, etc about sth/sb or because of one's own actions272 ashore273 Asiaadv. to or on the shore or land the largest of the continents, bordering233 appointment person to a job234 appreciableconsiderable235 appreciate highly236 appreciation237 approachtime238 appropriate239 approvaln.(to sth)(act of) appointing aadj. that can be seen or felt;understand and enjoy (sth); valuen.understanding and enjoyment come near or nearer to in space oradj.suitable; right and proper n. feeling or showing or saying thatone thinks sth is good or acceptable or satisfactory240 approvesay, show or feel that sth is goodor acceptable or satisfactory 241 approximately adv: It cost approximately 300 Ican't remember exactly.300242 April after March243 Arabian244 arbitraryn. the fourth month of the year, nextadj. of Arabia or the Arabs adj. based on personal opinion oron the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean and Red Seas in the west.274 Asian275 asiden. native or inhabitant of Asia adv. on or to one side of the mainposition, direction, etc276 askv.(about sb/sth);sth of sbrequest information (about sb/sth)(from sb)277 asleep2