Chapter 2 Speech sounds Phonetics.ppt
Chapter 2 Speech soundsPart 1 PhoneticsLecture OverviewWhat is phonetics?Speech OrgansConsonants and vowelsConsonantsVowelsSome other related concepts1.What is phonetics?The general study of the characteristics of speech sounds is phonetics.It is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the worlds languages.Phonetics looks at speech sounds from three distinct but related points of view:articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)auditory phonetics(听觉语音学)acoustic phonetics(声学语音学)From the speakers point of view:how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds,which results in articulatory phonetics.From the hearers point of view:how the sounds are perceived by the hearer,which results in auditory phonetics.F r o m t h e w a y s o u n d s travel:how sounds travel by looking at the sound saves,the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another,which results in a c o u s t i c p h o n e t i c s.2.The organs of speech(发音器官)1.lips 2.teeth 3.teeth ridge (alveolus)4.Hard palate 5.soft palate(velum)6.uvula 7.tip of tongue 8.Blade of tongue 9.Back of tongue 10.vocal cords 11.pharynx cavity 12.Nasal cavity2.The organs of speech(发音器官)2.1 The initiator of the air-stream lungs2.2 The vocal cords/vocal folds(声带声带)Inside the larynx(喉腔)p.26 声带 vocal cord,vocal band;又称声壁,发声器官的主要组成部分。位于喉腔中部,由声带肌、声带韧带和粘膜三部分组成,左右对称。声带的固有膜是致密结缔组织,在皱襞的边缘有强韧的弹性纤维和横纹肌,弹性大。两声带间的矢状裂隙为声门裂。发声时,两侧声带拉紧、声门裂缩小、甚至关闭,从气管和肺冲出的气流不断冲击声带,引起振动而发声,在喉内肌肉协调作用的支配下,使声门裂受到有规律性的控制。故声带的长短、松紧和声门裂的大小,均能影响声调高低。成年男子声带长而宽,女子声带短而狭,所以女子比男子声调高。青少年14岁开始变音,一般要持续半年左右。p.27 Voiceless Sounds vocal cords are open ,Voiced Sounds vocal cords are closed The glottal stop (喉塞音)vocal cords are totally closed2.3 The resonating cavities 共振腔共振腔)/vocal tract(声道声道)The pharynx cavity(咽腔)The nasal cavity(鼻腔)Oral cavity(口腔)3.Consonants and vowels consonants-an obstruction of the airstreams at some point of the vocal tract vowels-no obstructionsSemi-vowel/semi-consonant-/w/,/j/4.Consonants 4.1 Classification of consonants4.1.1 Voicing 4.1.2 Place of articulation 4.1.3 Manner of articulation 4.1.1 Voicingvoiceless consonantsvoiced consonants p.354.1.2 Place of articulationThe point where a consonant is made.Where are they produced.bilabial(双唇音)labiodental (唇齿音)dental(齿音)alveolar(齿龈音)palato-alveolar/postal veolar(后齿龈音)Retroflex(卷舌音)Palatal(腭音)Velar(软腭音)Pharyngeal(喉音)Uvular(小舌音)glottal(声门音)1.lips 2.teeth 3.teeth ridge (alveolus)4.Hard palate 5.soft palate(velum)6.uvula 7.tip of tongue 8.Blade of tongue 9.Back of tongue 10.vocal cords 11.pharyn cavity 12.Nasal cavity4.1.3 Manner of articulationHow are they articulated.stops/plosive(塞音/爆破音)nasal fricative(擦音)approximant/semi-vowels/glides(通音)lateral(边音)affricative(塞擦音)4.2 The description of English consonants p.35/p/voiceless bilabial stop/b/voiceless bilabial stop/s/voiceless alveolar fricative/z/voiced alveolar fricativeStudy questions 1.Try pronouncing the initial sounds of the following words and then determine the place of articulation of each.A)hand B)foot C)toe D)belly E)chin F)thigh G)calf H)knee2.Which of the following words end with voiceless(-V)sounds and which end with voiced(+V)sounds?A)crash B)bang C)smack D)thud E)wham F)splat3.Identify the manner of articulation of the initial sounds in the following words:A)silly B)crazy C)jolly D)merry E)dizzy F)happy G)loony H)funny 4.How do the words surface and service differ phonetically?5.What is the difference in articulation in each of the following pairs of words:CoastghostGhostboastBoastmostMostpost6.Give the description of the flowing sound segments in English.A)d B)p C)k D)5.Vowels Vowel sounds are produced with a relatively free flow of air in the vocal tract.Vowels are typically voiced.5.1 cardinal vowels(基本元音基本元音)iueoa5.1 cardinal vowels(基本元音基本元音)Daniel Jones(British phonetician)i-Produced with the tongue as high and as far forward as possible without touching the roof of the mouth.It is a front vowel.a-Produced with the tongue as low as possible at the back.It is a back vowel.5.1 cardinal vowels(基本元音基本元音)The cardinal vowels are an abstraction,a yardstick to be used by the linguist.A means of describing the vowels in any language.Possible vowels to be used as reference points.p.335.1 cardinal vowels(基本元音基本元音)iueoa5.2 The criteria of vowels classification/description The height of tongue raising:high,mid,low.The position of the highest part of the tongue/the part of the tongue that is raised:front,central,back.The length or tenseness of the vowels:long/tense vowels;short/lax vowels.The shape of the lips/the degree of lip rounding:rounded,unrounded.5.2 The criteria of vowels classification/description(More)Schwa(央元音央元音/中性元音中性元音)The neutral vowel,the tongue position is neither high nor low and neither front nor back.Pure or monophthong vowels,vowel glides(diphthongs,triphthongs)5.3 English vowels Table 2.2 (p.36)5.4 The description of English vowels i:high front tense unrounded vowelu high back lax rounded vowelo low back lax rounded vowel p.37Study questions1.Why does a photographer have people say the word cheese when wanting them to smile?2.What changes in articulation happen in the diphthong /boy/?3.English has a number of expressions such as chit-chat and flip-flop which never seem to occur in the reverse order(,flop-flip).Perhaps you can add examples to the flowing list?criss-cross hip-hop riff-raff dilly-dally knick-knacks see-saw ding-dong mish-mash sing-song fiddle-faddle ping-pong tick-tock film-flam pitter-patter zig-zag(Can you think of a phonetic description of the regular pattern in these expressions?)4.Give the description of the following sound segments in English.I u:o 5.Why is the description of consonants different from that of vowels?How is it different?6.Some other related concepts 6.1 IPA International Phonetic Association(国际国际语音协会语音协会)International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音国际音标标)International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标国际音标)Otto Jesperson(Danish grammarian)-The idea of establishing a phonetic alphabet.There are different systems of phonetic symbols.One of the most commonly used is that of the IPA.It is a method of writing down speech sounds in a systematic and consistent way.vp.27,Hu Zhuanling6.2 Narrow and broad transcriptions(严式标音和宽式标音)Transcription/notation refers to the use of symbols to show sounds or sound sequences in written form.There are different systems of phonetic symbols.One of the most commonly used is that of the IPA.E.g.peak-phi:k,speak-spi:k top-thop,stop-stoppeak-/pi:k/,speak-/spi:k/top-/top/,stop-/stop/6.2 Narrow and broad transcriptions(严式标音和宽式标音)Narrow transcription is meant to symbolize all the possible speech sounds,including the minute shades.It is written in square t,th.Broad transcription is intended to indicate only those sounds which are capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language.It is written within slanting brackets/t/.p.38oDiacritic (区别音符区别音符)6.2 Narrow and broad transcriptions(严式标音和宽式标音)Diacritic A mark placed over,under,or through a letter to show that it has a sound value different from that of the same letter without the mark.E.g.p.28,Hu Zhuangling6.3 RP(正宗英式口音正宗英式口音)RECEIVED PRONUNCIATIONRP is the type of British standard English pronunciation.追溯其历史,Received Pronunciation最早是11世纪时形成于英格兰中南部的一支方言。这个区域从今天的Midlands地区一直向东南延伸到伦敦,其中包含了牛津和剑桥这两个大学城。14世纪时,Received Pronunciation被广泛在贸易商人中使用,又由于牛津和剑桥大学的崛起,这种方言被两所大学的学生所采用,于是成为受过良好教育人士的语言。在19世纪到20世纪,Received Pronunciation成为英国公立学校的教学语言,也被英国广播公司(BBC)的播音员使用,于是又被称为Public School English 和BBC English。