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    ENGLISH COMMUNICATIONS & EXPRESSIONS英語溝通與與表達SYLLAABUS/Sprinng 200062/21/200666/20/20006Junioor, DDeparrtmennt off EngglishhShihHHsinUUniveersittyChen-chinng Lii,李振清清Ph.DD.TEL: (02) 2236-82225 exxt 35501, e-Maiil: cclliccc.shuu.eduu.twhttp:/ccc.shuu.eduu.tw/ctee/gallleryy/cclli/0_albuum_cccli.hhtmWelcoome bback to oour ppromiisingg ShiihHsiinUniiverssity, rigght aafterr thee Chiinesee Neww Yeaars vaacatiion.Folloowingg thee chaallenngingg andd prooducttive falll semmesteer off 20005, alll sttudennts aare eencouurageed too braace ffor aanothher eeven moree chaallenngingg andd innnovattive termm, bassed oon thhe baasic conttentss of New Inteerchaange33 andd othher aautheenticc artticlees/reefereencess proovideed byy thee insstrucctor. A sseriees off acttivitties aimiing aat thhe deeveloopmennt off “prodductiive sskillls” (sppeakiing aand wwritiing) willl be proggrammmed, inclludinng baasic “simuultanneouss intterprretattion” andd “writting for publlicattion”, pluus weeeklyy “orallpressentaationns”. Beaar inn minnd thhe coorrellatioon off thee fouur laanguaage sskillls, aas atttachhed.It iss manndatoory tthat the forgging of tthe ffour langguagee artts bee acttivelly ennforcced, if wwe waant tto atttainn fluuencyy of the Engllish langguagee. Onn Jannuaryy 30, 20004, II recceiveed thhe foollowwing e-maail mmessaage ffrom Chinna Poosts Mrr. A. Leee. Hiis suuggesstionn is invaaluabble tto alll:Taiwaanesee or Chinnese don''t thhink thatt we can writte Ennglissh - whiich iiswroong.Studeents shouuld bbe taaughtt, "YYes, we ccan."" Stuudenttsof Shihh Hsiin shhoulddbe encouurageed too commmuniicatee (sppeak and writte) ttheirr ideeas aand cconceepts in EEngliish.They shouuld bbe reequirred tto wrrite and speaak inn Engglishh in classses to qqualiify aas a good jourrnaliist. Evenn if theyy cannnot use highh souundinng woords likee theeforeeign journnalissts, theyy shoould learrn too useesimpple wwordss to exprress themmselvves cclearrly.Inforrmatiion fforthhe teextboook aand ggradiing sscalee remmain the samee as thosse off lasst seemestter. A liistenning comppreheensioon teest wwill be aadminnisteered in eeach classs. FFolloow thhe syyllabbus ccloseely ffor yyour weekkly asssignnmentt, toogethher wwith the authhentiic maateriials provvidedd by the insttructtor. Yourr succcesss in enhaancinng yoour EEngliish pprofiicienncy iis guuarannteedd if, andd onlly iff youu demmonsttratee youur deedicaationn.Feeel frree tto coontacct mee wheeneveer yoou haave aany qquesttion. My offficee houurs aare sschedduledd on Mondday, Thurrsdayy andd Friiday, 2 4:330 p.m., or bby apppoinntmennt. FFor ffurthher rreferrencees onn enhhanciing yyour Engllish, pleease alsoo cheeck: httpp:/ccc.shhu.eddu.tww/ctte/gaallerry/cccli/00_albbum_cccli.htmHave a prroducctivee andd rewwardiing ssemesster at SShihHHsinUUniveersitty.ENGLIISH CCOMMUUNICAATIONNS & EXPRRESSIIONS英語溝通與與表達SYLLAABUS/Sprinng 200052/21/200666/20/20006Junioor, DDeparrtmennt off EngglishhShihHHsinUUniveersittyChen-chinng Lii,李振清清Ph.DD.TEL: (02) 2236-88225 ext 3501, e-Maiil: cclliccc.shuu.eduu.twhttp:/ccc.shuu.eduu.tw/ctee/gallleryy/cclli/0_albuum_cccli.hhtmFeb. 211.Intrroducctionn: Brracinng foor annotheer chhalleenginng seemestter2.Warrmingg-up & shharinng off highllightt durring the wintter vvacattion3. Inndiviiduall oraal prresenntatiion, folllowedd by openn disscusssionss.l “Threee daays tto seee” (Heelen Kelller), andd “Antoonys sppeechh” in Juliius CCaesaar (WWilliiam SShakeespeaare): Styyles,conteents and impaactl Refleectioon frrom tthe nnatioonal and inteernattionaal isssuess, 20005 - 22006l Your effoorts and expeectattion to eenhannce EEngliish pprofiicienncyl Assesssmennt off youur liife. For refeerencce, rread “If II Couuld DDo Itt Agaain” (NI P. 71) andd “ Adaam Ezzra CCohenn” (NI P. 1033)l What havee youu leaarnedd in the wintter vvacattion thatt hass an impaact oon yoour ffuturre pllanniing?4. Assiggnmennt: NNew IInterrchannge (NI): Revview Unitts8: Learnning to LLearnn & Coontinnuingg Eduucatiion(46-533) & UNESCCO: TThe TTreassure Withhin The Fourr Pilllarss of Educcatioon(Checck thhis iinforrmatiion aand rread it oonlinne.)http:/wwww.unnescoo.orgg/dellors/fourrpil.htmFeb. 28Braain SStormming and Disccussiion: “Learrningg to Learrn”1. Discuussinng Neew Inntercchangge (NNI): Reviiew UUnitss 8-: Learnning to LLearnn & CContiinuinng Edducattion (46-53) & UNESCCO: TThe TTreassure Withhin Thee Fouur Piillarrs off Eduucatiionhttp:/wwww.unnescoo.orgg/dellors/fourrpil.htm2. Introoducttion: Conntinuuing Educcatioon inn US (CC), Ausstrallia (TAFEE)3. Conveersattion Praccticee: l wouldd ratther/woulld prreferrl By + geruund ffor mmanneer4. Readiing aand sspeakking: Leaarninng Sttyless (Hoowardd Garrdnerr) Reff. foor T&&I5. Assiggnmennt: 5.1 Popullar ccontiinuinng edducattion proggramss in Taiwwan: Anallyze the motiivatiion oof sttudennts (To bbe reeportted tto cllass by GGroupps off 2)5.2 IIssuee (Quuestiion): Whyy do so mmany colllege studdentss disslikee stuudyinng? WWhy ddo thhey eevadee acaademiics?Also: Whaats yoour zzodiaac siign?5.3 Checkk youur owwn hoorosccope and repoort tto thhe cllass.5.4 New IInterrchannge:Reviiew UUnitss 9: Seelf-iimproovemeent (54-559)Mar. 71.Orall Preesenttatioon (GGroupp of 2, wwith onlyy onee preesentting to tthe cclasss)Issuee (Quuestiion): Whyy do so mmany colllege studdentss disslikee stuudyinng? WWhy ddo thhey eevadee acaademiics? Whatts yoour zzodiaac siign?2.NI Unitt 9: Selff-Impproveementt (544-59) 3. Talkiing aaboutt unuusuall serrvicees 4.Diiscusssionn: Hoow too Impprovee Youur Meemoryy (599)l Brainn andd Memmoryl Brainn andd Lannguaggel Visuaalizaationn andd Memmoryl Memorry annd Coonseccutivve/Siimulttaneoous IInterrprettatioon l Introoducttion to CConseecutiive/SSimulltaneeous Inteerpreetatiion 5.Graammarr Foccus: Havee/Gett + VVP6. Retriievinng innformmatioon frrom “Yelllow PPagess”: Diiscusssionn7. Assiggnmennt:l Self-Imprrovemment: Howw to Imprrove Yourr Memmory (59) l Exerccise on “Imprrove Yourr Memmory” peeer acctiviitiessl Prepaare aa shoortimmprommptu speeech tto bee reppeateed byy youur paartneer.The ttopicc willl bee proovideed inn claass.l 翻譯人才才該重視了了。 bby 李振振清(Appril 7, 22005 中國時報報)Mar. 14“Imprrove Yourr Memmory” peeer acctiviitiess1. IImproomptuu speeechStudeent AA deliiverss a oone mminutte sppeechh bassed oon thhe cuurrennt coontennts, usinng viisuall lannguagges aas muuch aas poossibble.Studeent BB repeeats or reephraases thee speeech of SStudeent AA, ussing the cluee of “Imprrove Yourr Memmory”.2. HHow tto prreparre foor a Conssecuttive Inteerpreetatiion (CI): Vocaabulaary, Conttentss, Syyntacctic and Semaanticc strructuures of tthe SSOURCCE laanguaage aand tthe TTARGEET laanguaages3. Asssignnmentt: Reead“Basiic Atttituudes and Quallificcatioons” of Trannslattion and Inteerpreetatiion (T&I) by Whillhelmm K. Webeer (11984:3-9) in TTrainning Trannslattors and Confferennce IInterrpretters. Wasshinggton, D.CC.: CALL.Mar. 21Conssecuttive/Simuultanneouss Intterprretattion in AActioon (PPart 1)1. Discuussioon“Basiic Atttituudes and Quallificcatioons” of Trannslattion and Inteerpreetatiion (T&I) by Whillhelmm K. Webeer (11984:3-9) in Traiiningg Traanslaatorss andd Connfereence Inteerpreeterss. Waashinngtonn, D.CC.: CALL.2. “Whissper Inteerpreetatiion” (PoowerPPointt: APPEC HHRD 22001, Jappan)3. Preliiminaary eexerccise of “Conssecuttive Inteerpreetatiion”4. Assiggnmennt: RReadiing eextennsiveely ffor TT&I eexerccisessMar. 28Conssecuttive/Simuultanneouss Intterprretattion in AActioon (PPart 2)1. Conseecutiive/SSimulltaneeous Inteerpreetatiion bbasedd on goveernmeentall doccumenntThe eexerccise is tto bee perrformmed oon inndiviiduall bassis.2. Assiggnmennt: NNew IInterrchannge: Unitt 10: Thee Passt annd thhe Fuuturee (600-65): Eaach ggroupp (off twoo) iss ressponssiblee forr surrfingg in the inteernett (Googgle/YYahooo) forr repportiing aany oof thhe foollowwing topiics. Turnn in the writtten repoorts afteer orral ppreseentattionss.(1) 1919: Firrst nnonsttop ttranssatlaanticc fliight(2) 1928: Disscoveery oof peeniciillinn, thhe fiirst antiibiottic(3) 1930: Firrst WWorldd Cupp socccer tourrnameent(4) 1955: Marrtin Luthher KKing, Jr.:“I Haave aa Dreeam.”(5) 1969: Firrst llandiing oof huumanss on the moonn(6) 1984: Ressearccherss ideentiffy HIIV, tthe vviruss thaat caausess AIDDS(7) 1989: Thee Berrlin Walll commes ddown(8) 1994: Apaartheeid eends in SSouthh Afrrica(9) 2004: Misssionn Acccompllisheed: OOpporrtuniitylaands on MMarsApr. 4Holiiday (Shee-wo Memooriall Weeek)Apr. 11Grouup Dyynamiics iin Acctionn: Reeportt thrroughh Intterneet InnformmatioonReporrt byy thee twoo forr twoo minnutess eacch baased on tthe ffolloowingg toppics. Folllow the PoweerPoiint ggraphhics provvidedd by the insttructtor.(1) 19199: Fiirst nonsstop trannsatllantiic fllightt(2) 19228: DDiscooveryy of peniicilllin, the firsst anntibiioticc(3) 19330: FFirstt Worrld CCup ssocceer toournaamentt(4) 1955: Marrtin Luthher KKing, Jr.: “I Haave aa Dreeam.”(5) 19669: FFirstt lanndingg of humaans oon thhe mooon(6) 19884: RReseaarcheers iidenttify HIV, thee virrus tthat causses AAIDS(7) 19889: TThe BBerliin Waall ccomess dowwn(8) 19994: AAparttheidd endds inn Souuth AAfricca(9) 20004: MMissiion AAccommplisshed: Oppportuunityylandds onn MarrsAssiggnmennt: CCheckk in the librrary for Marttin LLutheer Kiing, Jr.:“I Haave aa Dreeam.” Reaad thhe sttory for listteninng coompreehenssion.Apr. 18The Legaacy oof Maartinn Lutther Kingg, Jrr.: “I Haave aa Dreeam.” - Liibrarry 1. Lectuure bby Drr. Sttepheen Yooung, or Ms. Wyllita Belll of AIT To be confiirmedd. Sttudennts sshoulld liistenn carrefullly, takee nottes, and askeed quuestiions in rrelattion to tthe “dreaam” or expeectattionss, annd thhe leegacyy of the resppectaable Marttin LLutheer Kiing, Jr.2. Q&Aadddresssed to tthe AAIT oofficcial.3. Moviees onn Marrtin Luthher KKing, Jr.: “I Haave aa Dreeam.”4. Asssignnmentt:Unitt 10: Thee Gloobal Villlage(P. 655, NI) Tryy to repoort tto thhe cllass abouut yoour iindivviduaal obbservvatioon off “Thhe glloball Villlagee”. Whhat ddoes it iimplyy? Whhat iis meeant by “globbal vview”? Whhat iis “gloccalizzatioon”?Whatt havve yoou ennvisiionedd forr youur fuuturee carreer globballyy?Apr.225 On thhe Glloball Villlagee(P. 65, NI) Tryy to repoort tto thhe cllass abouut yoour iindivviduaal obbservvatioon off “Thhe glloball Villlagee”. Whhat ddoes it iimplyy? Whhat iis meeant by “globbal vview”? Whhat iis “gloccalizzatioon”?Assiggnmennt: Uniit 111: Liifes Liittlee Lesssonss (666-71)May 221.New Inteerchaange) - UUnit 11: Lifees Liittlee Lesssonss (666-71)2.Grammmar Focuus: DDescrribinng reegretts abbout the pastt (shouuld/ccouldd/migght hhave + paast ppartiiciplle)Indivviduaal prresenntatiion bbasedd on the senttencee pattternns off “Timee claausess” (Grrammaar Foocus, P. 67, NI). You may repoort “a leessonn” youu havve leearneed inn youur liife, baseed onn eitther of tthe ffolloowingg artticlees. IIts opptionnal, thouugh.Whats yoour ffeedbback?Prof. 李家同同: 大大學生知多多少?聯聯合報2/17/004); Prof. 李振清清:靈雞雞報曉-喚醒倫理理失落的社社會20055/02/08 聯聯合報Prof. Sammuel P. HHuntiingtoon: CCultuure MMatteers: How Valuues SShapeer Huuman Proggresss. 20000.Exampple: By tthe ttime (As soonn as) I ggraduuatedd froom XXXXHiggh Scchooll, I thouught it wwas ttime for me tto coompleetelyy rellax, not haviing tto doo takke anny accademmic bburdeen anny moore. I ennjoyeed thhe enntiree summmer withhout toucchingg onee sinngle bookk. Thhe moomentt I ggot iinto ShihhHsinnUnivversiity, I waas loost. I coould harddly ccatchh up withh thee colllegee proogramms att alll. I coulld noot unndersstandd whaat thhe teeacheer saaid wwhen he/sshe sspokee Engglishh.3. Asssignmment:New Inteerchaange - Unnit 112: TThe RRightt Stuuff: Succcess StorriesMay9TThe iinstrructoor wiill bbe ouut off thee couuntryy forr offficiaal fuunctiions.A subbstittute willl be arraangedd.1.Neew Inntercchangge - Unitt 12: Thee Rigght SStufff: Suuccesss SttorieesGrammmar FFocuss: Innfiniitivee Phrrasess as adveerbiaals (73)2.Reeportt: Ennvisiioninng yoour “Succcess storries in 22020.”(Thiss is not a miissioon immposssiblee. Maake iit poossibble.)3. AAssiggnmennt 1: Neww Intterchhangee Revview 9-122 (788-79).4. Assiggnmennt2: Neww Intterchhangee: Unnit 113: “Thatts a Posssibillity”(80-85) May 1161.Reviiew UUnit 12: The Righht Sttuff: Succcesss Stooriess 2.Neew Inntercchangge: UUnit 13: “Thatts a Posssibillity”(80-85) 3. Grammmar FFocuss: Paast mmodalls foor deegreee of certtaintty/oppinioons/aadvicce (881-833)4. Discuussioon annd reeadinng: “The Bluee Ligghts of SSilveer Clliff” (855)5. Assiggnmennt: NNI Unnit 114: “Behiind tthe SScenees” (866-91);Also, broowse throough the webss aboout yyour favooritee movvies.Reporrt too thee claass.May 2231.1.New Inteerchaange Unitt 14: “Behiind tthe SScenees” (866-91)2.Disccussiion aaboutt youur faavoriite mmoviees: Claass ppreseentattionss.3.Grrammaar Foocus: Passsivee voiice4.Asssignnmentt: Reead NNI Unitt 15:“Therre Shhouldd Be Law”(92-97)May 3301.New Inteerchaange Unitt 15:“Therre Shhouldd Be a Laww”(92-97)2. Discuussinng “Its aggainsst thhe laaw!” (966)3. “Habiitat for Humaanityy” (977): FFrom the Cartters to “Us”4. Grammmar FFocuss: Taag Quuestiions (95)5.Asssignnmentt: Reead NNI Unitt 16:“Challlengges aand AAccommplisshmennt”(98-103)Jun. 61.NI Unitt 16:“Challlengges aand AAccommplisshmennt”(98-103)2.“AAdam Ezraa Cohhen: Westtinghhousee Winnner” (1003)3. Indivviduaal Prresenntatiion: Yourr chaallennges and accoompliishmeent4.Geeneraal ReeviewwJun. 131. “Teaccherss of the Yearr”(Viddeo TTape)Librrary Theaater2. Watchhing for greaat innformmatioon onn thee vallue oof edducattion. Howw greeat tteachhers nurtture theiir sttudennts.3. Discuussioon annd liistenning comppreheensioon teest ffolloow.Jun. 20Finaal Exxam Oral examm willl taake pplacee in the insttructtors offficee acccordiing tto thhe sccheduuled hourrs. CConteents for inteervieew annd diiscusssionn inccludee whaat haas beeen oofferred iin thhe S


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