兵工自动化 摘要英译集 2006年第1期2006-1题录英译集*武器装备自动化 基于误差预处理理技术的纯方方位目标跟踪踪方法刘军,赵海英(海军潜艇学院院 研究生队队,山东 青青岛,2666071)摘要:基于误差差预处理技术术的纯方位目目标跟踪方法法,采用多项项式分段拟合合测量。在潜潜艇作变向机机动时,以转转向点为界,根根据目标方位位变化曲线建建立数学模型型,并对目标标方位序列进进行多项式逼逼近分段拟合合,对测量方方位的误差进进行处理。该该方法通过仿仿真证明有效效。关键词:纯方位位目标;目标跟踪;分分段拟合;误误差预处理Trackinng Metthod oof Purre Oriientattion TTargett Base oon Errror Prretreaatmentt TechhnologgyLIU Junn, ZHAAO Haii-yingg(Brigadde of Graduuate, Submaarine Acadeemy of PLLA Navvy, Qiingdaoo 2660071, Chinaa)Abstracct: Thhe traackingg methhod off puree orieentatiion taarget was bbased on errror ppretreeatmennt, annd adoopted polynnomiall segmmentattion ffittinng to measuure. WWhen ssubmarrine mmade ddiverssion mmaneuvveringg, thee turnning ppoint was cconsiddered as boound, the mmathemmaticaal moddel waas sett up aaccordding tto thee curvve forr meassured targeet oriientattion vvariannt. Thhe tarrget oorienttationn sequuence was aapproxximateed witth pollynomiial annd fittted wwith ssegmenntatioon, annd andd the errorrs of measuuremennt oriientattion wwere pprocesssed aat thee samee timee. Thiis metthod wwas teestifiied efffectiively throuugh siimulattion.Keywordds: Puure orrientaation targeet; Targeet traackingg; Seggmentaation fittiing; EError pretrreatmeent*某型导弹测试机机架的PLCC控制高昆,丁丽丽,胡胡进(空军第一航空空学院,河南南 信阳 44640000)摘要:某型导弹弹测试机架的的PLC控制制,由PLCC、电源模块块、现场I/O信号、步步进电机、驱驱动器、位置置传感器、适适配器、上位位机接口等组组成。PLCC主控单元根根据控制要求求列出输入输输出信号并标标出代号。其其脉冲和方向向输出端串接接相应限流电电阻,以满足足输入端电流流范围。PLLC的I/O公共端接接DC24VV电源,输入入端可任接CCOM端,输输出公共端须须分正负极。软软件采用模块块化结构设计计,以满足PLLC控制要求求。关键词:PLCC控制;控制制单元;导弹测测试机架PLC Conntrol of Ceertainn Typee Misssile TTest FFrameGAO Kunn,DINGG Li-lii,HU Jin(The Fiirst AAeronaautic Acadeemy off Air Forcee, Xinnyang 4640000, Chinna)Abstracct: PLLC conntrol of ceertainn typee misssile ttest fframe consiists oof PLCC is ccompossed off poweer suppply mmodulee, loccal I/O siggnal, steppping mmotor, drivver, ppositiion seensor, adapptor, up PCC inteerfacee and so onn. Thee mainn conttrol uunit oof PLCC listted I/O siggnals and mmarkedd desiignatiions aaccordding tto thee conttrol rrequesst. The coorresppondinng currrent-limitting rresisttance was cconneccted wwith ppulse outpuut endd in sseriess to ssatisffy thee currrent rrange of innput eend. TThe I/O pubblic eend off PLC was cconneccted wwith DDC24V powerr suppply, tthe innput eend waas linnked wwith CCOM ennd arbbitrarrily, and tthe ouutput publiic endds werre disstinguuishedd withh posiitive pole or neegativve polle. The sooftwarre wass desiigned with modullar sttructuure too meett requuiremeent off PLC contrrol.Keywordds: PLLC conntrol; Conttrol uunit; Missiile teest frrame*OpenGL在在雷达图像实实时显示中的的应用彭劲松,秦永元元,严恭敏(西北工业大学学 自动化学学院,陕西 西安 7110072)摘要:采用OppenGL图图形显示硬件件(显卡)的的软件接口,以以OpenGGL APII调用被传送送的硬件驱动动程序,与图图形显示硬件件直接交互。在在雷达图像实实时显示应用用中,用gllDrawPPixelss函数绘制像像素贴图、gglRastterPoss定义当前光光栅位置、gglPixeelStorre控制像素素贴图格式、gglPixeelZoomm设置水平和和垂直缩放比比例因子。仿仿真测试证明明,OpennGL能够满满足雷达图像像显示的需要要。关键词:雷达图图像;实时显显示;OpeenGL;像像素贴图;光光栅操作Applicaation of OppenGL in Raadar IImage for RReal-TTime DDisplaayPENG Jiing-soong, QQIN Yoong-yuuan, YYAN Goong-miin(Collegge of Autommationn, Norrthwesstern Polyttechniical UUniverrsity, Xian 7100072, Chinaa)Abstracct: OppenGL is sooft innterfaace off imagge dissplay hardwware(ddisplaay carrd). TThe haardwarre driiver iis callled bby OpeenGL AAPI too inteeractee withh imagge dissplay hardwware ddirecttly. In thhe reaal-timme dissplay appliicatioon of radarr imagge, thhe chaartlett of immage ppoint was ddrawn with glDraawPixeels fuunctioon. Thhe currrent rasteer possitionn was definned wiith gllRasteerPos, and charttlet fform oof imaage pooint wwas coontrollled wwith gglPixeelStorre. Thhe facctor oof prooportiionaliity foor ampplificcationn and reducction in hoorizonntal aand veerticaal wass set up wiith gllPixellZoom. The reesult of siimulattion ttest pprovedd thatt the OpenGGL sattisfiees thee needd of rradar imagee dispplay.Keywordds: Raadar iimage; Reall-timee dispplay; OpenGGL; Chartllet off imagge poiint; RRasterr Operaating*基于PDA的装装备战场损伤伤评估曹原,杜晓明,贾贾希胜(军械工程学院院 装备指挥挥与管理系,石石家庄 0550003)摘要:基于个人人数字助理(PPDA)的装装备战场损伤伤评估,通过过过程建模、评评估知识表达达、智能推理理等步骤实现现。再将评估估结果通过无无线网络发到到装备保障指指挥中心,由由装备指挥员员按其装备损损伤评估报告告组织抢修。系系统硬件为PPockett PC,操操作系统为WWindowws CE.NET 44.1,开发发工具为VCC-Embeedded Visuaal C+ 4.0,数数据库为SQQL Serrver CCE Verrsion 2.0。关键词:个人数数字助理;装装备战场损伤伤;损伤评估估Assessmment oof Armmamentt Batttlefieeld Daamage Basedd on PPDACHAO Yuuan, DDU Xiaao-minng, JIIA Yonng-xi(Dept. of Equipmment CCommannd andd Manageement, Ordnnance Enginneerinng Colleege, Shijjiazhuuang 00500033, Chiina)Abstracct: Thhe asssessmeent off armaament battllefielld dammage wwas baased oon thee PDA. At firrst, aarmameent baattleffield damagge wass evalluatedd throough pprocesss moddelingg, reppresenntatioon of assesssmentt knowwledgee and intelllectiive reasooning. Thenn the assesssmentt resuult waas sennt to the aarmameent seecuritty commmand centeer thrrough wirelless nnetworrk. Att lastt, thee armaament commaanderss recoognizeed thee salvvage iimmediiatelyy accoordingg to tthe asssessmment rreportt of aarmameent daamage. Pockket PCC is uused ffor haardwarre of systeem; CEE.NET 4.1 iis useed as the ooperattion ssystemm; VC-Embeddded VVisuall C+ 4.0 iis useed as the deeveloppment tool; SQL Serveer CE Versiion 2.0 is used as thhe dattabasee of ssystemm.Keywordds: PDDA; Arrmamennt batttlefiield ddamagee; Dammage aassesssment*基于状态监测的的导弹地测发发控系统故障障诊断王维,李洪儒(军械工程学院院 导弹工程程系,河北 石家庄 00500033)摘要:基于状态态监测的导弹弹地测发控系系统包括机内内测试、上位位机状态监测测及维修决策策。通过传感感器组分别采采集地测发控控系统的各模模块、分系统统的状态参量量等,经MCCU处理后,通通过蓝牙内嵌嵌模块将信号号发送给上位位机。上位机机获得状态监监测数据后,通通过软件对数数据分析处理理,完成导弹地测测发控系统的的状态评估和和维修决策。关键词:故障诊诊断;导弹地地测发控系统统;状态监测测;维修决策策Fault DDiagnoosis oof Lauunchinng andd Conttrolliing syystem for MMissille Groound-ttestinng Bassed onn Statte Monnitoriing WANG Weei, LII Hongg-ru(Dept. of Miissilee Engiineeriing, Ordnaance Enginneerinng Colleege, Shijjiazhuuang 00500033, Chiina)Abstracct: Thhe fauult diiagnossis syystem for llaunchhing aand coontrollling systeem of missiile-teestingg baseed on statee moniitorinng is compoosed oof tessting sin ccomputter annd uppper PCC statte monnitoriing annd maiintenaance ddecisiion-maaking subsyystem. The sttate pparameeter oof thee diffferentt moduules aand suubsysttems iin lauunchinng andd conttrolliing syystem of grround-testiing waas gattheredd by ssensorr grouup, thhen thhe acqquiredd dataa was proceessed by MCCU andd signnal waas sennt to upperr PC tthrouggh Bluuetootth embbeddedd moduule. AAfter receiiving the sttate mmonitooring valuee, thee dataa was analyyzed aand prrocesssed byy systtem sooftwarre, thhe asssessmeent off systtem sttate aand meendingg deciision was ccompleeted bby uppper PCC.Keywordds: Faault ddiagnoosis; Launchhing aand coontrollling systeem of missiile grround-testiing; SState monittoringg; Mendding ddecisiion*基于虚拟样机的的智能诊断系系统知识组织织与表达陶贵明,张锡恩恩(军械工程学院院 导弹工程程系,石家庄庄0500003)摘要:基于虚拟拟样机的智能能诊断系统由由协同支撑平平台、模型库库、样机引擎擎和虚拟环境境组成。按系系统-分系统-部件的次序序进行故障诊诊断。诊断知知识分为结构构、故障处理理、故障机理理等10类。故故障知识分经经验、因果和和定律三种类类型。其知识识表示把抢修修对象的原理理、维护、故故障机理和维维修等知识,以以集合框架形形式分类封装装于诊断辅助助系统知识库库。试验证明明该系统能准准确表达诊断断知识。关键词:智能诊诊断;虚拟样样机;知识组组织;知识表表达Organizzationn and Expreessionn of Knnowleddge foor Inttelliggence Diagnnosis Systeem Bassed onn Virttual PProtottypeTAO Guii-mingg, ZHAANG Xii-en(Dept. of Miissilee Enginneerinng, Orrdnancce Enginneerinng Colleege, Shijjiazhuuang 00500033, Chiina)Abstracct: Thhe inttelliggent ddiagnoosis ssystemm baseed on virtuual prrototyype iss compposed of syynergeetic ssupporrt plaatformm, moddel baase, pprotottype eenginee and virtuual ennvironnment, the faultts werre diaagnoseed in systeem, suubsysttem, aassembbly inn ordeer. Thhe conntent of diiagnossis knnowleddge iss diviided iinto tten paarts: struccture, faullt proocessiing, ffault theorry andd so oon. Thhe fauult knnowleddge iss disttinguiished into threee typees: exxperieences, causse andd effeect annd thee firsst laww. The kknowleedge eexpresssion meanss thatt the princcipal knowlledge, mainntenannce knnowleddge, ffault theorry knoowledgge andd repaairingg knowwledgee of rrepairred obbjectss weree classsifieed andd packkaged in coollecttion fframe mode, thenn storred thhem inn knowwledgee basee of ddiagnoosis aassisttant ssystemm. Thee testt provved thhat thhe inttelliggence diagnnosis systeem couuld exxpresss the diagnnosis knowlledge correectly.Keywordds: Inntelliigencee diagnnosis; Virttual pprotottype; Knowleedge oorganiizatioon; Knowlledge expreessionn*军用物资编码标标准的综合评评估刘伟,王学义,冀冀亚林(军械工程学院院 军械工程程研究所,河河北 石家庄庄 0500003)摘要:军用物资资编码标准的的综合评估,以以层次分析法法获得整个体体系的综合评评估系数。即即先在物资编编码标准评估估指标体系中中,确定两个个层次的评估估体系集合,并并通过比较子子集最大值及及确定向量大大小建立评估估模型。再依依据标准评估估模型和效益益评估模型,建建立具体的效效益评估矩阵阵,从而确定定编码标准的的效益。关键词:物资编编码;综合评评估;层次分分析法Integraated AAssesssment of Miilitarry Matteriall Codiing SttandarrdLIU Weii, Wanng XUEE-yi, JI Yaa-lin(Instittute oof Orddnancee Techhniquee, Orddance Enginneerinng Colllegecc, Shiijiazhhuang 0500003, Chhina)Abstracct: Thhe inttegratted asssessmment oof millitaryy mateerial codinng staandardd, thee inteegrateed asssessmeent cooefficcient of thhe whoole syystem was aabtainned byy usinng layyer annalysiis metthod. So, thhe asssessmeent syystem colleectionns of two-llayer were confiirmed in asssessmment iindex systeem of materrial ccodingg stanndard, the assesssmentt modeel wass alsoo estaablishhed thhroughh compparingg the maximmal vaalues of suubset and eensuriing thhe dimmensioon of vectoor. Thhen, aaccordding tto thee stanndard assesssmentt modeel andd beneefit aassesssment modell, thee speccific matriix of beneffit asssessmment wwas seet up to maake suure thhe bennefit of coode sttandarrd.Keywordds: Maateriaal codde; Inntegraated aassesssment; Layeer anaalysiss methhod*交换式以太网在在航空电子系系统中的应用用刘中,李成贵(北京航空航天天大学 仪器器科学与光电电工程学院,北北京. 1000083)摘要:基于交换换式以太网的的航空电子系统统,端系统与与交换机间不不仅有一条直直接、双向的的连接,同时时,交换机之之间保持第二二条双向连接接。系统协议议采用虚拟链链接结构,在在MAC层中为为每个终端分分配唯一的448位地址标标识符。端系系统通过几个个独立、冗余余网络通信,每每帧同时通过过两个网络发发送,先到达达接收端的具具有正确序号号的帧被接收收,第二个具具有相同序号号的帧到达时时被丢弃。如如果第一个帧帧未到达接收收端,则第二二个到达的正正确帧被接收收。关键词:航空电电子;交换式式以太网;端系系统;交换机机Applicaation of Swwitcheed Ethhernett in AviionicssLIU Zhoong,LI Chheng-ggui(Schooll of Innstrummentattion SSciencce & OOptoellectroonics Enginneerinng, Beeihangg Univeersityy, Beijjing 11000833, Chiina)Abstracct: Foor aviionicss netwwork bbased on swwitcheed Ethhernett, itss eachh end systeem hass a diirect and bbi-direcctionaal connnectiion wiith a switcch. Thhere iis a ssecondd bi-direcctionaal connnectiion beetweenn anotther sswitchhes. VVisuall linkk archhitectture wwas addoptedd for systeem prootocoll and each end ssystemm was assiggned aa uniqque 488-bitss addrress aas ideentifiier inn MAC layerr. Endd systtems wwere ccommunnicateed witth onee anotther tthrouggh sevveral indeppendennt reddundannt nettworkss. Each fframe was ssent tthrouggh twoo netwworks at thhe samme timme. The fiirst aarriveed fraame wiith riight sseriall numbber waas recceivedd and the oother framee withh samee seriial nuumber was ddiscarrded. If thee firsst fraame diid nott reacch desstinattion, the ssecondd corrrect fframe was rreceivved.Keywordds: Avvioniccs; Swwitcheed Ethhernett; Endd systtem; SSwitchh*先进制造技术 基于XML的人人机交互微装装配机器人实实时任务规划划李薇,黄心汉,吕吕遐东,王敏敏(华中科技大学学 控制科学学与工程系,湖湖北 武汉 4300774)摘要:基于XMML的微装配配机器人的人人机交互,操作者可通通过微装配任任务编辑器和和图像空间直直接编辑装配配路径进行微微装配实时任任务规划,由由显微视觉伺伺服控制机器器人自动执行行。微装配任任务编辑器以以文本和对话话框形式实现现任务规划及及任务树的创创建,并采用用DOM接口口实现相关XXML节点操操作。在线编编辑装配路径径允许操作者者使用鼠标分分别在水平与与垂直光路图图像平面点击击,直接选定定操作手和操操作对象。关键词:微装配配机器人;任务务规划;人机机交互;可扩扩展标记语言言(XML)Real-Tiime Taask Pllan foor Humman-Roobot IInteraactionn of MMicro-assemmbly RRobot Basedd on XXMLLI Wei, HUANNG Xinn-han, LU XXia-doong, WWANG MMin (Dept. of Coontroll Scieence && Engiineeriing, HHuazhoong Unniverssity oof Sciience & Tecchnoloogy, WWuhan 4300774, Chhina)Abstracct: Thhe mann- robbot innteracction of miicro-aassembbly roobot wwas baased oon XMLL. The ooperattor coould rrealizze thee reall-timee taskk plann of mmicro assemmbly tthrouggh thee taskk edittor off micrro asssemblyy and direcct ediit asssemblyy pathh of iimage spacee and execuuted aautomaaticallly byy the robott adoppting the mmicro visioon serrvo coontroll. The taask pllan annd tassk treee werre esttablisshed bby tassk ediitor oof miccro asssemblly in text and ddialoggue boox forrms, tthen DDOM innterfaace waas adoopted to immplemeent thhe opeeratioon of correespondding XXML noodes. In onlline eeditinng asssemblyy pathh, thee operratorss weree prommised to usse thee mousse to hit sseparaately in hoorizonntal aand veerticaal imaage pllane oof opttical path, and then chosee the operaation handss and objeccts diirectlly.Keywordds: Miicro-aassembbly roobot; Task plan; Humaan-robbot innteracction; XML*装备管理评分标标准规范化的的序列型评分分模式张茹,郭希维,赵赵琦(军械工程学院院 装备指挥挥与管理系,河河北 石家庄庄 0500003)摘要:针对现有有评分标准概概念模糊、含含义不清等漏漏洞,提出装装备管理评分分标准规范化化的序列型评评分模式。该该模式以扣分分为例,包括括最简扣/加分序列、否否决/满分序列、一一次性扣分序序列、台阶扣扣/加分序列、加加速扣/加分序列、有有限扣/加分序列及及完全扣/加分序列。关键词:装备管管理;评分模模式;评分序序列;评分标标准中图分类号: 文献献标识码:AASequencce Graading Patteern of Eqquipmeent Maanagemment EEvaluaation StanddardsZHANG RRu, GUUO Xi-Wei, Zhao Qi(Dept. of Eqquipmeent Coommandd & Maanagemment, Ordnaance Enginneerinng Colleege, Shijjiazhuuang 00500033, Chiina)Abstracct: Aiiming at thhe queestionn in bblurryy conccept aand inndistiinct mmeaninngs, tthe sttandarrdizattion ggradinng patttern was puut forrward for mmanageement evaluuationn standdards. Takiing deeductiion ass an eexamplle forr thiss patttern, it inncludees thee mostt simpple suubtracct/Bonuss sequeence, veto/ full-mark sequeence, one-ooff suubtracct seqquencee, stepp subtrract ssequennce, acceleeratedd subtrract sequeence, Ltd subtrract seq