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    The EEnneaagramm (allso ssomettimess callled Enneeagonn) iss a nnine-poinnted geommetriic fiiguree. Thhe teerm dderivves ffrom two Greeek woords - ennnea (ninne) aand ggrammmos (someethinng wrritteen orr draawn).The iintrooducttion of tthe EEnneaagramm figgure is ccrediited to GG.I. Gurddjiefff, wwho iintrooduceed itt in his teacchinggs ass a uuniveersall symmbol whicch diisplaays tthe ffundaamenttal ccosmiic laaws. Gurddjiefff diid noot diiscloose wwheree thee figgure origginallly ccame fromm bessidess claaiminng thhat iit waas thhe emmblemm of secrret ssocieetiess.The EEnneaagramm figgure is nnow uused for variious purpposess in a nuumberr of diffferennt teeachiing ssysteems. In mmore receent yyearss thee figgure has mosttly ccome intoo proomineence becaause of iits uuse wwith whatt is ofteen caalledd thee Ennneagrram oof Peersonnalitty. TThe ffundaamenttal cconceepts of tthe EEnneaagramm of Perssonallity are attrributted tto Osscar Ichaazo.Enneaagramms shhown as ssequeentiaal sttellaationnsIn geeomettry aan ennneaggram is aa reggularr ninne-siided starr pollygonn, ussing the samee poiints as tthe rregullar eenneaagon but connnecteed inn fixxed sstepss.It haas twwo foorms: 9/2 aand 9/4 connnectting everry 2nnd annd evvery 4th poinnts rrespeectivvely. Theere iis allso aa staar fiiguree, 99/3, madde frrom tthe rregullar eenneaagon poinnts bbut cconneectedd as a coompouund oof thhree equiilateeral triaangleesSee aalso: Ennneagrram oof Prrocesss The mmoderrn usse off thee Ennneagrram ffigurre iss gennerallly ccrediited to GG.I. Gurddjiefff annd hiis Foourthh Wayy teaachinng trradittion. Hiss teaachinngs cconceerninng thhe fiiguree andd whaat itt reppreseents doess nott havve anny diirectt connnecttion to tthe llaterr teaachinngs bby Osscar Ichaazo aand ootherrs cooncerrningg egoo-fixxatioons oor peersonnalitty tyypes.The eenneaagramm figgure is aa cirrcle withh ninne poointss. Innscriibed withhin tthe ccirclle iss a ttrianngle takiing iin poointss 9, 3 annd 6. Thee insscribbed ffigurre reesembblingg a wweb llinkss thee othher ssix ppointts inn a ccycliic fiiguree 1-44-2-88-5-77. Thhe ruules of tthe mmagicc nummber 1428857 ccan bbe appplieed too thee ennneagrram'ss expplanaationns off proocessses.Accorrdingg to Gurddjiefff, tthe eenneaagramm is the symbbol oof thhe "llaw oof seeven"" andd "thhe laaw off thrree" combbinedd (thhe twwo fuundammentaal laaws wwhichh govvern the univversee), aand tthereeforee thee ennneagrram ccan bbe ussed tto deescriibe aany nnaturral wwholee pheenomeenon, cossmos, proocesss in lifee, orr anyy othher ppiecee of knowwledgge.A bassic eexampple oof thhe poossibble uusagee of the enneeagraam iss thaat itt cann be usedd to illuustraate GGurdjjiefff's cconceept oof thhe evvoluttion of tthe tthreee typpes oof ffood neccessaary ffor aa mann: orrdinaary ffood, airr andd imppresssionss. Eaach ppointt on the enneeagraam inn thiis caase wwouldd reppreseent tthe sstagee andd thee posssibiilityy of furtther evollutioon off foood att a ccertaain sstagee in the humaan boody.Most proccessees onn thee ennneagrram aare rrepreesentted tthrouugh ooctavves wwheree thee poiints servve ass thee nottes; a coonceppt whhich is dderivved ffrom Gurddjiefffs ideaa of the law of ssevenn. Inn an octaave tthe ddevellopinng prrocesss coomes to aa criiticaal pooint (onee of the triaanglee poiints) at whicch heelp ffrom outsside is nneedeed foor itt to righhtly conttinuee. Thhis cconceept iis beest iillusstratted oon thhe keeys oof thhe piiano wherre evvery whitte keey woould reprresennt ann ennneagrram wweb ppointt. Thhe addjaceent wwhitee keyys whhich are misssing a bllack key (hallf noote) in bbetweeen rrepreesentt thee ennneagrram wweb ppointts whhich havee a ttrianngle poinnt inn bettweenn. Inn ordder tthat thiss poiint wwouldd passs onnto tthe nnext, an exteernall pussh iss reqquireed.In thhe ennneaggram a prrocesss iss deppicteed ass goiing rrightt aroound the circcle bbeginnningg at 9 (tthe eendinng pooint of aa preeviouus prrocesss). The proccess can conttinuee unttil iit reeachees pooint 3. AAt pooint threee ann extternaal aiid iss neeeded in oorderr thaat thhe prrocesss coontinnues. If it ddoesnn't rreceiive tthe helpp, tthe pproceess wwill stopp evoolvinng annd wiill ddevollve bback intoo thee forrm frrom wwhichh it evollved. Thee proocesss conntinuues uuntill poiint 66, annd laater 9, wwheree a ssimillar ""pushh" iss neeeded. If the proccess passses ppointt 9, the inittial proccess willl endd, whhile giviing bbirthh to a neew onne.The lline of ddevellopmeent aassocciateed wiith tthe FFourtth Waay deevelooped fromm thee wriitinggs off Gurrdjieeff'ss stuudentts - prinncipaally P.D. Ousspenssky, Maurrice Nicooll, J.G. Bennnettt andd Roddney Colllin. Theyy devvelopped GGurdjjiefff's iideass andd lefft thheir own accoountss. Thhere is aan exxtenssive biblliogrraphyy devvotedd to the Gurddjiefff-Ouuspennsky tradditioon.A Gurrdjieeff ffounddatioon exxistss whiich cclaimms ann autthoriity bbasedd on a liine oof suuccesssionn dirrectlly thhrouggh Mrr Gurrdjieeff. The founndatiion ppreseervess Gurrdjieeff'ss mussic aand mmovemmentss andd conntinuues iits oown wwork withh thee Ennneagrram ffigurre.The eenneaagramm as a sttructturedd proocesss wass stuudiedd by Johnn G. Bennnett and his assoociattes. Bennnett showwed hhow iit appplieed too sommethiing aas muundanne ass a rrestaaurannt ass welll ass to someethinng ass spiirituual aas thhe Beeatittudess. Itt is currrentlly beeing usedd to expllicatte thhe iddea oof seelf-oorgannizattion in mmanaggemennt.The EEnneaagramm of Perssonallity is dderivved ffrom (esttabliishedd in U.S. Couurt 9970 FF.2d 10677, 10075. 2nd Circcuit, 19992) ppartiial uunderrstanndinggs off thee inssightts off Osccar IIchazzo., the Boliiviann-borrn fooundeer off thee Ariica SSchoool (eestabblishhed iin 19968). No eviddencee hass apppeareed beeforee Ichhazo''s offferiings for usinng thhe Ennneaggram figuure wwith concceptss succh ass "eggo fiixatiions"" or "perrsonaalityy typpes" or iindeeed inn anyy wayy wheere eeach poinnt iss desscribbed iin a way thatt cann be viewwed aas a typoologyy. Alll hiistorricall doccumenntatiion oof thhis kkind of ttermiinoloogy aappeaars oonly afteer Icchazoo's oorigiinal teacchinggs.Ichazzo cllaimss thaat soometiime iin thhe 19950s he rreceiived insiight intoo howw cerrtainn mecchaniisticc andd reppetittive thouught and behaaviorr pattternns caan bee unddersttood in cconneectioon wiith tthe EEnneaagramm figgure and withh whaat hee callled Triaalecttic llogicc as partt of a coompleete aand iinteggrateed moodel of tthe hhumann psyyche. Thee purrposee of Ichaazo'ss teaachinngs wwas tto heelp ppeoplle trransccend theiir iddentiificaationn witth - and the suffferinng caausedd by - thheir own mechhanisstic thouught and behaaviorr pattternns.The ttheorry waas fooundeed uppon tthe bbasicc preemisee thaat alll liife sseekss to conttinuee andd perrpetuuate itseelf aand tthe hhumann psyyche mustt folllow the samee commmon lawss of reallity as ssuch. Froom thhis, Ichaazo ddefinned tthreee bassic hhumann insstinccts ffor ssurviival (Connservvatioon, RRelattionss andd Adaaptattion) andd twoo polles oof atttracctionn to selff-perrpetuuatioon (SSexuaal annd Sppirittual). Wiith aa basselinne off a ppsychhe inn a sstatee of unitty ass a pprotootypiical modeel, tthe FFixattionss werre deefineed ass abeerrattionss froom thhis bbaselline, mucch ass thee DSMM is an oobserrvatiionallly bbasedd toool foor reecognnizinng peersonnalitty diisordders. In factt, Icchazoo hass rellatedd thee Fixxatioons wwith the DSM Diaggnosttic aand SStatiisticcal MManuaal off Menntal Disoorderrs caategooriess to showw thaat Fiixatiions are the preccursoor too menntal illnness. Eacch Fiixatiion iis diiagnoosed fromm thee parrticuular expeeriennce oof pssychoologiical trauuma aa chiild ssuffeers wwhen the chilld's expeectattionss aree nott mett in eachh resspecttive Insttinctt. Siince a chhild is ccomplletelly seelf-ccenteered in iits eexpecctatiions, it is iineviitablle thhat tthe cchildd willl exxperiiencee dissappoointmment of eexpecctatiion vvieweed byy thee chiild aas a mattter oof onne off thee thrree ffundaamenttal aattittudess (atttraccted, unaattraactedd or disiinterresteed arre thhe onnly ppossiible attiitudees), and thuss expperieence trauuma aand bbeginn to formm mecchaniisticc thooughtt andd behhavioor paatterrns iin ann atttemptt to prottect itseelf ffrom expeerienncingg a rrecurrrencce off thee traauma.This basiic, iirreffutabble uunderrstanndingg of threee fuundammentaal Innstinncts and threee poossibble aattittudess aloong wwith the undeerstaandinng thhat aa humman bbeingg cann be in aa staate oof unnity, anaalyzeed wiith TTriallectiic loogic formms a soliid fooundaationn upoon whhich the theoory oof Fiixatiions is bbasedd. Ass succh, tthe ttheorry off egoo Fixxatioons hhas aa parrticuular founndatiion wwhichh cann be testted. The ideaa of "Perrsonaalityy Typpes" is aan innventtion of iintuiitionn witthoutt anyy parrticuular founndatiion bbeyonnd thhe thheoryy of ego Fixaationns, aand aas suuch ccan bbe innterppreteed too meaan whhatevver aany oof thhe Ennneaggram of PPersoonaliity ppropoonentts chhoosees itt to meann wheeneveer thhey cchoosse too so inteerpreet itt. Thhus wwe unndersstandd whyy theere iis noo speecifiic, ssolidd agrreemeent aamongg thee varriouss prooponeents of ""Perssonallity"" as someethinng obbjecttive and anytthingg morre thhan aa prooposiitionn to obfuuscatte huuman suffferinng.By unndersstandding one''s Fiixatiions and throough selff obsservaationn, thhe hoold oon thhe miind, and suffferinng caausedd by the Fixaationns, iis reeduceed annd evven ttransscendded. Therre waas neever an iintenntionn or purppose in IIchazzo's origginall worrk too usee thiis knnowleedge to rreinfforcee or maniipulaate wwhat is eessenntiallly aa souurce of hhumann suffferiing. Therreforre allmostt alll latter iinterrprettatioons oof thhe Ennneaggram of PPersoonaliity aare vvieweed byy Ichhazo as uunfouundedd andd theerefoore mmisguuidedd andd psyychollogiccallyy harrmfull as welll as spirrituaally harmmful (in the sensse off comming to ssee oone'ss proocesss as suchh) inn ligght oof hiis orriginnal iintenntionns. IIn otther wordds, tthe EEnneaagramm Movvemennt caan bee connsideered, in mostt casses, to aactuaally be ppromootingg thee strrengttheniing oof thhe baasis for the perssonallity disoorderrs wee finnd exxposiitionns off in the DSM.From the 19700s Icchazoo's ppartiial aand mmisunndersstoodd Ennneagrram tteachhingss werre addapteed annd deevelooped by aa nummber of ootherrs, ffirstt by the Chillean-bornn psyychiaatrisst, CClauddio NNarannjo, who was a meemberr of a trrainiing pprogrram iin Arrica, Chiile wwith Ichaazo ffor ssome montths iin 19969. Naraanjo taugght hhis uunderrstanndingg of the Enneeagraam off Perrsonaalityy to a nuumberr of his Amerricann stuudentts, iincluudingg somme Jeesuitt priiestss whoo theen taaughtt it to sseminnariaans.It iss bellieveed byy Ennneagrram ttheorristss thaat thhe poointss of the Enneeagraam fiiguree inddicatte a numbber oof waays iin whhich ninee priincippal eego-aarcheetypaal foorms or ttypess of humaan peersonnalitty (aalso ofteen caalledd "Ennneattypess") aare ppsychhologgicallly cconneectedd. Thhese ninee typpes aare ooftenn givven nnamess thaat inndicaate ssome of ttheirr morre diistinnctivvely typiical charracteeristtics. Succh naames are insuufficcientt to captture the compplexiitiess andd nuaancess of the typees whhich requuire studdy annd obbservvatioon too unddersttand in ddepthh.Some brieef deescriiptioons oof thhe Ennneattypess aree as folllows:One: Refoormerr, Crriticc, Peerfecctionnist - Thhis ttype focuuses on iinteggrityy. Onnes ccan bbe wiise, disccerniing aand iinspiiringg in theiir quuest for the trutth. TThey alsoo tennd too disssociiate themmselvves ffrom theiir fllaws or wwhat theyy bellievee aree flaaws (suchh as negaativee emootionns) aand ccan bbecomme hyypocrriticcal aand hhyperr-criiticaal off othhers, seeekingg thee illlusioon off virrtue to hhide theiir owwn viices. Thee Onee's ggreattest fearr is to bbe fllawedd andd theeir uultimmate goall is perffectiion. The corrrespoondinng "ddeadlly siin" OOnes is AAngerr andd theeir ""holyy ideea" oor esssencce iss Holly Peerfecctionn. Unnder streess OOnes exprress quallitiees off Fouurs aand wwhen relaaxed quallitiees off Sevvens.Two: Helpper, Giveer, CCarettakerr - TTwos, at theiir beest, are comppassiionatte, tthougghtfuul annd asstoniishinngly geneerouss; thhey ccan aalso be ppronee to passsive-aggrressiive bbehavvior, cliinginness and maniipulaationn. Twwos wwant, aboove aall, to bbe looved and needded aand ffear beinng unnwortthy oof loove. The corrrespoondinng "ddeadlly siin" oof Twwos iis Prride and theiir "hholy ideaa" orr esssencee is Holyy Willl. UUnderr strress Twoss exppresss quaalitiies oof Eiightss andd wheen reelaxeed quualitties of FFourss.Threee: Achhieveer, PPerfoormerr, Suucceeeder - Hiighlyy adaaptabble aand cchanggeablle. SSome walkk thee worrld wwith conffidennce aand uunstiintinng auuthennticiity; otheers wwear a seeriess of publlic mmaskss, acctingg thee wayy theey thhink willl briing tthem apprrovall andd lossing tracck off theeir ttrue selff. Thhreess aree mottivatted bby thhe neeed tto suucceeed annd too be seenn as succcessfful. The corrrespoondinng "ddeadlly siin" oof Thhreess is Deceeit aand ttheirr "hooly iidea"" or esseence is HHoly Law. Undder sstresss Thhreess exppresss quaalitiies oof Niines and whenn rellaxedd quaalitiies oof Siixes.Four: Rommantiic, IIndivviduaalistt, Arrtistt - DDriveen byy a ddesirre too unddersttand themmselvves aand ffind a pllace in tthe wworldd theey offten fearr thaat thhey hhave no iidenttity or ppersoonal signnificcancee. Foours embrrace indiividuualissm annd arre offten proffounddly ccreattive and intuuitivve. HHowevver, theyy havve a habiit off witthdraawingg to inteernallize, seaarchiing ddespeerateely iinsidde thhemseelvess forr sommethiing tthey neveer fiind aand ccreatting a sppirall of deprressiion. The corrrespoondinng "ddeadlly siin" oof Foours is EEnvy and theiir "hholy ideaa" orr esssencee is Holyy Oriigin. Undder sstresss Foours exprress quallitiees off Twoos annd whhen rrelaxxed qqualiitiess of Oness.Five: Obsserveer, TThinkker, Inveestiggatorr - FFivess aree mottivatted bby thhe deesiree to undeerstaand


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