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    Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.求职面试常常用英语一应征函函的起因1. Inn ressponsse too youur addverttisemment in ttodayy's nnewsppaperr, I wishh to applly foor thhe poositiion oof seeniorr cleerk iin yoour eesteeemed firmm.2. Reeplyiing tto yoour aadverrtiseementt in todaay's Chinna Tiimes for an aadminnistrratioon asssisttant, I ttendeer myy serrvicees.3. Yoour aadverrtiseementt forr marrketiing oofficcer iin Chhina Tradde neews oof Maay 177 hass intteressted me, I wiish tto teenderr my servvicess.4. Reeferrring to yyour adveertissemennt inn Intternaationnal TTradee Newws off Jully 133 forr an accoountaant, I feeel II cann filll thhat pposittion.5. I wishh to applly foor thhe poositiion mmentiionedd in yourr advvertiisemeent iin tooday''s neewspaaper, I hhope to oofferr my servvicess.二应征函函的的开头头1. I willl graaduatte frrom ccolleege iin Juuly oof thhis yyear and I haave hheardd thaat peerhapps yoou miight needd an accoountaant wwith conssiderrablee expperieence workking withh commpaniies ssuch as yyourss. I woulld liike tto appply for the posiitionn.2. Geentleemen: Atttentiion oof peersonnnel Manaager, I aam loookinng foor a posiitionn as salees enngineeer. I thhink you can helpp me.3. Peerhapps thhere is pposittion in yyour orgaanizaationn forr an younng, eexperriencced aand cconsccienttiouss salles rrepreesenttativve, II shoould likee to applly foor itt.4. Ass it is nneariing tthe SSprinng Feestivval, it ooccurrs too me thatt youu mayy neeed addditiionall asssistaance in sselliing ggiftss in yourr shoop. II thiink II cann asssist you.5. Shhall you needd an expeeriennced cashhier for yourr commpanyy in the nearr futture? I wwish to aapplyy forr thee possitioon.三叙述个个人年龄、经经验1. I am tto grraduaate tthis Julyy froom Beeijinng Coommerrciall Colllegee, haavingg commpletted tthe ffour-yearr commmerccial courrse. Duriing mmy suummerr vaccatioon I was emplloyedd in the accoountiing ddeparrtmennt off a CChemiical Comppany.2. I am ttwentty-thhree yearrs olld, aand hhave beenn empployeed foor thhe laast yyearss by Polyy Tecchnollogiees.INNC.Aiircraaft SSuppoort DDivission, in the geneeral clerricall worrk off thee offfice.3. I am tthirtty-siix yeears of aage, and havee hadd tenn yeaars' expeeriennce iin myy preesentt jobb, whhich I amm leaavingg to bettter mmysellf.4. I am jjust leavving schoool; and twennty-tthreee yeaars oof agge. II am anxiious to ssettlle doown tto offficee worrk.5. I am ttwentty yeears old, femmale and havee hadd onee yeaars' expeeriennce wwith a coompanny ass an execcutivve seecrettary.四叙述个个人能力1. I gradduateed frrom TTokyoo Commmerccial Univversiity, wherre I havee commpletted tthe ffour-yearr couurse. Bessidess, I havee hadd twoo yeaars traaininng inn typpewriitingg andd alsso sttudieed thhe Ennglissh Laanguaage, inclludinng a yearr of Busiinesss Engglishh.2. I workk as assiistannt edditorr on a trrade jourrnal in tthe ffood fielld, wwheree my taskks inncludded aa greeat ddeal of iinterrviewwing and perssonall conntactt witth meemberrs off thee inddustrry.3. I am aa goood acccounntantt andd I hhave a goood bbookkkeepiing bby dooublee-enttry.4. I am aa graaduatte off Beiijingg Forreignn Stuudiess Uniiverssity. I wwon aa schholarrshipp andd thee firrst pprizee in speeech cconteest iin thhe Unniverrsityy.5. I havee recceiveed a goodd eduucatiion aand II havve buusineess kknowlledgee andd knoow thhe saales techhniquues.五随函附附寄物1. Ennclossed hherewwith are two copiies oof myy dipplomaas annd a copyy of my rresumme foor yoour rreferrencee.2. Ennclossed yyou wwill findd a ccopy of mmy reesumee andd my photto. II bellievee thaat thhey mmay bbe foound satiisfacctoryy.3. Yoou wiill ffind encllosedd an outlline of mmy edducattion and copiies oof thhree lettters of rrecommmenddatioon.4. Ennclossed yyou wwill findd a lletteer off reccommeendattion fromm Mr.Wangg, Heead PProfeessorr of Engllish Depaartmeent aand aa coppy off my trannscriipt.5. Yoou caan seee frrom tthe ddata sheeet thhat iis ennclossed tthat I noow haave aan inntereest iin seecuriing aa sattisfyying posiitionn.六薪金待待遇1. Ass reggardss sallary, I lleavee it to yyou tto deecidee aftter eexperriencce off my capaacityy.2. Thhe saalaryy I sshoulld reequirre woould be 220,0000 a yearr.3. Thhe saalaryy reqquireed iss 8000 perr monnth, liviing iin thhe hoouse.4. Hooweveer, tthe mmatteer off remmunerratioon wiill ttake caree of itseelf, as iit allwayss doees, iif otther thinngs aare aall rrightt.5. I am wwilliing tto seerve on ttriall forr somme moonthss at a smmall salaary.七离职原原因1. Thhe onnly rreasoon whhy I am lleaviing tthe ppreseent pposittion is tto gaain mmore expeeriennce iin a tradding offiice.2. Myy reaason for leavving the comppany is tthat I wiish tto geet innto tthe aadverrtisiing bbusinness.3. I leftt thee offfice on aaccouunt oof thhe diisconntinuuancee of the busiinesss.4. I now wishh to enteer ann offfice wherre thhe woork rrequiires greaater indiividuual rrespoonsibbilitty annd juudgmeent tthan heree, annd whhere therre iss morre oppporttunitty foor addvanccemennt.5. Onne reeasonn thaat I woulld liike tto bee empployeed wiith yyour firmm is thatt youu aree deaalingg witth immportt andd expport tradde. II wouuld llookforwaard tto deealinng wiith ooverssea ccompaaniess andd at the samee timme haavingg a cchancce too usee Engglishh morre.八请求面面谈及客套套语1. Iff youu carre too givve myy an inteervieew, II shaall bbe plleaseed too calll anny affternnoon exceept MMondaay.2. I shalll bee oblligedd if you willl givve mee a ppersoonal inteervieew att youur coonvenniencce.3. Iff youu do not havee anyy vaccanciies aat prresennt foor whhich I miight be cconsiidereed, wwill you pleaase ffile my aappliicatiion ffor ffuturre reefereence? I sshalll be pleaased to ssupplly anny addditiionall infformaationn youu mayy wissh annd coome tto yoour oofficce foor a perssonall intterviiew aat anny tiime tthat us cconveeniennt.4. Shhouldd thiis apppliccatioon meeet wwith yourr favvorabble cconsiideraationn, I willl do my uutmosst too jusstifyy thee connfideence you may repoose iin mee, offficee forr a ppersoonal inteervieew att anyy timme thhat uus coonvennientt.5. I''d veery mmuch apprreciaate tthe cchancce too tallk too youu andd to get yourr opiinionn on whetther I amm quaalifiied ffor tthe jjob yyou oofferr.中文对照应征函的起起因1. 贵公公司在今日日某某报上上刊登广告告招聘高级级文员一职职,现拟应应征。2. 拜读读今日中国国时报上贵贵公司招聘聘人才广告告,本人特特此应征行行政助理一一职。3. 贵公公司五月十十七日在中中国贸易报报张刊登招招聘市场部部办公室主主任的广告告,本人拜拜读后极感感兴趣,特特此应召。4. 贵宾宾公司七月月十三日在在国际经贸贸消息上刊刊登招聘会会计的广告告,相信本本人能担任任此职。5. 拜读读贵公司今今日在XXX报上刊登登的广告,本本人特此备备函应征。应征函的的的开头1. 我将将于今年七七月份从大大学毕业,据据悉贵公司司有意招聘聘一名具有有相当经验验的会计,我我拟应征。2. 人事事部经理勋勋鉴:本人人正在谋求求一份销售售工程师的的工作,希希望您能对对我有所帮帮助。3. 请问问贵公司是是否需要一一名年轻、有有经验且有有责任心的的营业代表表?我拟应应征。4. 春节节将至,我我想贵公司司可能需要要人帮助销销售礼物,本本人可以帮帮忙。5. 请问问贵公司近近期是否需需要一名有有经验的出出纳员?特特此修函应应征。叙述个人年年龄、经验验1. 今年年七月本人人将从北京京商学院毕毕业,读完完四年的商商科课程。在在暑假期间间,曾受雇雇于某化学学公司会计计部。2. 今年年23岁,在过过去的四年年中一直为为保利科技技有限公司司航空维修修部服务,担担任普通文文职工作。3. 本人人今年36岁在目前前的工作岗岗位已有十十年工作经经验,准备备离开此职职位,谋求求更大发展展。4. 本人人23岁不久即即可毕业,希希望能尽快快安定下来来进入某公公司做文职职工作。5. 本人人今年20岁,女性性,曾在某某公司担任任行政秘书书工作一年年。叙述个人能能力1. 本人人毕业于东东京商务大大学,除完完成大学四四年应修课课程外,还还曾接受过过两年的打打字训练并并学习过一一年的商业业英语。2. 我曾曾在某贸易易杂志担任任食品方面面的副编辑辑,主要工工作还包括括对工业界界人士进行行访问和与与他们进行行个人接触触。3. 我是是一个优秀秀的会计员员,对联单单记帐十分分熟练。4. 本人人毕业于北北京外国语语大学,在在校期间曾曾获得奖学学金和演讲讲比赛冠军军。5. 本人人接受过良良好的教育育,不但具具有商业知知识,而且且熟悉推销销技巧。随函附寄物物1. 兹随随函附寄毕毕业证书两两份及简历历表一份,仅仅供参考。2. 附上上我的简历历表和照片片,希望能能令您满意意。3. 随函函寄上本人人学历的简简要概况及及三封推荐荐信。4. 随函函附上英文文系系主任任王先生的的推荐函一一封及本人人成绩单一一份。5. 您可可以从附上上的资料表表中看出,本本人目前有有意寻求一一份能令人人满意的工工作。薪金待遇:1. 至于于薪金,请请在考验本本人的能力力之后再作作决定。2. 希望望年薪能达达到两万元元。3. 希望望每月工资资八百元,并并提供宿舍舍。4. 如果果其他条件件具备的话话,待遇问问题自会得得到解决。5. 如能能录用,本本人并不介介意以低薪薪工作数月月。离职原因1. 本人人之所以离离开目前的的工作岗位位,唯一的的理由是希希望能在一一家贸易公公司获得更更多的经验验。2. 本人人离职的原原因是希望望在广告业业方面有所所发展。3. 本人人离职的原原因,系因因该公司即即将倒闭。4. 目前前,本人希希望进入一一家可以担担负较大责责任的公司司,并希望望能提供升升迁机会。5. 贵公公司主要做做进出口贸贸易是本人人欲在贵公公司工作的的原因之一一,我渴望望能同外国国公司做生生意,并借借机锻炼英英文。请求面谈及及客套语1. 倘蒙蒙给予面试试,除星期期一外每天天下午本人人均可应试试。2. 倘蒙蒙阁下接见见,将不胜胜感激。3. 若贵贵公司目前前尚无适当当工作,敬敬请把我的的申请列为为未来求才才参考。贵贵公司如需需我个人资资料,我愿愿随时提供供,只要阁阁下方便,我我愿随时前前来贵公司司面试。4. 如贵贵公司能惠惠予考虑此此申请,本本人将尽最最大的忠诚诚和努力。5. 如有有机会与你你们面谈,我我将十分感感激。希望望能知道我我是否适合合担任你们们所要求的的工作。


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