弃我去者,昨昨日之日不不可留乱我心者,今今日之日多多烦忧Part One 英语段落落写作套路路以下是短文文写作中使使用率最高高、覆盖面面最广的基基本句式套套路,每组组句式的功功能相同或或相似,考考生可根据据自己的情情况选择其其中的12个,做到到能够熟练练正确地仿仿写或套用用。1表示原原因1)Theere aare tthreee reaasonss forr thiis2)Thee reasoons ffor tthis are as ffolloows3)Thee reaason for thiss is obviious4)Thee reaason for thiss is not far to sseek5)Thee reaason for thiss is thatt6)We havee goood reeasonn to beliieve thatt例如: TTheree aree thrree rreasoons ffor tthe cchangges tthat havee takken pplacee in our lifeeFirsstly,peopples livving stanndardd hass beeen grreatlly immprovvedSecoondlyy,mostt peoople are welll paiid, andd theey caan afffordd whaat thhey nneed or llikeLastt butt nott leaast,moree andd morre peeoplee preefer to eenjoyy moderrn liife注:如考生生写第一个个句子没有有把握,可可将其改写写成两个句句子。如:Greeat cchangges hhave takeen pllace in oour llife Theere aare tthreee reaasonss forr thiis这样写可以以避免套用用中的表达达失误。2表示好好处1)It has the folllowinng addvanttagess2)It doess us a loot off goood3)It beneefitss us quitte a lot4)It is bbenefficiaal too us5)It is oof grreat beneefit to uus例如: BBookss aree likke frrienddsTheyy cann hellp uss knoow thhe woorld bettter,and theyy cann opeen ouur miinds and wideen ouur hoorizoonsTherreforre,readding exteensivvely is oof grreat beneefit to uus3表示坏坏处1)It has moree dissadvaantagges tthan advaantagges2)It does uus muuch hharm3)It is hharmffultoo us例如: HHowevver,everrythiing ddividdesinnto ttwoTeleevisiion ccan aalso be hharmfful tto ussIt ccan ddo haarm tto ouur heealthh andd makke uss lazzy iff we spennd tooo muuch ttime watcchingg tellevi- sioon4表示重重要、必要要、困难、方方便、可能能1)It is iimporrtantt(necesssaryy,diffiicultt,convvenieent, posssiblle)for sbto ddo stth2)We thinnk itt neccessaary tto doo sthh3)It playys ann impportaant rrole in oour llife例如:Coomputters are now beinng ussed eeveryywherre,whetther in tthe ggoverrnmennt,in sschoools oor inn bussinesssSoon, commputeers wwill be ffoundd in everry hoome,tooWe hhave goodd reaason to ssay tthat compputerrs arre pllayinng ann inccreassinglly immporttant rolee in our lifee andd we havee steeppedd intto thhe Coomputter AAge5表示措措施1)We shouuld ttake somee efffectiive mmeasuures2)We shouuld ttry oour bbest to ooverccome(conqquer)the diffficulltiess3)We shouuld ddo ouur uttmostt in doinng stth4)We shouuld ssolvee thee prooblemms thhat wwe arre coonfroontedd(faceed)with例如: TThe hhousiing pprobllem tthat we aare cconfrronteed wiith iis beecomiing mmore and moree serrioussTherreforre,we mmust takee somme efffecttive meassuress to solvve itt6表示变变化1)Somme chhangees haave ttakenn plaace iin thhe paast ffive yearrs2)A ggreatt chaange willl cerrtainnly bbe prroducced iin thhe woorlds coommunnicattionss3)Thee commputeer haas brroughht abbout manyy chaangess in educcatioon例如:Soome cchangges hhave takeen pllace in ppeoplles diiet iin thhe paast ffive yearrsThe majoor reeasonns foor thhese channges are not far to sseekNowaadayss,moree andd morre peeoplee aree swiitchiing ffrom graiin too meaat foor prroteiin,and fromm fruuit aand vvegettablee to milkk forr vittaminns7表示事事实、现状状1)We cannnot iignorre thhe faact tthat2)No one can denyy thee facct thhat3)Theere iis noo dennyingg thee facct thhat4)Thiis iss a pphenoomenoon thhat mmany peopple aare iinterresteed inn5)Howweverr,thats noot thhe caase例如:Wee cannnot ignoore tthe ffact thatt inddustrrialiizatiion bbringgs wiith iit thhe prrobleems oof poolluttionTo ssolvee theese pprobllems,we ccan sstartt by educcatinng thhe puublicc aboout tthe hhazarrds oof poolluttionThe goveernmeent oon itts paart sshoulld allso ddesiggn sttrictter llaws to ppromoote aa cleeanerr envvironnmentt8表示比比较1)Commpareed wiithA,B2)I pprefeer too reaad raatherr thaan waatch TV3)Theere iis a striikingg conntrasst beetweeen thhem例如:Coomparred wwith carss,bicyycless havve seeveraal addvanttagess bessidess beiing aafforrdablleFirsstly,theyy do not conssume natuural resoourcees off pettroleeumSecoondlyy,theyy do not causse thhe poolluttion probblemLast but not leasst,theyy conntribbute to ppeoplles heealthh by giviing tthem due physsicall exeercisse9表示数数量1)It has incrreaseed(decrreaseed)fromto2)Thee poppulattion in tthis cityy hass noww inccreassed(decrreaseed)to 8800,0003)Thee outtput of JJuly in tthis facttory incrreaseed byy 15 commpareed wiith tthat of JJanuaary例如:Wiith tthe iimproovemeent oof thhe liivingg staandarrd,the propportiion oof peeoplees inncomee speent oon foood hhas ddecreeasedd whiile tthat spennt onn eduucatiion hhas iincreeasedd再如:Frrom tthe ggraphh lissted abovve,itcann be seenn thaat sttudennt usse off commputeers hhas iincreeasedd froom ann aveeragee of lesss thaan twwo hoours per weekk in 19900 to 20 hhourss in 2000010表示示看法1)Peoople havee(take,adoppt,assuume)diffferennt atttituudes towaards sth2)Peoople havee difffereent oopiniions on tthis probblem3)Peoople takee difffereent vviewss of(on)the quesstionn4)Somme peeoplee bellievee thaatOtheers aarguee thaat例如: PPeoplle haave ddiffeerentt atttituddes ttowarrds ffailuureSomee bellievee thaat faailurre leeads to ssucceessEveryy faiiluree theey exxperiiencee traanslaates intoo a ggreatter cchancce off succcesss at theiir reeneweed enndeavvorHowevver,otheers aare eeasilly diiscouurageed byy faiilurees annd puut thhemseelvess intto thhe caategoory oof looserss再如:Do“luucky numbbersrreallly brring goodd lucck?Diffferennt peeoplee havve diifferrent viewws onn it注:一个段段落有时很很适宜以问问句开始,考考生应掌握握这一写作作方法。11表示示结论1)In shorrt,it ccan bbe saaid tthat2)It may be bbrieffly ssummeed upp as folllows3)Froom whhat hhas bbeen menttioneed abbove,we ccan ccome to tthe cconcllusioon thhat例如:Frrom wwhat has beenn menntionned aabovee,we ccan ccome to tthe cconcllusioon thhat eexamiinatiion iis neecesssary,howeever, itss metthod shouuld bbe immprovved注:例句11可用于任任何一个段段落的结论论句;例句句3则多用文文章结论段段的第一句句。12套语语1)Its weell kknownn to us tthat2)As is kknownn to us,3)Thiis iss a ttopicc thaat iss beiing wwidelly taalkedd aboout4)Froom thhe grraph(table,charrt)listted aabovee,it ccan bbe seeen tthat5)As aprooverbb sayys,“Wherre thhere is aa willl,therre iss a wway例如:Ass is welll knoown tto uss,it iis immporttant for the studdentss to knoww thee worrld ooutsiide ccampuusThe rreasoon foor thhis iis obbviouusNowaadays,the sociiety is cchangging and deveelopiing rrapiddly,and the camppus iis noo lonnger an“ivorry toowerAs ccolleege sstudeents,we mmust get in ttouchh witth thhe woorld outsside the camppusOnlyy in thiss wayy cann we adappt ouursellves to tthe ssocieety qquickkly aafterr we gradduatee再如:Dooes iit paay too be honeest?Thiss is a toopic thatt is beinng wiidelyy tallked abouut annd diifferrent peopple hhave diffferennt oppinioons oon itt.Part Two 英语作文文的开头和和结尾英语作文的的开头一篇文章通通常可分为为三个部分分,即开头头、正文和和结尾。这这三个部分分安排是否否得体,直直接影响到到文章的质质量。文章的开头头一般来说说应尽量做做到开门见见山,用简简单明白的的叙述引出出文章的话话题,使读读者了解文文章要谈论论什么,一一下于引起起读者的兴兴趣。作文常见的的开头形式式大致有以以下几种:1开门见见山,揭示示主题文章一开头头,就交交待清楚文文章的主题题是什么。如“How I Spent My Vacation”(我怎样度假)的开头是:I Speent mmy laast vvacattion happpily下面是题为为"Honnestyy"(谈诚实)一文中的的开头:Honessty iis onne off thee besst viirtueesAn hhonesst maan iss alwways trussted and resppecteedOn tthe ccontrrary, onee whoo tellls llies is rregarrded as aa "liiar",and is llookeed uppon bby hoonestt peoople2交代人人物、事情情、时间或或环境开头头在文章的开开头,先把把人物、事事件和环境境交待清楚楚。例如"A TTrip to JJinshhan" (去金山旅旅游)的开头:The dday bbeforre yeesterrday my cclasss wennt onn a bbus ttrip to JJinshhan. The bus ridee theere ttook threee hoours. Thee lonng trrip mmade us vvery tireed, bbut tthe ssightt of the beauutifuul seea reefresshed us. 3.回忆性性的开头用回忆的方方法来开头头。例如"A TTrip to tthe TTaishhan MMounttain""(泰山游)的开头是是:I remmembeer myy firrst ttrip to tthe TTaishhan MMounttain as iif itt werre yeesterrday.4概括性性的开头即对要在文文章中叙述述的人或事事先作一个个概括性的的介绍。如“The Happpinesss off Reaadingg Boooks”(读书的快快乐)的开头:Peoplle offten say thatt golld annd siilverr aree thee mosst vaaluabble tthinggs inn thee worrld. But I saay thhat tto reead bbookss is moree valluablle thhan aanythhing elsee, beecausse boooks givee us knowwledgge annd knnowleedge givees uss powwer.5介绍环环境式的开开头即开头利用用自然景物物或自然环环境引出要要介绍的事事物。如“An AAcciddent”(一场事故)的开头是:It waas a rainny annd wiindy mornning. Thee skyy wass glooomy, thee temmperaaturee wass loww, annd thhe sttreett wass neaarly emptty. II wass on my wway bback to sschoool. SSuddeenly, a sspeedding car camee rouund tthe ccorneer. 6交待写写作目的的的开头。在文章的一一开头就交交待写作目目的,如通通过文章要要表扬谁,批批评谁,或或说明一个个什么问题题等。如 "Poolluttion Conttrol"" (控制污染)的开头:In thhis aarticcle II shaall ddraw yourr atttentiion tto thhe suubjecct off polllutiion ccontrrol.英语作文的的结尾文章结尾的的作用是概概括全文内内容,进一一步强调或或肯定文章章的中心思思想,使文文章意义表表达得更加加深刻。文章结尾的的形式也是是多种多样样的,常见见的有以下下几种:1首尾呼呼应,画龙龙点睛在文章的结结尾,把含含义较深的的话放在末末尾,以点点明主题,深深化主题,起起到画龙点点睛的效果果。如"I CCannoot Foorgett Herr" (我忘不了了她)的结尾:Afterr herr deaath, I feelt aas iff sommethiing wwere misssing in mmy liife. I waas saad ovver hher ppassiing aaway, butt I kknew she woulld noot haave hhad aany rregreets aat haavingg givven hher llife for the beneefit of tthe ppeoplle.2重复主主题句结尾回到文文章开头阐阐明的中心心思想或主主题句上,达达到强调的的效果。如如“I Loove MMy Hoome TTown”(我爱家乡)的结尾:I lovve myy homme toown, and I loove iits ppeoplle. TThey too havee chaangedd. Thhey aare ggoingg alll outt to do mmore for the goodd of our mothherlaand.3.自然结结尾随着文章的的结束,文文章自然而而然地结尾尾。如“Fishhing”(钓鱼)的结尾:I cauught as mmany as ttwentty fiish iin twwo hoours, butt my brotther caugght mmany moree. Tiired fromm fisshingg, wee layy dowwn onn thee rivver bbank, batthingg in the sun. We retuurnedd homme veery llate. 4含蓄性性的结尾用比喻或含含蓄的手法法不直接点点明作者的的看法,而而是让读者者自己去领领会和思考考。如“A Daay off Harrvestting”(收割的日日子)的结尾:Eveniing ccame befoore wwe reealizzed iit. WWe puut doown oour ssicklles aand llookeed att eacch otther. Ourr cloothess werre weet wiith ssweatt, buut onn eveery fface therre waas a smille.5用反问问结尾虽然形式是是问句,但但意义却是是肯定的,并并具有特别别的强调作作用,引起起读者深思思。如 "Shhouldd We Learrn too Do Housseworrk?" (我们要不不要学做家家务?)的结尾尾。Everyyone shouuld llearnn to do hhouseeworkk. Doon't you agreee, bboys and girlls?6指明方方向,激励励读者结尾表示对对将来的展展望,或期期待读者投投入行动。如“Let's Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:As wee havve saaid aabovee, spportss cann be of ggreatt vallue. Theyy nott onlly maake ppeoplle liive hhappiily bbut aalso helpp peoople to llearnn virrtuess andd do theiir woork bbetttter. A soound mindd is in aa souund bbody. Lett's ggo inn forr spoorts.文章的结尾尾没有一定定的模式,可可以根据表表达主题的的需要灵活活创造。一一般的习惯惯是,一些些记叙文和和描写文经经常采用自自然结尾的的方法;但但说理性和和逻辑性较较强的说明明文和议论论文则往往往都有结束束语,以便便使文章首首尾呼应,结结构完整。