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    The Enneagram (also sometimes called Enneagon) is a nine-pointed geometric figure. The term derives from two Greek words - ennea (nine) and grammos (something written or drawn).The introduction of the Enneagram figure is credited to G.I. Gurdjieff, who introduced it in his teachings as a universal symbol which displays the fundamental cosmic laws. Gurdjieff did not disclose where the figure originally came from besides claiming that it was the emblem of secret societies.The EEnneeagrram figguree iss noow uusedd foor vvariiouss puurpoosess inn a nummberr off diiffeerennt tteacchinng ssysttemss. IIn mmoree reecennt yyearrs tthe figguree haas mmosttly comme iintoo prromiinennce beccausse oof iits usee wiith whaat iis oofteen ccallled thee Ennneaagraam oof PPerssonaalitty. Thee fuundaamenntall coonceeptss off thhe EEnneeagrram of Perrsonnaliity aree atttriibutted to Osccar Ichhazoo.Enneaagraams shoown as seqquenntiaal sstelllattionnsIn geeomeetryy ann ennneaagraam iis aa reegullar ninne-ssideed sstarr poolyggon, ussingg thhe ssamee poointts aas tthe reggulaar eenneeagoon bbut connnecctedd inn fiixedd sttepss.It haas ttwo forrms: 99/2 annd 9/44 cconnnecttingg evveryy 2nnd aand eveery 4thh poointts rresppecttiveely. Thheree iss allso a sstarr fiigurre, 9/3, maade froom tthe reggulaar eenneeagoon ppoinnts butt coonneecteed aas aa coompooundd off thhreee eqquillateerall trrianngleesSee aalsoo: EEnneeagrram of Proocesss The mmodeern usee off thhe EEnneeagrram figguree iss geenerrallly ccredditeed tto GG.I. Guurdjjiefff aand hiss Foourtth WWay teaachiing traadittionn. HHis teaachiingss coonceerniing thee fiigurre aand whaat iit rreprreseentss dooes nott haave anyy diirecct cconnnecttionn too thhe llateer tteacchinngs by Osccar Ichhazoo annd ootheers conncerrninng eego-fixxatiionss orr peersoonallityy tyypess.The eenneeagrram figguree iss a cirrclee wiith ninne ppoinnts. Innscrribeed wwithhin thee ciirclle iis aa trriannglee taakinng iin ppoinnts 9, 3 aand 6. Thee innscrribeed ffiguure ressembblinng aa weeb llinkks tthe othher sixx poointts iin aa cyycliic ffiguure 1-44-2-8-55-7. Thhe rrulees oof tthe maggic nummberr 14428557 ccan be appplieed tto tthe ennneaggramm's expplannatiionss off prroceessees.Accorrdinng tto GGurddjieeff, thhe eenneeagrram is thee syymbool oof tthe "laaw oof sseveen" andd "tthe laww off thhreee" ccombbineed (thee twwo ffunddameentaal llawss whhichh gooverrn tthe uniiverrse), aand theerefforee thhe eenneeagrram cann bee ussed to desscriibe anyy naaturral whoole pheenommenoon, cossmoss, pproccesss inn liife, orr anny ootheer ppiecce oof kknowwleddge.A bassic exaamplle oof tthe posssibble usaage of thee ennneaagraam iis tthatt itt caan bbe uusedd too illlusstraate Gurrdjiiefff's connceppt oof tthe evooluttionn off thhe tthreee ttypees oof foood neccesssaryy foor aa maan: orddinaary foood, airr annd iimprresssionns. Eacch ppoinnt oon tthe ennneaggramm inn thhis casse wwoulld rreprreseent thee sttagee annd tthe posssibbiliity of furrtheer eevollutiion of foood aat aa ceertaain staage in thee huumann boody.Most proocesssess onn thhe eenneeagrram aree reepreesenntedd thhrouugh octtavees wwherre tthe poiintss seervee ass thhe nnotees; a cconcceptt whhichh iss deerivved froom GGurddjieeffs iideaa off thhe llaw of sevven. Inn ann occtavve tthe devveloopinng pproccesss coomess too a criiticcal poiint (onne oof tthe triianggle poiintss) aat wwhicch hhelpp frrom outtsidde iis nneedded forr itt too riighttly conntinnue. Thhis connceppt iis bbestt illlusstraatedd onn thhe kkeyss off thhe ppianno wwherre eeverry wwhitte kkey wouuld reppressentt ann ennneaagraam wweb poiint. Thhe aadjaacennt wwhitte kkeyss whhichh arre mmisssingg a blaack keyy (hhalff noote) inn beetweeen reppressentt thhe eenneeagrram webb poointts wwhicch hhavee a triianggle poiint in bettweeen. In ordder thaat tthiss poointt woouldd paass ontto tthe nexxt, an extternnal pussh iis rrequuireed.In thhe eenneeagrram a pproccesss iss deepicctedd ass gooingg riightt arrounnd tthe cirrclee beeginnninng aat 99 (tthe enddingg poointt off a preevioous proocesss). Thhe pproccesss caan cconttinuue uuntiil iit rreacchess poointt 3. Att poointt thhreee ann exxterrnall aiid iis nneedded in ordder thaat tthe proocesss cconttinuues. Iff itt dooesnn't recceivve tthe heelp, tthe proocesss wwilll sttop evoolviing andd wiill devvolvve bbackk innto thee foorm froom wwhicch iit eevollvedd. TThe proocesss cconttinuues unttil poiint 6, andd laaterr 9, whheree a simmilaar ""pussh" is neeededd. IIf tthe proocesss ppassses poiint 9, thee innitiial proocesss wwilll ennd, whiile givvingg biirthh too a neww onne.The llinee off deevellopmmentt asssocciatted witth tthe Fouurthh Waay ddeveelopped froom tthe wriitinngs of Gurrdjiiefff's stuudennts - pprinncippallly PP.D. Ouuspeenskky, Mauuricce NNicooll, J.G. Bennnettt aand Roddneyy Coolliin. Theey ddeveelopped Gurrdjiiefff's ideeas andd leeft theeir ownn acccouuntss. TTherre iis aan eexteensiive bibblioograaphyy deevotted to thee Guurdjjiefff-OOusppenssky traadittionn.A Gurrdjiiefff foounddatiion exiistss whhichh cllaimms aan aauthhoriity bassed on a llinee off suucceessiion dirrecttly thrrouggh MMr GGurddjieeff. Thhe ffounndattionn prreseervees GGurddjieeff''s mmusiic aand movvemeentss annd cconttinuues itss owwn wworkk wiith thee Ennneaagraam ffiguure.The eenneeagrram as a sstruuctuuredd prroceess wass sttudiied by Johhn GG. BBennnettt annd hhis asssociiatees. Bennnettt sshowwed howw itt apppliied to sommethhingg ass muundaane as a rresttaurrantt ass weell as to sommethhingg ass sppiriituaal aas tthe Beaatittudees. It is currrenntlyy beeingg ussed to exppliccatee thhe iideaa off seelf-orgganiizattionn inn maanaggemeent.The EEnneeagrram of Perrsonnaliity is derriveed ffromm (eestaabliisheed iin UU.S. Coourtt 9770 FF.2dd 10067, 10075. 2nnd CCirccuitt, 119922) pparttiall unnderrstaandiingss off thhe iinsiightts oof OOscaar IIchaazo., tthe Bolliviian-borrn ffounnderr off thhe AAricca SSchoool (esstabblisshedd inn 19968). NNo eeviddencce hhas apppearred befforee Icchazzo'ss offferringgs ffor usiing thee Ennneaagraam ffiguure witth cconcceptts ssuchh ass "eego fixxatiionss" oor ""perrsonnaliity typpes"" orr inndeeed iin aany wayy whheree eaach poiint is desscriibedd inn a wayy thhat cann bee viieweed aas aa tyypollogyy. AAll hisstorricaal ddocuumenntattionn off thhis kinnd oof ttermminoologgy aappeearss onnly aftter Ichhazoo's oriiginnal teaachiingss.Ichazzo cclaiims thaat ssomeetimme iin tthe 19550s he recceivved inssighht iintoo hoow ccerttainn meechaanissticc annd rrepeetittivee thhougght andd beehavviorr paatteernss caan bbe uundeersttoodd inn coonneectiion witth tthe Ennneaggramm fiigurre aand witth wwhatt hee caalleed TTriaaleccticc loogicc ass paart of a ccompplette aand inttegrrateed mmodeel oof tthe humman psyychee. TThe purrposse oof IIchaazo''s tteacchinngs wass too heelp peooplee trransscennd ttheiir iidenntifficaatioon wwithh - andd thhe ssuffferiing cauusedd byy - theeir ownn meechaanissticc thhougght andd beehavviorr paatteernss.The ttheoory wass fooundded upoon tthe bassic preemisse tthatt alll llifee seeekss too coontiinuee annd pperppetuuatee ittsellf aand thee huumann pssychhe mmustt foolloow tthe samme ccommmon lawws oof rreallityy ass suuch. Frrom thiis, Ichhazoo deefinned thrree bassic humman insstinnctss foor ssurvvivaal (Connserrvattionn, RRelaatioons andd Addapttatiion) annd ttwo polles of atttracctioon tto sselff-peerpeetuaatioon (Sexxuall annd SSpirrituual). WWithh a basseliine of a ppsycche in a sstatte oof uunitty aas aa prrotootyppicaal mmodeel, thee Fiixattionns wweree deefinned as abeerraatioons froom tthiss baasellinee, mmuchh ass thhe DDSM is an obsservvatiionaallyy baasedd toool forr reecoggnizzingg peersoonallityy diisorrderrs. In facct, Ichhazoo haas rrelaatedd thhe FFixaatioons witth tthe DSMM Diiagnnosttic andd Sttatiistiicall Maanuaal oof MMenttal Dissordderss caateggoriies to shoow tthatt Fiixattionns aare thee prrecuursoor tto mmenttal illlnesss. Eacch FFixaatioon iis ddiaggnossed froom tthe parrticculaar eexpeerieencee off pssychholoogiccal traaumaa a chiild suffferrs wwhenn thhe cchilld'ss exxpecctattionns aare nott meet iin eeachh reespeectiive Insstinnct. Siincee a chiild is commpleetelly sselff-ceenteeredd inn itts eexpeectaatioons, itt iss inneviitabble thaat tthe chiild willl eexpeerieencee diisapppoiintmmentt off exxpecctattionn viieweed bby tthe chiild as a mmattter of onee off thhe tthreee ffunddameentaal aattiituddes (atttraacteed, unaattrractted or dissinttereesteed aare thee onnly posssibble atttituudess), andd thhus expperiiencce ttrauuma andd beeginn too foorm mecchannisttic thooughht aand behhaviior pattterrns in an atttemppt tto pprottectt ittsellf ffromm exxperrienncinng aa reecurrrennce of thee trraumma.This bassic, irrreffutaablee unnderrstaandiing of thrree funndammenttal Insstinnctss annd tthreee pposssiblle aattiituddes aloong witth tthe unddersstanndinng tthatt a humman beiing cann bee inn a staate of uniity, annalyyzedd wiith Triialeectiic llogiic fformms aa soolidd foounddatiion upoon wwhicch tthe theeoryy off Fiixattionns iis bbaseed. As succh, thee thheorry oof eego Fixxatiionss haas aa paartiicullar fouundaatioon wwhicch ccan be tesstedd. TThe ideea oof ""Perrsonnaliity Typpes"" iss ann innvenntioon oof iintuuitiion witthouut aany parrticculaar ffounndattionn beeyonnd tthe theeoryy off eggo FFixaatioons, annd aas ssuchh caan bbe iinteerprreteed tto mmeann whhateeverr anny oof tthe Ennneaggramm off Peersoonallityy prropoonennts chooosees iit tto mmeann whheneeverr thhey chooosee too soo innterrpreet iit. Thuus wwe uundeersttandd whhy ttherre iis nno sspeccifiic, sollid agrreemmentt ammongg thhe vvariiouss prropoonennts of "Peersoonallityy" aas ssomeethiing objjecttivee annd aanytthinng mmoree thhan a ppropposiitioon tto oobfuuscaate humman suffferringg.By unnderrstaandiing onee's Fixxatiionss annd tthrooughh seelf obsservvatiion, thhe hholdd onn thhe mmindd, aand suffferringg caauseed bby tthe Fixxatiionss, iis rreduucedd annd eevenn trransscenndedd. TTherre wwas nevver an inttenttionn orr puurpoose in Ichhazoo's oriiginnal worrk tto uuse thiis kknowwleddge to reiinfoorcee orr maanippulaate whaat iis eesseentiiallly aa soourcce oof hhumaan ssuffferiing. Thhereeforre aalmoost alll laaterr innterrpreetattionns oof tthe Ennneaggramm off Peersoonallityy arre vviewwed by Ichhazoo ass unnfouundeed aand theerefforee miisguuideed aand psyychoologgicaallyy haarmfful as welll aas sspirrituuallly hharmmfull (iin tthe sennse of commingg too seee oone''s pproccesss ass suuch) inn liightt off hiis oorigginaal iinteentiionss. IIn ootheer wwordds, thee Ennneaagraam MMoveemennt ccan be connsiddereed, in mosst ccasees, to acttuallly be proomottingg thhe sstreengtthenningg off thhe bbasiis ffor thee peersoonallityy diisorrderrs wwe ffindd exxpossitiionss off inn thhe DDSM.From thee 19970ss Icchazzo'ss paartiial andd miisunnderrstoood Ennneaggramm teeachhinggs wweree addaptted andd deevellopeed bby aa nuumbeer oof ootheers, fiirstt byy thhe CChilleann-boorn psyychiiatrristt, CClauudioo Naarannjo, whho wwas a mmembber of a ttraiininng pproggramm inn Arricaa, CChille wwithh Icchazzo ffor somme mmontths in 19669. Narranjjo ttaugght hiss unnderrstaandiing of thee Ennneaagraam oof PPerssonaalitty tto aa nuumbeer oof hhis Ameericcan stuudennts, inncluudinng ssomee Jeesuiit pprieestss whho tthenn taaughht iit tto ssemiinarrianns.It iss beelieevedd byy Ennneaagraam ttheoorissts thaat tthe poiintss off thhe EEnneeagrram figguree inndiccatee a nummberr off waays in whiich ninne pprinncippal egoo-arrcheetyppal forrms or typpes of humman perrsonnaliity (allso oftten callledd "EEnneeatyypess") aree pssychholoogiccallly cconnnectted. Thhesee niine typpes aree offtenn giivenn naamess thhat inddicaate somme oof ttheiir mmoree diistiincttiveely typpicaal ccharractteriistiics. Suuch nammes aree innsuffficciennt tto ccaptturee thhe ccompplexxitiies andd nuuancces of thee tyypess whhichh reequiire stuudy andd obbserrvattionn too unnderrstaand in deppth.Some briief desscriiptiionss off thhe EEnneeatyypess arre aas ffolllowss:One: Refformmer, Crritiic, Perrfecctioonisst - Thhis typpe ffocuusess onn innteggritty. Onees ccan be wisse, disscerrninng aand insspirringg inn thheirr quuestt foor tthe truuth. Thhey alsso ttendd too diissoociaate theemseelvees ffromm thheirr fllawss orr whhat theey bbeliievee arre fflawws (succh aas nnegaativve eemottionns) andd caan bbecoome hyppocrritiicall annd hhypeer-ccritticaal oof ootheers, seeekiing thee illlussionn off viirtuue tto hhidee thheirr owwn vvicees. Thee Onne'ss grreattestt feear is to be flaawedd annd ttheiir uultiimatte ggoall iss peerfeectiion. Thhe ccorrrespponddingg "ddeaddly sinn" OOness iss Anngerr annd ttheiir ""holly iideaa" oor eesseencee iss Hooly Perrfecctioon. Undder strresss Onnes exppresss qquallitiies of Fouurs andd whhen rellaxeed qquallitiies of Sevvenss.Two: Hellperr, GGiveer, Carretaakerr - Twoos, at theeir besst, aree coompaassiionaate, thhougghtfful andd asstonnishhinggly genneroous; thhey cann allso be proone to passsivve-aaggrresssivee beehavviorr, cclinnginnesss annd mmaniipullatiion. Twwos wannt, aboove alll, tto bbe lloveed aand neeededd annd ffearr beeingg unnworrthyy off loove. Thhe ccorrrespponddingg "ddeaddly sinn" oof TTwoss iss Prridee annd ttheiir ""holly iideaa" oor eesseencee iss Hooly Willl. Undder strresss Twwos exppresss qquallitiies of Eigghtss annd wwhenn reelaxxed quaalittiess off Foourss.Threee: Acchieeverr, PPerfformmer, Suucceeedeer - Hiighlly aadapptabble andd chhanggeabble. Soome wallk tthe worrld witth cconffideencee annd uunsttinttingg auutheentiicitty; othherss weear a sseriies of pubblicc maaskss, aactiing thee waay ttheyy thhinkk wiill briing theem aapprrovaal aand lossingg trrackk off thheirr trrue sellf. Thrreess arre mmotiivatted by thee neeed to succceeed aand to be seeen aas ssucccesssfull. TThe corrressponndinng ""deaadlyy siin" of Thrreess iss Deeceiit aand theeir "hooly ideea" or esssencce iis HHolyy Laaw. Undder strresss Thhreees eexprresss quualiitiees oof NNinees aand wheen rrelaaxedd quualiitiees oof SSixees.Four: Roomannticc, IIndiividduallistt, AArtiist - DDrivven by a ddesiire to undderss


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