Towarrds TTransslatiion SStrattegieesAnd TTheirr AppplicaationnWrittten bby Wuu JiaanghuuaSuperrviseed byy Proofesssor TTan WWeiguuoA Theesis Submmitteed tooForeiign LLanguuagess ColllegeeShangghai Normmal UUniveersittyIn Paartiaal Fuulfilllmennt off thee Reqquireementts foorThe DDegreee off Masster of AArts inEngliish LLinguuistiics aand LLiterraturreMay 22006论翻译策略略及其应用用作者:吴江江华导师:谭卫卫国 教授授上海师范大大学外国语学院院英语语言文文学硕士论论文2006年年5月AcknoowleddgemeentsMy moost ssinceere ggratiitudee shoould firsst goo to my ssuperrvisoor, PProf. Tann Weiiguo, whoose cconsttant encoouraggemennt, iillumminatting insttructtion and metiiculoous gguidaance havee greeatlyy conntribbutedd to the shapping of tthis thessis. It iis hee whoo hass guiided me iinto the acaddemicc fieeld oof trransllatioon annd itt is alsoo he who has insppiredd in me aa parrticuular inteerestt in trannslattion straategiies. He caarefuully readd thee varriouss draafts of mmy thhesiss andd proovideed mee witth innvaluuablee commmentts annd suuggesstionns. WWithoout hhis kkind helpp andd carrefull efffort, thiis thhesiss wouuld nnot bbe whhat iit apppearrs noow.I am alsoo greeatlyy inddebteed too Proof. CCai LLongqquan, froom whhose commmentss andd sugggesttionss I havve unndoubbtedlly beenefiited a grreat deall. Beesidees, II wouuld llike to eextennd myy apppreciiatioon too Proof. CChengg Xinnghuaa, Prrof. Su CChenggzhi, Proof. ZZhouzzhonggjie, andd Proof. DDeng Minggde, who havee alsso heelpedd me in oone wway oor annotheer. IIt waas thhrouggh thheir lectturess I hadd thee chaancess to acquuaintt mysself withh knoowleddge eessenntiall forr thiis thhesiss andd thaat I brooadenned mmy hoorizoons iin thhe fiield of ttransslatiion sstudiies, lingguisttics and liteeratuure. In addditiion, my tthankks allso ggo too alll thee othher tteachhers and my ddear frieends for theiir suupporrt annd enncourragemment duriing mmy thhree-yearr stuudy aas a posttgradduatee.Finallly, I deddicatte thhis tthesiis wiith llove and grattitudde too my famiily mmembeers, who are alwaays ttheree to givee me consstantt enccouraagemeent aand ssuppoort wwheneever I neeed. TTheirr lovve iss my perppetuaal trreasuure.AbstrractTransslatiion, whicch accts aas a briddge bbetweeen ddiffeerentt lannguagges aand ccultuures, conntribbutess siggnifiicanttly tto crross-cultturall commmuniicatiion. Duriing tthe pproceess oof trransllatioon, ttransslatoors aalwayys haave tto maake aa chooice of wwhichh traanslaationn strrateggy shhouldd be adoppted to ddeal withh thee difffereencess bettweenn thee SL-cultture and the TL-ccultuure. Domeesticcatioon annd fooreiggnizaationn aree twoo majjor ttransslatiion sstrattegiees. TThis thessis mmakess an atteempt to ddiscuuss tthe ttwo sstrattegiees annd thheir appllicattion fromm thee perrspecctivees off traanslaatoloogy, lingguisttics and inteercullturaal coommunnicattion.This thessis ffirstt surrveyss thee staatus quo of rreseaarchees cooncerrningg dommestiicatiion aand fforeiignizzatioon att homme annd abbroadd beffore it ppointts ouut thhe neecesssity of mmakinng fuurtheer sttudiees off theese ttwo mmajorr transslatiion sstrattegiees. NNext, thee theesis expooundss thee rellatioonshiip beetweeen laanguaage aand ccultuure aand tthat betwween cultture and trannslattion. Theen, iit diiscussses at llengtth thhe twwo trransllatioon sttrateegiess, inncludding theiir deefiniitionns, aa commparaativee stuudy, dispputess in histtory, currrentt stuudiess, annd thhe auuthorrs oppinioons. The thessis ccontiinuess to deall witth suuch nnegleectedd facctorss as may inflluencce thhe trransllatorrs chhoicee of trannslattion straategiies: the typee of the sourrce ttext (ST), thhe trransllatioon puurposses, the leveel off thee inttendeed reeaderrs, tthe ssociaal annd hiistorricall bacckgroound, thee traanslaators atttituude aand sso onn. Finallly, fromm thee linnguisstic and cultturall perrspecctivees, tthe tthesiis maakes a coomparrativve sttudy of tthe aappliicatiion oof doomestticattion and foreeigniizatiion bby annalyzzing typiical exammpless froom thhe twwo Ennglissh veersioons oof Hoong LLou MMeng trannslatted bby Yaang XXianyyi annd Daavid Hawkkes rrespeectivvely. The tthesiis cooncluudes thatt theese ttwo ttransslatiion sstrattegiees haave ttheirr resspecttive featturess andd appplicaable valuue.Itt is sinccerelly hooped thatt thiis reesearrch iinto trannslattion straategiies wwill enliighteen trransllatorrs annd maake aa litttle conttribuutionn to the prossperiity oof trransllatioon sttudiees annd trransllatioon prractiice iin Chhina.Key wwordss: trransllatioon sttrateegy; domeesticcatioon; fforeiignizzatioon; aappliicatiion摘 要翻译作为沟沟通不同语语言与文化化的桥梁,在在跨文化交交际中起着着不可或缺缺的作用。译译者在翻译译的过程中中总会面临临翻译策略略的选择。翻翻译策略是是指译者在在处理源语语与译语语语言文化差差异时所用用的方法。在在翻译中有有两种基本本策略:归归化和异化化。本文主主要从翻译译学、语言言学和跨文文化交际的的角度来讨讨论这两种种翻译策略略以及他们们的应用。首先,文章章概述了国国内外翻译译界对归化化与异化研研究的现状状并指出继继续深入研研究的必要要性;接着着论述了语语言、文化化与翻译之之间的相互互关系;然然后系统地地讨论归化化和异化这这两种翻译译策略,包包括他们的的定义,历历史上的有有关争论和和当前的研研究现状,并并阐述了作作者的观点点。接下来来本文讨论论了影响译译者选择翻翻译策略的的因素,例例如:文本本类型、目目标语读者者的水平、翻翻译的社会会历史背景景、译者的的翻译的目目的及其文文化态度等等等。作者者试图通过过对这些因因素进行详详细分析,并并结合具体体例子,分分别从语言言和文化层层面对中国国古典名著著红楼梦梦的两个个英译本中中归化与异异化的应用用进行比较较研究(杨杨宪益译本本和霍克斯斯译本),来来论证异化化与归化看看似矛盾,实实则相互补补充的辩证证关系;异异化和归化化因其各具具特点,在在不同情况况下都有其其存在的价价值,过于于强调其中中的一种是是片面的,不不科学的;译者应该该根据文本本类型、翻翻译目的和和读者水平平等因素来来选择合适适的翻译策策略,绝对对归化和绝绝对异化都都是行不通通的。希望本文对对翻译策略略的研究能能够给译者者以启发,并并达到进一一步加强和和丰富翻译译理论、指指导翻译实实践的目的的。关键词:翻翻译策略;归化;异异化;应用用Tablee of ConttentssACKNOOWLEDDGEMEENTSIIABSTRRACTII摘要IIIITABLEE OF CONTTENTSSIVCHAPTTER 11 INNTRODDUCTIION11.1 The Cultturall Turrn inn thee Stuudy oof Trransllatioon11.2 Stattus QQuo oof Sttudiees off Dommestiicatiion aand FForeiignizzatioon31.3 The Purppose, Siggnifiicancce annd thhe Frramewwork of tthe TThesiis4CHAPTTER 22 LAANGUAAGE, CULTTURE AND TRANNSLATTION662.1 Thee Rellatioonshiip Beetweeen Laanguaage aand CCultuure62.2 The Relaationnshipp Bettweenn Cullturee andd Traanslaationn72.3 Trannslattabillity and “Unttransslataabiliity” of CCultuure8CHAPTTER 33 TOOWARDDS DOOMESTTICATTION AND FOREEIGNIIZATIION1113.1 Defiinitiions of DDomessticaationn andd Forreignnizattion1113.2 Domeesticcatioon annd Fooreiggnizaationn Vs Freee Traanslaationn andd Litterall Traanslaationn133.3 The Dispputess oveer Doomestticattion and Foreeigniizatiion iin Hiistorry153.3.11 Thhe Diisputtes iin Chhina1153.3.22 Thhe Diisputtes AAbroaad193.4 Currrent Studdies of DDomessticaationn andd Forreignnizattion2213.5 The Authhorss Unddersttandiing oof Doomestticattion and Foreeigniizatiion2443.5.11 Whhy Haave tthe DDispuutes Alwaays BBeen Goinng onn?243.5.22 Addvanttagess andd Dissadvaantagges oof Doomestticattion and Foreeigniizatiion255CHAPTTER 44 FAACTORRS INNFLUEENCINNG TRRANSLLATORRS SSELECCTIONN OF TRANNSLATTION STRAATEGIIES2774.1 Typees off Texxt284.2 Sociial aand CCultuural Backkgrouund3224.2.11 Soociall Bacckgroound3324.2.22 Cuulturral BBackggrounnd344.3 Targget LLanguuage Readders3364.4 The Subjjectiive FFactoors IInfluuenciing TTransslatiion SStrattegiees384.4.11 Puurposse off Traanslaator3384.4.22 Trransllatorrs AAttittude339CHAPTTER 55 THHE APPPLICCATIOON OFF THEE TWOO STRRATEGGIES TO TTHE TTWO EENGLIISH VVERSIIONS OF HHONG LOU MENGG415.1 A Gllimpsse off Honng Loou Meeng aand IIts EEngliish VVersiions4415.2 The Reassons for Chooosingg Theese TTwo EEngliish VVersiions of HHong Lou Mengg425.3 A Coomparrativve Sttudy of tthe TTwo VVersiions of HHong Lou Mengg435.3.11 Liinguiisticc Levvel4335.3.11.1 Vocaabulaary4335.3.11.2 Grammmatiical Struucturre475.3.22 Cuulturral LLevell495.3.22.1 Ecollogiccal CCultuure4995.3.22.2 Mateeriall Cullturee515.3.22.3 Sociial CCultuure5225.3.22.4 Reliigiouus Cuulturre555.3.22.5 Langguagee Cullturee575.4 Summmary559CHAPTTER 66 COONCLUUSIONN60BIBLIIOGRAAPHY662Chaptter 11 InntrodductiionNowaddays, witth thhe raapid deveelopmment of ssciennce aand ttechnnologgy annd thhe inncreaasingg inttercoonnecctednness of tthe iinterrnatiionall ecoonomiic annd cuulturral ssysteems, the worlld iss getttingg smaallerr andd smaallerr andd beccominng a globbal vvillaage. Commmuniccatioon ammong the peopple iin thhe glloball villlagee is growwing moree andd morre frrequeent. Trannslattion, as a meeans of ttranssferrring langguagees ass welll ass cullturees, iis pllayinng ann inccreassinglly immporttant rolee in the globbalizzatioon, wwhichh alsso giives a grreat impeetus to tthe ddevellopmeent oof ciiviliizatiion.1.1 The Cultturall Turrn inn thee Stuudy oof TrransllatioonFor ccentuuriess, thhe sttudiees off traanslaationn havve beeen ssubsuumed undeer eiitherr of two diffferennt suubjeccts oor diiscipplinees: llinguuistiics aand ccompaaratiive lliterraturre. TTradiitionnal ttransslatiion sstudiies mmainlly innvolvve thhe coompreehenssion and critticissm off thee oriiginaal teext aand iits ttransslatiion. Mostt pappers on ttransslatiion ffocuss on lingguisttic aanalyysis and texttual compparisson. Trannslattion evenn hass beeen seeen aas a segmment or ssub-ffieldd of linguuistiics oon thhe baasic premmise thatt traanslaationn is a kindd of commmuniccatioon beetweeen twwo laanguaages, andd thee objject of ttransslatiion sstudyy is to aachieeve aa kinnd off graammatticall or synttactiical equiivaleence. Beffore 19700s, tthe sstudyy of trannslattion occuupiedd a mminorr corrner of aappliied llinguuistiics, an eeven moree minnor ccorneer off litterarry sttudiees, aand llittlle poositiion aat alll inn thee cullturaal sttudiees. But sshorttly aafterrwardds, iit beegan to bbe nooticeed thhat ttransslatiion iis noot meerelyy “the repllacemment of ttextuual mmaterrial in oone llanguuage (souurce langguagee) byy equuivallent mateeriall in anotther langguagee (taargett lannguagge)” (JJ. C. Cattfordd, 19965:220). Hanss Verrmeerr, a Germman ttransslatoor, oonce propposedd hiss unddersttandiing oof trransllatioon frrom aa cullturaal peerspeectivve ass “infoormattion offeered in aa lannguagge z of ccultuure ZZ whiich iimitaates infoormattion offeered in llanguuage a off cullturee A sso ass to fulffill the desiired funcctionn. That meanns thhat aa traanslaationn is not the ttransscodiing oof woords or ssenteencess froom onne laanguaage iinto anotther, butt a ccompllex aactioon inn whiich ssome one provvidess infformaationn aboout aa texxt unnder new funcctionnal, cultturall andd linnguisstic condditioons aand iin a new situuatioon, wwhereeby fformaal chharaccteriisticcs arre immitatted aas faar ass posssiblle” (Haans VVermeeer, 19866:36). In a broaad seense, alll humman aactivvitiees arre cuulturral aactivvitiees. TTransslatiion iis noo excceptiion. Chriistiaane NNord usess thee nottion of “inteercullturaal coommunnicattion” in steaad off “trannslattion”; Hoolz-MMantttari usess “inteercullturaal coooperratioon” to refeer too traanslaationn; R. Danniel Shaww coiins tthe wword “trannscullturaationn” to repllace trannslattion; Anddre LLefevvere viewws trransllatioon ass a kkind of “accuulturratioon” (Guuo, 11998:12). Furrtherrmoree, Laance Hewsson aand JJackyy Marrtin (19991:1331-1335), whille coonsidderinng thhe trransllatorr as “cultturall opeeratoor”, cllaim thatt “cultturall equuatioon shhouldd be an eessenntiall parrt off traanslaationn theeory and praccticee aliike.”In 19990, Susaan Baassneett aand AAndree Leffeverre weere tthe ffirstt to sugggest thatt traanslaationn stuudiess takke thhe “Cultturall turrn”, whhich markks a shifft off empphasiis inn traanslaationn stuudiess froom thhe liinguiisticc anaalysiis too thee brooaderr isssues of cconteext, histtory and convventiion iin thheir co-eediteed woorks of TTransslatiion / Hisstoryy / CCultuure: A Soourceebookk:Once uponn a ttime, thee queestioons tthat weree alwways beinng assked weree “How can trannslattion be ttaughht?” andd “How can trannslattion be sstudiied?” Thoose wwho rregarrded themmselvves aas trransllatorrs weere ooftenn conntempptuouus off anyy atttemptts too teaach ttransslatiion, whillst tthosee whoo claaimedd to teacch offten did not trannslatte, aand sso haad too ressort to tthe oold eevaluuativve meethodd of settting one trannslattion alonngsidde annotheer annd exxaminning bothh in a foormallist vacuuum. Now, thee queestioons hhave channged. Thee objject of sstudyy hass beeen reedefiined; whaat iss stuudiedd is the textt embbeddeed inn itss nettworkk of bothh souurce and targget ccultuural signns annd inn thiis waay Trransllatioon Sttudiees haas beeen aable to uutiliize tthe llinguuistiic appproaach aand tto moove oout bbeyonnd itt (20004:1123). They mainntainn thaat thhe sttudy of ttransslatiion iis thhe sttudy of ccultuural inteeracttion. Traanslaationn is neveer doone iin a vacuuum. Neithher ddoes the writter nnor tthe ttransslatoor opperatte inn a vvacuuum; tthey are the prodductss of a paarticcularr cullturee, off a ppartiiculaar moomentt in timee. Increeasinngly, theere iis a movee towwardss cullturaal sttudiees inn thee fieeld oof trransllatioon siince no ttransslatoor caan esscapee froom cuulturral cconsttrainns annd trransllatioon thheoryy cann nevver bbe alll-arroundd witthoutt cullturaal sttudiees. TTransslatiion sstudiies hhave moveed onn froom enndlesss deebatees abbout “equiivaleence” to disccussiion oof thhe faactorrs innvolvved iin teext pproduuctioon accrosss linnguisstic bounndariies. They go ttowarrds aa greeaterr awaareneess oof thhe innternnatioonal conttext and the needd to balaance locaal wiith gglobaaldisscourrses. Undooubteedly thiss brooadenned tthe vvisioon off traanslaationn stuudy.1.2 Stattus QQuo oof Sttudiees off Dommestiicatiion aand FForeiignizzatioonSincee thee “Cultturall Turrn” in the studdy off traanslaationn, thhere is aa neww treend iin thhe fiield: cullturee-oriienteed trransllatioon, wwhichh vieews ttransslatiion nnot oonly as aan innter-linggual commmuniccatioon buut allso aas ann intter-ccultuural commmuniccatioon byy meaans oof whhich cultture of oone llanguuage can be aand sshoulld bee traansmiittedd intto thhat oof annotheer. EE. A. Nidda thhinkss thaat “for trully suuccesssfull traanslaatingg, biicultturallism is eeven moree impportaant tthan biliinguaalismm, siince wordds onnly hhave meanning in ttermss of the cultturess in whicch thhey ffuncttion” (Niida, 20011:82). Trransllatioon iss in its esseence a kiind oof innterccultuural commmuniccatioon annd iss clooselyy rellatedd to culttur