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    国际著名酒店娱乐部程序(英文)-15 ACTIVITIES.274-29314593.docx

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    国际著名酒店娱乐部程序(英文)-15 ACTIVITIES.274-29314593.docx

    PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd) Praactiice i)Thenn, aagaiin uusinng ffloaats if avaailaablee, tthe chiildrren willl ttry twoo wiidthhs oor llenggthss ussingg arrm aactiion onlly. Thiis iis qquitte ddiffficuult andd enncouuraggemeent shoouldd bee giivenn. Summmarry aand Queestiionss j ) Thee innstrructtor willl tthenn suummaarizze tthe infformmatiion givven on thee arrm sstrooke andd assk aa feew qquesstioons.At tthiss sttagee thhe aarm strrokee annd tthe legg kiick willl bbe bbrouughtt toogettherr annd cchilldreen wwilll trry aa feew widtths whiile conncenntraatinng oon bbothh. TThe insstruuctoor wwilll giive advvicee annd eencoouraagemmentt. TThe bettterr pupiils willl aat tthiss sttagee bee dooingg leengtths whiile thee ottherrs wwilll too wiidthhs.Thiss brreakk doown insstruuctiionss shhoulld llastt 355 too 400 miinuttes. Thhe ffinaal 220 mminuutess wiill be useed ffor a ffew gammes. Thheree shhoulld bbe aa seelecctioon ffromm thhe ffolllowiing:1. A haandiicapp raace.2. A diivinng ccomppetiitioon.3. A huunt forr sppoonns tthroown intto tthe poool.4. A reelayy raace or anyy ottherr fuun eevennt wwhicch ddoessnt pprommotee tooo mmuchh nooisee annd iis ssafee.It ccannnot be strresssed heaavilly eenouugh howw immporrtannt ssafeety is in thiis aactiivitty. Thee innstrructtor musst bbe aawarre oof tthe neeed ffor connstaant andd efffecctivve mmoniitorringg off alll cchilldreen.Chilldreen mmay neeed eencoouraagemmentt too paartiicippatee annd ttheyy allso neeed pposiitivve ffeeddbacck aat eeachh sttagee.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: CCARRRYINNG OOUT THEE CHHILDDRENNS QQUIZZSTANNDARRD: EACCH EEMPLLOYEEE WWILLL HAAVE A KKNOWWLEDDGE OF THEE ACCTIVVITYY ANND TTHE ABIILITTY TTO CCARRRY IIT OOUTPROCCEDUURE:The chiildrrens qquizz iss ann acctivvityy whhichh maay bbe uusedd ass ann allterrnattivee too thhe ttaleent shoow, or as a wwet weaatheer aactiivitty. Thee emmphaasiss wiill be on enjjoymmentt.Intrroduuctiion1. Takee chhilddrenn too thhe aareaa.2. Arraangee thhem in teaams.3. Asseemblle sscorrebooardd.4. Expllainn ruuless annd ssequuencce oof rrounnds.5. Inveent teaam nnamees aand eleect capptaiins.Conttentt6. Begiin bby hhaviing a ggeneerall rooundd off quuesttionns.7. Thenn haave a ffew theeme rouundss suuch as, quuesttionns ffor diffferrentt agge ggrouups, foor bboyss, ffor teaam ccapttainns eetc.8. The nexxt rrounnd wwoulld bbe aa maasteermiind rouund, hiighllighhtinng oone froom eeachh teeam.9. The fouurthh rooundd coouldd innvollve parrticcipaatioon peerhaaps sinnginng aa soong or runnninng fforwwardd wiith an ansswerr orr soome othher forrm oof ppartticiipattionn.10. The nexxt rrounnd ccoulld bbe tthe tallkinng ffor a mminuute rooundd.Difffereent rouundss coouldd bee adddedd deepenndinng oon tthe levvelss annd iinteeressts of thee chhilddrenn. MMaxiimumm paartiicippatiion shoouldd bee enncouuragged at alll tiimess.The eveent durratiionss onne hhourr annd tthe rouundss shhoulld bbe pplannnedd soo ass too ennd oon ttimee wiith enooughh tiime forr ann annnouunceemennt oof wwinnnerss annd aa cllearr cooncllusiion. Thhe ssucccesss off thhe eevennt wwoulld ddepeend enttireely on thee innstrructtor andd hiis/hher abiilitty tto iimprroviise efffecttiveely.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: CCARRRYINNG OOUT THEE CHHILDDRENNS SSCAVVENGGER HUNNT AAND CRAAB RRACEESTANNDARRD: ALLL STTAFFF MUUST BE ABLLE TTO SSUCCCESSSFULLLY CARRRY OUTT THHIS EVEENTPROCCEDUURE:The orgganiisattionn off thhis eveent is simmilaar tto tthe Treeasuure hunnt. It willl bbe hheldd frrom 4.330 tto 66.000 p.m. iniitiaallyy, aand chiildrren willl mmeett att thhe bbeacch bburee.Equiipmeent neeededd a simmplee haandoout whiich menntioons artticlles to be fouund andd taaskss too doo. AAlsoo neeedeed aare baggs tto ccarrry ffinddinggs iin , peenciils, annd oone marrkerr. TThe staagess arre llikee thhe ttreaasurre hhuntt:1. Ensuure alll chhilddrenn knnow aboout thee evventt eaarliier in thee daay.2. Intrroduuctiion of rulles andd taaskss.3. Expllainn thhat onee hoour maxximuum iis aalloowedd foor ccompplettionn off thhe ttaskks. Chiildrren agaain opeeratte iin ppairrs aand musst sstayy onn thhe SSherratoon ggrouundss.4. On ccompplettionn off thhe eevennt, thee diiscooverriess wiill be loookedd att annd tthe craabs willl bbe ggiveen aa nuumbeer.5. A wiinneer wwilll bee chhoseen.6. The craab rracee iss thhen staarteed uusinng aa ciirclle aand by putttinng aall craabs in thee ceentrre. Thee wiinneer iis tthe firrst outt off thhe ccirccle. Thhis seccondd paart of thee acctivvityy wiill be verry iinfoormaal aand shoouldd laast unttil appproxximaatelly 77. pp.m.As iin tthe treeasuure hunnt, entthussiassm iis tthe maiin rrequuireemennt oof tthe insstruuctoor. Thee roole is minnimaal bbut verry iimpoortaant.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: OORGAANIZZINGG THHE CCHILLDREENS PPAINNTINNG CCOMPPETIITIOONSTANNDARRD: ALLL STTAFFF SHHOULLD KKNOWW THHE AACTIIVITTY AAND BE ABLLE TTO OORGAANIZZE IIT.PROCCEDUURE:Thiss acctivvityy wiill lasst oone houur oonlyy. IIt wwilll bee caarriied outt inndooors at an unsspeccifiied loccatiion. Meeetiing plaace is thee Beeachh Buure.The equuipmmentt neeedeed iinclludees, paiint , ppenss , bruushees, larrge andd smmalll paaperr, ppenccilss ettc.The staagess arre aas ffolllowss:1. Intrroduuctiion andd exxplaanattionn thhis wouuld havve tto iinvoolvee loots of enccourrageemennt aand proomottionn off iddealls peerhaaps a tthemme.2. Giviing outt off eqquippmennt.3. Commmenccemeent.4. Compplettionn.5. Disccusssionn annd pposiitivve ffeeddbacck a vottingg syysteem ffor thee chhoicce oof wwinnner.The insstruuctoors rolle wwilll bee viitall. EEncoouraagemmentt shhoulld bbe ggiveen aat aall timmes. Hee shhoulld hhavee iddeass annd bbe aablee too mootivvatee chhilddrenn too prroduuce a ppictturee.The marrkinng oof tthe endd reesullt iis vveryy immporrtannt. Onlly pposiitivve cconsstruuctiion shoouldd bee giivenn. WWhenn deeciddingg onn a winnnerr, aalloow cchilldreens iinpuut ffirsst.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: TTAKIING THEE MOORNIING JOGG ORR WAALKSTANNDARRD: EACCH AATTEENDAANT MUSST BBE FFIT ENOOUGHH TOO CAARRYY ITT OUUT WWITHH EAASE ANDD BEE ENNTERRTAIININNG EENOUUGH TO MAKKE IIT EENJOOYABBLE.PROCCEDUURE:The morrninng jjog or wallk wwilll bee prreceededd byy thhe ppre sttrettch. Thhis willl bbe hheldd neear thee poool or on thee beeachh. TThe meeetinng pplacce ffor thee acctivvityy iss thhe mmainn poool at 7.330 aa. mm. ffor aduultss annd aat 88.300 a.m. forr chhilddrenn. DDuraatioon oof tthe acttiviity is onee hoour.The typpes of morrninng aactiivitty:The acttiviity cann taake 3 fformms ffor aduultss:1. Mornningg beeachh joog.2. Mornningg beeachh waalk.3. Scennic morrninng wwalkk arrounnd tthe prooperrty.For chiildrren, thhe aactiivitty ccoulld bbe aany of thee foolloowinng:4. Mornningg beeachh joog.5. Mornningg beeachh waalk.6. Explloriing thee prropeertyy.7. Shelll hhunttingg.8. Chilldreens mmeettingg.PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd)Thinngs to be awaare of :Beacch JJog:For thee beeachh joog, thee innstrructtor shoouldd bee awwaree off evveryyonees nneedds aand sett off meediuum ppacee. HHe sshouuld cheeck alll guuestts aare OK at inttervvalss. IIf nneceessaary, a pullse cheeck shoouldd bee maade aloong thee waay.Beacch WWalkk:For thee beeachh waalk, thhe iinsttrucctorr shhoulld aagaiin kkeepp a meddiumm paace andd enngagge iin cconvverssatiion witth tthe grooup or inddiviiduaallyy. IInfoormaalitty sshouuld be strresssed.The sceenicc waalk arooundd thhe pproppertty sshouuld be simmilaar tto tthe beaach wallk, butt sppeciificc pllacees oof iinteeresst sshouuld be poiinteed oout. Thhis wouuld be thee saame witth tthe chiildrrens “expplorringg thhe pproppertty aactiivitty.”Shelll hhunttingg:Thiss iss a chiildrrens aactiivitty aand wouuld invvolvve wwalkkingg allongg thhe bbeacch. Sheellss woouldd bee keept andd coompaaredd att thhe eend of thee waalk.Chilldreens mmeettingg:Thiss acctivvityy iss aiimedd att prrepaarinng ffor thee taalennt sshoww inn thhe eevenningg. TThe ideea iis tto eencoouraage chiildrren to parrticcipaate andd too suuggeest wayys iin wwhicch ttheyy miightt coontrribuute. Thhe sshoww shhoulld bbe mmadee innto a pproggrammme andd reeheaarseed iin tthe earrly morrninng hhourr.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: CCARRRYINNG OOUT THEE PRRE STTRETTCH CLAASS BEFFOREE THHE EEARLLY MMORNNINGG ACCTIVVITYYSTANNDARRD: THEE INNSTRRUCTTOR MUSST IINSTTRUCCT CCLEAARLYY, BBE CCONTTINUUOUSS, AAND PROOMOTTE EENJOOYMEENT OF THEE ACCTIVVITYY. TTHE STRRETCCHESS MUUST BE DONNE BBY TTHE INSSTRUUCTOOR.PROCCEDUURE:Streetchhingg iss viitall foor ggetttingg blloodd innto thee muusclles andd ennsurringg aggainnst pulllinng oor sstraainiing. Thhe ppre sttrettch takkes plaace befforee thhe mmornningg joog oor wwalkk annd iis aavaiilabble forr chhilddrenn orr addultts. Carre mmustt bee taakenn inn taakinng aa sttrettch acttiviity in thee foolloowinng wway:1. All strretcchess shhoulld bbe ddonee grraduuallly.2. No fforccingg orr jeerkiing of thee boody is to be enccourrageed.3. The siddes of thee boody shoouldd bee sttrettcheed eequaallyy.4. Breaathiing shoouldd coontiinuee ass noormaal aand no holldinng oof bbreaath shoouldd bee enncouuragged.5. Eachh inndivviduual shoouldd doo eaach strretcch tto ttheiir oown abiilitty aand shoouldd noot ccomppetee anny pprevviouus aacciidennts or dissabiilittiess guuestts hhavee haad sshouuld be takken intto cconssideerattionn.Afteer ggetttingg a grooup toggethher thee innstrructtor willl iintrroduuce himmsellf aand expplaiin tthatt hee wiill be doiing a ffew simmplee sttrettchees bbefoore thee acctivvityy annd hhe wwoulld llikee alll gguessts to joiin iin aand coppy tthe movvemeentss. IIt sshouuld be expplaiinedd thhat thee sttrettchees aare dessignned to allleviiatee anny mmusccle sorreneess or pottenttiall daamagge wwhicch mmay occcur durringg thhe jjog or wallk.PROCCEDUURESS: (conntinnuedd)The strretcchess wiill takke 110 tto 115 mminuutess annd wwilll cooverr thhe ffolllowiing areeas:45. Necck.46. Uppper bacck aand cheest.47. Armms aand siddes.48. Abddomiinalls.49. Quaads andd annklees.50. Callvess annd aanklles.51. Breeathhingg.Atteentiion shoouldd bee giivenn too eaach areea aand it shoouldd bee poointted outt too thhe gguesst wwhatt arrea is beiing strretcchedd.Uponn coomplletiion, thhe jjog or wallk ccanccommmentted.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: CCLEAANINNG OOF AALLBBEACCH AAND POOOL CCHAIIRSSTANNDARRD: CHAAIRSS MUUST BE DIRRT FFREEE ANND CCLEAAREDD ATT LEEASTT TWWICEE DAAILYY.PROCCEDUURE:1. The atttenddantt sttarttingg thhe ssecoond shiift willl pprocceedd too thhe bbeacch aafteer ccompplettingg thhe ccleaaninng oof aall pooolsiide louungee chhairrs, acccomppaniied by thee fiirstt shhiftt atttenndannt.2. Cleaaninng eequiipmeent willl bbe ccarrriedd too thhe bbeacch ffromm thhe bbeacch bburee orr poool rooom.3. Starrtinng aat ooppoositte eendss off thhe bbeacch, thee atttenndannts willl ccleaan aall beaach chaairss, ttopss, aand botttomms uusinng aa deeterrgennt, bucckett, aand wett cllothh.4. Folllowiing thiis, chaairss wiill be driied usiing a ddry clooth andd pllaceed iin ssuittablle pposiitioons forr guuestts tto ssee wheen ttheyy arrisee . no detterggentt wiill be lefft oon cchaiirs.5. If ttidee iss hiigh, chhairrs aare to be lefft aabovve bbreaakwaaterr waall. Iff tiide is loww, hhalff thhe cchaiirs mayy bee liifteed ddownn onnto thee beeachh annd aarraangeed nniceely. Iff inn dooubtt, lleavve cchaiirs aboove breeakwwateer.6. Any chaairss puut ddownn onnto beaach aree thhe rrespponssibiilitty oof tthe beaach atttenddantt whho pplacced theem annd hhe sshouuld eittherr reemovve tthemm att thhe eend of thee daay, or makke tthe neccesssaryy arrranngemmentts wwithh annothher atttenddantt.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JOOB CCATEEGORRY: EQUUIPMMENTT SUUPERRVISSORHEADD: G. M. APPPROVVAL: DATTE:TASKK: CCLEAANINNG OOF HHOBIIE CCATSS, SSAILLBOAARDSS, OOTHEER CCRAFFT IINCLLUDIING ALLL EQQUIPPMENNTSTANNDARRD: EQUUIPMMENTT MUUST ALWWAYSS BEE INN A CLEEAN CONNDITTIONNPROCCEDUURE:7. All craaft musst bbe ccleaanedd twwicee daailyy. OOncee eaarlyy inn thhe mmornningg, aand oncce aat ssunsset.8. Cleaaninng eequiipmeent musst bbe ccolllectted froom tthe beaach burre oor tthe swiim ppooll pllatee rooom as sooon aas tthe poool ccleaaninng iis ccomppletted.9. Hobiie ccatss, ssaillboaardss, aand othher craaft musst bbe ttakeen ddownn onn too thhe bbeacch tto pprepparee foor ccleaaninng. In thee evventt off a higgh ttidee orr immpenndinng hhighh tiide, booatss wiill be cleeaneed aabovve tthe breeakwwateer wwalll. AAtteendaantss muust


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