TRAINING MANAGERS TO TRAINA Praactiicall Guuidee Too Immproove Empployyee PerrforrmannceBrothher Herrmann E. Zaaccaarellli, C.S.CC.CREDIITSEditoor: MICCHAEEL CCrisspDesiggnerr: CCarool HHarrrisTypessetttingg: IInteerfaace StuudiooCoverr Deesiggn: Carrol HarrrissArtwoork: Raalphh MaapsoonAll rrighhts resservved. Noo paart of thiis bbookk maay bbe rreprroduucedd orr trranssmitttedd inn anny fformm orr byy anny mmeanns nnow knoown or to be invventted, ellecttronnic or mecchannicaal, inccluddingg phhotoocoppyinng, reccorddingg, oor bby aany infformmatiion stooragge oor rretrrievval sysstemm wiithoout wriitteen ppermmisssionn frrom thee auuthoor oor ppubllishher, exxceppt ffor thee brrieff inncluusioon oof qquottatiionss inn a revvieww.Copyrrighht 119988 byy Brrothher Herrmann E. Zaaccaarellli, C.S.CC.Printted in thee Unniteed SStattes of AmeericcaCrispp boookss arre ddisttribbuteed iin CCanaada by Reiid PPubllishhingg, LLtd.,P.O.BBox 72667, Oakkvillle, Onntarrio, Caanadda LL6j 6L66In Auustrraliia bby CCareeer Buiildeers, P.O.BBox 10551 SSpriingwwoodd,Brisbbanee, QQueeensllandd, AAusttrallia 41227.And iin NNew Zeaalannd bby CCareeer Buiildeers, P.O.BBox 5711,Manurrewaa, NNew Zeaalannd.Libraary of Conngreess Cattaloog CCardd Nuumbeer 887-7731883Zaccaarellli, Heermaan EE.Trainningg Maanaggerss Too TrrainnISBN 0-99319961-43-2PREFAACEManaggerss att alll oorgaanizzatiionaal lleveels, whhethher theey oown theeir ownn buusinnesss orr woork forr soomeoone elsse, musst ssupeerviise peooplee. DDonee coorreectlly, eveeryoone bennefiits andd thhe mmanaagerr wiill recceivve ccreddit forr a jobb weell donne. If, onn thhe ootheer hhandd, eemplloyeees aree noot mmanaagedd efffecctivvelyy, nno oone willl bbeneefitt, aand thee maanagger willl qquiccklyy geet tthe blaame! Thhe ttaskk off diirecctinng ppeopple at worrk iis nnot eassy bbecaausee emmplooyeees, as humman beiingss, aare verry ccompplexx. HHoweeverr, eemplloyeees cannnott peerfoorm welll oon tthe jobb noo maatteer hhow harrd ttheyy trry aand reggarddlesss oof hhow mucch ttheyy waant to unttil theey kknoww whhat theey aare supppossed to do andd hoow ttheyy arre ssuppposeed tto ddo iit. A wwelll-deevellopeed ttraiininng pproggramm adddreessees bbothh off thhesee isssuees.TRAINNINGG MAANAGGERSS TOO TRRAINN foocusses on ansswerringg thhe qquesstioon: Howw exxacttly doees aa maanagger preeparre ffor, pllan, prreseent, annd ffolllow up on traainiing proograams dessignned to yieeld commpettentt emmplooyeees? Thee annsweer tto tthiss quuesttionn iss prreseenteed iin tthe pagges whiich follloww.Trainningg prrogrramss caan bbe ffun to devveloop aand to preesennt. Andd thhey cann maake a ssignnifiicannt ddifffereencee inn yoour orgganiizattionns succcesss. Reaaderrs wwilll fiind thiis bbookk eaasy to reaad aand usee. TThe efffortts sspennt llearrninng aabouut ttraiininng bby pputttingg thhe bbasiic pprinncippless inn thhis boook tto wworkk caan bbe rrewaardiing to eveeryoone-mannageemennt, empployyeess, aand cusstommerss.Weree exxcitted to briing thiis mmateeriaal tto yyou. Wee hoope youu ennjoyy ussingg itt. TTurnn thhe ppagee annd llets gget staarteed!ABOUTT THHIS BOOOKWhy wwilll leearnningg frrom thiis bbookk bee innterresttingg annd ffun? Beecauuse youu arre nnot goiing to jusst rreadd itt; yyou aree gooingg too usse iit! Youulll bee woorkiing witth aa peenciil oor ppen as mucch aas yyoull be reaadinng. In thee prroceess, yooulll llearrn mmoree beecauuse theere willl bbe ooppoortuunittiess too appplyy whhat youu arre llearrninng.This proograam iis ddesiigneed ffor youu iff:-Youu arre aaspiirinng tto bbecoome a mmanaagerr annd wwantt too leearnn moore aboout thee maany requiiremmentts oof mmanaaginng.-Youu arre aalreeadyy a mannageer aand wannt tto llearrn mmoree abboutt trrainningg.-Youu arre aa trrainner andd waant to gett soome ideeas aboout proograams whiich cann bee ussed to heelp othher peooplee leearnn hoow tto ttraiin.-Youu arre aa sttudeent andd waant to leaarn morre aabouut tthe insstruuctiionaal ddesiign asppectts of trrainningg.In adddittionn too ussingg thhis boook aas yyou worrk tthrooughh itt, yyou willl aalsoo bee abble to usee itt laaterr. IIf yyou enccounnterr a proobleem tthatt caan bbe aaddrresssed thrrouggh ttraiininng ooncee yoou aare bacck oon-tthe-jobb, tthiss boook willl pprovvidee a revvieww off teechnniquues whiich willl hhelpp yoou ddeveelopp annd iimpllemeent traainiing proograams.This boook iis ppartt off thhe “FFIFTTY-MMINUUTE” SERRIESS. TThiss immpliies youu caan wworkk yoour wayy thhrouugh it in onee seessiion. Yoou wwilll prrobaablyy fiind it hellpfuul tto ffolllow up youur iinittiall acctivvityy wiith a mmoree deetaiiledd sttudyy off seelecctedd paartss ass yoou aactuuallly ddeveelopp trrainningg prrogrramss. IIn eeffeect, thhen, thhis boook iis aa “rreciipe” to shoow yyou, inn a steep-bby-sstepp maanneer, howw too trrainn.DEDICCATIIONThis boook iis ddediicatted to:Dr. aand Mrss. LLewiis JJ. MMinoorAndGeorgge aand Tooodiee Stt. LLaurrenttWe reead in ourr daailyy neewsppapeer aabouut bbusiinesss eexeccutiivess whho ttakee addvanntagge oof ttheiir pposiitioons to expploiit ootheers.At thhe ssamee tiime, thheree arre eexceeptiionaal eentrreprreneeurss wiith higgh eethiicall sttanddardds aand succcesssfuul bbusiinesssess. TThesse iindiividdualls rrareely makke nnewss buut ttheiir qquallityy off liife is an insspirratiion to bussineess commmunnityy.Dr. aand Mrss. LLewiis MMinoor aand Geoorgee annd TTooddie St. Laaureent aree suuch peooplee.They insspirred me to “taake thee leess traavelled roaad” andd beecauuse of thee sttanddardds ttheyy seet, my serrvicce tto hhumaankiind hass beeen ricchlyy bllesssed.Brothher Herrmann E. Zaaccaarellli, C.S.CC.TRAINNINGGMANAGGERSS TOO GRRAINNA Praactiicall GuuideeTo Immproovinng EEmplloyeee PPerfformmancceby Brrothher Herrmann E. Zaaccaarellli, C.S.CC.DirecctorrCenteer FFor Bussineess andd Enntreepreeneuuriaal MManaagemmenttSt. MMaryys CollleggeWinonna, MinnnessotaaCRISPP PUUBLIICATTIONNS, INCC.Los AAltoos, CallifoorniiaCONTEENTSSObjecctivves of Traainiing Mannageers to traain 11Reasoons Whyy Trrainningg iss Immporrtannt 33Trainningg Knnow Howw iss a Musst ffor Mannageers 55Emplooyeee Beeneffitss Frrom Traainiing 6When cann Trrainningg Heelp? 8Take thee Trrainningg Teest 111Learnn thhe TTraiininng BBasiics 122The FFourr Sttepss off Trrainningg 144STEP 1DDefiine thee Joob (Possitiion Anaalyssis) 116 Devveloop aa Liist of Tassks 188 Deffinee a Tassk 220 Connsidder Reqquirred Quaalitty LLeveels 222 Dessignn a Jobb Deescrripttionn 244STER 2PPlann thhe TTraiininng 228 Connsidder Traainiing Objjecttivees 330 Devveloop aa Trrainningg Pllan 322 Dessignn a Traainiing Lesssonn 344 Sellectt thhe TTraiinerr/prrepaare thee Trrainneess 36STER 3PPressentt thhe TTraiininng 38 Grooup Traainiing Tipps 40 On-thee-Joob TTraiininng 42STER 4EEvalluatte tthe Traainiing 52 Coaachiing 544 Oriienttatiion Proograams 56Trainningg Reesouurcees 62Usingg Viisuaal AAidss 64Certiificcatee off Reecoggnittionn 67“Backk Off thhe GGuidde” 68IT ALLL SSTARRTS WITTH TTRAIININNGOBJECCTIVVESAn obbjecctivve sstattes thee puurpoose of thee trrainningg; iit ttellls wwhatt thhe ttraiinerr waantss too acccommpliish. A commpettenccy-bbaseed oobjeectiive tellls thee puurpoose froom tthe traaineeess peersppecttivee. IIt iindiicattes whaat tthe traaineee iis eexpeecteed tto kknoww orr bee abble to do aftter thee trrainningg iss coomplleteed.This guiide is a ttraiininng mmanuual whoose objjecttivees ccan be staatedd inn a commpettenccy fformmat as shoown on thee faacinng ppagee.SOME OBJJECTTIVEES FFOR YOUUOBJECCTIVVES OFTRAINNINGG MAANAGGERSS TOO TRRAINNAfterr reeadiing thiis bbookk annd wworkkingg thhrouugh sugggesstedd exxerccisees tthe reaaderr wiill be ablle tto mmastter thee foolloowinng oobjeectiivess: (Nummberrs rrefeer tto ppagees wwherre tthe objjecttivee iss diiscuusseed).Objecctivves PPagee(s)1. DDefiine a ccomppeteencyy-baasedd trrainnee objjecttivee vi2. KKnoww whhy ttraiininng iis iimpoortaant froom tthe perrspeectiive of 33-7 bbothh thhe ttraiinerr annd ttraiineee3. GGivee a briief oveerviiew of thee foour bassic steeps in traainiing 14 pproggramm deevellopmmentt annd iimpllemeentaatioon4. CCondductt a Possitiion Anaalyssis inccluddingg thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof 177-277 rrequuireed aanallysiis fformms5. TTelll foour usees oof aa Joob DDesccripptioon 2666. DDeveelopp trrainningg obbjecctivves, trrainningg pllanss, aand traainiing lesssonns 30-357. SSeleect quaaliffiedd trrainnerss 378. LListt eiightt faactoors to weiigh wheen cconssideerinng ggrouup oor 399 iindiividduall trrainningg9. DDesccribbe mmajoor pprinncippless off grroupp trrainningg 44010. DDesiign an on-thee-joob ttraiininng pproggramm whhichh inncorrporratees 444-551 prrincciplles in thee foour-steep mmethhod11. RRelaate traainiing evaaluaatioon tto tthe traainiing proograam oobjeectiivess 552-55312. RReciite tenn prrincciplles of coaachiing 55513. DDesiign an oriienttatiion cheeckllistt 5914. CConssideer tthe rolle oof eemplloyeees in traainiing proograam 600-611 deevellopmmentt annd iimpllemeentaatioon15. KKnoww whheree too loocatte hhelppfull trrainningg reesouurcees 66316. UUse vissuall aiids/equuipmmentt efffecctivvelyy 664-665REASOONS WHYY TRRAINNINGG ISS IMMPORRTANNTA mannageer iis bbusyy annd hhas manny tthinngs to do. Thherees onlly ttimee foor tthe mosst iimpoortaant, hiigheest priioriity acttiviitiees. TRRAINNINGG STTYLEESEveryy maanagger briingss a diffferrentt peersoonallityyto trrainningg. TThiss inndivviduual styyle, hoowevver, must be bleendeed iintoo ann efffecctivve ttraiininngformaat iif tthe outtcomme iis tto bbe ssucccesssfull.Severral reaasonns wwhy traainiing is impporttanttregarrdleess of thee trrainners sstylle aare desscriibeddon thhe nnextt paage. Chheckk thhosee wiith whiich youuagreeeREASOONS WHYY TRRAINNINGGIS IMMPORRTANNTWhichh off thhe ffolllowiing wouuld bennefiit yyourr orrgannizaatioon?Savinng MMoneeyIIf eemplloyeees knoow hhow to do worrk tthe rigght wayy, ccostts wwilll bee loowerr; pproffitss wiill be higgherr.Savinng EEmplloyeeesEmpployyeess whho kknoww hoow tto ddo wworkk acccorrdinng tto ttheiir bbossss exppecttatiionss wiill be lesss aanxiiouss annd tturnnoveer wwilll bee reeducced.Savinng CCusttomeers andd Maakinng NNew OneeCuustoomerrs aare happpy wheen ttheyy reeceiive thee prroduuctss/seerviicess thhey exppectt. TTraiininng hhelpps aassuure thaat tthiss wiill connsisstenntlyy haappeen.We hoope youu chheckked alll off thhe aabovve. Traainiing cann prroviide alll off thhesee beeneffitss. YYou, yoour cusstommerss, yyourr emmplooyeees, andd yoour orgganiizattionn haave mucch tto ggainn-annd nnothhingg too loose-witth aa hiigh quaalitty ttraiininng pproggramm. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg wiill bennefiit yyourr orrgannizaatioon?Savinng TTimeeA traaineed sstafff wwilll prromoote effficiienccy. Botth tthe mannageerss tiime andd thhat of empployyeess wiill be savved.Reduccingg Sttafffingg CoonceernssTrrainned empployyeess arre bbettter preeparred andd moore eliigibble forr prromootioon ooppoortuunittiess.Savinng RRelaatioonshhipssMaanaggerss whho sshoww thheirr coonceern forr emmplooyeees wwithh quualiity traainiing hellp mmotiivatte tthemm annd mmoraale levvelss arre llikeely to inccreaase.Give youurseelf an “A” if youu chheckked alll siix bboxeesTRAINNINGG ISS PAART OF EFFFECTTIVEE SUUPERRVISSIONNA mannageer mmustt doo maany thiingss att onnce. Alll aare impporttantt.Nothiing is morre iimpoortaant thaan ttraiininng.The mmanaagemmentt off peeoplle ddeteermiiness orrgannizaatioonallsucceess. Trrainningg caannoot wwaitt unntill “tthe mannageer ggetssarounnd tto iit” or “whhen timme ppermmitss.”Trainning