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    吉姆-罗罗杰斯:我的第第一桶金金Jim Roggerss: MMy FFirsst MMilllionnPubblisshedd: NNoveembeer 220 220099 188:266 | Lasst uupdaatedd: NNoveembeer 220 220099 188:266Sinnce Jimm Roogerrs, 67, coo-fooundded thee Quuanttum Funnd wwithh Geeorgge SSoroos hhe hhas worrkedd ass a gueest proofesssorr off fiinannce at Collumbbia Uniiverrsitty aand as an ecoonommic commmenntattor. Inn 19998, hee fooundded thee Roogerrs IInteernaatioonall Coommoodittiess Inndexx (RRICII).HHe iis tthe autthorr off A Bulll iin CChinna, Hott Coommoodittiess, AAdveentuure Cappitaalisst aand Invvesttmennt BBikeer. Hiss laatesst bbookk iss A Gifft tto MMy CChilldreen, a ffathhers llesssonss foor llifee annd iinveestiing.EDIITORRS CHOOICEEMy firrst milllioon: Morre ccoluumnss abboutt hoow tthe weaalthhy mmanaage theeir monney - OOct-31RRaissed in Alaabamma, Roggerss sttartted in bussineess at thee agge oof ffivee, ccolllecttingg emmptyy sooda botttlees aat tthe loccal bassebaall fieeld. Affterr grraduuatiing froom YYaleeUniiverrsitty iin 119644, hhe wwon a sschoolarrshiip tto BBallliollColllegge, Oxffordd. HHe tthenn goot hhis firrst jobb onn Waall Strreett.Roogerrs nnow livves in Sinngapporee wiith hiss wiife andd thheirr twwo yyounng ddaugghteers.Didd yoou tthinnk yyou wouuld gett too whheree yoou aare?No, I am as surrpriisedd ass annyonne. I ccerttainnly wanntedd too geet ssomeewheere andd waas wwilllingg too woork harrd. I wwantted to rettiree yooungg, bbut I nneveer tthouughtt I wouuld rettiree beeforre 440.WWhenn yoou rrealliseed tthatt yoou hhad madde yyourr fiirstt miilliion werre yyou temmpteed tto ssloww doown?I ccan remmembber thee exxactt daay oof mmy ffirsst mmilllionn doollaars neet wwortth. It wass inn Noovemmberr 19977. I wass 355. II knnew I nneedded morre tthann thhat to do whaat II waanteed wwhenn I wass 377 thee agge II deecidded to stoop wworkkingg too seeek advventturee.Whhat is thee seecreet oof yyourr suucceess?As I wwas nott smmartter thaan mmostt peeoplle, I wwas willlinng tto wworkk haardeer tthann moost. I wass prrepaaredd too exxamiine connvenntioonall wiisdoom. If eveeryoone thiinkss onne wway, itt iss liikelly tto bbe wwronng. If youu caan ffiguure outt thhat it is wroong, yoou aare likkelyy too maake a llot of monney.Whaat iis yyourr baasicc innvesstmeent strrateegy?Buyy loow aand selll hhighh. II trry tto ffindd soometthinng tthatt iss veery cheeap, whheree a possitiive chaangee iss taakinng pplacce. Theen II doo ennouggh hhomeeworrk tto mmakee suure I aam rrighht. It hass goot tto bbe ccheaap sso tthatt, iif II amm wrrongg, II doontt loose mucch mmoneey. Eveery timme II maake a mmisttakee, iit iis uusuaallyy beecauuse I ddid nott doo ennouggh hhomeeworrk.DDo nnot unddereestiimatte tthe vallue of duee diiliggencce. In thee 19960ss, GGeneerall Mootorrs wwas thee woorldds mosst ssucccesssfull coompaany. Onne dday, a GM anaalysst wwentt too thhe bboarrd oof ddireectoors witth tthe messsagge: “Thhe JJapaanesse aare commingg.” Theey iignooredd hiim. Invvesttorss whho ddid theeir hommewoork solld ttheiir GGM sstocck annd bbougght Toyyotaa innsteead.Imm noot bbuyiing anyy sttockks aat tthe mommentt. IIf aanytthinng iis uundeervaalueed nnow it is commmodditiies andd soome currrennciees.WWhatt haas bbeenn yoour mosst sspecctacculaar ggainn?Thhe QQuanntumm Fuund. Whhen we staarteed tthe commpanny iin 119700, II haad $6000 inn myy poockeet. Witthinn 100 yeearss, tthe porrtfoolioo haad ggainned 4,2200 perr ceent.Do youu waant to carrry on tilll yyou droop?NNo. Theese dayys, I sspennd vveryy feew hhourrs aa daay wworkkingg, bbecaausee I havve ttwo litttlee giirlss annd II waant to speend as mucch ttimee wiith theem aas pposssiblle.BBothh ouur ggirlls hhavee a Chiinesse ggoveerneess andd sppeakk flluennt MManddariin. Forr thheirr geenerratiion, Maandaarinn annd EEngllishh wiill be thee moost impporttantt laanguuagees.HHavee yoou mmadee anny ppenssionn prroviisioon?II doontt haave a ppenssionn beecauuse I hhopee I donnt neeed oone. I havve aaccuumullateed aasseets andd thhat is whaat II liive on.Whaat iis yyourr coommiitmeent to chaaritty?II haave givven monney to stuudennts andd scchoools arooundd thhe wworlld. I ttry to givve sschoolarrshiips to stuudennts rattherr thhan schhoolls, beccausse tthe stuudennts neeed tthe monney morre tthann addminnisttrattorss.Doo yoou aalloow yyourrsellf tthe oddd inndullgennce?I hhavee beeen arooundd thhe wworlld ttwicce. Setttinng ooff in 19990, I sspennt 222 mmontths traavelllinng tthrooughh siix cconttineentss onn a mottorccyclle.OOn mmy ssecoond triip, whiich staarteed iin 119999, mmy wwifee annd II trraveelleed ffor thrree yeaars thrrouggh 1116 couuntrriess inn a cusstomm-maade Merrceddes.Whaat iis tthe mosst yyou havve eeverr paaid forr a botttlee off fiine winne oor cchammpaggne?I ddont hhavee ann uppperr liimitt foor cchammpaggne, buut IIvee neeverr haad tthe urgge tto sspennd $2,0000 on a bbotttle of winne. I aalwaays remmembber my bacckgrrounnd. I ddid nott haave monney as a kkid.Piccassso oor AArt Decco aas aan iinveestmmentt?I am at a sstagge wwherre II amm noot iinteeresstedd inn haavinng oor aamasssinng sstufff.DDo yyou bellievve iin ppasssingg yoour weaalthh too chhilddrenn?Ive alwwayss thhougght thaat, if youu giive chiildrren tooo muuch, yoou wwilll ruuin theem. I hhavee seet uup mmy wwilll soo thhey donnt gett muuch unttil theey aare at leaast 30.I wwentt too Yaale andd Oxxforrd aand a llot of ricch kkidss weere theere whoo neeverr haad tto wworkk. II knnow I wwantt myy chhilddrenn too bee weell-eduucatted andd exxperriennce thee woorkpplacce.EEduccatiion andd thhe nneceessiity to worrk cchanngedd myy liife andd yaankeed mme oout of thee baackwwateer oof AAlabbamaa.Wheere shoouldd peeoplle pput theeir monney in thee reecesssioon?IInveest onlly iin tthinngs youu knnow sommethhingg abboutt. TThe misstakke mmostt peeoplle mmakee iss thhat theey llistten to hott tiips, orr acct oon ssomeethiing theey rreadd inn maagazzinees.MMostt peeoplle kknoww a lott abboutt soometthinng, so theey sshouuld jusst ssticck tto wwhatt thhey knoow aand buyy ann innvesstmeent in thaat aareaa. TThatt iss hoow yyou gett riich.Youu doontt geet rrichh innvesstinng iin tthinngs youu knnow notthinng aabouut.Whicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss a facct sstatted in thiis aartiiclee?A:Jiim RRogeers is borrn rrichh.B:Jiim RRogeers stiill worrks lonng hhourrs nnow.C:Jiim RRogeers speeakss flluennt CChinnesee.D:Jiim RRogeers hadd hiis ddaugghteers at rellatiivelly oold agee.DHe'ss 677 annd hhavee twwo yyounng ddaugghteers.Whicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss trrue aboout Jimm Roogerrs' invvesttingg sttrattegyy?A:Buuy aasseets at cheeap priiceB:Onnly buyy innto areeas thaat hhe'ss faamilliarr wiithC:Paay aatteentiion to thee fuuturre ggrowwth.D:Alll oof tthe aboove.DBuy loww annd sselll hiigh. I tryy too fiind sommethhingg thhat is verry ccheaap, wheere a pposiitivve cchannge is takkingg pllacee. TThenn I do enooughh hoomewworkk too maake surre II amm riightt. IIt hhas gott too bee chheapp soo thhat, iff I am wroong, I donnt losse mmuchh mooneyy. EEverry ttimee I makke aa miistaake, itt iss ussuallly beccausse II diid nnot do enooughh hoomewworkk.Accoordiing to thee arrticcle, whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing doees JJim Roggerss hoold to be truue?A:Woork is a nneceessiity.B:Sttockk iss thhe bbestt innvesstmeent.C:Inn orrderr too geet rrichh, yyou neeed tto ttakee riiskss.D:Faamilly iis aabovve yyourr caareeer.AEduccatiion andd thhe nneceessiity to worrk cchanngedd myy liife andd yaankeed mme oout of thee baackwwateer oof AAlabbamaa.Whicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss Jiim RRogeers mosst pprouud oof?A:Raaisiing twoo kiidsB:Thhe QQuanntumm fuundC:Hiis ccharrityy coontrribuutioonD:Trraveelliing thee woorldd.BWhatt haas bbeenn yoour mosst sspecctacculaar ggainn? TThe Quaantuum FFundd. WWhenn wee sttartted thee coompaany in 19770, I hhad $6000 iin mmy ppockket. Wiithiin 110 yyearrs, thee poortffoliio hhad gaiinedd 4,2000 peer ccentt.


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