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    英文简历写写作指南及英文简历历模板制作作英文简历历的一些问问题:从字字号到格式式姓名用144号字体  联系信息息是10号号字体 临临时地址左左边对齐,然然后永久地地质右边对对齐。NAAMEGatorrAEuufl.eeduCurreent AAddreess:                                                                                         Peermannent Addrress:100 SSE 1sst Sttreett, Appt. 33B                                                                             1100 SSE 1sst Sttreett, Appt. 33BGaineesvillle, Florrida 326006                                                                              Ft. Laudderdaale, Florrida   330065所有有其它字体体应该是111到122号字体  May use one conttact or ttwo (3522) 1223-45567                                                                                                 (9544) 1223-45567                                                                                                                    OBJECCTIVEE: A posiitionn in markketinng, wwith a sppeciaal inntereest iin maarkett ressearcch annd prroducct pllanniing.   标题应该是是大写英文文字幕黑体体靠左 EDUCAATIONN       Maasterr of Busiinesss Admminisstrattion, Mayy 19999        Univversiity oof Flloridda, GGaineesvillle, Florrida        Graade PPointt Aveeragee: 3.75/44.0 (26/448 crreditt houurs)       Conncenttratiions: Marrketiing aand MManaggemennt       Couursewwork inclludess Marrketiing MManaggemennt, IInterrnatiionall Marrketiing, Servvicess Marrketiing, Negootiattion and Orgaanizaationnal SStafffing页面边距保保持与顶部部一致         Baccheloor off Sciiencee in Busiinesss Admminisstrattion, Mayy 19994        Univversiity oof Maarylaand, Colllege Parkk, Maarylaand利用用tab键键对齐        Maajor in FFinannceGradee Poiint AAveraage: 3.9/4.0英文简历模模版(通用用型)FIRSTTNAMEE LASSTNAMME?Phonne:(5555)5555-55555牋牋 Adddresss:87 Washhingtton SStreeet, HoppedalleNY112233?emaiil: xxxxxxxxxxxyz.eedu牋EDUCAATIONNXYZUNNIVERRSITYY:Hopeedalee, NY: BBA inn Ameericaan SttudieesCummulattive GPA: 3.993GEORGGETOWWN UNNIVERRSITYY STUUDY AABROAAD:Univversiity oof Trrier, Gerrmanyy(Summmer 11999)AMERIICANUUNIVEERSITTY:Washhingtton, DC: Wasshinggton Semeesterr in Amerricann Polliticcs(Spriing 11999)RESEAARCH AND ANALLYTICCAL EEXPERRIENCCEU.S. Depaartmeent oof Edducattion:Inteern, Offiice oof thhe Deeputyy Seccretaary WWashiingtoon, DDC(Spriing 11999)· Generratedd conncisee wriittenn synnopsees off currrentt leggislaativee acttion for use by tthe DDeparrtmennt, CCongrress membbers, andd thee gennerall pubblic throough the ED wwebsiite· Reseaarcheed annd prresennted to ppoliccymakkers seveeral succcessfful sschoool deesignn andd connstruuctioon prrojeccts tto suupporrt thhe Addminiistraationn抯 揝cchoolls ass Cennterss of Commmunitty?prropossalWashiingtoon Seemestter IIndeppendeent RReseaarch Projject:AmerricannUnivversiity(Spriing 11999)· Examiined how the incrreasiing ddepenndencce off neeedy sstudeents on ffederral lloanss inssteadd of grannts ffor hhigheer edducattion has affeectedd colllegee acccess and enroollmeent; culmminatting in 665-paage ppaperrHistooricaal Soocietty off Sarratogga Sppringgs:Reseearchh AsssistaantHoopedaale, NY(Spriing 11998)· Reseaarcheed arrchivval mmaterrialss, wrrote textt pannels and seleectedd objjectss forr a hhistooricaal exxhibiit onn Sarratogga inn thee 19330sLEADEERSHIIP EXXPERIIENCEEVice Pressidennt/Accademmic AAffaiirs:SStudeentGoovernnmenttAssoociattionXXYZUnniverrsityy(19977-19998)· Chairred 660-meemberr boddy reepressentiing eeach acaddemicc deppartmment and studdent persspecttivess on currricullar iissuees· Partiicipaated in ccolleege-wwide poliicy ddecissionss conncernning suchh ethhicall isssues as tthe ssale of ccigarrettees onn cammpus· Made detaailedd oraal annd wrritteen prresenntatiionsoof cuurriccularr refform actiions in ppubliic sttudennt fooraPresiidenttial Searrch CCommiitteee:XYZZUnivversiity(19977-19999)· Serveed ass onee of two studdentss on a coollegge-wiide ccommiitteee to nomiinatee thee sixxth PPresiidentt of XYZUnniverrsityy, thhrouggh alll sttagess inccludiing:o A dettaileed seelf-sstudyy of insttituttionaal neeeds and goalls too dettermiine sselecctionn criiteriiao Searcch foor, aand hhire of, a hiigherr-eduucatiion sspeciialtyy connsulttanto Writtten eevaluuatioon off eacch apppliccant, intterviiews and finaal reecommmendaationn to the Boarrd off TruusteeesHonorrs Foorum Counncil:Studdent Bodyy ReppreseentattiveXXYZUnniverrsityy(19977-19998)· Set ggoalss andd guiideliinesffor tthe ffirstt twoo yeaars oof Skkidmoore抯 innoovatiive, comppreheensivve hoonorss proogramm whoose mmissiion iis too inccreasse inntelllectuual eengaggemennt annd accademmic rrigorr in studdentss?freeshmaan annd soophommore yearrsADDITTIONAAL ACCTIVIITIESSStudeent AAlumnni Soocietty:Fooundiing MMembeerXYZZUnivversiity(19988-preesentt)Commiitteee on Acaddemicc Freeedomms:Sttudennt ReepressentaativeeXYZUnniverrsityy(19988-preesentt)Skidmmore Orchhestrra:FrrenchhHornnXYZUnniverrsityy(19966-preesentt)Ameriican Studdies Clubb:SeccretaaryXYYZUniiverssity(19988-preesentt)COMPUUTER/LANGGUAGEE SKIILLSProfiiciennt inn wriittenn andd spooken GermmanExtennsivee expperieence withh htmml laanguaage, Netsscapee andd Expploreer, LLexiss-Nexxis aand MMicroosoftt Worrd简历模板:广告类型型CURRIICULUUM VIITAEName : Immran AhmeedNatioonaliity : PakkistaaniDate of BBirthh : 331-122-19668Marittal SStatuus : MarrriedProfeessioon: D.TT.P. Systtem OOperaator, Commputeer Grraphiic Deesignner Objecctivee:Seekiing ffor cchalllengiing pposittion in aan addverttisinng fiield or aagenccy.Experriencce : Welll verrsed withh Macc andd PC Softtwaree appplicaationns inn a ccreattive enviironmment. Tottal eexperriencce off 6 yyearss in adveertissing fielld. FFamilliar withh lattest softtwaree useed foor crreatiive eexecuutionns suuch aas Addobe Phottoshoop, QQuarkk Exppresss, Addobe Illuustraator, Correl DDraw and wholle raange of ssuppoortinng prrograams uused in MMac oor PCC. Profeessioonal Expeeriennce : Posssessses eexcelllentt skiills in eexecuutionns off creeativve coonceppts ffrom thummb skketchhes tto fiine pphotoo finnishiing, retoouchiing, speccial effeects. Hannds oon exxperiiencee in grapphic softtwaree抯 whhen iit coomes to eexecuutionn of creaativees. SSoundd tecchniccal kknowlledgee of prinnt annd prroducctionn tecchniqques for highh quaalityy repproduuctioon.As a proffessiionall D.TT.P. Operratorr andd graaphicc dessigneer yoou faace mmany challlengges ffrom creaativee deaadlinnes tto tiight prodductiion sschedduless, cllientt demmandss andd outtput issuues. Withh theese cchalllengees inn minnd I havee devvelopped sskillls annd sppeed to mmeet induustryy chaallennges undeer anny prressuures.An Arrt Diirecttor ccan jjust handd oveer a skettchy visuual aand eexpecct a proffessiionall outtput in aactuaal foorm aand ssize as pper hhis eexactt creeativve thhinkiing.A Proomisee :I am Imraan Ahhmed, 30 yearrs yooung, eneergettic aand aambittiouss perrson formm thee creeativve fiield lookking for a chhalleenginng joob oppporttunitty whhere the orgaanizaationn offfers prommisinng fuuturee andd a ppersoonal growwth pprosppectss. Inn retturn, I aam wiillinng too offfer mmy huundreed peercennt - sinccere effoorts and proffessiionall perrformmancee as my ccontrributtion towaards comppany''s ovveralll prrogreess.Offerr me the oppoortunnity to mmeet you perssonallly, and I caan prromisse yoou, II wonn抰 leet yoou doown.Contaact AAddreess :Mobiile: +971150-665816694, e-maail: iact.aeTel: (offf) +99714-6633339 (res.) +99714-2115513, P.O. Box 35877Dubaai, UU.A.EE.简历模板:客户服务务类型JAMESS E. WINDDSOR2000 NE 331st AVE.Ft. Laudderdaale, FL333302Hoome PPhonee 5944-5633-74667Pagger 11-8888-5944-56992e-maiil jeewinddsortQ U AA L II F II C AA T II O NN SSubsttantiial eexperriencce annd ouutstaandinng skkillss in custtomerr serrvicee witth seeventteen yearrs att PRCC Reaalty Systtems inclludinng fiive iin maanageementt. Accusstomeed too worrkingg in fasttpaceed ennviroonmennts wwith the abillity to tthinkk quiicklyy andd succcesssfullly haandlee diffficuult ccliennts.Use tthe IInterrnet dailly annd knnow tthe wworkiings of iit frrom rreal estaate tto e-commmercee.Complletedd twoo reaal esstatee couursess durring the lastt fivve yeears whille woorkinng fuull-ttime. Passsingg thee staate ttest for agennt liicenssing in NNew MMexicco annd beecomiing aa brooker in FFloriida. Workking parttime as aa Reaaltorr durring thiss timme.Excelllentt intterpeersonn skiills, abiilityy to workk welll wiith ootherrs, iin booth ssuperrvisoory oor suupporrt sttaff rolees.Williing tto reelocaate aand ttraveel.W O RR K?HH I SS T OO R YYINSTAALLATTION MANAAGER, BUSSINESSS CEENTERR CONNCEPTTS, IINC PPosittion, 19998- 11999Instaallinng thhe "TThe OOfficce", a sttate-of-tthe-aart bbusinness centter oofferred bby AllphaNNet HHospiitaliity SSysteems IInc. at hhotells accrosss thee couuntryy. "TThe OOfficce" pproviides guesst wiith aa perrsonaal coomputter ccompllete withh Worrd, EExcell andd PowwerPooint softtwaree, Innternnet aand ee-maiil acccesss as welll as prinntingg, faaxingg andd phootocoopyinng caapabiilitiies. Insttallaationn inccludees asssembblingg a ddesk, connnectting creddit ccard readders to eeach compponennt annd ussing a etthernnet ssysteem too connnectt eacch unnit tto thhe maasterr. Prrovidde trrainiing tto hootel stafff annd maanageementt in use of eeach compponennt annd haavingg alll insstalllatioon coontraacts singged.SALESS MANNAGERR, ADDVANCCED TTECHNNOLOGGY COOMPONNENTSS, INNC.?11997- 19998ATC iis a proccuremment speccialiists for the miliitaryy, deefensse annd aeerosppace induustriies. Theyy suppply clieents withh eleectroonic compponennts ffor ccurreent pprojeects. Devvelopped sstronng reelatiionshhips withh esttabliishedd acccountts whhile acquuirinng neew acccounnts. Coorrdinaate tthe aadminnistrratioon off prooductt ordders, unddersttand custtomerr neeeds aand gguaraanteeeing deliiver of ccompaany抯 commmitmeent.OWNERR/OPEERATOOR, EENTERRTAINNMENTT SERRVICEES, 11994 - 19997Markeeted videeo veendinng maachinnes tto reestauurantt andd coccktaiil looungee抯, iinstaalledd andd serrviceed maachinnes. Did weekkly ccustoomer servvice callls too exiistinng cuustommers.REALTTOR/BBROKEER, RRECA BETTTER HHOMESS ANDD GARRDENSS/MILLLER PROPPERTIIES 11994-19999Real Estaate pprofeessioonal speccialiizingg in resiidenttial resaale aand nnew hhomess salles. Workked rreal estaate ffull-timee andd parrt-tiime wwhilee doiing ootherr jobbs. ACCOUUNT MMANAGGER/ PRC REALLTY SSYSTEEMS, 19766- 19994PRC RRealtty Syystemms prroviddes oon-liine ccompuuter softtwaree to boarrds aand aassocciatiions of RRealttors acrooss tthe UUniteed Sttatess. Ass Acccountt Mannagerr, I was in cchargge off serrviciing mmultiiple accoountss whiich iincluuded all conttracttual itemms; ssuperrvisiing tthe oon-siite sstafff; prreparring the budgget; negootiatting conttractt rennewall; innstalllatiion oof neew haardwaare aand ssoftwware; ageent ttrainning; maiintaiin cuustommer rrelattionsship withh Dirrectoors, MLS commmitteees aand BBoardd staaff. E D UU C AA T II O NNBrokeers CCertiificaate, GolddCoasstSchhool of RReal Estaate, 19977Agentt Cerrtifiicatee, Neew MeexicooSchoool oof Reeal EEstatte, 11994Certiificaate EElecttroniic Teechniiciann, TVVI, 11976Junioor yeear, Geoggraphhy, UUniveersitty off Neww Mexxico, 19774简历模板:程序员和和计算机工工程师Samplle Reesumee: Coomputter EEnginneer / PrrograammerrFirsttNamee LasstNammeStreeetCity, Staate, Zip(555) 5555-5555Emaill: naamemEXPERRIENCCE Compuuter Comppany, Sofftwarre Enngineeer Augusst ?33 ?prresenntSoftwware Engiineerr on Comppany Softt Mannagerr. Duutiess inccludee devvelopping currrent releease usinng C+ annd Jaava, assiistinng inn dessign of nnext releease (J2EEE), travvelinng too staandarrd meeetinngs aat SNNIA SSMIS-S too reppreseent CCompaany SSoft Manaager, traaveliing tto SNNW, aa semmi-annnuall connsumeer coonferrencee to showwcasee prooductt, annd woorkinng clloselly wiith nnew ddevelloperrs inn InddiaTeechCeenterr.Compuuter Comppany Traiiningg ProogrammJune ?3 ?Auguust ?3Membeer off thee Commputeer Coompanny Boootcaamp pprogrram, an iintennsivee 3 mmonthh traaininng prrograam foor chhoicee sofftwarre enngineeers. Thee thrree mmonthh proogramm covveredd advvanceed toopicss in softtwaree enggineeeringg, SQQL, CC+, J2EEE, XMML, WWindoows 22000 Servver, Unixx, UMML, aand vvarioous CCompaany pproduucts. ConsuultanntJannuaryy ?3 ?Junne ?33Consuultannt foor hiigh sschoool inn thee outter BBostoon arrea. Tutoored the proggrammming insttructtors for the AP pprogrrammiing cclasss in the Javaa proogrammmingg lannguagge. HHelpeed too sett up deveelopmment enviironmment for the classsrooom.Compaany IInc, Softtwaree Enggineeer COO-OPJJanuaary ?1 ?SSepteemberr ?1Develloperr on the Comppany engiine tteam. Worrked on nnew ffuncttionaalityy in the 7.0 releease of tthe CCompaany DDynammic SSourccing Engiine. Deveelopeed inn C+ in Unixx andd Winndowss Vissual Studdio. Alsoo worrked on aa sollo prrojecct too addd mulltithhreadded ccapabbilitties to CCompaany抯 engiines. TECHNNICALL · Languuagess: C+, JJava, C, ASP.NET, SQLL · Appliicatiions: MS Visuual SStudiio, EEclippse · Appliicatiion SServeer: JJBosss, Toomcatt · Operaatingg Sysstemss: Wiindowws, UUnix, Linnux · Databbase Systtems: SQLL Serrver, MySSQL, Ingrres · Certiificaationns: CCCNA, Uniicentter CCertiifiedd Enggineeer EDUCAATIONNColleege, Troyy, NY, MMay 22002Majorr: Coomputter SSciennce, Minoor: MManaggemennt GPA: 3.499 ACTIVVITIEESBrothher oof Deelta Chappter of DDeltaa Chii Fraaternnityo Preesideent (Januuary 20011 朚ayy 20002)o Schholarrshipp winnner at DDeltaa Chii Leaadersship ConfferennceMembeer off Colllegee Varrsityy foootballl teeam (Septt. 19998 ?Dec. 20000)简历模板:软件工程程师Sofftwarre Enngineeer SSamplle ReesumeeJamess Basss7755 1177th Teerr. N. #8St. Pettersbburg, FL 337116-25502(7727) 578-01911jbasss1ttampaabay.rr.ccomI havve beeen aa St. Pettersbburg resiidentt sinnce FFebruuary 19866. I am iinterresteed inn purrsuinng a careeer iin sooftwaare ddevellopmeent. I coonsidder mmysellf a fastt leaarnerr andd a tteam playyer. I feeel tthat I caan maake aa conntribbutioon too anyy Impplemeentattion Servvicess deppartmment.Compuuter Expeeriennce Machiines: IBMM PC comppatibbles, Rocckwelll ACCD, MMacinntoshhLanguuagess: VBBA,


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