制作权归曲丽莉、张党珠所有,谢绝转载!珠珠、丽莉MBA英语阅读理解真题黑体词汇复习二2006 年阅读理理解Direcctionns: TTheree aree 4paassagges iin thhis ppart. Eacch paassagge oss follloweed byy somme quuestiions or uunfinnisheed sttatemmentss. Foor eaach oof thhem ttheree aree fouur chhoicees maardedd A, B, CC, annd D. Youu shoould deciide oon thhe beest cchoicce annd bllackeen thhe coorresspondding lettter oon thhe ANNSWERR SHEEET wwith a peencill.Passaage 11 Officce joobs aare aamongg thee possitioons hhardeest hhit bby coompummatioon (计计 算 机机 自 动动 化). Worrd prrocesssorss andd typpistss willl loose aaboutt 93,000 jobss oveer thhe neext ffew yyearss, whhile 57,0000 ssecreetariial jjobs willl vannish. Blaame tthe PPC: TTodayy, maany eexecuutivees tyype ttheirr ownn memoss andd carrry ttheirr:“secrretarries”in tthe ppalmss of theiir haands. Timme iss alsso haard ffor sstockk cleerks, whoose rrankss aree exppecteed too deccreasse byy 68,000. Andd empployeees iin maanufaacturring firmms annd whholessalerrs arre beeing repllacedd witth coomputterizzed ssysteems. But nnot eeveryyone who losees a job willl endd up in tthe uunempploymment linee. Maany wwill shifft too groowingg possitioons wwithiin thheir own comppaniees. WWhen new techhnoloogiess shoook upp thee tellecommm buusineess, teleephonne opperattor JJudy Dougghertty puursueed reetraiiningg. Shee is now a commmuniccatioons techhniciian, earnning abouut $ 64,0000 pper yyear. Of courrse, if yyou'vve beeen aa tolllboooth ccolleectorr forr thee passt 300 yeaars, and you findd youursellf reeplacced bby ann E-ZPasss maachinne, iit maay bee of litttle cconsoolatiion(安安慰) tto knnow tthat the teleecommm fieeld iis booominng. And tthat''s juust iit: TThe sserviice eeconoomy iis faadingg; weelcomme too thee exppertiise(专专门知识) ecoonomyy. Too succceedd in the new job markket, you mustt be ablee to handdle ccompllex pprobllems. Inddeed, alll butt onee of the 50 hhigheest-ppayinng occcupaationnsair-trafffic conttrolllerdemannd att leaast aa baccheloors degrree. For tthosee witth juust aa higgh scchooll dipplomaa(毕业证证书),IIt's goinng too gett touugherr to findd a wwell-payiing jjob. Sincce feewer facttory and clerricall jobbs wiill bbe avaailabble, whatt's lleft willl be the jobss thaat coompummatioon caant kiill: Compputerrs caant cllean offiices ,or caree forr Alzzheimmer'ss pattientts(老年年痴呆 病病 人). Buut ,ssincee mosst peeoplee havve thhe skkillss to filll thoose pposittionss, thhe wwagess staay paainfuully low, meanning comppumattion coulld drrive an eeven deepper wwedgee (楔楔子) bbetweeen tthe rrich and poorr. Thhe beest aadvicce noow: NNeverr stoop leearniing, and keepp up withh neww tecchnollogy. For bbusy adullts, of courrse, thaat caan bee touugh. The goodd newws iss thaat thhe veery ttechnnologgy thhat'ss redducinng soo manny joobs iis allso mmakinng itt eassier to ggo baack tto scchooll witthoutt havving to ssit iin a classsrooom. SSo-callled Interrnet disttancee leaarninng iss hott, wiith mmore thann thrree mmilliion sstudeents currrentlly ennrollled, and itss gaiiningg creedibiilityy witth emmployyers. Are yyou aat riisk oof loosingg youur joob too a ccompuuter? Cheeck tthe ffederral BBureaau off Labbor SStatiisticcs' OOccuppatioonal Outllook Handdbookk, whicch iss avaailabble oonlinne att blss. gov. Passaage 22Tens of tthoussandss of 18-yyear-oldss willl grraduaate tthis yearr andd be handded mmeaniingleess ddiploomas. Thesse diiplommas wwon'tt loook anny diifferrent fromm thoose aawardded ttheirr lucckierr claassmaates. Theeir vvaliddity willl be quesstionned oonly whenn theeir eemplooyerss disscoveer thhat thhese gradduatees arre seemiliiteraate(半半文盲) Eventtuallly a forttunatte feew wiill ffind theiir waay innto eeducaationnal-repaair sshopssadullt-liteeracyy proogramms, ssuch as tthe oone wwheree I tteachh bassic grammmar and writting. Therre, highh-schoool ggraduuatess andd higgh-schoool ddropoouts purssuingg graaduatte-equiivaleency certtificcatess willl leearn the skillls tthey shouuld hhave learrned in sschoool. Theey willl alsso disccoverr theey haave bbeen cheaated by oour eeducaationnal ssysteem. I willl neever forgget aa teaacherr whoo gott thee atttentiion oof onne off my chilldrenn by reveealinng the trummp cardd of faillure. Ourr youungesst, aa worrld-cclasss chaarmerr, diid liittlee to deveelop his inteellecctuall tallentss butt alwways got by. Untiil Mrrs. SStiftter.Our sson wwas hhigh-schoool ssenioor whenn he haad heer foor Ennglissh. “HHe siits in the backk of the roomm tallkingg to his frieends.” she toldd me, “Whhy doon't you movee himm to the fronnt roow? ” I urgged, beliievinng thhe emmbarrrassmment woulld geet hiim too setttle downn. Mrrs. SStiftter ssaid, "I don''t moove ssenioors. I fllunk (使不及格) theem. "" Ourr sonn's aacadeemic lifee flaashedd beffore my eeyes. No teaccher had everr thrreateened him. By the timee I ggot hhome I waas feeelinng prrettyy goood abbout thiss .Itt wass a rradiccal aapprooach for thesse tiimes, but, welll, Whyy nott? “Shee's ggoingg to flunnk yoou.” I toldd my son. I didd nott disscusss it any furtther. Sudddenlly Ennglissh beecamee a ppriorrity (头等重重要) iin hiis liife. He ffinisshed out the semeesterr witth ann A. I knoww onee exaamplee doeesn'tt makke a casee, but at nnightt I ssee aa parrade of sstudeents who are angrry foor haavingg beeen paassedd aloong uuntill theey coould no llongeer evven ppreteend tto keeep uup. Of avveragge inntellligennce oor beetterr, theyy eveentuaally quitt schhool, conccludiing tthey weree tooo dummb too finnish.” I shouuld hhave beenn helld baack,” is aa commmentt I hhear freqquenttly. Evenn saddder are thosse sttudennts wwho aare hhigh-schoool ggraduuatess whoo sayy to me aafterr a ffew wweekss of classs.” I doont knoww howw I eever got a hiigh-sschoool diiplomma.” Paassinng sttudennts wwho hhave not mastteredd thee worrk chheatss theem annd thhe emmployyers who expeect ggraduuatess to havee bassic sskillls. We exxcusee thiis diishonnest behaaviorr by sayiing kkids can''t leearn if tthey comee froom teerribble eenvirronmeents. No oone sseemss to stopp to thinnk thhat mmost kidss donn't pput sschoool fiirst on ttheirr lisst unnlesss theey peerceiive ssometthingg is at rrisk. Theyy'd rratheer bee saiilingg. Maany sstudeents I seee att nigght hhave deciided to mmake educcatioon a prioorityy. Theyy aree mottivatted bby thhe deesiree forr a bbetteer joob orr thee neeed too hanng onn to the one theyy've got. Theey haave aa heaalthyy feaar off faiiluree. Peeoplee of all agess cann risse abbove theiir prrobleems, but theyy neeed too havve a reasson tto doo so. Young ppeoplle geeneraally don''t haave tthe mmaturrity to vvaluee eduucatiion iin thhe saame wway mmy addult studdentss vallue iit. But fearr of faillure can motiivatee botth. Passaage 33 NNamess havve gaainedd inccreassing impoortannce iin thhe coompettitivve woorld of hhigheer edducattion. As colllegess strrive for markket ssharee, thhey aare llookiing ffor nnamess thaat prrojecct thhe immage theyy wannt orr refflectt thee chaangess theey hoope tto maake. Trennton Statte Coollegge, ffor eexampple, becaame tthe CColleege oof Neew Jeerseyy ninne yeears ago whenn it begaan raaisinng addmisssionss staandarrds aand aappeaalingg to studdentss froom thhrougghoutt thee staate. “AAll II heaar inn higgher educcatioon iss, Brannd, braand, brannd,” saaid TTim WWesteerbecck, wwho sspeciializzes iin brrandiing aand iis maanagiing ddirecctor of LLipmaan Heearnee, a b maarketting firmm basedd in Chiccago thatt worrks wwith univversiitiess andd othher nnonprrofitt orgganizzatioons. “Theere hhas bbeen a seea chhangee oveer thhe laast 110 yeears. Marrketiing uused to bbe allmostt a ddirtyy worrd inn higgher educcatioon.” Noot alll efffortts att namme chhangees arre suuccesssfull, off courrse. In 11997, thee Neww Schoool ffor SSociaal Reesearrch bbecamme Neew Schoool Univversiity tto reeflecct itts grrowthh intto a colllectiion oof eiight colllegess, offferinng a listt of majoors tthat inclludess psyychollogy, mussic, urbaan sttudiees annd maanageementt. But New Yorkkers conttinueed too calll itt thee Neww Schoool. Now, afteer sppendiing aan unndisccloseed suum onn an onliine ssurveey annd a markketinng coonsulltantts crreatiion oof “namiing sstruccturees.” “brannd arrchittectuure” andd “ idenntityy sysstemss,” thee uniiverssity has comee up withh a nnew nname: thee Neww Schhool. Begginniing MMondaay, iit wiill aadoptt neww loggos (标 识), baannerrs, bbusinness cardds annd evven nnew nnamess forr thee inddividdual colllegess, alll too inccludee thee worrds “tthe NNew SSchoool.” Changges iin naames geneerallly reeveall siggnifiicantt shiifts in hhow aa colllegee wannts tto bee perrceivved. In aalterring its namee froom Caal Statte, Haywward, to Cal Statte, Easst Bay, the univversiity hhopedd to projject its expaandinng roole iin twwo moostlyy subburbaan coountrries eastt of San Frannciscco. The UUniveersitty off Souutherrn Cooloraado, a sttate insttituttion, beccame Colooradoo Statte Univversiity aat Puueblo ttwo yyearss agoo, hoopingg to highhlightt manny innternnal cchangges, inclludinng offferiing mmore gradduatee proogramms annd seettinng hiigherr admmissiions stanndardds. Beaveer Coollegge tuurnedd itsself intoo Arccadiaa Uniiverssity in 22001 for seveeral reassons: to breaak thhe coonnecctionn witth itts paast aas a womeens coollegge, tto prromotte itts grrowthh intto a fulll-fleedgedd(完 全全 成 熟熟 的) univversiity aand oofficcialss ackknowlledgeed, tto elliminnate somme jookes abouut thhe coollegges old namee on latee-nigght ttelevvisioon annd “mmorning zoo” radiio shhows. Many colllege offiicialls saaid cchangging a naame aand iimagee couuld pproduuce subsstanttial resuults. At Arcaadia, in addiitionn to the risee in appllicattionss, thhe avveragge sttudennt's testt scoore hhas iincreeasedd by 60 ppointts, JJuli Roebbeck, an Arcaadia spokkeswooman, saiid. Passaage 44It loookedd jusst liike aanothher aaircrraft fromm thee outtsidee .The piloot toold hhis yyoungg passsenggers thatt it was buillt inn 19664.Buut apppearancces wwere deceeptivve, andd thee 13 studdentss froom Euuropee andd thee USAA whoo boaardedd thee airrcrafft weere iin foor thhe fllight off theeir llives. Insidde, tthe aarea thatt norrmallly haad seeats had becoome aa lonng whhite tunnnel. Heavvily paddded(填填塞) ffrom flooor too ceiilingg ,itt loooked a biit sttrangge. TTheree werre allmostt no winddows, butt ligghts alonng thhe paaddedd wallls iillumminatted iit. MMost of tthe sseatss hadd beeen taaken out aparrt frrom aa few at tthe bback wherre thhe yooung scieentissts qquickkly ttook theiir pllacess witth a lookk of fearr. For 112 moonthss, scieence studdentss froom accrosss thee conntineents had comppetedd to win a pllace on tthe fflighht att thee invvitattion of tthe EEuroppean Spacce Aggencyy. Thee chaallennge hhad bbeen to ssuggeest iimagiinatiive eexperrimentts too be condducteed inn weiightlless condditioons. For tthe nnext two hourrs, thee fliight reseembleed thhat oof ann enoormouus biird wwhichh hadd losst itss reaason, shoootingg upwaards towaards the heavvens befoore rrushiing ttowarrds EEarthh. The inveentioon waas too achieeve wweighhtlesssnesss foor a few secoonds. The aaircrraft tookk offf smooothlly ennoughh, but aany ffeeliings thatt I aand tthe yyoungg sciientiists had thatt we weree on anytthingg likke a scheeduleed paassennger servvice weree quiicklyy dissmisssed wwhen the piloot puut thhe pllane intoo a 445 deegreee cliimb wwhichh lassted arouund 220 seecondds. TThen the engiines cut out andd we becaame wweighhtlesss. EEveryythinng beecamee connfuseed annd leeft oor riight, up or ddown no llongeer haad anny meeaninng. AAfterr tenn seccondss of freee-falll desccent (下降) thee pillot ppulleed thhe aiircraaft oout oof itts noosediive. The retuurn oof grravitty waas leess iimmeddiatee thaan itts looss, butt wass stiill ssuddeen ennoughh to ensuure tthat somee stuudentts caame ddown withh a bbump. Each timee thee pillot ccut tthe eenginnes aand wwe beecamee weiightlless, a nnew tteam condducteed itts expperimment. Firrst iit waas thhe Duutch whho waantedd to disccoverr howw it is thatt catss alwways landd on theiir feeet. Thenn thee Gerrman teamm whoo connductted aa succcesssful expeerimeent oon a tradditioonal builldingg methhod tto seee iff it coulld bee useed foor buuildiing aa futture spaace sstatiion. The Amerricanns haad ann ideea too creeate solaar saails thatt couuld bbe ussed bby saatelllitess. Afterr twoo houurs oof gooing up aand ddown in tthe llane doinng thheir expeerimeents, thee preedomiinant feeelingg wass onee of exciitemeent rratheer thhan ssicknness. Mosst off thee stuudentts thhoughht itt wass an unfoorgetttablle exxperiiencee andd onee theey woould be kkeen to rrepeaat.2005 年阅读理理解Passaage 11Workiing aat noonstaandarrd tiimesevenningss, niightss, orr weeekenddsiss takking its tolll on Amerricann fammiliees. OOne-ffifthh of all emplloyedd Ameericaans wwork variiablee or rrotatting shiffts, and one-thirrd woork wweekeends, acccordiing tto Haarrieet B. Preesserr, soociollogy proffessoor att thee Uniiverssity of MMarylland. Thee ressult is sstresss onn fammiliaal relaationnshipps, wwhichh is likeely tto conttinuee in ccominng deecadees.The cconseequennces of wworkiing iirreggularr houurs vvary accoordinng too gennder, ecoonomiic leevel, andd wheetherr or not chilldrenn aree invvolveed. Sinngle mothhers are moree likkely to wwork nighhts aand wweekeends thann marrriedd mottherss. Woomen in ccleriical, salles, or ootherr loww-payying jobss partticippate disppropoortioonateely iin woorkinng laate aand ggraveeyardd shiifts.Marriied-ccouplle houssehollds wwith chilldrenn aree inccreassinglly beecomiing ddual-earnner hhouseeholdds, ggenerratinng moore ssplitt-shiift ccouplles. Schoool-aaged chilldrenn, hooweveer, mmay bbeneffit fromm parrentss nonnstanndardd worrk sccheduules becaause of tthe ggreatter llikellihoood thhat aa parrent willl be homee beffore or aafterr schhool. On the otheer haand, a coorrellatioon exxistss bettweenn nonnstanndardd worrk sccheduules and bothh marritall insstabiilityy andd a ddecliine iin thhe quualitty off marrriagges.Nonsttandaard wworkiing hhourss meaan faamiliies sspendd lesss tiime ttogetther for dineer buut moore ttime tog