全国一等奖高中英语课大赛《模块二 Unit6 Lesson4》教学设计+学案+教学反思.docx
1:教学设计封面组别 高中组模块二 Unit6 Lesson4模块二 Unit6 Lesson4姓名:学校:性别:职称:教龄:联系电话:电子邮箱:指导老师姓名单位your dream house here:教学反思本节课是北师版高中英语必修2第6单元第四课,主题是my dream houses,教学过程主要是 通过多媒体来展开,先对节选至小说中的本文进行阅读,阅读中注重培养阅读策略和积累词汇句型结构 等,再进行输出,学生以小组为单位设计描述自己梦想中房子的样子并画出以增强趣味性。经过认真的 准备,学生积极的配合,顺利完成教学任务,下面我想谈谈在教学过程中比较满意的地方,以及自己的 不足之处。优点一:利用头脑风暴,思维导图和图片的方式,激活学生的关于房子的词汇,直观有效,为接下来 的环节做好词汇准备,通过学生下面环节的反应看,效果还不错。优点二:阅读过程设计完整,由浅入深,适合我们学生的特点。在阅读过程中,除了让学生阅读获取 信息,充分理解文章,了解作者写作意图等之外,还注重在阅读过程中培养学生的阅读策略的使用。优点三:读后设计水到渠成,读后关于设计梦想中的房子,学生既能充分发挥自己的想象力创造力, 又有本课的词汇句型等支持,能够比较顺利地写出文章,真正做到学以致用,效果较好。优点四:对学生进行及时有效的评价。评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己 的学习过程,通过口语表扬,对学生学习过程中的表现及反映的情感、态度、策略等方面进行及时的评 价,发现学生的进步,鼓励学生自我反思,自我提高。不足一:学生活跃程度不如平时大部分学生都能积极投入到课堂教学中来,并积极举手发言。课 堂气氛比较活跃,调动了学生听课的积极性,提高学生实际的语言交流能力,但一些比较腼腆的学生不 习惯公开课人多场合,只听不说,没能积极表现。不足二:师生互动活动开展的还不错,但生生互动方面有所欠缺,今后还要注重引导学生和学生对话。通过本课的教学,我深有感触,教学永远是一门无止境的艺术,无论怎样构思教学,总有需要我们 进一步改进的地方,它需要我们充分了解教材,了解学生,需要我们踏踏实实地考虑好每一环节,这样 每一节课才会是高效率的。2:教学设计模板教学设计内容设计主题北师大版 module2 Unit6 Lesson 4 Dream Houses.整体设计思路、指导依据说明英语读写整合课型是基于阅读文本解读,又超越文本信息重构新的文本。教学过程以读、写为 主,从信息输入到信息加工处理,最后到信息的输出,真正着眼于“提高学生用英语获取信息、处 理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力实现“以 读促写,以写促读”的目标。1 .教学背景分析教学内容分析:从文本内容上看,北师版高中英语必修2第6单元以Design设计为话题,本文为第四课, 内容是"Dream Houses”选自墨西哥移民的女儿Sandra Ci sneros所写的小说“The House on Mango Street”,讲述的是一个小女孩回忆了她曾经住过的房子以及描述了她 所梦想的房子的特征。本单元的主题是有关设计的。教材从第一课到第四课主要是引导学生了解中 外著名画家、不同的建筑风格、中国的剪纸艺术、英语国家典型的居民住房等。本课是第六单元的 第四课,是一节阅读技能课。主要引导学生通过对小说的鉴赏,了解房子的一些基本词汇,例如房 子的类型以及房间的构成等,并通过略读和细读掌握文章信息,通过阅读文章的掌握加深对这一话 题的理解,同时引导学生运用已知词汇和句式来设计描写自己理想中的房子。从语言和文章结构上看,本文的文章结构清晰,五个段落分别讲述了主人公住过的房子多,芒 果街房子的好处,Loomis街房子的问题,梦想中房子的样子,而现实中芒果街房子的不足。语言 特点,节选至小说,文章句子普遍较长,多复合句,学生在阅读理解时,对迅速获取主要信息的能 力有一定的要求。从主旨上看,学生在阅读过程中要能理解主人公对房子的美好想象,对未来生活的憧憬,结合 每一位同学自身的个性和兴趣各不相同,共同探讨构建未来的幸福栖身之所。学生情况分析:高一年的学生,对新事物抱有强烈的好奇心和求知欲,接受新事物的能力也比较强,对于自己 未来的幸福栖身之所更是有无数的想象;经过高一一段时间的学习,已掌握了部分的阅读策略,阅 读能力有了一定的提高;并且通过初中三年的学习,大部分学生也已具备一定的小组合作能力。2 .教学目标分析通过本课的学习,学生能够:语言能力目标:(1)、理解并掌握以下词汇:cottage,rent,landlord,pipe,washroom,basement,garage,garbage,apartment,curtain, nan,ow, hold one's breath.(2)、掌握房屋类型和构成的关键词汇,能够写出描述自己理想房屋的短文。文化意识目标:(1)、对比学习,理解不同文化背景下对于房屋的需求,争强幸福感。(2)、培养学生在学习中较强的合作精神。学习能力目标:学会利用精读和略读策略理解文章大意,提取梳理信息,了解作者的观点和态度。3 .教学重点、难点分析教学重点:(1)、指导学生利用阅读策略捕捉文章大意,迅速获取信息。(2)、指导学生运用已知词汇描述房屋。教学难点:指导学生内化所学知识,设计并写出梦想中的房子。4 .教学过程设计Step 1 Lead-in (lm')Teacher shows a popular saying “I have a house, towards the sea, with all the flowers blossoming, in the warm spring." to lead in the topic “dream houses”. And then ask students what do they feel about the house in the picture.(Possible answers: peaceful, comfortable, relaxing.)(设计意图:通过一句流行的说法引入梦想中的房子这一话题,简单直观,既激发学生的阅读兴趣, 又激发对梦想中的房子的情怀,为读后设计房子做好铺垫。)Step 2 Before-reading (7ms')1.Brain-storming:Teacher shows three mind of map and some pictures about houses and rooms(设计意图:利用思维导图以及多媒体直观地展示有关房屋的图片,引导学生说出有关此话题的词 汇,为之后的阅读扫清一定的词汇障碍,为接下去的各个环节做好词汇准备。)2.Ask students to guess where the text may come from according to the title and the picture (a science newspaper, a novel, a fashion magazine or a travel guide?) Then give Ss a brief introduction of the author and the book.(设计意图:让学生结合课文标题和插图来猜测文章出处,同时通过对本文作者以及作品的简要背 景知识介绍,都有助于帮助学生更好地理解阅读文本。)Step 3 While-reading (15ms9)1 .Task 1 SkimmingSs skim the text quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph. paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 paragraph 4 paragraph 5The reasons they have to leave the flat on Loomis.The advantages of the house on Mango Street.Dream House in our mind.The house on Mango Street in reality.Moving a lot before living on Mango Street.(设计意图:通过指导学生根据每个段落的首尾句快速寻找段落主题,培养学生快读文章的技巧。)2 .Task2 Careful-readingRead the text careful and answer the following questions:1) .How many places has the girl lived in? (Paral)A lot/ She can't remember.2) .What are the good points the girl thought the house on Mango Street had? (Para2) Don't have to:pay rent to anybody, share the yard, be careful not to make too much noise, worried about the landlord being angry.3) .Why did they leave the flat on Loomis? (Para3)Because the water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn't fix them. He had no mercy.4) . Which of these things did the girl's dream house have?(Para4)a swimming pool, a big garden yard with trees, a balcony, running water,a games room, three washrooms, “real" stairs, a basement5) . Why did the girl want at least three bathrooms? (Para4)The girl wanted three bathrooms so that when she wanted to bathe she wouldn't have to tell everybody.So that is used to show reasons for doing something.6) . Look at the picture which house on Mango Street is the girl's real house? (para5)(设计意图:通过让学生寻找相关内容,培养学生有效获取所需信息的能力,也让学生更好 地掌握有关房子词汇以及如何描述房子的特点,为后面环节任务的完成做准备。)3.Task3 Lead Ss to outline the structure of the text and let Ss fill in the blanks.Dream Houses- The House on Mango StreetraThe house the girl lived in:(Para 1) We didn't always live on Mango Street. I remembered most is moving. it seemed there'd be one more of us.The house on Mango Street (Para2&5)Good points: We don*t have to anybody, or theyard the people downstairs,or be careful not to make too much,and worried about the being angry.Disadvantages: It is and with narrow steps in front and windows. There is no front yard, only 4 little trees. ThereThe houseonLoomis(Para3):It was terrible. The water pipes. It's not convenientfor us to live there, because we were using the next door and carrying over.EverythingThe dream house: (Para 4) And my parents always told us their dream houses which would be. It would have water and that worked. Itwould have real stair and at least It would be white with around it, a great big and grass growing without a fence.is a small and a smallyard. There are stairs in the house, and only one washroom.(设计意图:透彻的理解,也让学生掌握一些描述房子的表达法,为接下来的任务的完成积累语料 知识。)Step 4 Post-reading. (20ms9)Task4 Thinking l.How does the girl feel about the house on Mango Street?2 .What's her hope for the future?3 . Can you design your own dream houses?Task5 Divide students into groups and ask them to design their dream houses and draw their houses.a. Paragraph plans: Para 1: introduction-location/kind of house/materials Para 2: rooms what rooms, where they are Para 3: special features solar panels on the roof, yard , swimming pool. Para 4: conclusion-why you want to live thereb. Sentence patterns:It is located /situated/lies in.It dates from/back to.There are rooms.On the first floor is.c. Linking(reason) -so thate.g. In front of the house, there is a small pond so that I can swim in it in summer.(设计意图:通过让学生设计描述自己现梦想中的房子,帮助学生内化有关房屋的已学知识及词汇、句子,描述构建未来的幸福栖身之所,提高学生生活情趣。小组合作,增强合作精神。)Step 5. Presentation (2ms') Ask some groups to present their works(设计意图:通过屏幕展示学生所设计的房子,分享,增强自信。)Step 6 Summary and homework. (lm,)In conclusion, you have shared your dream house with us .However , will you be able to live in such a dream house one day? It's up to you. Work hard and you will make it.Homework: 1 .Remember words about houses and rooms.2. Polish your composition“ My Dream House”(设计意图:通过让学生记忆所学词汇和写一篇相关短文,引导学生将所学知识进行内化,帮助 学生进一步巩固本节课所学知识,真正做到学以致用。)6.教学评价设计评价内容:学生从创意,句型,结构,书写和画作等方面对自己的作品进行评价。评价方法:优秀:5points 良好3points 及格point 不及格0 pointItemsStandardsPo i ntsCreativityDose your dream house have anything special?(E.g.: environmentally friendly)Words and sentence patternsDose your writing have nice words or sentences we have learned in this lesson?structureIs your structure reasonable?HandwritingIs your handwriting beautiful?DrawingIs your drawing wonderful?Unit6 Lesson4 Dream Houses (learning sheet)Class Name No.1. Lead-in Words related to houses (brain-storming)Different kinds of houses:Different houses inside a house:2. While-readingTask 1 Skimming Match the topics with the paragraphs.Paral Problems about the flat on Loomis .Para 2 The good points of the house on Mango Street.Para3 Dream house in their mindPara4 The house on Mango StreetPara 5 Moving a lot before living on Mango Street.Task 2 Careful reading Read and learn. How many places has the girl lived in?1 .What are the good points the girl thought the house on Mango Street had?2 .Why did they leave the flat on Loomis?3 . Which of these things did the girl's dream house have? Circle them a swimming pool, a big garden with trees, a balcony, running water, a games room, three washroomsreal” stairs, a basement.Why did the girl want at least three bathrooms?4 .Which is the girl's house in reality? Circle out. How do you know?Task 3 Structure of the text.Dream HousesHouse on Mango StreetzxThe house the girl lived in:(Para 1) We didn*t always live on Mango Street.I remembered most is moving. it seemed there'd be one more of us.The house on Mango Street (Para2&5)Good points : We don't have to anybody, or theyard the people downstairs,or be careful not to make too much ,and worried about the being angry.Disadvantages: It is and with narrow steps in front and windows. There is no front yard, only 4 little trees. There is a small and a small yard. There are stairs in the house, and only one washroom.The house on Mango Street (Para2&5)Good points : We don't have to anybody, or theyard the people downstairs,or be careful not to make too much ,and worried about the being angry.Disadvantages: It is and with narrow steps in front and windows. There is no front yard, only 4 little trees. There is a small and a small yard. There are stairs in the house, and only one washroom.(AThe house onLoomis(Para3): It was terrible. The water pipes. It's not convenient for us to live there, because wewereusing the next door and carrying over.Everything was.V JThe dream house: (Para 4) And my parents always told us their dream houses which would be. It would have water and that worked. Itwould have real stair and at least It would be white with around it, a great big and grass growing without a fence.k J3. Post-reading Design your dream house.a. Paragraph plans: Para 1: introduction-location/kind of house/flatPara 2: rooms- what rooms, where they areswimming pool. Para 3: special features- solar panels on the roof, yard ,Para 4: conclusionwhy you want to live thereb. Sentence patterns:It is located /situated/lies in.It dates from/back to.There are rooms.On the first floor is.c. Linking(reason) -so thate.g. In front of the house, there is a small pond so that I can swim in it in summer4.Self-assessment优秀:5points 良好3points及格1 point不及格0 pointItemsStandardsPointsCreativityDose your dream house have anything special?(E.g.: environmentally friendly)Words and sentence patternsDose your writing have nice words or sentences we have learned in this lesson?structureIs your structure reasonable?HandwritingIs your handwriting beautiful?DrawingIs your drawing wonderful?My Dream House