开题报告 (324).doc
华北水利水电大学本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名学号专业题目名称Analysis the Symbolic Meaning of the Kite in the Novel The Kite Runner论追风筝的人风筝的象征意义研究或设计概述(500字左右)The background of the thesis: Khaled Hosseini, the author of The Kite Runner, is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician. In his pen, the world is like a dream intertwined with love and hate, where relentless social change calls for the eternal pursuit of human morality. The whole novel displays the society of Afghanistan after 30 years sufferings: violent social unrest, individual powerless and helpless fate, human frailty and guilty, peoples struggles; all of these elements are demonstrated in the novel through a game of the flying kites, which unswervingly follows the conscience and loyalty of humanity. The author placed his longing for peace, and deep affection of his native culture into his novel. Imagery is a concrete representation of the senses, emotions, and thoughts. The expression of imagery in literary works can effectively serve the people shaping and theme expressing. Imagery, which belongs to an aesthetic category, is the fusion of objective images of the author subjective emotion and the kite in literary works often act as an important image carrying different metaphorical meaning. Imagery has the significance of repetition and continuity. An image can be converted into a metaphor, but if it repeats itself as a representation, it becomes a symbol, or even a part of a symbolic (or mythical) system of a literary work. In The Kite Runner, kite is not only showing in the title, but also appears in the entire novel, and presents repeatedly in the text. The work of art is a symbol, not a signal, so it is completely imaginative and full of emotional images. “The Kite Runner "accomplished a very good art mission: the imagery of kites especially has played an important role, not only throughout the whole story to arouse conflict elements, strengthen the effect of conflict, and shape characters. It should be said that the theme of the novel, the shape of the characters, the development of the conflict, the control of the structure and the artistic effects of the senses cannot be separated from the image of the kite woven by the intricate interaction.The purpose of the thesis: At present, the researches of The Kite Runner mainly focus on the political culture, the theme of redemption, and the narrative skills and so on. As the core of the whole novel, kites are not only loaded with rich cultural and metaphorical meaning, but also mobilize conflict elements to strengthen the conflict. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze and interpret the kite image, paying more attention to the meaning of the image itself. The significance of the research: Khaled Hosseini is a typical Afghan writer, who has a good knowledge of the Afghanistan narrative tradition and writing-story techniques. But based on the literature work “The Kite Runner “just show us a beautiful as well as a moving story, its literary value is limited. However, in the narrative technique, it is simple style and poetic features win it a position in the history of literature. In the whole novel, the author presented the cultural connotation in the form of metaphor to the audiences. These artistic conceptions are like the skeleton of the novel, making the narrative tension of the novel be strengthened step by step, which also instills Afghan national cultural connotations into the novel. Behind each image there has been metaphorical entity. For example, kite, as one of the imageries, is the most representative of the Afghan national stuff put into the whole story, creating a cultural atmosphere. On the one hand, it is helpful for readers to understand the customs of Afghanistan. On the other hand, the kite is a symbol to witness Amir's betrayal and redemption.主要内容The content of the thesis:Outline:1 Abstract2 Introduction2.1 Introduce the topic2.2 The background of the study2.3 The purpose of the study2.4 The significance of the study2.5 The methodology and the structure of the paper3 Literature review3.1 relevant study3.1.1 foreign study on The Kite Runner3.1.2 domestic study on The Kite Runner3.2 the definition of imagery/symbol4 discussion4.1 introduction of the author of The Kite Runner4.2 introduction of The Kite Runner4.3 introduce the symbol kite in the novel4.4 analysis the function of kite in the novel4.4.1 the kite image in Afghanistan4.4.2 the kite image with different character4.4.3 the symbolic meaning of kites to the whole text5 Conclusion6 Bibliography7 acknowledge主要参考文献(不少于10篇)Reference:1 Du, H. 2013. A Conceptual integration approach to the imagery in Wang Changlings frontier fortress poems. Unpublished. MA Dissertation, Changsha University of Science and Technology.2Fan, J.2013. The repatriation of Amir: A Freudian Psychoanalytic interpretation of the protagonists tripartite personality in The Kite Runner. Unpublished. MA Dissertation, Jilin University.3Hamilton, C. 2002. Conceptual integration in Christine de Pizans City of Ladies. In Hefner, A. 2007. The ethics of painful reading: suffering as means to redemption, insight, and hope in Beloved, Maus, and The Kite Runner. Belmont University.4 Jefferess, D. 2009. To be good (again): The Kite Runner as allegory of global ethics. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45(4): 389-400.5张丽.追风筝的人的文学文本分析J.电影文学:文本研究,2008(8)6陈美陵.浅析追风筝的人中风筝的象征意义J.文学教育,2010(11)7周玲.追风筝的人:一部典型的成长小说J.中国校外教育,2012(6)8张馨,贾晓庆.追风筝的人中两个人物对风筝意象的解读J.安徽文学:下半月,2015(1)9 卢巧苹.解读追风筝的人中风筝意象对成长主题的凸显J.长春工业大学学报:社会科学版,2011(5)10吴亮,章平,宗仁发象征主义小说M.长春:长春文艺出版社,198811尚必武,刘爱萍“托起灿烂千阳的追风筝的人”阿富汗裔美小说家卡勒德·胡赛尼其人其作” J.外国文学动态,2007(5)12王建荣.追风筝的人风筝意象解读J.北京交通大学学报(社会科学版),2009,8(2):91-9313李静.追风筝的人中哈桑形象解读J.外国文学:文学教育,2009(3)14雷霁.踏上“再次成为好人的路”论追风筝的人之成长与救赎主题D.西安:西北大学,200915胡赛尼.追风筝的人M.李继宏译.上海:上海人民出版社,2006.采取的主要技术路线或方法Method and structure:Firstly, Id like to give a brief introduction of the topic. The background of the study, the purpose of the study and the significance of the study will be displayed orderly compactly.Secondly, some important foreign and domestic study on The Kite Runner and relevant study, and the definition of imagery/symbol will be tersely demonstrated in the second part of the paper prevailingly. Next, the major part of the paper is the discussion. Introduction of the author of The Kite Runner and the novel itself would be shown firstly to exhibit the basic information.The function of kite in the novel will be analyzed selectively from three points of view: the kite image in Afghanistan; the kite image with different character; and the symbolic meaning of kites to the whole text.时间安排1. 2nd week: deciding the assignment of thesis2. 3rd week: handing in the outline of the thesis3. 4th week: deciding the outline, collecting necessary materials and writing the thesis based on the materials4. 9th week: handing in the first draft of the thesis5. 12th week: handing in the final draft6. 13th week: taking part in the oral defense of the thesis指导教师意见签 名:年 月 日备注