Marketing in the Age of ConnectionTh e B e s t o f H B R Win t e r 2 0 2 2H B R.o r gSpeciaIIssuePlus:The mar ke t in g me ssage t hat wo r ks wit h R e publican s but n o t De mo cr at sH o w t ohar n e ss Ale xa,mo bile,s o cial,and blo ckch ain t o me e t yo ur cust o me r s whe r e ve rt he y ar e2HB R S p e c ial I ssue Wi n t e r 2 02 2FR OM T HE E D I T OR SMeet Your New Marketing ToolsTECHNOLOGY IS RESHAPING the rela-tionship between brands and their cus-tomers.But each new social platform,AI assistant,and augmented reality app comes with its own strengths and chal-lenges for companies:They can help you foster trustor they can alienate your consumers.This collection offers HBR s best advice on how to get the greatest value from the new marketing tools at your disposal.For example,it s easy to succumb to the temptation to use social media only to promote your products and boost your earnings.But,warns Bain&Company s Rob Markey in“Are You Undervaluing Your Customers?,”doing so without also building consumer trust will erode your customer valueand,soon enough,your earnings too.That s in part because users are fed up with companies branded content in their feeds.Instead,they are creating private groups online around narrow areas of deep interest,along with prod-ucts and practices they develop them-selves.These might be group chats on platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger,small communities hosted on Facebook Groups,or multiplayer games with chat features like Fortnite.Companies must earn trust to gain entrance into these new spaces and be part of the conversation,branding expert Sara Wilson explains in“The Era of Antisocial Social Media.”But in the world of AI assistants,building that kind of trust is more difficult because Alexa,Siri,and Google Assistant stand squarely between your brand and your consumer,recommend-ing your products and aggregating their data.As these household bots prompt more and more commerce,brands will need to navigate partner relationships and privacy issues to maintain their relationships with their customers.(For more,see“Marketing in the Age of Alexa,”by Niraj Dawar.)Ultimately,it s not the technologies but the connections they spark that will define how your company competes in the marketplace.The EditorsCreateExplorePivotConnectTransformInnovative ideas and thinking can be transformational if you link them together and to your business.See why top companies turn to Deloitte to help make those connectionsand engineer advantage from them,too.Start at 2022 Deloitte Development LLC.All rights reserved.WI NT E R 20224HB R S p e c ial I ssue Wi n t e r 2 02 2Connected TechnologiesThe A ge o f Co nt inuo us Co nne ct io n|10Nic ol aj S igge l kow and Christian Te rwie sc hMarke t ing in t he A ge o f A le xa|18Niraj DawarWhat We st e rn Marke t e rs Can Le arn f ro m China|26Kimbe rl y A.Whitl e rHo w Brands A re Expe rime nt ing wit h We b3|34Ana Andje l icWhat Blo ckchain Co uld Me an f o r Marke t ing|37Anindya GhoseA s Cust o me rs Be gin t o Sho p Thro ugh Vo ice A ssist ant s,What Can Brands Do t o St and Out?|39David R.Maye r and Nic k HarrisonFo ur Que st io ns Re t aile rs Ne e d t o A sk A bo ut A ugme nt e d Re alit y|41Darre l l K.R igby,Mike y Vu,and Asit Goe lIn Mo bile A dve rt ising,Timing Is Eve ryt hing|43S unil Gup taWhy Marke t e rs A re Re t urning t o Tradit io nal A dve rt ising|45Christine Moorman,Me gan R yan,and Nade r Tavassol iContentsCul l e d by the e ditors of Har var d Busi n e ss Re vi e w from the magazine s ric h arc hive s,the se artic l e s are writte n by some of the worl ds l e ading manage me nt sc hol ars and p rac titione rs.To he l p busy l e ade rs ap p l y the c onc e p ts in our fe ature-l e ngth artic l e s,the y are ac c omp anie d by“I de a in B rie f”summarie s.JI AQI WANGCo v e r p h o t o g r a p h s:D a r t b y MICHAEL BUR R ELL/GETTY IMAGESP h o n e b y GECE33/GETTY IMAGESAccelerate digital transformation to unlock meaningful business growth Here at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business,we seek to provide solutions that help organizations become more agile and responsive to market disruption.Digital Innovation Strategy and Management,a 5-day executive education program helps mid-to senior-level executives incorporate digital capabilities into their companys DNAultimately supporting a more resilient organization.Participants will learn from renowned Chicago Booth faculty and leaders in industry how to reimagine their business through a new lensintegrating digital capabilities to understand customers better,modernize workstreams,and scale outcomes.Chicago Booth is where intellectual rigor,engaging teaching,and cutting-edge research meet.As a result,participants have transformational experiences and become empowered,impactful leaders.Learn more at ChicagoBooth.edu/DISM and empower your organization with The Chicago Approach.2023 DIGITAL INNOVATIONSTRATEGY AND MANAGEMENTGleacher CenterDowntown ChicagoProgram DatesMay 812November 610Contact us for a consultation at+1 312.464.8732,exec.edchicagobooth.edu,ChicagoBooth.edu/DISMTHINK CHICAGO BOOTHNEW PROGRAMDIGITAL INNOVATIONSTRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT6HB R S p e c ial I ssue Wi n t e r 2 02 2We r e p r ou d t h a t t h e p a p e r we u se in ou r p r in t ma ga zin e is c e r t ifie du n d e r t h e S u st a in a b l e F or e st r y I n it ia t iv e p r ogr a m,me a n in g t h a t itc ome s f r om r e sp on sib l y ma n a ge d sou r c e s a n d is a r e n e wa b l e r e sou r c e.Our Co mmit me nt t o Sust ainabilit yWI NT E R 2022Social Media and the WebBranding in t he A ge o f So cial Me dia|48Dougl as Hol tDe signing Be t t e r Online Re vie w Syst e ms|58Ge off Donake r,Hyunjin Kim,and Mic hae l Luc aFo ur Que st io ns t o Bo o st Yo ur So cial Me dia Marke t ing|64De e p a Prahal ad and Ananthanarayanan VThe Era o f A nt iso cial So cial Me dia|66S ara Wil sonUsing So cial Me dia t o Co nne ct wit h Yo ur Mo st Lo yal Cust o me rs|69Mic hae l A.S tanko,B l anc a I sabe l He rnnde z Orte ga,Franc isc o-Jose Mol ina-Castil l o,R ishika R ishika,and Jos Franc oHo w t o De sign Pro duct Page s That Incre ase Online Sale s|71Col l e e n M.Harme l ing,Al e xande r B l e ie r,and R obe rt W.Pal matie rCo nt e nt Is Crap,and Ot he r Rule s f o r Marke t e rs|74Gre g S ate l lMake the Most of DataThe Ne xt Gre at Digit al A dvant age|76Vijay Govindarajan and N.Ve nkat Ve nkatramanThe Ult imat e Marke t ing Machine|84Marc de S waan Arons,Frank van de n Drie st,and Ke ith We e dCust o me r Dat a:De signing f o r Transpare ncy and Trust|92Timothy More y,The odore “The o”Forbath,and Al l ison S c hoopWhy Marke t ing A nalyt ics Hasnt Live d Up t o It s Pro mise|102Carl F.Me l a and Christine MoormanYo ur Dat a Isnt He lping Yo ur Marke t e rs If The y Cant A cce ss It|105Laura B e audin and Mark B rindaHo w Targe t e d A ds and Dynamic Pricing Can Pe rpe t uat e Bias|106Al e x P.Mil l e r and Kartik HosanagarA Be t t e r Way t o Calculat e t he ROI o f Yo ur Marke t ing Inve st me nt|108We rne r R e inartz and R ajkumar Ve nkate sanWhy Eve ry Sale s and Marke t ing Te am Ne e ds a Bo undary Spanne r|110Andris A.Zol tne rs,Prabhakant S inha,S al l y E.Lorime r,and Dharme ndra S ahayKnow Your CustomersA re Yo u Unde rvaluing Yo ur Cust o me rs?|114R ob Marke yWhy Gre at Inno vat io n Ne e ds Gre at Marke t ing|122De nise Le e YohnThe Scie nce o f Se nso ry Marke t ing|124Har var d Busi n e ss Re vi e w S taffCan Bio me t rics Pre dict a Viral Marke t ing Campaign?|127Jac ob L.H.Jone s,Matthe w Gil l e sp ie,and Ke l se y Libe rtA re Cust o me rs Lying t o Yo ur Chat bo t?|129Al ain CohnThe Marke t ing Me ssage That Wo rks wit h Re publicans but No t De mo crat s|131David Dubois,Je e hye Christine Kim,and B rian ParkDo nt Unde re st imat e t he Marke t Po we r o f t he 50+Cro wd|134Vaughan Emsl e yExe cut ive Summarie s|136JI MMY S I MPS O NPrioritize Goals and TasksAlign Your TeamsMonitor Real-Time ProgressBuild a Culture of ExecutionDepartment Progress HeatmapMarketing Departments OKRsMarketing OperationsBrand MarketingProduct MarketingContent Marketing Event MarketingReputation ManagementSEOSEM/Paid MarketingMarketingP:70%|A:55%23%74%53%67%61%85%36%40%Sub DepartmentsOn TrackTags(2)Q3-2022PeriodAlex Hales?Aug 01,2022Aug 01,2022June0510JulyAugSepConv.RateP:8.50A:6.44P:12A:2750%10%77%?LikeCommentsAwardsSearchPeter SandersMarketing ManagerDepartment OnlyShow KRs70 of the Fortune 500 companies use Pro?t.co to:?Talk to us to?nd out how Pro?t.co can help you transform your business into a world-class execution machine.www.pro?t.co1.5%10%58%Improve Conv.Rate from 1.5%to 10%Bounce RateJune50%JulyAugSep25%10%ACHIEVE YOURMARKETING OKRsWITH PRECISIONDecrease Bounce Rate from 50%to 10%ED I T O R I N C H I EF Adi IgnatiusED I T O R I ALSEN I O R ED I T O RSLaura Amico,Scott Berinato,David Champion Pa r i s,Paige Cohen,Kevin Evers,Holly Forsyth,Gretchen Gavett,Eben Harrell,Jeff Kehoe,Scott LaPierre,Toby Lester,Juan Martinez,Amy Meeker,Curt Nickisch,Steven Prokesch,Vasundhara Sawhney,Thomas Stackpole,Erica TruxlerPRO D UC T I O N D I REC T O R&MAN AGI N G ED I T O R,H BR PRESSAllison PeterSEN I O R ASSO C I AT E ED I T O RSCourtney Cashman,Susan Francis,Dave LievensASSO C I AT E ED I T O RSDagny Dukach,Stefanie Fernndez,Ramsey Khabbaz,Rakshitha Ravishankar,Emma WaldmanART I C LES ED I T O RSChristina Bortz,Susan Donovan,Martha Lee SpauldingD I REC T O R,ED I T O RI AL AUD I EN C ENicole D.SmithSEN I O R ASSO C I AT E ED I T O R,AUD I EN C E EN GAGEMEN T Kelsey GripenstrawSEN I O R AUD I O PRO D UC ERSAmanda Kersey,Anne Noyes SainiSEN I O R VI D EO PRO D UC ERAndy RobinsonASSI ST AN T ED I T O RAlicyn ZallED I T O RI AL C O O RD I N AT O RShanze HasanST AF F ASSI ST AN T Christine C.JackC O N T RI BUT I N G ED I T O RSSarah Cliffe,Karen Dillon,WalterFrick,Amy Gallo,Jane Heifetz,Paul Hemp,JohnLandry,Gardiner Morse,Andrew OConnell,AnandP.Raman,Dana RousmaniereC O N T RI BUT I N G ST AF F Eileen Ahuja,Leslie Cauldwell,Jenny Cromie,Kathryn K.Dahl,Sarabeth Fields,Kelly Messier,Annie Noonan,JM Olejarz,Debbie WhiteD ESI GND ESI GN D I REC T O RSStephani Finks HBR Pr es s,Susannah Haesche HBR,Marta Kusztra Pr oduct&UXASSO C I AT E D ESI GN D I REC T O RKaren Player Multi medi aSEN I O R GRAPH I C S ED I T O RMacaulay CampbellSEN I O R D ESI GN ERCarey BassSEN I O R PH O T O ED I T O RSasha PatkinD ESI GN ERSAlex Belser Multi medi a;So Young Park Pr oductC O N T RI BUT I N G D ESI GN ERYuliya BasPR O D UCT I O ND I REC T O R,ED I T O RI AL PRO D UC T I O N Dana LissyMAN AGER,ED I T O RI AL PRO D UC T I O N Christine WilderSEN I O R PRO D UC T I O N ED I T O RJennifer WaringPRO D UC T I O N ED I T O RSVictoria Desmond,Jodi Fisher,Anne StarrSEN I O R PRO D UC T I O N SPEC I ALI ST Robert EckhardtPRO D UC T I O N SPEC I ALI ST Alexie RodriguezC O N T RI BUT I N G ST AF F Kristin Murphy RomanoED I T O R I AL AD VI SO R Y BO AR DBharat Anand,Azeem Azhar,John Battelle,Marcus Buckingham,Nicco Mele,Vivek ShahED I T O R,H BRAmy Bernstein ED I T O R,H BR.O RGMaureen HochED I T O RI AL D I REC T O R,H BR PRESSMelinda MerinoC REAT I VE D I REC T O RJohn Korpics EXEC UT I VE ED I T O RSAlison BeardDaniel McGinnSarah MoughtyAnia G.WieckowskiED I T O RI AL O F F I C ES60 Harvard Way,Boston,MA 02163617-783-7410|fax 617-783-7493HBR.orgWI N T E R 2 0 2 2HA R V A R D B U S I N E S S R E V I E W S P E C I A L I S S U E I SSN 2689-5447Printed in the U.S.A.Copyright 2022 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.All rights reserved.Tr a n s f o r m Y o u r B u s i n es s w i t h D a t a-D r i v en I n s i g h t sMost c omp anie s have massive amounts of data at the ir disp osal ye t fail to util ize it in any me aningful way.HB R s Dat a Analyt ics Co lle ct io n wil l e nabl e you to l e ve rage your data in ke y busine ss de c isions and p roc e sse s with imp re ssive re sul ts.This sp e c ial l y p ric e d thre e-vol ume se t inc l ude s Ke e pi n g Up wi t h t he Quan t s:Your Gui de t o Un de r st an di n g an d Usi n g An alyt i cs,Compe t i n g on An alyt i cs:The Ne w Sci e n ce of Wi n n i n g,and HBR Gui de t o Dat a An alyt i cs Basi cs for Man age r s Ebook+Tools.D a t a A n a l y t i c s C o l l ec t i o n PR ODUCT#1064B N 3 I TEMS DI GI TAL FOR MATA savings o f mo re t han 20%o f f t he individual co mpo ne nt s!THI S D I GI TA L SPEC I A L C OLLEC TI ON I NC LUD ES 3 EB OOKS+TOOLSAVAI LAB LE EXCLUS I VELY AT:st o re.hbr.o rg1-800-988-0886 OR +1-617-783-7500specialcollectionAD VER T I SI NGMAN AGI N G D I REC T O R,AN ALYT I C SERVI C ESAlex ClementeD I REC T O R,I N T ERN AT I O N AL AD VERT I SI N G&PART N ERSH I PSDaniel CohenD I REC T O R O F RESEARC H,AN ALYT I C SERVI C ESBeth Tracton-BishopSEN I O R ED I T O R,RESEARC H&SPEC I AL PRO JEC T STodd PruzanMAN AGI N G ED I T O R,AN ALYT I C SERVI C ESAnthony BaldoSEN I O R ED I T O R,AN ALYT I C SERVI C ESDanielle WarrenD I REC T O R,MARKET I N GYasir SalemASSO C I AT E D I REC T O R,MARKET I N GSamantha BarrySEN I O R MAN AGER,MARKET I N GSamantha HollowayMAN AGERS,MARKET I N GMary Callaghan,Alexandra ShoreC O O RD I N AT O R,MARKET I N GCaitlin AmorinC O N T RI BUT I N G C O N SULT AN T MaryAlice HolmesMAR KET I NG&CO MMUNI CAT I O NSD I REC T O R,C O N SUMER MARKET I N GNini DianaD I REC T O R,C O MMUN I C AT I O N SAmy PoftakASSI ST AN T D I REC T O R,E-C O MMERC ECarol ConcannonSEN I O R MAN AGER,REVEN UE&RET EN T I O N Corrine CallahanSEN I O R MAN AGER,LEAD GEN ERAT I O N&C O N VERSI O N Josh GetmanSEN I O R MAN AGER,MARKET I N G F O R C UST O MER JO URN EYSCaty JacksonSPEC I ALI ST,D I GI T AL MARKET I N GStephanie KazemiPR O D UCT MANAGEMENTD I REC T O R,PRO D UC T MAN AGEMEN T Anne BartholomewSEN I O R AGI LE PRO JEC T MAN AGERDon DoucetteSEN I O R T EC H N I C AL PRO D UC T MAN AGERFrederic LalandeSEN I O R PRO D UC T MAN AGERJon GoldbergSEN I O R PRO D UC T MAN AGER,LEARN I N GMolly FarrarSEN I O R PRO D UC T MARKET I N G MAN AGER,LEARN I N GMarqui Mapp-TaylorPRO D UC T MAN AGERDhanan LathiaPRO D UC T MAN AGER,AUD I O Ian FoxBUSI NESS&CUST O MER ANAL YT I CSSEN I O R D I REC T O R,BUSI N ESS AN ALYT I C S&I N SI GH T SJessica AverySEN I O R MAN AGER,EMAI L MARKET I N GCherryAnn GoodridgeSEN I O R AN ALYST,C UST O MER&MARKET I N GEllen BonaccorsiSEN I O R MAN AGER,EXPERI MEN T AT I O N&AN ALYT I C SAbigail DawsonRESEARC H ER,EXPERI MEN T AT I O N&AN ALYT I C SChris ChakyAN ALYST,MARKET I N GDavid GikoshviliSEN I O R PRO D UC T I O N SPEC I ALI ST,EMAI L MARKET I N GFrances LeeC O O RD I N AT O R,EMAI L MARKET I N GMilo GoodmanFI NANCE&O PER AT I O NSSEN I O R D I REC T O R,F I N AN C E&O PERAT I O N SGreg St.PierreSEN I O R D I REC T O R,I N T ERN AT I O N AL ST RAT EGYKate Griffi nASSO C I AT E D I REC T O R,O PERAT I O N S&C UST O MER EXPERI EN C EGreg DalyMAN AGER,C UST O MER EXPERI EN C EDanielle WeberMAN AGER,F I N AN C I AL PLAN N I N G&AN ALYSI SKrishna DudhwewalaSPEC I ALI ST,D AT A I N T EGRI T Y&O PERAT I O N SEdward D.Domina IVF I N AN