中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2021年11月测试英语试卷本试卷共150分,考试时间100分钟。第一局部阅读理解(共两节,总分值60分)第一节(共15小题;每题3分,总分值45分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。AAutumn is great for European walking: paths are mud-free, temperatures are mild, crowds are tew and beautiful colors abound. The following are four European adventures to walk your way through autumn.The unknown CilentoSouth of Italy's Amalfi Coast hides a much less discovered wonderland. After stopping to view the marvelous Greek temple remains at Paestuni, Sherpa's next destination concentrates on the Cilento National Park - firstfollowingitsruggcdseashorcpastthcoccasionalmyrtlcgrove (小 树 林),andsandybeaehjhen leavingmodernitybehindandvenluringinlandlomedieval (中 lit 2己的)hillloplowns.Home-cookeddinners conclude exciting days of goat tracks and ghost villages before a scenic path leads back to the seaside. Four nights £630 half board, including transport, luggage transfers and walking notes. Last departure October 31. TurkishdclightsFollow an impressive section of Turkey's expansive Lycian Way, gradually moving from cliffs to coastline. You'll begin in pine-filled peaks, typically on shaded paths to sea views, and stop at both a pool- boastingupscalehotelandoneoftheYanartasregion'sever-burningflames-possiblyfueledbyamonster below. A fine fish restaurant comes next, then a mile-long sandy beach ahead of two days on lonely Cape Gclidonya.finishingbyi(slighthousc.Sixnigh(s£790.includingtcnothcrmcals,transport,luggagctransfcrs and walking notes. Last departure in earlyNovember.Carpathian clambersPoland and Slovakia are separated by the Carpathian Mountains and their large forest-filled valleys. Starting and ending in Krakow, this trip covers both countries. Some days include the option of climbing to snowy peaks or taking easier, lower-altitude options, and you'll likely meet the Gora Is - a culturally- distinct group known as “highkinders” . Most memorable activity will be walking along the 300ni-high DunajecRivertospatownSzczawnica.Sevcnnights£630.includingtranspor(.luggagctransfersandwalking notes.Last departure October24.Flowers and fetaGrcccc'sPclionPcninsulaisaplaccknownasthc <4LandoftheCen(aurs (人首马身的怪物)"forits associationwiththemythologicalhorse-humanhybrids.Betweenvillagesofwhitewashed,flower-decorated stonehouses, walkerscantbllowoldpathsontomountainsides, andwanderthrougholivegrovesorbesidethe glittering Aegean Sea. Some days yield swimming opportunities, and others the chance to recharge in a localpubofsomebeansoupandfeta-cheesebread.Sevennights£535,includingtransport,luggagetransfersandwalking notes. Last departure October23.1. What can you do when you are in the unknownCilento?A. Swim ina pool.B. Have a spa.C. Exploremedievaltowns.D. Walk through olive groves. 2. Which destination is your best choice if you intend to (ravel to Europe afterOctober?A. Turkcy.B. Cilcnto.C. Grcccc.D. Krakow.3. Which of the following is true according (o thepassage?A. It is a monster that fuels the fire in Yanartasregion.B. Meals arc free when you arc taking the firstadventurc.C. You can enjoy a spa from Gorals in the townSzczawnica.D. Bean soup can be served in the pub of Greece's PcIionPcninsula.BLou Gehrig (1903-1941) was a baseball player with the New York Yankees for 17 seasons. He was a powerful hitter known as “The Iron Horse” . Gehrig was a strong, tough and verjr moral man. His father was often out-of-work because he was an alcoholic and his mother was a maid. His two sisters and only brother died young. As a young boy, Gehrig helped his mother with her work. However, he never let his toughstartholdhimback.HestartedplayingfortheYankeesinl923afterattendingColiimbiaUniversity,settingmany major league records during his career. This included the most consecutive games played (2130 games), a record only broken 56 years later in 1995.Sadly, at the age of 36, he started to tire mid-season and his speed and cooperation ability faded. He resigned. Soon after he was diagnosed with a form of motor neuron disease named amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).Hedeliveredliisfarewell-to-baseballspeechtohisteammatesandfanson4Julyofthesame year at the YankeeStadium.After his speech, the crowd stood and clapped for almost two minutes. The New York Times reported that it was “one of the most touching scenes ever witnessed on a ball field " . Gehrig died two years later of thedisease.Thisincreasedawarenessofthediseaseanditssymptonis;inNoilhAnieiicaitisstillcommonly known as “Lou Gehrig's disease” . The Lou Gehrig Memorial Award is given each year to the MajorLeague Baseball player who best exhibits Gehrig's integrity andcharacter.4. When did Lou Gehrig give hisspeech?A. inl903.B. in 1923.C. in 1939.D. in 1940.5. Who are the audience for Lou'sspeech?A. Hisfamily.B. Hisfriends.C. His opponents.D. Hissupporters.6. Why is the illness known as “Lou Gehrig'sdisease” ?A. Lou Gehrig named thedisease.B. This disease is related to playingbaseball.C. People get to know the disease due to LouGehrig.D. The disease had never appeared before Lou Gehrig caughtit.7. What word can best describe Lou Gehrig according to the passage?A. Determinedandpersistent.B. Emotional andpatient.C. Wealthyand humorous.D. Gentle andgenerous.CWe know that the pandemic (流行病)has had a far-reaching impact on our minds so much so that itmayhavechangedthever)ffabiicofoursocietyaltogether.Mentalhealthpiofessionalsthinkthatthosewith social anxiety will not emerge from ihe pandemic unaffected. Counselling Directory member Beverley Blackman says, “For people with social anxiety, lockdown will make them deeply anxious in one way, and yet a relief in another.* He added. "On one hand, a person with social anxiety may feel relieved that they no longerhavetosocializeinperson,buttheymayalsofeeltliattheyhavelosttheopponuni(ytosocializewi(h thepeopletheyfeelsafeandsecurespendingtimewith,meaningthattheyfeelanewlevelofisolationandadifferenllevelofanxietyaboulsocializinginanyform.WiihouUheseciiiityofthosetheyfeelsafewith.self- confidence may very well decrease rapidly. Lockdown may have had a negative impact on those with social anxietyDr Daria J. Kuss, associate professor in psychology at Nottingham Trent University, says: 44Following thelockdown,peopleinthiscountrywereallowedtomeetupagain,whichfbrindividualswi(hsocialanxiety niayhavelcdtostressandworrj'.Thcymaynotbccomfbrtablebeingcxpcctcdtobc'sociaragain.cspccially wheninlargergroups,andmayworryaboutsayingthewrongthingsandasking(hewrongquestionsasthey arcrcintcgratingin(o(hcirofflines(x:ianives./ Furthcrmorc.Bcvcrlcysaysourcvcnbiggcrrcliancconsocial mcdiaanddigitalconimunicationinthcniidstoflockdowncouldalsohavcancgativcimpactonpcoplcwith social anxiety. She says “For some people with social anxiety, communication by media can be even harder than communication in person. We know that words form only roughly 7-10% of the way in which wc communicate and (hat wc rely on body language, facial expression, tone of voice, and unconscious signals behind words to convey our thoughts andfeelings.,zWhen i( conies to what people with social anxiety can do to feel better as the lockdown situation continuestoshift,Dr.Kusssays4tIrccommendbeingopenandhoiiestwiththcirsocialenvironments.Friends andfamilywillempathizewhentheconcernsarevoicedopenly.Engaginginf(K:usedbreathinganclrelaxation mavalsohelpalleviatefeelingsofworrvanddiscomfort. Finally,negativethinking(e.g.,*Idon,tknowwhat to say") may be replaced with positive ones (e.g., "I am good enough" and "My friends want to see me")." 8. Why do people with social anxiety feel relieved during thelockdown?A. There is no one disturbing theirlife.B. There is no need for them tosocialize.C. They have increased thcirsclf-confidencc.D. People can no longer communicate with eachothcr.9. What does the underlined word mean in the thirdparagraph?A. Stimulate.B. Relieve.C. Begin.D. Develop.10. What can be the good advice for those with social anxiety during thelockdown?A. Stay athome alone.B. Communicate online.C. Open hcarttostrangcrs.D. Take a positiveatiitude.11. What can we learn from thcpassagc?A. Stay with safe people can bring moreconfidence.B. Lockdown can help people overcome the feeling ofanxiety.C. For people with social anxiety, lockdown is a double-edgedsword.D. It is a suitable way for people of social anxiety to communicate bymedia.DMostofthe500whalesstranded (搁浅)offTasmaniahavenowdied. Dozensmorestrickenwhaleshave beenfbundinAustralia'slargestevennassstranding.TheestimatedtotalnowstandsataroundSOOviththe majority of that number dead and a tenth rescued by authorities on the Island state of Tasmania. Experts believe all of the animals would have been part of one large group. Officials began working to rescue survivors among an estimated 270 whales found on Monday on a beach and two sandbars near the remote coastaltownofStrahan.Thenanother200whaleswerespottedfroniahelicopteronWednesdaylessthanl0 kilometres (sixmiles) tothesouth.AH200hadbeenconfirnieddeadbylateafternoon.Theywereaniongthe 380 whales that have died overall, with estimates from earlier today suggesting that 30 that were alive bill stranded and 50 had been rescued since Tuesday, Mr Deka. Wildlife Service manager explained. He added, 4tWe'll continue to work to free as many of the animals as we can. We'll continue working as long as there are liveaninials.”Itisnotknownwhatcausedtheanimalstorunaground.Whilestrandingeventsarenotunheardof.they areveryrareinsuchlargenumbers.About30whalesintheonginalstrandingweremovedfromthesandbars toopenoceanonTuesday,butseveralgotstrandedagain.Aboutathirdof(hefirstgrouphaddiedbyMonday evening.Australia's largest mass stranding had previously been 320 pilot whales near the Western Australian town of Dunsborough in 1996. Tliis week's incident is the first involving more than 500 whales in Tasmania since 2021. Marine Conservation Programme wildlife biologist Kris Carl yon said the latest mass stranding was the biggest in Australia in terms of numbers stranded and died.MarinescientistVanessaPirottasaidtlierewereanumberofpotentialieasonswhywhalesmightbecome beached, including navigational errors. She explained, 4tThey do have a very strong social system; these animals are closely bonded and that's why we have seen so many in this case unfortunately in this situation. Rescuing them does not always work, because they are wanting to return back to the group, they might hear thcsoundsthatthcothcrsaremaking.orthcy'rcjustdisoricnicdandjnthiscascxtrcmclystrcsscdndjust probably so exhausted that they in some cases don't know where they arc. " shcaddcd.12. What can be inferred from the firstparagraph?A. 270 whales were rescued on Monday.B. 380 whales were found dead on Tuesday.C. 500 whales were found stranded and dead.D. 200 whales spotted from a helicopter were dead.13. Why did Kris Carlyon say this event is the biggest in/Xustralia?A. Rescue work is not done intime.B. The number of the death islarge.C. The cause of the event is still amyslery.D. There was no other similar event in recentyears.14. Which of the following is Not the cause of the stranding of (hcwhalcs?A. Navigational errors.B. Overhunting of the human beings.C. Whales' group living style.D. Whales, confusion and exhaustion.15. Where does this passage possibly comefrom?A. Anewspaper.B. Amagazine.C. Atextbook.D. A travelbrochure.第二节(共5小题;每题3分,总分值15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Goingonholidaydoesn'thavetobebadfbrtheenvironment,andtherearestinplentyoivaysinwhich you can have a much-dcscrvcd break without harming theenvironment.Forget PlanesWhilemostformsoftransportproducecarbondioxide,oneofthegassesresponsibleforglobalwarming. planes have a massive carbon footprint because of the huge number of miles they travel16There's so much to see and do in the UK yet most of us overlook the endless possibilities. There's the unparalleled beauty of the Cornish coast and the Peak and Lake District. Enjoy the history of a stunning Welsh castle, try boatingontheNorfblkBroadsorridethe'HogwartsExpress'acrossScotland.Ortiytakingthetrainoverto Europe within six hours of London arc Amsterdam famous art galleries. Alternatively, take the car to Cannes in just over half a day or the ferry to Scandinavia fbr holidays you'd normally only dreamof.17Hotels can be huge producers of greenhouse gasses - think about the water that's wasted, all the bathroom products thrown out half used and all the buffet food that goes uneaten. So choose an eco-friendly option instead. Camping or a home stay - where you live with a family in their own home - are two of the best options. 18some of the things to look out for are hotels made from sustainable materials, which are energy efficient or use their own solar energy and that recycle. Some also have planting programs to attractwildlife.Pack with careThelessyoutake.thelighter yourcarbonfootprintbecausetheheavieryourluggageis.themorefuelit takes to carry. So pack light and pack responsibly. 19 All of their bottles, from shampoo and conditionertobodywashandnioisturizers,arenowniadefromrecycledplasticthatcanbere-purposedagain andagainsononewplasticisproduced.Andtheiriconicsoapbarsnowalsocomeinplastic-freepackaging. Buy giftsresponsiblyBringing back gifts for friends and loved ones is part of the fun of a holiday.20Avoid anything plastic, or if it is plastic make sure it is 100% recyclable, and make sure your friends will love whatever you give them so it isn't just thrown in the bin headed fbr landfill. Try to buy presents made by local craftsmen that will benefit the community and help their economy. And don't bring back anything made from shells, coral or animal products, because you don't know if they're from sustainablesources.A. Consider living in an eco-friendlyhotelB. Think about eco-friendlyaccommodationC. But if you insist on staying in thehotel,D. But make sure you choose itemscarefully.E. So why not skip flying in favor of a holiday closer tohomc?F. Rather than lie on a beach, why not help our precious planet when you'reaway?G. Take environmentally-friendly beauty and bathing products with you, such as Dove'srangc.第二局部语言知识运用(共两节,总分值55分)第一节完形填空(共20小题:每题2分,总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When my children were teenagers. I21a fridge magnet with what was said to be a First Nation or Native American prayer. I22it on the door of our refrigerator in full view. I found (he words to be lhought23and hoped they would teach my children to have more patience and be more24of others.Although my children arc25 now, with homes of their own, Tvc kept the magnet on our26door for the past twenty-five years. During that time, I've often found that the27has helped me see situations from a differentperspective.Forexample.anumberofyearsago.Iwasonmywaytoafarewellfunctionwithsever