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Short CommunicationEffects of long term isolation on the emotion change of Lunar Palace365”crewmembersZikai Haoa,b,Yinzhen Zhua,b,Siyuan Fenga,b,Chen Menga,b,Dawei Hua,b,d,Hui Liua,d,Hong Liua,b,c,d,aBeijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Biomedical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 102402,ChinabInstitute of Environmental Biology and Life Support Technology,School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,ChinacState Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems,School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,ChinadInternational Joint Research Center of Aerospace Biotechnology&Medical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 29 April 2019Received in revised form 11 May 2019Accepted 13 May 2019Available online 23 May 2019?2019 Science China Press.Published by Elsevier B.V.and Science China Press.All rights reserved.The psychological health risk is one of the most serious anddifficult risks to mitigate during manned deep space exploration1.In a space capsule or station,the environment is isolated,and communication with the outside is limited to telephone ordelayed video.The monotonous working schedule also aggravatesloneliness and homesickness,which could trigger negative moods,such as depression and anxiety.Therefore,an astronauts unstableemotional state could be a threat to the safety and performance ofa space mission.Current strategies to further explore space,such as NASAsDesign Reference Architecture or Chinas Lunar Exploration Pro-gram 2,3,strongly demand the development of bioregenerativelife support systems(BLSS)that fully incorporated into space sta-tions,transit vehicles,and eventually habitats on the Moon andMars 4,5.A BLSS is an artificial ecosystem with highly regener-ated materials(food,oxygen and water)that are essential forhuman life support.Obviously,a BLSS-based closed isolation envi-ronment is unique because it composes of both biotic and abioticfactors.This distinguishes BLSS-based closed isolation environ-ment from the physical-chemical based or other closed isolationenvironments 57.It is imperative to investigate the crewmem-bers psychological changes and identify how these changes influ-ence their mental health and performance in the BLSS,and also tofind possible counter-measures for these psychosocial issues.Fortunately,the Lunar Palace 365”project enables us to studythe psychological change of crewmembers in the BLSS.The LunarPalace 365”project was a 370-day,multicrew,closed experimentcarried out in a ground-based experimental BLSS platform namedLunar Palace 1(LP1).By integrating four biological units,theLunar Palace 365”mission achieved the longest isolation timeand highest closure coefficient among all reported BLSS experi-ments through bioregeneration of life support necessities 5,7,8.Located at the Institute of Environmental Biology and Life SupportTechnology,Beihang University,Beijing,China,the LP1 wasupgraded based on the stage I facility built in 2014 5.Currently,it has a total area of 160 m2and a total volume of 500 m3.It con-sists of a comprehensive cabin and two plant cabins.The compre-hensive cabin includes four private bedrooms,a living room,abathroom,and an insect culturing room(Fig.1a).Eight crewmem-bers were divided into two groups(2 females and 2 males each).Group 1(Fig.1b)included crewmembers A(female),B(female),C(male)and D(male),Group 2(Fig.1c)included crewmembers E(female),F(female),G(male)and H(male).The isolation experi-ment consisted of three phases with four crewmembers for each(Fig.1d):the first phase lasted for 60 d with four crewmembersof group 1(from May 10 to July 10,2017),the second phase lastedfor 200 days with four crewmembers of group 2(from July 10,2017 to January 26,2018),and the third phase lasted for 110 dwith four crewmembers of group 1(from January 26 to May 15,2018).During the experiment,the crewmembers followed a fixedschedule for working,breaking,physical training and sleeping.Inparticular,they worked on plants for more than 4 h/d(Fig.1f,g),their lifestyle was regular and particular.In this study,the ques-tionnaires for Symptom Checklist 90(SCL-90)and profile of moodstates(POMS)were filled out by the crewmembers once to twice amonth before and after the experiment,and once to twice a weekduring the experiment.This study was approved by the Scienceand Ethics Committee of School of Biological Science and MedicalEngineering in Beihang University,Beijing,China(Approval ID:BM20180003).We did not find psychological disturbances or distress with theeight crewmembers during the whole experiment.In contrast withhttps:/doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2019.05.0192095-9273/?2019 Science China Press.Published by Elsevier B.V.and Science China Press.All rights reserved.Corresponding authors.E-mail addresses:(H.Liu),LH(H.Liu).Science Bulletin 64(2019)881884Contents lists available at ScienceDirectScience Bulletinjournal homepage: previous report in which the crewmembers in Mars 500”mis-sion demonstrated the highest average POMS total mood distur-bance score throughout the mission.They reported symptoms ofdepression in 93%of mission weeks,among which,mild-to-moder-ate levels were reported in over 10%of the mission weeks 1,9.Themajor difference between the Lunar Palace 365”and the Mars500”missions was that the Lunar Palace 365”experiment wasbased on the BLSS,while the Mars 500”was not.This could be amajor contributor to better maintenance of the crewmembers psy-chology during the experiment,which benefit the crewmembersboth psychologically and physiologically.In this experiment,eachcrewmember spent more than four hours a day to work in theplant chamber full of crops.Firstly,the daily work of taking careof crops made the life of crewmembers more fulfilling,which notonly made them feel a sense of accomplishment,but also effec-tively reduced the negative emotions caused by boredom.Sec-ondly,we believe the visual aesthetics of plants helped to elicitfeelings of inner peace,which generates positive emotions towarda meaningful appreciation of life.Direct contact with plants guidesthe individuals focus away from stress and enhance their overallquality of life 10.Finally,BLSS provided the crews with a high-plant and high-fiber diet which may also be beneficial for themaintenance of healthy gut microbiome 11,12,and subsequentlythe mental health via the microbiota gut-brain axis.BLSS is composed of organisms and artificial environmental fac-tors.The systems operation is driven by their inseparable interre-lations and interactions.As Crewmembers mood is susceptible toother biotic and abiotic units,theoretically a set of hypotheticalstochastic differential equations could be used to express the influ-encing mechanisms of biotic and abiotic factors on the dynamicresponse of crews mood.If a well-designed BLSS could providesufficient sustenance support and spiritual consolation for thecrewmembers,they could be psychologically acclimate themselvesto the closed environment.Under this assumption,the crewmem-bers emotion variations should be a stationary stochastic process.We adopted the autocorrelation function(ACF)to testify the aboveassumption by evaluating whether the ACF would be only depen-dent on the time interval,rather than time.In agreement,our auto-correlation analyses(Fig.2,Figs.S1 and S2 online)show that thecrewmembers mood variations had no significant autocorrelation,and they were stationary stochastic process,suggesting that thecrewmembers emotion had no reliable changes with time duringthe experiment.In contrast,significant depression,mood andvisual analog scale scores changes between mission quarters wereobserved in Mars 520 Project.The crewmembers had stronger feel-ings of sickness in the second half of the mission compared withthe first half.And the reported tiredness was maximal in the sec-ond mission quarter 1,13.In our study,the BLSS system effec-tively avoided the negative impact of the isolated time.Inaddition,there was no evidence of a unique 3rd quarter effect14.Using the questionnaires data and interview record,weobserved significant inter-individual differences(P 0.001)of theTotal Mood Disturbance(TMD)and all subscales of the POMSbetween the crewmembers in each group,(Table S1 online).Theinter-individual difference is consistent with previous studies thatperformed in Lunar palace 1 and the Mars 520 mission 15.Fig.1.Lunar Palace 1 and Lunar Palace 365 project.(a)Lunar Palace 1 model;crewmembers of group 1(b)and group 2(c);(d)mission arrangement of the Lunar Palace 365”.882Z.Hao et al./Science Bulletin 64(2019)881884In summary,crewmembers showed neither behavioral distur-bance nor psychological distress during the 370-day period of mis-sion confinement,despite significant individual differences wereidentified.Using ACF,we found that the crewmembers emotionvariations were not dependent on the time of isolation,suggestinga stationary stochastic process.This result provides evidence froma psychological perspective to support the necessity of a BLSS forfuture long-term space explorations.Moreover,our results offer areference for the psychological changes of crewmembers in BLSSin the future,which will help to efficiently select and train thecrewmembers,and provide them with adequate,individualizedcountermeasures during a long-duration mission.Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China(81871520).We wish to thank the Lunar Palace365 project and the eight crewmembers and Leyuan Li for helpfulcomments and language touch.Author contributionsZikai Hao,Hui Liu and Hong Liu designed the study.Hong Liusupervised the study.Zikai Hao,Yinzhen Zhu,Siyuan Feng andChen Meng performed the psychological research.Zikai Hao,Yinz-hen Zhu and Dawei Hu performed data analysis.Zikai Hao,Hui Liuand Hong Liu wrote the manuscript.Dawei Hu contributed to theediting and revision of the manuscript.All authors read andapproved the final manuscript.Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data to this article can be found online athttps:/doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2019.05.019.References1 Basner M,Dinges DF,Mollicone DJ,et al.Psychological and behavioral changesduring confinement in a 520-day simulated interplanetary mission to mars.PLoS ONE 2014;9:e93298.Fig.2.The sample autocorrelation function plots(ACF)of the Total Mood Disturbance of POMS(a)and the emotional total score of SCL-90 scale(b).Blue lines indicate upperand lower range of confidential region,sample autocorrelation that falls into the confidential region indicate stability of the emotion.The results showed no significantautocorrelation and the crewmembers emotion variations were stationary stochastic process.Z.Hao et al./Science Bulletin 64(2019)8818848832 Zheng Y,Ouyang Z,Li C,et al.Chinas lunar exploration 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Biolog-icalScienceandMedicalEngineeringofBeihangUniversity.She is the chief designer of the Lunar Palace1”and principal scientist of the Lunar Palace 365”project.Her research interests include the life supportand mental health of special environment.884Z.Hao et al./Science Bulletin 64(2019)881884