Unit 9Unit 9 When was it invented?When was it invented?the fifth periodZhaoPeriod5(reading)生命在于运动生命在于运动What are the sports that are usually played indoors(户内户内)?What are the sports that are played outdoors(户外户外)?Ping-pong,swimming,Running,football,tennis ball,jumping and so onfootballvolleyballPing-pongtennisbaseballbadmintonbasketballCanyounameaprofessionalbasketballorganizationinAmerica?NBA =National Basketball Association susiein susiein susiein susiein(协会协会协会协会)Do you know about the basketball game?How many players are there in each team?How many teams are players divided into(被分成被分成)?They are divided into two teams.How many minutes are there in the game?Forty minutes.Five Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?ranknoticeincludingindoorscreatewoodenknockknock intodivideaimbasketmetal顺序顺序,级级别别注意到注意到金属金属包含包含;包括包括在户内在户内创造创造;创作创作木制的木制的敲敲,击击撞上撞上(某人某人)目的目的;目标目标篮篮;筐筐分开分开;划分划分hoopshootbelowbackboardguidetowardscourtBerlindeveloppopularityworldwide箍箍;铁环铁环射击射击;发射发射在在的下面的下面篮板篮板;背板背板指导指导;带领带领朝着朝着的方向的方向球场球场,庭院庭院柏林柏林发展发展;壮大壮大普及普及;流行流行世界性的世界性的;世界范围的世界范围的homehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3bbackboardneta metal hoopIts a net hanging from a metal hoop.The backboard is used for guiding the ball into the basket.速度课文,判断正误。1.BasketballisverypopularinChina.2.Basketballisplayedbyover100milloinpeopleinChina.3.JamesNaismithwasbornin1861.4.BasketballbecameanOlympiceventin1936.5.ChineseteamwonthematchinBerlinOlympics.TFTTFParagpaph 12 Be played in the worldBe played in China wherehow oldPopularity(流行流行)whyBe played abroadthe number of peoplethe number of countrieseverywhere you go(你所到之处你所到之处)Over a hundred years ago Is enjoyed by manyfor fun and exerciseMore than 100 million peopleIn over 200 countries including ChinaParagrapgh 3 be invented byPeoplenameNationality(国籍国籍)jobwas bornGamewherewhenfloordangerJames NaismithCanadian doctorIn 1861Indoors During the long wintersHard wooden Knocking into players and falling downParagraph 4 How to play Divide分分组组Aim目目标标Equipment设备设备Course(过过程程)1.2.3.Two teams Get a ball into the basketA ball,a net hanging from a metal hoop and a backboradGet the ballShoot(投投)from below the basket Move towards(朝向朝向)one end of the court(球场球场)and throw the ball to each otherParagraph 5 The history of basketballThe first gameTimeBecame an Olympic eventTimePlaceSince thenPopularityThe number of foreign players in NBAMany young peopleOn December 21st 1891in1936In BerlinHas risen worldwide(全球上升全球上升)Has increasedDream of becoming famous basketball playerstravel around China somewhere you gomuch-loved and active sportfor fun and exerciseat collegebe played indoorsduring the long wintercreate a game=invent a gameOn a hard wooden floorthe safety of.knock intofall downdivide,intothe aim ofhanging from a metal hoopshoot from below the basketguide,intomove towards one end of the courtIt is believedin historydevelop the gamesince thenthe popularity of basketballrise worldwidedream of doing环游中国环游中国你所到之处你所到之处深受喜爱和活跃的活动深受喜爱和活跃的活动为了娱乐和锻炼为了娱乐和锻炼在大学里在大学里在室内被玩在室内被玩在漫长的冬天在漫长的冬天发明一种运动发明一种运动在坚硬的木制地板上在坚硬的木制地板上.的安全的安全撞到撞到,上上摔倒摔倒把把,分成分成,的目的的目的挂在金属环上挂在金属环上 从篮下投球从篮下投球引导引导,进入进入,向球场的另一端移动向球场的另一端移动被认为被认为在在 历史上历史上发展运动发展运动自从那时自从那时篮球的流行程度篮球的流行程度在全国范围内提升在全国范围内提升梦想做梦想做,Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?1.Whoinventedbasketball?2.WhyweretheBerlinOlympicsimportantforbasketball?3.Whatistheaimofbasketball?4.NameaprofessionalbasketballorganizationinAmerica.James Naismith invented basketball.The popularity of basketball has risen worldwide since then.The aim is to get the ball into the basket.NBAhomehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3btravel around China somewhere you gomuch-loved and active sportfor fun and exerciseat collegebe played indoorsduring the long wintercreate a game=invent a gameOn a hard wooden floorthe safety of.knock intofall downdivide,intothe aim ofhanging from a metal hoopshoot from below the basketguide,intomove towards one end of the courtIt is believedin historydevelop the gamesince thenthe popularity of basketballrise worldwidedream of doingOver/more than 环游中国环游中国你所到之处你所到之处深受喜爱和活跃的活动深受喜爱和活跃的活动为了娱乐和锻炼为了娱乐和锻炼在大学里在大学里在室内被玩在室内被玩在漫长的冬天在漫长的冬天发明一种运动发明一种运动在坚硬的木制地板上在坚硬的木制地板上.的安全的安全撞到撞到,上上摔倒摔倒把把,分成分成,的目的的目的挂在金属环上挂在金属环上 从篮下投球从篮下投球引导引导,进入进入,向球场的另一端移动向球场的另一端移动被认为被认为在在 历史上历史上发展运动发展运动自从那时自从那时篮球的流行程度篮球的流行程度在全国范围内提升在全国范围内提升梦想做梦想做,超过超过 成为奥运项目成为奥运项目环环环环游中国游中国游中国游中国你所到之你所到之你所到之你所到之处处处处深受喜深受喜深受喜深受喜爱爱爱爱和活和活和活和活跃跃跃跃的活的活的活的活动动动动为为为为了了了了娱乐娱乐娱乐娱乐和和和和锻炼锻炼锻炼锻炼在大学里在大学里在大学里在大学里在室内被玩在室内被玩在室内被玩在室内被玩在漫在漫在漫在漫长长长长的冬天的冬天的冬天的冬天发发发发明一种运明一种运明一种运明一种运动动动动在在在在坚坚坚坚硬的木制地板上硬的木制地板上硬的木制地板上硬的木制地板上.的安全的安全的安全的安全撞到撞到撞到撞到,上上上上摔倒摔倒摔倒摔倒把把把把,分成分成分成分成,的目的的目的的目的的目的挂在金属挂在金属挂在金属挂在金属环环环环上上上上 travel around China travel around China somewhere you gosomewhere you gomuch-loved and active sportmuch-loved and active sportfor fun and exercisefor fun and exerciseat collegeat collegebe played indoorsbe played indoorsduring the long winterduring the long wintercreate a game=invent a gamecreate a game=invent a gameOn a hard wooden floorOn a hard wooden floorthe safety of.the safety of.knock intoknock intofall downfall downdivide,intodivide,intothe aim ofthe aim ofhanging from a metal hoophanging from a metal hoop从篮下投球从篮下投球引导引导,进入进入,向球场的另一端移动向球场的另一端移动被认为被认为在在 历史上历史上发展运动发展运动自从那时自从那时篮球的流行程度篮球的流行程度在全国范围内提升在全国范围内提升梦想做梦想做,超过超过 成为奥运项目成为奥运项目shoot from below the basketshoot from below the basketguide,intoguide,intomove towards one end of themove towards one end of the court courtIt is believedIt is believedin historyin historydevelop the gamedevelop the gamesince thensince thenthe popularity of basketballthe popularity of basketballrise worldwiderise worldwidedream of doingdream of doingOver/more than Over/more than Become an Olympic eventBecome an Olympic event Do you know when Do you know when basketball was invented?basketball was invented?Now played everywherefactoriesfor fun and parksschoolexercisehomehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?BASKETBALL200 countriesAMERICAAMERICAEQUIPMENT(EQUIPMENT(装置装置装置装置)NBAballbasketbackboardhomehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?BASKETBALLhistoryJames NaismithBerlinDecember 21st1891THE GAME9 team playerstwo teamsget a ball intothe baskethomehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?It played by more than 100 million peoplein over 200 countries including China,where basketball has been played in parks,schools,and even in factories.在两百多个国家在两百多个国家,超过一亿人打篮球超过一亿人打篮球,其中包括其中包括中国中国,在这些国家里在这些国家里,人们在公园人们在公园,学校学校,甚至在甚至在工厂里都打篮球工厂里都打篮球.200 countrieshomehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith,who was born in 1861.When he was at college,his class was once asked to invented a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters.篮球是加拿大一位名叫耐史密斯的医生发明的篮球是加拿大一位名叫耐史密斯的医生发明的,他出生于他出生于1861年年.他读大学时他读大学时,有人要他们班有人要他们班发明一种在漫长的冬季能进行的室内运动发明一种在漫长的冬季能进行的室内运动.homehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?Dr Naismith divided the men in his classinto two teams,and taught them how to play his new game.The aim of basketballis for players to try to get a ball into the“basket”:a net hanging from a metal hoop.耐史密斯医生将他们班上所有的男生分成两队耐史密斯医生将他们班上所有的男生分成两队,并教他们怎么玩他的新游戏并教他们怎么玩他的新游戏.打球的目的就是参打球的目的就是参与者尽量将球扔进与者尽量将球扔进”篮子篮子”:挂在铁环上的一个网挂在铁环上的一个网.homehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?Players shoot from below the basket,and sometimes the“backboard”is used for guiding the ball into the basket.Players move towards one end of the court while throwing the ball to each other.打球的人从篮下投球打球的人从篮下投球,有时候也用篮板以有时候也用篮板以便将球引进篮筐内便将球引进篮筐内.运动员互相传球时都朝球运动员互相传球时都朝球场的一端移动场的一端移动.homehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?It is believed that on December 21st,1891,the first basketball game in history wasplayed.Then in 1936 in Berlin,it became an Olympic event.人们认为人们认为,历史上的首次篮球比赛是在历史上的首次篮球比赛是在1891年年12月月21日日.后来后来,1936年在柏林年在柏林,它成为奥运会的一它成为奥运会的一项赛事项赛事.1936homehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3b Do you know when basketball was invented?Do you know when basketball was invented?Since then,the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide,and the number of foreign players in Americas NBA(NationalBasketball Association)has increased.Basketball has also become a more popular sport for people to watch,and many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.自那时起自那时起,篮球的流行程度就在全球范围内上升篮球的流行程度就在全球范围内上升,在美国在美国NBA(职业篮球联赛职业篮球联赛)打球的外国选手增加打球的外国选手增加了了.篮球同时也成了供人们观看的更流行的运动篮球同时也成了供人们观看的更流行的运动.许多年轻人都梦想着成为著名的篮球运动员许多年轻人都梦想着成为著名的篮球运动员.homehomevocabularyvocabularyreadingreading3a3a3b3btravel around China 在中国旅游在中国旅游somewhere you go 你所到之处你所到之处much-loved and active sport 深受喜爱和活跃的活动深受喜爱和活跃的活动for fun and exercise 为了娱乐和锻炼为了娱乐和锻炼at college 在大学里在大学里be played indoors 在室内被玩在室内被玩during the long winter 在漫长的冬天在漫长的冬天create a game=invent a game 发明一种运动发明一种运动On a hard wooden floor 在坚硬的木制地板上在坚硬的木制地板上the safety of.的安全的安全knock into 撞到撞到,上上fall down 摔倒摔倒divide,into 把把,分成分成,the aim of ,的目的的目的hanging from a metal hoop 挂在金属环上挂在金属环上 shoot from below the basket 从篮下投球从篮下投球guide,into 引导引导,进入进入,move towards one end of the court 向球场的另一端移动向球场的另一端移动It is believed 被认为被认为in history 在在 历史上历史上develop the game 发展运动发展运动since then 自从那时自从那时the popularity of basketball 篮球的流行程度篮球的流行程度rise worldwide 在全国范围内提升在全国范围内提升dream of doing 梦想做梦想做,