!Introduction Introduction to to QingdaoQingdao QingdaoQingdao has has beautiful scenery beautiful scenery and pleasant and pleasant climate.A climate.A harmonious picture harmonious picture of mountains,sea of mountains,sea and city is painted and city is painted in which one can in which one can see the winding see the winding coastline,islands coastline,islands and beautiful and beautiful buildings whose buildings whose red-roofs are held in red-roofs are held in the embrace of the embrace of verdant trees.Many verdant trees.Many of the European-of the European-style buildings used style buildings used to be home to many to be home to many famous figures.famous figures.Qingdao is famous in China for its delicious fresh seafood.The Laoshan Scenic Area has an important position in sightseeing because of its beautiful scenery,natural pearls(天然珍珠)and exquisite crafts.Qingdao beer(Tsingtao beer),a popular beer brand in the world,is produced in Qingdao,allowing tourists to easily get the freshest Qingdao Beer in Qingdao.seafooseafood dLaoshannatural pearlsQingdao BeerClimate:Climate:QingdaoQingdao has a northern temperate zone has a northern temperate zone monsoon climate with the monsoon climate with the characteristics of a marine climate,such characteristics of a marine climate,such as moist air,abundant rainfall and four as moist air,abundant rainfall and four distinctive seasons.It is neither hot in distinctive seasons.It is neither hot in summer nor too cold in winter.The summer nor too cold in winter.The annual average temperature is 12.7C.annual average temperature is 12.7C.The hottest month is August with an average temperature of 25 and the coldest month is January when the temperature averages 1.3.属温带季风气候,具有明显的海洋性气候特点,空气湿润,温度适属温带季风气候,具有明显的海洋性气候特点,空气湿润,温度适中,年平均气温中,年平均气温12.712.7。最热的。最热的8 8月份,平均气温月份,平均气温2525;最冷的一月;最冷的一月份,平均气温份,平均气温1.31.3。1.May 4th Square:This square is named to honor the May This square is named to honor the May 4th Movement which took place in 1919.4th Movement which took place in 1919.Consisting of two squares and a park,the Consisting of two squares and a park,the area is decorated with statues and area is decorated with statues and fountains and surrounded by pine trees,fountains and surrounded by pine trees,meadows,and flowers.It has become the meadows,and flowers.It has become the symbol of modern symbol of modern QingdaoQingdao.为纪念为纪念“五四运动五四运动”命名,广场由市政厅广场、中心广场、海滨公园三部分组成。其间雕塑命名,广场由市政厅广场、中心广场、海滨公园三部分组成。其间雕塑荟萃,喷泉吐玉松柏苍郁,花草吐翠,气势恢宏,典雅壮美,及富青岛特色和现代精神。荟萃,喷泉吐玉松柏苍郁,花草吐翠,气势恢宏,典雅壮美,及富青岛特色和现代精神。2.Zhanqiao Pier(栈桥)Zhanqiao Pier,built in 1891,is the symbol of Qingdao.After several restorations,from being a simple military harbor,it is now open to tourists.The pier is 440 meters long.There is an octagonal pagoda of distinctive Chinese style,called“Huilan Pagoda”(回(回澜阁)澜阁),at the end of the pier.From the top,tourists can fully view the Maganificent Sea.Along the shore is the beautiful Pier Park(栈桥公园)(栈桥公园),which is a pleasant and quiet place for tourists to rest or enjoy the scenery of Little Qingdao Island(小青岛)(小青岛)and its white tower.3.Badaguan(Eight Great Passes)3.Badaguan(Eight Great Passes)八大关八大关Lying between Lying between HuiquanHuiquan Cape and Cape and TaipingTaiping Cape,Cape,BadaguanBadaguan faces the faces the rippling rippling TaipingTaiping Bay.In the Bay.In the BadaguanBadaguan area,more than 200 villas of exotic area,more than 200 villas of exotic style are scattered among the lush style are scattered among the lush old-growth flora.There are so many old-growth flora.There are so many villas that the scenic spot is considered villas that the scenic spot is considered a World Architecture Museum.a World Architecture Museum.CrissCriss-crossing the scenic area are ten roads crossing the scenic area are ten roads built in 1931 Eight of the roads are built in 1931 Eight of the roads are named after the eight great passes of named after the eight great passes of the Great Wall,hence the name the Great Wall,hence the name BadaguanBadaguan.4.Huashi Building(花石楼花石楼)It was originally the place for It was originally the place for the German governor to fish,the German governor to fish,hunt or rest,so it is hunt or rest,so it is popularly called“Building for popularly called“Building for Rest”.Small and exquisite,the Rest”.Small and exquisite,the building combines the building combines the styles of Romanstyles of Roman and Gothic and Gothic architecture.architecture.THE ENDTHE END