6. 22高三文(考试总分:150分考试时长:0分钟)一、听力(本题共计1小题,总分30分)1. (30分)听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从用中所给的A .B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置,听完每段对话后你都有io秒钟的时间来mi答行为小盟和阅读卜-小题 每段对话仅读一遍1. What uill the woman do lunight?A. Go furbeer.B. Go to a cnncrit.2. How dors Tom feel about hi* liad exam nrMilt?A. Molivalt.B. Indifferent.3. Wh.it d(w* the boy Mill nrrd to do?A. Hang up his clolhrn.B. Pul uway hi、toy*.4. What will the nun do on Satunh evening?A. Atlcml ii |MArty.B. Do M>mr ranking.5. When Hill the concert prr4wibly l>egin?C. Go ft< ti walk.C. A4iamr<l.C. Swrrp ihe fl<n>r.C. Go (rlivifi.A. Al 7: 15.B. At 7: 30.C. Al 7: 45.所卜面段对话,回答第6和第7两个小的6. What will the man buy?A. A blur rap.B. A pink ahirt.7. How much will the man pay?A. SH.B. $ 10.所下面一段对话.问答第8至第10三个小的C. A gnvn urarf.C. S 20.8. UTiat air the speakers doifift?A. Talking about a concert.B. Visiting a luxuriou* plarc.9. Whal imprrim the man?A. Thr light*.B. The musiciam.10. What do wr know al)out ihr sprakum?C. I)im*umii|k u niudeniC. The colors.A. Thrj'rr having . p«Mi time.B. Ilicy will l>c<*ume rich mmw.C. They would like Io hr vohinlern there.听下面一段对话.回答第11至第13三个小跖1 i. When will thr man need thr rvpurt?A. Thk riming.B. Next morning.12. Wlial petition in <>prn in ihr rom(Mny?C. Next rvcnirijt.A. Typim.B. AcrounUifH.13. Whal can wr know about Lum?A. She wunK a nrw jub.B. Shr in thr wonuinV rrlatn'e.听下面一段对话.回答第14至索16三个小"C. Srcirtary.C. She iikes Ikt currrnt work.14. Wlwt、wrong nilh the man?A. Hr Ku a fr%rr.B. He £ roughing.15. When did ihr man brgin Io have lh<* xymplofnM?A. AImkiI M*vrnttgu.B. Ahcnil four day* ago.16. urten cun the man lukr a painkiller?A. Evety 2 h(Hin».B. Every 3 Immim听下面一般控白,回答第17至第2。四个小题 17. When- i# ihr Srulplurr (Jardrn?A . On Cuindvn Roiid.R. OpjMKitr thr entrance.C. He haA a ninny nobe.C. Since yt-Mrnlay.C. E、fr)4 kiur>.C. Tu lh<, Irfl <>f thr bridge.18. U hul cun |><*<>ple <ln in I hr arra lirtwrrn ihr Catering Village un<l the* toileH?A. Admirr ph(4<».II. See an cxliibiticxi <>(C. Huy ftxxi an<l drink*.19. Whal in thr popular area of llic fimthrul?A. The Cruft Murkrt.B. Thr Srulplurr Garden.C. Thr Qitrrifig VilLige.20. Whal、new in thr fotivalyA. Uvr hand pUying.B. Authors sigjiing (heir bookii.C. IJve rmwlrm play*.二、阅读理解(本题共计4小题,总分30分)2. (6 分)Four Top Places to Stay in Miami at Every BudgetWe* M-iarrhrtl 卜mking wrbebitrs. beM” li>U Mildik* rrvirw* h> finil the grvatrM valur> and m<7 luxuriou» oplionn for your next trip Io Mimni.Generator MiamiGciiemlor Miami U a gcxxl pliwr to nUy for l>o<h tra(hti(Nial liulrl mvununodaliom a well a fancy dorm brcU. G<?nenitor ha> 4 p<ml. game nwini. on-Mte dining, bike lor rrnt and it 加 cl<*e Io the beach. It's ranked as the top Miami-am hoUrl on Hcwlelxwld. cuni.BOOK NOW : I l(*tdworld. coin. Starting at 8 20/night G>r & dorm roomSailboatif a I mat i» nx>rr y<mr *pml than a Mationen hotel 9 lhi» mi#il Im* what you'E Hrrking. With nearly 200 Airbnb rvvH-wh. ihix saillxW ha» a fi*e-utur rating for is locAlinn. virw> arwl uniqueness. Iho kayaks are available for gu破艮 Io um- lu puddle uround the area in the hay.BOOK NOW:Airbnb, Starting al $ 120/nightTranquil Miami RetreatThi- ihrtT-lirdmoin home built from coral rock in the 1920m hah originally a duorkrrprfs home for former mango planutiofv*. Il han a lieautiful outdoor dining area. «tudy, mu!<i< nx>m. hu kitchen and bpace for einht pints to mmfbrtably. ICk the topmlrd home on VRBO under $ 250.BOOK NOW:VKB()t Suiting al $ 250/nightSetai Miami BeachThr elegant Sclai Miami Brac*h i* Trip Adviwf highcAt-ranke<l Miami B<wh hotrl. Hrawns are big and packed with frahirr* like JacuxrL and grunile bathtubs. The rr«nrt ha< thrrr %a14 swimming pooh and a luxurious spa.B(X)K NOW :B<>ijking. com. Suiting at $495/night22. U hnl CHfi you do if you book u room in Tranquil Miami Rrtreal?21. In which liotrl ran you rent a bicycle?A. (Jerw-nUor Miami.C. Tranquil Miami Retreat.B. SaillNMt.D. Srtai Miami Bcueh.3. (8 分)A. Play gaincx in llir game room.C Cot* in the hu|(c kitchen.23. Whit <k> the (bur hulrb ha、。in common?A. They an* all clour to thr tirach.C. Hwy all lake up、41 area.B. Paddle in the boy.D. Do a luxurious 叫烟.B. They are all highly spoken <>(.D. They all provide a »winiming pool.When it ti>nio« to U. S. middle tichoul science and rnginrering. girh rule. Giris look the top five prize* at the 2019 Bnwdcum MASTENS, a competition for middle school Mudentn scrmim the ivuntry.Th, winrwrs wen- anik>un(nl luM month. The champion wa* 14-year-old /Mairrn (idwlc-r “ho designed a »y»lrm to makr driving tMifcr by reducing the number of Hind <pnU. thr art-aii tlmt driver* cuniiot outMtie their vehicle*, which lwl to dlMiul 840.0U0 accidents a year nationwide. Ahina'x MyMem help drivm wne "through-he A-frame pillar(支柱) the part of the vehicle al the fronl that joim the top and front window, which b important for safety and cannot >m* n*nx>vr<l. Alaina used u <,anicra to help drivrrR look M thnHigh" the Mnirtun- to see nhat is blocked. c amera video I。d device thul nhow台 images on the other *idr of thr pillar. The driver then can see hit's in the hlind npol.Alaina received a 125,000 prize for her invention and tnld Poptilar Mechanics hIm- could make improvements nn hrr drvirr nilli thr nM»nc>. Aluinu said 41c wanted Io improve the picturr t making il cany to wr in any kind of wrjithrr. or at any linMa of da). She u1m> lold the magazine hoped to *11 her idea.“CompHiluni "2019. including Alaina, are already leaders in their fields of mucimtf Irchnolo)'. engineering and mjifhematics ( STEM) 9" Mild Paula Golden, president of thr Rmadcom Foundation. "Thor young innovjlor give every one nf us hope for I hr fulurr. ”Thr Rroackom MASTERSis a projwM of llw Socirly for Scirnrr & thr lil>li<,. The lerm MASTERS isnhnrt (or Math. Applirti Sfirrwc. Trrhnolopr. nnd Engineering for Rising Star*. The |>n>grum was F up to motivate young p«>plr to attrrwl college and pursue careers in STEM firkk.24. Whal famrei Alaina the fin4 plum* al dir 2019 Broadcom MASTERS?A. Inlniduciiig tchnolog), to test drivers* i*kilU.B. Improving a device to send emergency nigrntk.C. l>*Migning tt <,amcm to monitor the mod conditions.D. Inventing a to diow driven the blocked arra*.25. What can hv Irani ak>ut Alaina from Paragraph 3?A. She h” been dmining about the prize for long.B. She wunln to advertise her idea in more magazinr.C. She may spend the prize money improving her device.D She invilcti people (<> her system by laking photc*.26. Whafg Paulu Hltilixlr lowanh the comprtitom?A. Positiwc.B. Negative.C. hnuhtfiil.D. Unconcerned.27. What dot呈 the author intend to do in the laM paragraph?A. Raim* a nrw lopir for discussion.R. Add *ome background infomudion.C. Summari” the |>rrviou* paragraphs.D. Provide nomr advi<ac for die rcadfr>.4. (8 分)The si比 U ihr thumb of people who spend a lol nf time with their rrl) phonr could Im- 15 prn-enl larger than the others, r»i|>c('iailv in thr frf<|uently-used hand thal 亩 rnncnmrd. This fact waw nvcdlrd in a Mirvry con<luctr<l by a phnnr manufacturer frum thr UK. 02 of the 2 .000 rrpnndrntA.This tnafid is hm»4 uftrn wen in the mob第 phnnr unrrw aged 1834. and I in 8 prople proved to Iwve the magniGraiion of ihr thumb a result of constancy pir*ing the I ouch errrn crll phune. Him not. the *Mime research reveal* the arm|(r linir tau('h prnon spends on his cell phone (or twn hourw a day. 19 pcnrnl even claim llwy could not live wilh>ul a rell phone even if only for a day.“The mwlc of(iur thumbs are very complex and arr Incited at thr baxr of the ihunib, but also connectrd with thr wriM. Su hm a naHult * thumb swiping * or sliding the M'rrrn with your thumb can in<-n*aM: muscle strrngth. as well aa its mass ihal lh<a diumb liecomrs incnMsinglv bigger J, explained hand thrmpiMt Nicula GoldHtnilh. M Along nilh thr develofimcnl of IrvhiioloKy. the enlargni thumb or pinki。(,卜指)bent will bremnr normal« esprriully (or I hr youngrr gr nr ration. * acklrd Goldsmith.Instead, an urthoprdi*. Dr. mudit Khanna Mild thal in Ariditinn tn thr mhrgrment of muM-lc thumb which in actually a fi>rm of disability, basically this can lead In injury. Another (Unger thul may ari from the uk M moliile phones (or a long tinir i» an uncomfortable syndrome in thr utiM and Gngrm. 切 well * arthritis(关节 炎)and lrndinitiA(肌就炎)"Il I nut <*4uy to epunitr 90mmno from their phone. Rut he aware that pulling a p«UM- on the thumb on a rrgular l>a>卜 is in their favor." added Khanna.28. What ran wc Irarn acroniing to the Miney?A. 19 pen-rnl <if 1)k* 2.000 rrsponcients don*t use cell phone at all.B. The rrsptnkntw xprinl more than Iwo hour> on crll phone* every day.C. Onr righlh <>( the cell plnHir users 邛rd 18-34 have much larger thumhA.D. The wi”(>r fnkqucnllvuMxl hand ha* a thumb 15 percent larger than the other.29. Which of thr following nuty llir two dcMlom agree on?A. A bigger ihuinb nidkot vio difference (o health.B. Iking rell phonrw Umj much will rrMill in u bigger ihumb.C. People nhcnild avoi<i u>ing cell phone* too much.D Sliding the screen nftrn will make ones body stronger.30. Wlial <i<*» the pAAMagr fell us about cell phones?A. No raw without a thnm.C. All gixMi thin眇 come to an end.B. A good medicine tastes bitter.D. Constant dripping wean* away a Munr.31. Where in the text probably taken from?B. Entertainment news.D. Health rrporl.A. Science magazine.C. Technology report.5.(8分)Up to one fifth of th,Amazon rainforest 加 releasing more C0: than it abeorbs. Carhm Nubrv( an co-author of a nrw rt»rarch)amund 20% of the total area has become a net MXirre of carbon dioxide in the almonphere.One of the main raimrs 加 deforestation. The results of the Mudy 9 which have not yet been published v have iinplicalionM for the effort to combat climate chang匕 They suggrt that the Amazon rainforrNt-a vital carlxin store, that kIown the pttcc of global warming-may be turning inlo h carbon nourcr faMer than previously thought. While moM of ihc raiiiforcMl Will retain、its ability to 曲orb large quanlitir of carbon dioxideesprcialiy in writer yrara-one portion of the forrM. which % especially heavily dttfunlcd. appear* to have 18t that capacity. In the Hmith-raMem part of I he forcMt. aboirt 20% of the total area. ha beccxnc a carbon source.A furvMl can liecome a source uf rurbon rather llian a slort*. or sink. when trees die and release carbon into the alniosplicrv. Arran nf Befnmt/ilion also contribute to the Amazon'* inability to absorb carliun. Nubrv, thr cooperator t called ihc olHrnation * very worrying ° becauM- * it could be showing the )rpnnings of u major lipping point*. He bdic、6 the new findin的 zi掰7 that in the next 30 jcan>, with more wond missing 9 more than half uf llw Amazon could Imrwftirm from rainforeM into savanna. For dccMikF. McirntiMU have warned of an “ Aniaxmi 向甲ing-point" : the point al which the fnrrt Inw* iu ability to rrnew iUcIf and begins to rrleabc more curixm lluin it abnorbn.“Th。Amazon u*ed m be. in the 1980s and 90s. a ven Mlrnng carbon sink, perhapn extracting two billion tonr« of CHrlxjfi dioxidr a year from the utmospherr f say静 Pn»f、obnr, who 加 al9o a researcher dl tl>c Univemity of Sao Pttuki's Institute fnr Advanced Studies and Brazil's leading expert on the Amazon.* Today, that Mrength is nxiuced prrtm|»K lo I-1.2 l>illion lent of carbon dioxidr a year. ° Opinion* nn when this lipping point could occur differs among flcicnlinls.32. Urhal can wr learn from Prof Gatti*s reseanh?A. ,rhc Amazon rainforest ha, lusl its funclioti hh a vital carbon More.B. The Amaxnn rainforest haA liecovne a net source of carlion dioxide.C. The Amazon rainfbml hw» rroched a worrying lipping point.I. . *Fhc Amazon rainforrM ha» suffered fmm bad dcfonMation.33. Why ihc Amazon rainforest been as "a vital carbon Jorc”?A. Il 加 no longer serving the earth well enough.B. It can atworb an armiunl of carbon dioxide.C. Il is rrlra*ing morr CO2 rather than ahiorbing.D h i* turning into a carbun source faster tlian lliought.34. Wlial dor* thr undrriined word “rrlainse in<*an in ihe second paragraph?A. uscm upB. pves upC. keep upD. pic" up35. What i« the best lille for the text?A. The glorious hiMory of the Amazon rainlbruMlThe grval function nf the Amazon rainforestC The wonting dilemma of the Amazon miitf<>rFAtD. The gradual di&appcaruncc of the Amazon rainforest三、阅读七选五(本题共计1小题,总分10分)60分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选J*、选项中有两项为多余选项。Since the 4七 of three, Chekie Hill had drramrd of becoming a dancer. Out one nij0il in 2010. Hill v then a 17- ycar-vld high school senior9 "as in a car accidenl that pin her in the hospital fur 51 dayA and left her paralyzed frum the waiM down. 36 For Hill, il thr Iwginning. "I wanted Io prove to my communilj-ami to niynclf-that I wax fitill 4 normal 'J she told Teen Vopie. M 37 ”38_She mH people online who had suffered various spinal corrf( injuries but hluini her delrnninatiun e and slie invihi them to dance with her. Hoping Io reach more people in a larger city. Hill moved In Im An附les in 2014 and formed a team of dancera with di»abilitir* she calls the wRoUettesM. want to break down the rtereotypr of wheelchair ii«m and show that datMT is dance, whrtlwr you're walking ur you're mlling J told CBS Newh. So far. Hill has achieved her childliuud drram. 39 Every year she holdn a dance ramp for wheelchair UM:r> and in 2019. 173 partici|xuih (nmi ten coimtnr* nUended.Fur many, it wan thr fin*! lime they'd felt llicy Ixdonged. Edna Serrano, a member <>f the Rollettra. nays *being pari of the Rollrttr* team has given me the <,<>uragr and rnnfidence. It's so powerful Io have my teainmales in my life, brcaiw thry'm my leachrnt. 0 40 Onr woman saw a YouTube vi(k*u of the team compeling and comnienlrd. "You piy* arc so aweMmet I'm in tear* hrcu*e you rock! To be in a wh<-clchair and still be so. ” A. But the Kollrllr have helped her find more.B. The(iancrr> arrn't the only ones who feci innpinil.C. Chehie Hill wax so depressed Ixx-auM* it complrtrly mined her dream.D Whalrwr normal meant« il definitely look lots oT learning and patiem-e.E. For most people, that would have mined all thr hopr of tianring <,arrrr.F. After graiinalion. Hill wanted to expand her dunce network to include nomen like hrr.C. Dancing on whrrh ran be just as faMpuccd. artful, and fulfilling us the foot-baMcd varirty.四、完形填空(本题共计1小题,总分30分)(30 分)阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑,I come from a broken family that many nuuld consider dyAhinctional at the very Irabl: nmrriagent divorce, etc. After we grew up, my three siblin(兄弟姐妹)and I could go ”_ without speaking. My aiMer Jeanne and I wert? ham only 14 months apart, and after she got married at 18, we l